Anton Pann

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Portrait of Anton Pann

Anton Pann (born Antonie Pantoleon-Petroveanu, and also mentioned as Anton Pantoleon or Petrovici; 1790s—2 November 1854), was an Ottoman-born Wallachian composer, musicologist, and Romanian-language poet, also noted for his activities as a printer, translator, and schoolteacher. Pann was an influential folklorist and collector of proverbs, as well as a lexicographer and textbook author.


Literary works
  • Versuri musiceşti / [Musical Lyrics]
  • Culegere de proverburi sau Povestea vorbei / [Collection of Proverbs or the Story of the Word], Bucharest, 1847; Chişinău: Litera, 1998; Craiova: Scrisul românesc, 1936; 2002.
  • Spitalul amorului sau Cântătorul dorului, Bucharest, 1852.
  • Adiata / [Testament]
  • Noul Erotocrit, Sibiu, 1837. (in Romanian Cyrillic)
  • Bazul teoretic şi practic al muzicii bisericeşti sau Gramatica melodică / [The Theoretical and Practical Basis of Church music or the Melodic Grammar], Bucharest, 1846.
  • Dialog în trei limbi, ruseşte, româneşte şi turceşte / [Dialog in Three Languages: Russian, Romanian and Turkish].
  • Mică gramatică muzicală teoretică şi practică / [Concise Musical Grammar, Theoretical and Practical]
  • Despre învăţătură / Anda' o siklipe' , trans. Sorin-Aurel Sandu, illustrated by Eugen Raportoru, UNICEF Romania, 2005. (in Romani)


  • G. Dem. Teodorescu, Operele lui Anton Pann: recensiune bibliografică, Bucharest: Editura Librărieĭ Socecǔ & Comp., 1891.
  • G. Dem Teodorescu, Viaţa şi activitatea lui Anton Pann, Editura Gutemberg, 1893.
  • Paul Cornea, Anton Pann, Bucharest: ELU, 1964.
  • Ilie Dan, Anton Pann, Bucharest: Albatros, 1989.
  • Pr. Grigorie Băbuş, Bibliografia tipăriturilor psaltice ale lui Anton Pann, Bucharest: Editura Cristiana, 2002.
  • Constantin Mohanu, Anton Pann – între spiritul balcanic şi mirajul Europei, Bucharest: Editura Ager, 2005.
  • Pr. dr. Zaharia Matei, Profesorul, protopsaltul și compozitorul Anton Pann, Bucharest: Editura Basilica, 2014.
