th3 pr0ph3tz 0f GoD: GoD zERo (2011)

31 December 2011, dusan

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tHE t3n c0MM4NDMeNTZ 4 CRiMiN4LZ |_~]0-.-0[~_|
1. th0u sh4ll n3v3r r4T 0N ThY tEAM MaTEZ oR aNUTHEr, diReKTLy oR iNDiREKTLy.
2. th0U sh4LL n3v3R sT4y uP ph0R m0Re tHAn 72 HOuRz sTrAiT iN d4 sERcH 4 w4r3z & 0d4yZ.
3. th0w SHaLL NeVEr kuMMuNiCaTE 0R h4k G1bz0nz oVER iNSECuRE MEDiUMZ. eNCRyPT & BoUNce.
4. th0U sh4LL n3v3R d0 aNyTHiNG pHRUm a SYsTEM tHAt dUzNT ENCRyPT da rOOT diREKtoRY /.
5. THoW sh4LL 4LW4Yz TRuST tHY guT iNSTiNKt. wh3n th1gh sense m4juR he4t 0n a syst3m, j00 disappe4r. s|_|ck 1t up 4nd muV 0n d3r R pL3nTy 0V f1zh iN d4 Se4 0F w4r3Z wh3N th1gH s3ns3 ThY t4LKiNG 2 n4RqZ, g1Ve d3m PH4LsE iNpHo d3n DiSSaPPeAR.
6. th0u sh4LL n3v3R Le4v3 thY b0x3n uNENcRyPTeD oR LoGGeD iN wH3n tHy Le4v3 d4 MuDHuT, th1Z iZ wh3n da CiA SWooP iN.
7. th0W sh4LL n3V3R f0Ld wh3N iNt3r0G4T3d bY dUH L4W iNFORCEMeNT. St4Y sTRoNG, d4 FoRCE 0v 0d4y w4r3Z iZ sTr0NG w1Th1N jUr p33n.
8. th0u Sh4LL tRuZT nO 0n3.
9. ThOw SHaLL h4Ve PHuN iN tHE pRAIRe uV W4R3z. 10.exP3ri3Nce da RekuRsiON.

"j00 cre4t3 b0mbz, w3 cre4t3 f0rk b0mbz. j00 br1ng d0wn build1ngz, w3 br1ng d0wn juR int3rn3t k0nn3kti0n. j00 k1ll pe0pLe, w3 k1ll pr0c3ss33z. j00 vi0l4t3 p3rs0n4l lib3rt1ez, w3 g3n3r4t3 p4ge f4ult vi0lati0nz. j00 h4ve kuRRuPT p0Li7ic1anz, w3 kuRRuPT dUH st4ck. j00 k0ndukT dr0n3 att4x, w3 k0nDuKT p1nG att4kz. j00 r af7eR 0iL, w3 r af73r 0d4y w4r3z. j00 dec33v d4 p33p0le, w3 st1k R jUNK thRu d4 p33p h0Le. j00 trY & pr0gRaM dA m1ndZ 0v d4 p33p0le, w3 pr0gRaM dA w4R3z f0uR 0uR p33pl. j00 th1nk p33pL r sh33p, w3 m4ke JuR boX b33p wh3n w3 reBooT i7. j00 kuMiT w4r cr1m3z, w3 KuMiT PuT3r kRiMEz. j00 s3nd peo0pLe 2 sp4c3, w3 phr33 uP sp4c3 0n jUR h4rd DRiV3 wh3N w3 RM j00. th1z iZ 0ur m4ngiFezt0, 0uR kRiM3 iZ d4t 0v 0wn1Ng j00." -- OSaMa BiN LOGiN

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Chief editor: lee-0d4ynardo DeCoderio

PDF (TXT; dead link)
PDF (updated on 2012-7-27)

Andrew Wilson: Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship (2011)

30 December 2011, dusan

This book is the first in English to explore both Belarus’s complicated road to nationhood and to examine in detail its politics and economics since 1991, the nation’s first year of true independence. Andrew Wilson focuses particular attention on Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s surprising longevity as president, despite human rights abuses and involvement in yet another rigged election in December 2010.

Wilson looks at Belarusian history as a series of false starts in the medieval and pre-modern periods, and at the many rival versions of Belarusian identity, culminating with the Soviet Belarusian project and the establishment of Belarus’s current borders during World War II. He also addresses Belarus’s on-off relationship with Russia, its simultaneous attempts to play a game of balance in the no-man’s-land between Russia and the West, and how, paradoxically, Belarus is at last becoming a true nation under the rule of Europe’s “last dictator.”

Publisher Yale University Press, 2011
ISBN 0300134355, 9780300134353
304 pages

review (Lucy Popescu, Independent)

Google books

PDF (16 MB, updated on 2014-9-14)

Die Datenschleuder: Das wissenschaftliche Fachblatt für Datenreisende, 1-96 (1984-2011) [German]

29 December 2011, dusan

Die Datenschleuder. Das wissenschaftliche Fachblatt für Datenreisende, literally translated as The Data Slingshot: The scientific trade journal for data voyagers, is a German hacker magazine that is released in irregular intervals by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC).

Topics include political and technical aspects of the digital world such as freedom of information, data privacy (data protection), closed-circuit television, personal privacy (personal rights), cryptography and many more.

Die Datenschleuder was first published in 1984 and also can be subscribed to independent of a membership in the CCC. Back issues are freely available on the Internet as well. The current print paper format is DIN A5 as per ISO 216. Its editorial office is carried on virtually over the Internet, while the magazine itself is printed in and distributed from Berlin.” (Wikipedia)

Edited by 46halbe, starbug and erdgeist
Publisher Chaos Computer Club e.V., Hamburg
ISSN 0930-1054

Magazine website

Internet Archive