Andreas Gajdošík

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Born 1992, based in Prague. He is an artist and programmer. He focuses on useful art, socially engaged projects and artivism which often incorporate coding, new technologies and interventional provocative attitudes. He is interested in open source, sharing, DIY culture and experimental forms. Is member of experiemental band Kalich, was member of dissolved Pavel Ondračka collective. He is a laureate of Jindrich Chalupecky Award 2019.


  • 2020-now: doctoral study at FFA BUT.
  • 2016-2018: masters study at Intermedia studio FaVU VUT Brno.
  • 2012-2016: bachelors study at MultiMedia FaVU VUT Brno.
  • 2015-2016: Social Informatics at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University.


  • 2018: Nomin - artistic computer program on the edge of software, institutional critique and collective performance. Its main goal is to help artists from weakened social groups (students, pregnant artists, those who live outside big centers, easterners) with acceleration of their careers. You can find more info at
  • 2017: Take Away - a gallery project which consisted of 330 criminal complaints for incitement to hatred. These were automatically filled with names and actual citations of people who aggressively commented on anti-islamic or other far-right-wing Facebook pages. As the results of this automated process was not perfect, the visitors could search and read through the complaints, take those which they personally find dangerous or disgusting and submit them at the police. The project played with the nuances in personal responsibility and the ethical aspects of surveillance. Code for this project was written by the author, its generalized form designated for easy public use is open-sourced and can be downloaded from This code does not contain original pages which were searched nor the template text of the criminal complaints, but can be used for mining of social networks and as a basis for creating a similar end project as Take Away.
  • 2016: (national league cz) - a website which collected data about frequency of commenting on Czech anti-islamic pages on Facebook. Then the "league of the best defenders of the nation" was rendered in real-time. The page looked quite nationalistic but under more precious reading of its content a radically critical meaning of the project appeared. Website is currently offline because Openshift Online on which existed was deprecated. Documentation of the work in Czech can be seen here.
  • 2016: Communist MIDIfesto - a website through which spectators could get control over sounds and projections of Pavel Ondračka band. Data from faders were sent to the custom program which converted them to MIDI or OSC messages. The project is no longer online.
  • 2016: Rumours to MIDI - an experimental program for musical exploring of social media space. It searches for user defined words in stream of newest tweets and outputs the occurrence as MIDI notes. Windows version is available for download.
  • 2015: Connect Workshop Brno - series of Arduino and PureData workshops.


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