East Central Europe
For critical, decolonial, ecological, experimental, feminist, political and queer practice and theory in East Central Europe
3/4, magazine for culture, art, creativity and society in the era of deepfakes, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, *2000. (Slovak),(English)
Artalk, online magazine on contemporary visual art, Brno/Prague, Bratislava, *2008. (Czech),(Slovak)
Arterritory, website on Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian art and culture, Riga, *2011. (Latvian),(English),(Russian)
Arts of the Working Class, street journal on poverty and wealth, art and society, Berlin, *2018. (English),(multiple languages)
Artyčok, international online platform focusing on the emerging artistic practice, Prague, *2005. (Czech)/(English)
Aspekt, feminist educational and publishing organisation, Bratislava, *1993. (Slovak),(Czech),(English)
Central European Art Database (CEAD), online database of visual arts and culture of Central Europe after WWII, Olomouc: Olomouc Museum of Art, *2014. (multiple languages)
D'EST, contemporary video art platform that maps out artistic reflections of post-socialist transformations along feminist, post-geographic and decolonial lines of inquiry, Berlin: District, *2016. (English)
Easterndaze, project that explores and highlights new music from Central and Eastern Europe through a variety of channels, including radio shows, concerts, music releases and a blog, *2009. (English)
Echo Gone Wrong, online daily on representing Baltic contemporary art scenes, Vilnius, *2011. (English)
Flash Art Czech & Slovak Edition, Prague: Nadace Prague Biennale, and Bratislava: PILOT, *2006. (Czech),(Slovak),(English)
Former West, transnational research, education, publishing, and exhibition project in the field of contemporary art and theory, 2008-2016. (English)
IP — Institutul Prezentului / The Institute of the Present, research and an artist resource platform in visual and performing culture, Bucharest, *2017. (Romanian),(English)
L'Internationale Online, platform for research and debate on urgent matters in the expanded field of contemporary art, *2014. (English)
Kajet Journal, magazine dedicated to stories from across Eastern Europe, Bucharest, *2017. (English)
Korydor, online magazine about contemporary culture, Kyiv: Contemporary Art Centre Foundation, *2010. (Ukrainian),(English)
LeftEast, place where various voices, efforts and groups from around the region, broadly understood, come together in a sustained analytical and political effort, *2013, [1]. (English)
nettime-l, communication space by and for people who like to discuss networked cultures, policies, and tactics, *1995. (English)
New Media Museums: Creating Framework for Preserving and Collecting Media Arts in V4, platform for sharing experience with building and maintaining collections of new media artworks across different types of institutions, 2021-2022. (English)/(Czech)
Obieg, international online magazine, Warsaw: Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, *2016. (Polish),(English)
post: notes on art in a global context: Central & Eastern Europe, online resource devoted to art and the history of modernism, New York: Museum of Modern Art (C-MAP), *2013. Exhibition 2014. (English)
Revista ARTA, magazine on Romanian contemporary art scene, Bucharest: Romanian Artists' Union, 1954-1993, *2010. (Romanian),(English)
Secondary Archive, platform for women artists from Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw: Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation, *2021. (English),(multiple languages)
springerin. Hefte für Gegenwartskunst, quarterly magazine dedicated to the theory and critique of contemporary art and culture, Vienna, *1995 (German),(English)
SZUM, magazyn poświęcony sztuce współczesnej w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, Warsaw: Fundacja Kultura Miejsca, *2013. (Polish)
- See also
Artist collectives and organisations[edit]
- 111, Timișoara, 1966-1969
- APART, Bratislava, *2012
- Apsolutno, Novi Sad
- ArtLeaks, Tallinn, *2011
- Autoperforationsartisten, Dresden, 1985-1991
- BLOK, curatorial collective, Zagreb, *2001
- Bosch+Bosch, Subotica, 1969-1976
- D'epog, Brno, *2010
- Erfurt Women Artists' Group (Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt), Erfurt, 1984-1994
- Exat 51, Zagreb, 1950-1956
- Fokus Grupa, Rijeka, *2012
- Gorgona, Zagreb, 1959-1966
- Group 143, Belgrade, 1975-1980
- Group of Six Artists, Zagreb, 1975-1981
- Hermit Foundation, Plasy, 1992-1999
- Indigo Csoport, Budapest, 1976-1988
- IRWIN, Ljubljana, *1983
- Kinema Ikon, Arad, 1975-1990
- Kôd Group, Novi Sad, 1970-1971
- kuda.org, Novi Sad, *2001
- Labin Art Express, Labin, *1991
- Magnet, Novi Sad, 1996-1998
- mama, Zagreb, *1999
- Media Research Foundation, Budapest, *1990
- monochrom, Vienna, *1993
- Neue Slowenische Kunst, Ljubljana, *1984
- OHO, Ljubljana, 1966-1971
- Open Group, Lviv, *2012
- Orange Alternative (Pomarańczowa Alternatywa), Wrocław, 1983-1989, 2001-
- Pneuma Szöv., Budapest, *2008
- Pode Bal, Prague, *1998
- Rafani, Prague, *2000
- Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremić, Belgrade/Berlin, *2002
- Sigma, Timisoara, 1969-1980
- Škart, art and architecture collective, Belgrade, *1990
- Slavs and Tatars, art collective, Berlin, *2006
- Studio erté, Nové Zámky, *1987
- subREAL, Bucharest, *1990
- Syntéza, Prague, 1965-1969
- Transmusic Comp., Bratislava, 1989-1996, 2009-2017
- What, How & for Whom (WHW), curatorial collective, Zagreb, Vienna, Berlin, *1999
- Workshop of Film Form, Łódź, 1970s
20ft Radio "broadcasts music from the container based in former ribbon-weaving factory “Strichka” in Kyiv." Est. 2017.
Radio Aparat, "24/7 online radio station based in an adapted garage of an old private house in Belgrade, Serbia." Est. 2016.
Black Rhino Radio, "project promoting artists, music, and the culture behind the sound." Based in Bucharest.
Cashmere Radio is a community experimental radio station based in Wedding, Berlin. Broadcasting underground music, talk shows and live performative arts. Est. 2015.
Gasoline Radio is "a non-commercial media platform, based in Kyiv. Its main goal is to disseminate Ukrainian culture and bring together artists, DJ's and activists in Kyiv and beyond."
Radio Kapitał is "a community-based, Internet radio station that broadcasts 24/7. It is a platform for social and artistic dialogue, presenting programs on culture, society, history, literature, art and music in a wide variety of genres." Est. 2019 in Warsaw.
Lahmacun Radio is "an online music & more radio from Budapest." Est. 2019.
Mutant Radio is "a media platform that focuses on various directions: mixes, interviews, educational shows, live performances and discusssion broadcasts that are either live-streamed or filmed and streamed later on. The physical station is a fully-equipped caravan-wagon that is based in Tbilisi yet also streams from other regions and special locations around Georgia." Est. 2019.
Palanga Street Radio is "an independent DIY community radio based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Our mission is to create a networking-arts platform for music lovers locally and online. We foster a colourful & garshful cultural environment, making sound splashes on the oceans of internet since 2017."
Radio Punctum is "Prague based community radio station. Broadcasting 24/7."
Radio Študent "was founded in 1969 to give a voice to students and under-represented groups in society." Ljubljana.
Tilos Radio FM 90.3 is "• interactive • commercial-free • independent, diversified • non-profit, public and transparent • caters for all musical audiences • socially aware, and in touch with listeners • a forum of the past, present and future generations." Est. 1991 in Budapest.
Tīrkultūra / Unexpected Sources Audio Gallery is "a global broadcasting platform streaming 24/7 sound and radio art, weird and wonderful, innovative, experimental music." Est. 2014 in Riga.
Formerly: Radio Jeleni (Prague, 2000-2004), Rádio Ragtime (Bratislava, 1993-1999). For more radio stations, see Community radio.
Art centres and events[edit]
- A4, space for contemporary culture in Bratislava, *2004
- Center for Metamedia Plasy, arts centre in the former Plasy Monastery run by Hermit Foundation, 1992-1999
- Ljudmila, digital media lab in Ljubljana, *1994
- MaMa - Multimedia Institute, net culture club in Zagreb, *1999
- Metelkova, autonomous cultural centre in Ljubljana, *1993
- Motorenhalle, cultural centre in Dresden, *2003
- Multiplace, festival of net culture and new media in Bratislava and other locations, 2002-2017
- Next, experimental music festival in Bratislava, *2000
- Ostranenie, international forum at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in Dessau, 1993-1999
- PAF, festival for contemporary moving image in Olomouc, *2000
- Paris Commune, art squat in Kyiv, 1990-1994
- Školská 28, communication space in Prague, 1999-2016
- Student Cultural Center (SKC), Belgrade, *1968
- Trafó, culture centre in Budapest, *1998
- Transart Communication, multimedia art festival organised by Studio erté in Nové Zámky, *1998
- Unsound, electronic music festival in Cracow, *2003
- Vašulka Kitchen Brno, centre for new media art in Brno, *2016
- Werkleitz, centre for media art in Halle, *1993/2003
Research centres, alliances, networks[edit]
- Academic Research Centre of the Academy of Fine Arts (VVP AVU), Prague, *1997
- Artpool, archive and research centre, Budapest, *1979
- C3, center for culture and communication, Budapest, *1996
- CEED (Central Eastern European and Diaspora) Feminisms, a research group of the British Art Network (BAN), *2022
- Central European Institute for Art History (KEMKI), Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, *2021. Includes Artpool Art Research Center.
- Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies (CENSE), *2018
- NewEast, network of cultural institutions from post-socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe, *2018
- East Art Mags, magazines network, *2017
- Feminist Art Institution, coalition of cultural institutions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia around a code of praxis, *2017
- East Europe Biennial Alliance (EEBA), *2018. Comprises Biennale Matter of Art Prague, Biennale Warszawa, Kyiv Biennial, OFF-Biennale Budapest and Survival Kit Festival Riga.
- Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, Ljubljana, *2008
- Instituto Susch, Susch, Switzerland. Runs research program focused on CEE women artists from the 1960s-80s since 2023.
- L'Internationale, confederation of art institutions (MSN Warsaw, MSU Zagreb, ZRC SACU Ljubljana, tranzit.ro Bucharest, VCRC Kyiv, a.o.), *2010, [3]
- Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture, regional network of organisations and national networks working in the field of independent culture and contemporary art in Southeast Europe, Zagreb, *2012.
- Research Centre for East European Studies (Forschungsstelle Osteuropa – FSO), University of Bremen, *1982
- Soros Centers for Contemporary Art, *1985/1991-2000s
- tranzit, Vienna, Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, *2002
- Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA), Central European University, Budapest, *1995
- Visual Culture Research Center (Центр візуальної культури, VCRC), Kyiv, *2008
Apparatus, open access journal dealing with film, media and digital cultures of Eastern, Central and South-Eastern Europe, *2015. (English)
Art East Central, open access journal on architecture, design and the visual arts in central Europe since 1800, Brno: Masaryk University Press, *2021. (English)
ARTMargins, journal on the histories of 20th-century and contemporary art, art theory, art institutions, and curatorship, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, *2012. (English)
East Central Europe, journal of social sciences and humanities with a focus on the region between the Baltic and the Adriatic, Budapest: Central European University, and Brill | Schöningh, *1974. (English)
Критика феміністична: східноєвропейский журнал феміністичних та квір-студій / Feminist Critique: East European Journal of Feminist and Queer Studies, Kyiv: Krytyka, *2018. (Ukrainian),(English),(Russian)
Iluminace: The Journal of Film Theory, History, and Aesthetics, Prague: Národní filmový archiv, *1989. (Czech),(English)
Kontradikce. Časopis pro kritické myšlení / Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought, assesses and creatively revives radical intellectual traditions of Central and Eastern Europe, Prague: Filosofia, *2017. (Czech),(Slovak),(English)
Maska: časopis za scenske umetnosti / Performing Arts Journal, Ljubjana: Maska Institute, *1920/1985. (Slovenian)/(English)
Red Thread, e-journal for social and cultural theory, Istanbul: Depo İstanbul, *2009. (English)/(Turkish)
Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny / Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones, journal on contemporary visual art, Prague: AVU Research Centre, *2007. (Czech),(English)
Šum, journal and platform for art and theory/fiction, Ljubljana: Galerija Boks, *2013. (Slovenian),(English)
Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, journal, Routledge, *1987. (English)
Život umjetnosti: Journal for Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture, Zagreb: Institute of Art History, *1966. (Croatian)/(English)
This table contains no longer active periodicals. For current magazines and journals, see above. For earlier periodicals, see the Avant-garde and modernist magazines section.
Title | Dates | Editors | Publisher | Text | Nos. | Notes | |
Calvert Journal | 2013-2022 | EN | contemporary culture in Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia | ||||
ArtLeaks Gazette | 2013-2022 | Corina Apostol, Vladan Jeremić, Rena Rädle, a.o. | Tallinn | EN | 7 | art, activism | |
Studija | 1997-2017 | Riga | LV, EN | 117 | [4] | ||
Teorija koja Hoda/TkH/Walking Theory | 2001-2016 | Ana Vujanović, Bojana Cvejić, a.o. | Belgrade: TkH | SC, EN | |||
Umělec | 1997-2016 | Ivan Mečl, Lenka Lindaurová and Vladan Šír, Jiří Ptáček, Alena Boika, Palo Fabuš | Prague: Divus | CZ, EN, DE, FR | contemporary art | ||
Long April: texte despre artă | 2011-2012 | Anca Mihuleţ, Andreiana Mihail, a.o. | Bucharest: The KNOT | RO, EN | 3 | contemporary art, Romania | |
Reartikulacija: Artistic Political Theoretical Discursive Platform | 2007-2012 | Marina Gržinić, Sebastjan Leban | Ljubljana: Society for Contemporary Creativity HCHO | SL, EN, SR | 15 | ||
ProFemina | 1994-2011 | Svetlana Slapšak, Radmila Lazić, Dubravka Đurić, Ljiljana Đurđić | Belgrade: B92 | SC | women's literature and culture. Obradović 2006, Milinković 2016. WP-SR. | ||
e-cart, contemporary art magazine | 2003-2007 | Raluca Voinea, Simona Nastac, a.o. | Bucharest | EN, RO | 8 | ||
Prelom: Journal for Images and Politics | 2001-2006 | Belgrade | SR, EN | 8 | |||
ASPEKT | 1993-2004 | Jana Cviková, Jana Juráňová | Bratislava | SK, CZ | 22 | feminism, gender, literature, culture | |
Signal: internacionalna revija za signalistička istraživanja | 1970-1973, 1995-2004 | Miroljub Todorović, a.o. | Belgrade | SC, HU, EN, FR, IT | 9+21 | signalism. Allen. BK. WP. | |
Ženske studije: časopis za feminističku teoriju | 1995-2002 | Jasmina Lukić, Branka Arsić | Belgrade: Centar za ženske studije | SR | 13 | feminist theory. Šljukić 2022. WP-SR. Genero (2002-). [5] [6] | |
syndicate | 1996-2001 | Andreas Broeckmann, Inke Arns | EN | 8 | mailing list for exchange and cooperation in media culture in Europe | ||
Arkzin | 1991-1998 | Vesna Janković, Dejan Kršić, a.o. | Zagreb | SC | 106 | ||
Moment | 1984-1991 | Bojana Pejić | Belgrade | SC | art theory | ||
Maj 75 | 1978-1984, 1990 | Group of Six Artists | Zagreb | SC | 18 | artists' magazine. [7]. Allen. | |
PS. Gorgona | 1989 | Zagreb | SC | See also Gorgona and Postgorgona. | |||
Někdo Něco. Časopis pro výtvarné umění | 1985-1989 | Ludvík Hlaváček, a.o. | Prague | CZ | 11 | [8] | |
Új Symposion | [1971]-[1989] | Bálint Szombathy (1971-72, 1986-89), László Kerekes (1984-85), a.o. | Novi Sad: Tribina mladih | HU | 77+ | [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]. | |
Total | 1984-1988 | Slavko Bogdanović | Odžaci | SC, EN, JP | |||
Mentalni prostor | 1982-1987 | Association for Space Research (Zoran Belić, Dubravka Đurić, Miško Šuvaković, Mirko Radojičić, Marko Pogačnik, Nenad Petrović) | Belgrade | SC, EN | 4 | Allen. | |
Postgorgona | 1985-1986 | Zagreb | SC | See also Gorgona and PS. Gorgona. | |||
Second manifesto | 1984-1986 | Odžaci | SC, EN, FR, IT, DE, JP | ||||
AL. Artpool Letter. Aktuális Levél | 1983-1985 | György Galántai, Júlia Klaniczay | Budapest: Artpool | HU | 11 | unofficial art in Hungary. Allen. [14]. | |
Westeast | 1978-1985 | Franci Zagoričnik | Ljubljana (1, 3); Rijeka (2); Kranj (4, 8); Zagreb (5-6, 9); Belgrade (7); Maribor (10) | SC, SL, EN, IT, DE | 10 | mail art, concrete poetry. [15]. | |
Akcent | 1983-1984 | László Kerekes | Zagreb: Student Centre Gallery | SC | 11? | ||
Proširene novine | 1981 | Zagreb | SC, EN | ||||
Prvi broj Podroom | 1980 | Podroom | Zagreb | SC | 1? | [16]. | |
WOW | 1974-1980 | Slavko Matković, Bálint Szombathy | Novi Sad; Subotica: Group Bosch + Bosch | SC, HU, EN, DE, ES | 6 | Fluxus, mail art. [17]. | |
Katalog 143 | 1975-1978 | Miško Šuvaković, a.o. | Belgrade | SC | |||
Adresa (Адреса) | 1976-1977 | Vujica Rešin Tucić (Вујица Решин Туцић, 1976), Dušan Bjelić (Душан Бјелић, 1977) | Novi Sad (1976); Zrenjanin (1977) | SC, EN | 7+6 | [18], [19]. | |
novine galerija sc | 1968-1975 | Zagreb: Galerija grada Zagreba | SC, EN, IT | 53 | |||
Neuroart (Неуроарт): časopis za nervoznu umetnost | 1971-1974 | Dušan Bjelić (Душан Бјелић) | Zrenjanin; Belgrade | SC | 3 | [20]. | |
a (Edicija A) | 1962-1974 | Ivan Picelj | Zagreb | SC, FR, IT | 7 | [21], [22]. Allen. | |
Kontaktor 972 (Контактор) | 1972-1973 | Slavko Matković | Novi Sad; Subotica: Edition Group Bosch + Bosch | SC, SL, HU, EN, FR, IT | 2 | mail art, visual poetry. [23]. | |
Mixed Up Underground | 1972 | Attila Csernik, Bálint Szombathy | Novi Sad | SC, HU, EN | 1 | assembling magazine. [24]. | |
Pesmos (Песмос) | 1972 | Vojislav Despotov (Војислав Деспотов), Slavko Matković | Zrenjanin | SC | |||
Index | [1969]-[1972] | Slobodan Tišma, Janez Kocijanić, Mirko Radojičić | Novi Sad | SC | [25]. | ||
bit international: teorija informacija i nova estetika | 1968-1972 | Božo Bek, a.o. | Zagreb: Galerije grada Zagreba | SC, EN, FR, DE, IT | 9 | New Tendencies. Allen. | |
Polja | [1958]-[1972] | Bogdanka Poznanović, Dejan Poznanović (1958-62), Slobodan Tišma (1971), Pero Zubac, Boško Ivkov (1972) | Novi Sad: Tribina mladih | SC | 156+ | Website. [26], [27], [28]. | |
L.H.O.O.Q.: list za permanentnu destrukciju svega postojećeg | 1971 | Slavko Bogdanović, Miroslav Mandić | Sremska Raca | SC, HU | 13 | [29], [30]. | |
Numbered Books | 1970 | Géza Perneczky | Budapest | 5 | mail art, conceptual art. Allen. | ||
Rok: časopis za književnost, umetnost i estetičko ispitivanje stvarnosti | 1969-1970 | Bora Ćosić | Belgrade: Bora Ćosić | SC, EN | 5 | neo-avant-garde. [31]. Allen. BK. | |
Galerija 12 | 1968 | Belgrade | SC, FR, IT | ||||
Aktuální noviny | 1967-1968 | Milan Knížák | Prague | CZ | 3 | Fluxus. Allen. | |
Gorgona | 1961-1966 | Josip Vaništa | Zagreb | SC, EN | 11 | conceptual art. Covers. [32]. Allen. See also Postgorgona and PS. Gorgona. | |
Aktuální umění; Nucená činnost | 1964-1965 | Aktuální umění (Milan Knížák, a.o.) | Prague | CZ | 3 | Fluxus. Allen. |
- See also
- Art periodicals of alternative culture in Hungary in the 1980s, exhibition, Artpool, 2022.
Artists, Amateurs, Alternative Spaces: Experimental Cinema in Eastern Europe, 1960–1990, online companion to exhibition, Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2014. (English)
AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions, database on women artists born between 1790 and 1972 working in visual arts with no limitations on medium or country, Paris, *2014. (French)/(English)
Digitizing Ideas: Archives of Conceptual and Neo-Avantgarde Art Practices, digitized materials from the collections, archives, and libraries of modern and contemporary art museums in Zagreb, Vojvodina, Ljubljana, and Warsaw, 2011-2012. (English),(multiple languages)
Filmoteka Muzeum, presents audiovisual works from Polish visual artists, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. (Polish)/(English)
Gender Check: Feminity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, Vienna: Erste Foundation, 2009. (English)
Hermit Foundation and Center for Metamedia Plasy, 1992–1999, Prague: Agosto Foundation, *2018. (Czech)/(English)
Forgotten Heritage, visual database of artists and artworks of the European avant-garde, with a focus on the 1960s and 1970s, Warsaw: Arton Foundation, *2018. (English)
Parallel Chronologies: Collection of Exhibitions in Eastern Europe 1950-1989, online archive, Budapest: tranzit.hu, *2012. (English)
Performing Arts in the Second Public Sphere, platform for European art scenes developed in 'second public sphere', 2014-c.2020 (archived). (English)
Resonances: Regional and Transregional Cultural Transfer in the Art of the 1970s, explores cultural transfers between artists, art professionals, and intellectuals of the region in the ’70s to compose a new, transnational, and dialogical history for neo-avant-garde art of Central-East Europe, 2021-2024. (English)
Books, catalogues and special issues on the visual arts and related subjects. For magazines and journals, see above and below.
- Klaus Groh (ed.), Aktuelle Kunst in Osteuropa, Cologne: DuMont-Schauberg, 1972, 222 pp. One of first books to cover performance, conceptual, and mail art in Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and the Soviet Union. Short introduction by the author followed by b&w photographs, artists’ statements, and a bibliography. Archive. (German)
- Vision 2: "Eastern Europe", ed. Tom Marioni, San Francisco: Crown Point Press, Jan 1976. [33] (English)
- The New Art Practice in Yugoslavia, 1966-1978, ed. Marijan Susovski, Zagreb: Gallery of Contemporary Art, 1978, 80+[61] pp. Exh. held Sep-Oct 1978. Texts: Marijan Susovski, Ješa Dengri, Tomaž Brejc, Davor Matičević, Nena Baljković, Ida Biard, Mirko Radojičić, Bálint Szombathy, Vladan Radovanović, Jasna Tijardović, Slavko Timotijević, Vladimir Kulić, Vladimir Mattioni. (English)
- Nova umjetnička praksa, 1966-1978, ed. Marijan Susovski, Zagreb: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, 1978, 112+[62] pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
- I am. International Artist's Meeting, Warsaw: Remont Gallery, 1978. Event held at Centrum klubowe SZSP pw Riviera-Remont, Warsaw, 29 Mar-6 Apr 1978; organised by Henryk Gajewski. [34]
- Works and Words. International Art Manifestation Amsterdam, Amsterdam: De Appel, 1980, 91 pp; repr., Amsterdam: De Appel and Roma Publications, 2018, 91 pp. Documents a series of lectures, discussions, performances, installations, video, files and historical documentation held 20-30 Sep 1979 and an exhibition of photoworks held 15-30 Sep 1979, De Appel, Amsterdam. Event. [35] (English)
- Krisztina Passuth, Les avant-gardes de l'Europe Centrale, 1907-1927, Paris: Flammarion, 1988, 327 pp. (French)
- Avantgarde kapcsolatok Prágától Bukarestig 1907-1930, Budapest: Balassi, 1998, 381 pp. (Hungarian)
- Treffpunkte der Avantgarden: Ostmitteleuropa 1907–1930, trans. Aniko Harmath, Dresden: Verlag der Kunst, 2003, 337 pp. Review: Dmitrieva-Einhorn (H-Soz-Kult 2006). (German)
See also publications on international periodic events such as Transart Communication (Nové Zámky, 1988-2018), Hermit / Center for Metamedia Plasy (1992-1997), Ostranenie (Dessau, 1993-1999), MetaForum (Budapest, 1994-1996), Manifesta (1996-).
- Art Journal 49(1): "From Leningrad to Ljubljana: The Suppressed Avant-Gardes of East-Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Twentieth Century", ed. S.A. Mansbach, Spring 1990, pp 7-62. [36] (English)
- Keiko Sei (ed.), Von der Bürokratie zur Telekratie. Rumänien im Fernsehen. Ein Symposion aus Budapest, Berlin: Merve, 1990, 165 pp. Symposium organised by Media Research Foundation at Mücsarnok, Budapest, 6-7 Apr 1990. Texts: Paolino Accola, László Beke, Magda Cârneci, Mihaela Cristea, Serge Daney, Derrick de Kerckhove, Jean-Paul Fargier, Vilém Flusser, Ingo Günther, Veijo Hietala, Ari Honka-Hallila, Erkki Huhtamo, Richard Kriesche, Geert Lovink, Magaret Morse, Morgan Russel, Jeffrey Shaw, Paul Virilio, Peter Weibel. Publisher. Review: Lubbers (Mediamatic). (German)
- Rossen Milev, Video in Osteuropa, Sofia: Balkanmedia, 1993, 164 pp. Excerpt. Based on author's thesis written under Siegfried Zielinski. Essay in German. Review: Lovink (Mediamatic). [37] (German)
- Europa, Europa. Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 4 vols., eds. Ryszard Stanislawski and Christoph Brockhaus, Bonn: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1994. Contributions from c. 150 authors. Volumes: Vol I (five introductory essays followed by 73 short texts on the work of specific artists), 479 pp; Vol II (36 essays on aspects of architecture, literature, theatre, film and music), 239 pp; Vol III, compiled by Hubertus Gassner (354 short texts of the period 1894-1994 by artists, critics etc., in German translation), 367 pp; Vol IV (biographies; selected bibliography; list of exhibited works; index), 99 pp. Exh. held at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, 27 May-16 Oct 1994. [38] [39] (German)
- Der Riss im Raum. Positionen der Kunst seit 1945 in Deutschland, Polen, der Slowakei und Tschechien, ed. Matthias Flügge with Jiri Svestka, Berlin: Guardini Stiftung: Verlag der Kunst, 1994, 344 pp. TOC. Exh. held at the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, 26 Nov 1994-5 Feb 1995; Zachęta, Warsaw, 13 Mar-18 Apr 1995; Prague City Gallery, Prague, 19 Sep-19 Nov 1995. (German)
- Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe, ed. Laura J. Hoptman, intro. Richard Francis, Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1995, vii+150 pp. Essays: Laura J. Hoptman, Roxana Marcoci, Anda Rottenberg, Piotr Piotrowski, Iaroslava Boubnova, Ludvík Hlaváček, Jiří Ševčík and Jana Ševčíková, Ada Krnacova-Gutleber, László Beke. TOC. Exh. held at Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 2 Sep-26 Nov 1995; Allen Memorial Art Museum/Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, 6 Feb-24 Mar 1996; Institute of Contemporary Art of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 6 Sep-2 Nov 1996; Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, NE, 1 Feb-6 Apr 1997. Curated by Laura J. Hoptman. Exh. review: Bartelik (Artforum). (English)
- The Metaforum III Historical Files, eds. Thomas Bass, Geert Lovink, Diana McCarty, and Pit Schultz, Budapest, Oct 1996. Published on the occasion of MetaForum 3, organised by nettime in Budapest, 11-13 Oct 1996. [40] [41] (English)
- The Beauty and the East. Filtered by Nettime, eds. Pit Schultz, Diana McCarty, Geert Lovink, and Vuk Cosic, Ljubljana, May 1997. Event organised by nettime, held at Ljudmila, Ljubljana, 22-23 May 1997. See also "The Piran Nettime Manifesto", [42]. (English)
- S.A. Mansbach, Modern Art in Eastern Europe: From the Baltic to the Balkans, ca. 1890-1939, Cambridge University Press, Sep 1998, 384 pp, IA. Argues that Cubism, Expressionism and Constructivism, along with other great modernist styles, were merged with deeply rooted, Eastern European visual traditions. Publisher. (English)
- László Beke, "Conceptualist Tendencies in Eastern European Art", in Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin 1950-1980s, eds. Jane Ferver, Luis Camnitzer and Rachel Weiss, New York: Queens Museum of Art, 1999, pp 41-51. TOC. Exh. held at Queens Museum, New York, 28 Apr-29 Aug 1999; the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, 19 Dec 1999–5 Mar 2000; Hayden Hall MIT, 24 Oct-31 Dec 2000. Exh. review: Meyer (Artforum), Johnson (NYT). (English)
- Body and the East: from the 1960s to the Present, ed. Zdenka Badovinac, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Aug 1999, 192 pp. Exh. held at the Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 7 Jul-27 Sep 1998; Exit Art, New York, -10 Mar 2001. Chronicles art, especially that of performance and body artists, in central and eastern Europe, with short artist biographies of 80 artists. Essays by Joseph Backstein, Bojana Pejić, Iara Boubnova, Jurij Krpan, Ileana Pintilie, Kristine Stiles, Branka Stipančić, László Beke, Igor Zabel, a.o. Publisher. Exh. review: Smith (NYT). (English)/(Slovenian)
- After the Wall: Art and Culture in Post-Communist Europe, 2 vols., eds. Bojana Pejić and David Elliott, Stockholm: Moderna Museet, 1999, 262+234 pp. Exh. held at Moderna museet, Stockholm, 16 Oct 1999-16 Jan 2000; Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, 15 Jun-27 Aug 2000; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, 2000-2001. Exh. reviews: Jones (Artforum), Blom (Frieze), Sandomirskaja (ARTMargins). Reflection: Pejić (ARTMargins, 2003).
- Desa Philippi, "Matter of Words: Translations in East European Conceptualism", in Rewriting Conceptual Art, eds. Michael Newman and Jon Bird, London: Reaktion Books, Dec 1999, pp 152-168. (English)
- Aspekte/Positionen. 50 Jahre Kunst aus Mitteleuropa 1949-1999 / Aspects/Positions. 50 Years of Art in Central Europe 1949-1999, 2 vols.: "Essays", "Artists", Vienna: Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, 1999, 244+302 pp. TOC. Exh. held at Palais Liechtenstein and 20er Haus, Vienna, 18 Dec 1999–27 Feb 2000; Ludwig Museum, Budapest, 23 Mar-28 May 2000; Fundació Miró, Barcelona, Sep-October 2000; Hansard Gallery/City Gallery, Southampton, 7 Nov 2000-6 Jan 2001; National Gallery Prague, 12 Feb-Apr 2001. Curated by Lóránd Hegyi. Exh. review: Verwoert (Frieze). [43] [44] (German)/(English)
- Nézőpontok/Poziciók. Művészet Közép-Európában 1949-1999, ed. Anna Bálványos, Budapest: Ludwig Múzeum, 2000, 338 pp. Publisher. (Hungarian)
- L'autre moitie de l'Europe, ed. Francoise Bonnefoy, Paris: Jeu de Paume, 2000, 112 pp. With CD-ROM. Exh. held at Jeu de Paume in Paris in four successive sections from 8 Feb-21 Jun 2000. [45] (French)
- 2000+ Arteast Collection: umetnost Vzhodne Evrope v dialogu z Zahodom: od 1960. let do danes: razstava del za nastajajočo zbirko / The Art of Eastern Europe in Dialogue with the West: From the 1960s to the Present: Exhibition of Works for an Emerging Collection, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2000, 200 pp. Exh. of works by 85 artists and collectives. Exh. held at Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 24 Jun-24 Sep 2000; curated by Zdenka Badovinac. (Slovenian)/(English)
- Balkan Video Federation: 1990s Video Art in the Balkans, ed. Branislav Dimitrijević, Belgrade: Centre for Contemporary Arts - Belgrade, 2000, [56] pp. Exh. held in Aug 2000. Texts: Branislav Dimitrijević, Melentie Palandovski, Boris Kostadinov, Nataša Ilić, Biljana Tanurovska, Aleksandar Gubaš. (English)
- 2000+ Arteast Collection. The Art of Eastern Europe. A Selection of Works for the International and National Collections of Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Vienna: Folio, and Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2001, 241 pp. Exh. held at Orangerie Congress, Innsbruck, 14–21 Nov 2001; ZKM, 28 Apr-26 May 2002; Art Gallery Čifte Amam, Skopje, 6–30 Sep 2002; Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 3 Feb–2 May 2004. [46]. (English)
- "Central and East European Art and Culture, 1945-Present", ARTMargins, Oct 2001. "The following roundtable concluded a panel devoted to contemporary and art historical perspectives on central and East European art and culture from 1945 to the present at the College Art Association Conference in Chicago in 2001. The panel was convened by Susan Snodgrass who has also written the introduction to the discussion. Over the next few months, ARTMargins published the papers delivered by the panel’s participants." Papers: Katalin Timár and Attila Horányi, Matthew Jesse Jackson, Roann Barris, Martina Pachmanová. 25th anniv. reflection (Karolina Majewska-Güde).
- Central European Avant-Gardes: Exchange and Transformation, 1910-1930, ed. Timothy O. Benson, forew. Péter Nádas, Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Mar 2002, 447 pp. Publisher. Review: Zusi (SEEJ). (English)
- Between Worlds: A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-Gardes, 1910-1930, eds. Timothy O. Benson and Éva Forgács, Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, May 2002, 736 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Zusi (SEEJ), Glanc (ArtMargins). (English)
- Primary Documents: A Sourcebook for Eastern and Central European Art Since the 1950s, eds. Laura Hoptman and Tomáš Pospiszyl, forew. Ilya Kabakov, New York: Museum of Modern Art, Dec 2002, 375 pp. Reviews: Pachmanová (ARTMargins), Monroe (Transitions), Fiks (Art Journal), Havránek (Umění). (English)
- Centropa 3(1): "Central European Architectural Students at the Bauhaus", New York: Centropa, Jan 2003. [47] (English)
- Aleš Erjavec (ed.), Postmodernism and the Postsocialist Condition: Politicized Art Under Late Socialism, forew. Martin Jay, Berkeley: University of California, Sep 2003, xix+297 pp. DOI. Review: Mark Leiderman (ARTMargins). (English)
- Hou xian dai zhu yi de lian dao: wan qi she hui zhu yi de yi shu wen [後現代主義的鐮刀: 晚期社會主義的藝術文化], Taipei: Dianzang yishu jiating (典藏藝術家庭出版), 2009. (Chinese)
- Dubravka Djurić, Miško Šuvaković (eds.), Impossible Histories: Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Nov 2003, xviii+605 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Historiaa nopeammin: näkökulmia nykytaiteen tulevaisuuteen Baltian maissa, Suomessa ja Venäjällä / Faster than History: Contemporary Perspectives on the Future of Art in the Baltic, ed. Jari-Pekka Vanhala, Helsinki: Kiasma, 2004, 255 pp. Exh. held at Kiasma, 31 Jan-2 May 2004. (Finnish)/(English)
- Miško Šuvaković, Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb: Horetzky, and Ghent: Vlees & Beton, 2005, 856 pp. (Croatian)
- Piotr Piotrowski, Awangarda w cieniu Jałty. Sztuka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 1945-1989, Poznań: Rebis, 2005, 502 pp. Reviews. (Polish)
- In the Shadow of Yalta. Art and the Avant-garde in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989, trans. Anna Brzyski, London: Reaktion Books, 2009, 487 pp. (English)
- translations
- Beyond Art: A Third Culture. A Comparative Study in Cultures, Art and Science in 20th Century Austria and Hungary, ed. Peter Weibel, Vienna: Springer, 2005, 616 pp. (English)
- Vojtěch Lahoda (ed.), Local Strategies, International Ambitions: Modern Art and Central Europe 1918-1968, Prague: Artefactum, 2006, 243 pp. Papers from the international conference, Prague, 11-14 Jun 2003. TOC. Papers: Anna Brzynski, Maria Elena Versari. [48] [49]
- Centropa 6(2): "Central European Artists and Paris: 1920s-1930s", ed. Irena Kossowska, New York: Centropa, May 2006. [50] (English)
- IRWIN (ed.), East Art Map: Contemporary Art and Eastern Europe, London: Afterall, May 2006, 527 pp, IA. The editors invited art critics, curators, and artists to present up to ten crucial art projects produced in their respective countries over the past 50 years. In addition, the editors asked experts from both East and West to provide longer texts offering cross-cultural perspectives on the art of both regions. Selected artworks and events from 1990-2000, pp 84-116. Publisher. Distributor. Project website (2004, archived). Research project (2001-2006), [51], [52]. Review: Rees (Frieze) [53]. Commentary: Darian (ARTMargins). [54]
- Elizabeth Clegg, Art, Design, and Architecture in Central Europe 1890-1920, Yale University Press, Jul 2006, 356 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Long (Stud Decor Arts), McKean (J Design Hist), James-Chakraborty (Design & Cult). (English)
- Miško Šuvaković, Konceptualna umetnost, Novi Sad: MSUV, 2007, 862 pp; new ed., Belgrade: Orion Art, 2012, 862 pp. Publisher. [55] [56] (Serbian)
- Fluxus East: Fluxus-Netzwerke in Mittelosteuropa / Fluxus East: Fluxus Networks in Central Eastern Europe, ed. Petra Stegmann, Berlin: Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, 2007, 288 pp. Exh. held at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 4 Sep-4 Nov 2007. Contains artists' biographies, an extensive illustrated chronology divided in sections, including an “Overall Survey of Fluxus Events in Central Eastern Europe (1962–1989), “Fluxus Concerts,” “Individual Exhibitions and Performances,” “Exhibitions and Festivals,” “Mieko Shiomi’s ‘Spatial Poems,’” “Nine Global Events,” and “Fluxus East and West,” and essays by Eric Andersen, Andrea Bátorová, Milan Knížák, Pavlína Morganová, Luiza Nader, Maria Anna Potocka, Tamás St. Auby, Petra Stegmann, and Emmett Williams. [57] [58] (German)/(English)
- Gábor Hushegyi, Zsolt Sőrés, Transart Communication: Performance & Multimedia Art. Studio erté 1987-2007, Bratislava: Kalligram, 2008, 296 pp. On the Transart Communication festival held in Nové Zámky since 1988. (Slovak)/(Hungarian)/(English)
- Vzplanutí. Expresionistické tendence ve Střední Evropě 1903-1936. Sbírka Galerie Ztichlá klika, Praha, ed. Ladislav Daněk, Olomouc: Muzeum umění Olomouc, 2008, 200 pp. Essay: Marie Rakušanová. Excerpt. Exh. held at the Museum of Art Olomouc, 17 Jan-23 Mar 2008. [59] (Czech)
- Novine Galerije Nova 18: "Nevidljiva povijest izložbi / Invisible History of Exhibitions", eds. What, How & for Whom/WHW, Zagreb: What, How & for Whom/WHW, and Zagreb: AGM, Dec 2008, 58 pp. Exh. cat. (Croatian)/(English)
- Atlas Transformace, eds. Zbyněk Baladrán and Vít Havránek with Věra Krejčová, Prague: tranzit.cz, 2009, 811 pp. Glossary on "processes of social and political change in transformation countries", with over 200 entries by over 100 authors. Project website. Publisher, [60]. Exh. Monument to Transformation held at tranzitdisplay and Galerie hl. m. Prahy, Prague, 28 May-30 Aug 2009; Centre for Visual Introspection, 16 Biserica Enei.Str, district 1, Bucharest, 30 Sep-13 Nov 2009; curated by Vít Havránek. Exh. booklet, cz. Press release, cz. Workshop, [61]. [62] [63] [64] [65] (Czech)
- Atlas of Transformation, eds. Zbyněk Baladrán and Vít Havránek, Zurich: JRP Ringier, and Prague: tranzit.cz, Sep 2010, 720 pp. Publisher, [66]. (English)
- Novine Galerije Nova 19/20: "Nevidljiva povijest izložbi 2: paralelne kronologije / The Invisible History of Exhibitions 2: Parallel Chronologies", eds. Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, and What, How & for Whom/WHW, Zagreb: What, How & for Whom/WHW, and Zagreb: AGM, Jul 2009, 43 pp. Exh. cat. Publisher. (Croatian)/(English)
- Edit András, Kulturális átöltözés. Művészet a szocializmus romjain [Cultural Cross-dressing: Art on the Ruins of Socialism], Budapest: Argumentum, 2009, 332 pp. [67] [68] (Hungarian)
- Kulturní převlékání. Umění na troskách socialismu a na vrcholcích nacionalismu, trans. Róbert Svoboda, intro. Jan Zálešák, Hradec Králové: Galerie moderního umění, Dec 2023, 344 pp. Partial trans. of Kulturális átöltözés (2009) and Határsértő képzelet. Kortárs művészet és kritikai elmélet Európa keleti felén (2023). Publisher. Book launch. [69] (Czech)
- Gender Check: Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe, eds. Bojana Pejić and Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Vienna, Cologne: Walther Koenig, 2009, 392 pp. Exh. cat. Texts by Edit András, Keti Chukhrov, Branislav Dimitrijević, Katrin Kivimaa, Izabela Kowalczyk, Suzana Milevska, Martina Pachmanová, Bojana Pejić, Piotr Piotrowski, Zora Rusinová, Hedwig Saxenhuber, Georg Schöllhammer. Project website. Publisher. Exh. held at mumok, Vienna, 13 Nov 2009-14 Feb 2010; Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, 19 Mar-13 Jun 2010. List of works. Review: Krüger (Ostblick). Symposium (2009). Symposium (2010). [70]
- Transitland: Video Art from Central and Eastern Europe 1989–2009, ed. Edit András, Budapest: Ludwig Museum--Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009, 319 pp. Contributors: Edit András, Ruben Arevshatyan, Giorgio Bertellini, Konstantin Bokhorov, Svetlana Boym, Boris Buden, Călin Dan, Margarita Dorovska, Zoran Erić, Antonio Geusa, Boris Groys, Marina Gržinić, Kathy Rae Huffman, Ryszard Kluszczyński, Mihnea Mircan, Miklós Peternák, Tomáš Pospiszyl, Boryana Rossa, Katarína Rusnáková, Keiko Sei. Project website (archived). Publisher. Exhibition ...On the eastern front: video art from central and eastern europe 1989–2009 curated by Rita Kálmán and Tijana Stepanović; held 22 Jan-7 Mar 2010. Interview with curators (ARTMargins).
- Transitland: Video Art from Central and Eastern Europe After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989–2009 / Видеоарт Центральной и Восточной Европы после падения Берлинской стены, 1989–2009, Moscow: MediaArtLab, 2010, 137 pp. Catalogue. Essays by Kathy Rae Huffman, Olga Shishko, Keiko Sei, Alexey Isaev, Edit András, Constantin Bokhorov, and Marina Gržinić. (English)/(Russian)
- As Soon as I Open My Eyes I See a Film. Experiment in the Art of Yugoslavia in the 1960s and 1970s, ed. Ana Janevski, Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2010, 344 pp. "In the late 1960s and '70s, artists in Yugoslavia rejected the official language of expression licensed by the regime, abstract art, and replaced it with "anti-art". This book explores this crucial period in the Yugoslav art scene and situates it in the broader cultural context of Central and Eastern Europe." Texts: Ana Janevski, Stevan Vuković, Łukasz Ronduda, Goran Trbuljak and Hrvoje Turković, Mihovil Pansini, GEFF, Slobodan Šijan, Želimir Žilnik, Branko Vučičević, P. Adams Sitney. Publisher. Distributor. Exh. held at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 25 Apr-22 Jun 2008.
- Kiedy rano otwieram oczy, widzę film. Eksperyment w sztuce Jugoslawii w latach 60. i 70., Warsaw: Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie, 2011. Excerpt. (Polish)
- 1968/1989: Political Upheaval and Artistic Change / Momenty zwrotne w polityce i sztuce, eds. Claire Bishop and Marta Dziewańska, Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art, 2010, 504 pp. Based on seminar held at MoMA Warsaw in 2008. Texts: Claire Bishop, Tania Brugera, Branislav Jakoljević, Ana Janevski, Vit Havránek, Tomáš Pospiszyl, Luiza Nader, Gabriela Świtek, Piotr Piotrowski, Attila Tordai-S., Borut Vogelnik, Charles Esche, Kathrin Rhomberg, Joanna Mytkowska, Grzegorz Kowalski and Artur Źmikewski, Milan Knížák, Ján Budaj. (English)/(Polish)
- Les Promesses du passé: une histoire discontinue de l'art dans l'ex-Europe de l'Est, eds. Christine Macel and Nataša Petrešin, Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2010, 255 pp. Exh. held at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, 14 Apr-19 Jul 2010; curated by Joanna Mytkowska and Christine Macel. (French)
- A pult mögött: a posztszocialista gazdaság jelenségei a kortárs művészetben / Over the Counter: The Phenomena of Post-socialist Economy in Contemporary Art, ed. Judit Angel, Budapest: Mücsarnok Kunsthalle, 2010, 228 pp. Exh. "inspired by the economic illusions, utopias, creativity and frustration that Central Europe has been home to recently, and ismade relevant by the global economic crisis which began in 2008, and which can be looked upon as a negative critique of the process of adopting the capitalist order." Exh. held at Mücsarnok, Budapest, 18 Jun-19 Sep 2010, [73]; curated by Eszter Lázár and Zsolt Petrányi. Exh. reviews: Hermann (Balkon), Irodalmi Jelen. Commentary: Czirfusz. (Hungarian)/(English)
- Art Always Has Its Consequences, eds. WHW, tranzit.hu, Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi, and kuda.org, Zagreb: WHW, 2010, 265 pp. Essays and interviews by G. M. Tamás, kuda.org & Hito Steyerl, Ovidiu Tichindeleanu, Renata Salecl, Boris Buden, Ozren Pupovac, Maciej Gdula, Gal Kirn, Hedwig Saxenhuber, Elena Filipovic. With section on artist’s writings and documents. Project website. (English)
- Političke prakse (post) jugoslovenske umetnosti: retrospektiva 01, eds. Jelena Vesić and Zorana Dojić, Belgrade: Prelom kolektiv, 2010, 287 pp. Exh. cat. [74] (Serbo-Croatian)
- Political Practices of (Post-) Yugoslav Art: Retrospective 01, Belgrade: Prelom kolektiv, 2010, 279 pp. (English)
- Gender Check: A Reader. Art and Theory in Eastern Europe, eds. Bojana Pejić, ERSTE Foundation, and Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Vienna, Cologne: Buchhandlung Walther König, Nov 2010, 416 pp. A collection of texts that explicitly analyze visual arts created before and after 1989 in the 'other' Europe in terms of gender and feminist theories. Texts by Anna Alchuk, Branislava Andjelkovic, Edit András, Zdenka Badovinac, Ágnes Berecz, Lyudmila Bredikhina, Branislav Dimitrijevic, Hildtrud Ebert, Ewa Franus, Jana Geržová, Nataša Ilić, Eva Khachatryan, Katrin Kivimaa, Izabela Kowalczyk, Vjollca Krasniqi, Laima Kreivyte, Dejan Kršic, Paweł Leszkowicz, Suzana Milevska, Danica Minic, Olivia Niţiş, Aleksis Osmanis, Martina Pachmanová, Bojana Pejić, Piotr Piotrowski, Zora Rusinová, Angeli Sachs, Lydia Sklevicky, Vera Sokolová, Inga Šteimane, Maria Vassileva, Mirek Vodrážka. TOC. Project website. Publisher. [75]
- Piotr Piotrowski, Agorafilia. Sztuka i demokracja w postkomunistycznej Europie, Poznań: Rebis, Nov 2010, 304 pp. Publisher. (Polish)
- Art and Democracy in Post-Communist Europe, trans. Anna Brzyski, London: Reaktion Books, 2012, 312 pp. Reviews: Popa (JCRAS), Smith (JCES), Smolianskaïa (Critique d'art), Hříbek (Umění). (English)
- translations
- This Is All Film: Experimental Film in Yugoslavia 1951-1991 / Vse to je film: Eksperimentalni film v Jugoslaviji 1951-1991, eds. Bojana Piškur, et al., Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art, 2010, 154 pp. Exh. held at the Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 22 Dec 2010–28 Feb 2011; curated by Bojana Piškur, Ana Janevski, Jurij Meden, Stevan Vuković. (English)/(Slovenian)
- Centropa 11(1): "Central European Art Groups, 1880-1914", ed. Anna Brzyski, New York: Centropa, Jan 2011. [76] (English)
- Günter Berghaus (ed.), Futurism in Eastern and Central Europe, De Gruyter (International Yearbook of Futurism Studies 1), Jan 2011, 497 pp. Special issue of International Yearbook of Futurism Studies. (English)
- Star City: The Future under Communism, eds. Alex Farquharson, Łukasz Ronduda, and Barbara Piwowarska, Warsaw: MAMMAL Foundation, Nottingham: Nottingham Contemporary, and Vienna: tranzit.at, 2011, 304 pp. TOC. Publisher. Exh. held at Nottingham Contemporary, 12 Feb–18 Apr 2010. Exh. brochure. Exh. review: dpr-barcelona. (English)
- Ksenya A. Gurshtein, TransStates: Conceptual Art in Eastern Europe and the Limits of Utopia, University of Michigan, 2011, 323 pp. PhD thesis. [77] (English)
- Removed From the Crowd: Unexpected Encounters 1, eds. Ivana Bago and Antonia Majača with Vesna Vuković, Zagreb: BLOK & DeLVe, 2011, 312 pp. Considers comparative, transnational, conceptual and performance art in Latvia, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Chile, Peru, Poland, and Romania. Among other essays, presents Bago and Majača on Yugoslavian experimental art of the 1960s and 1970s; Alina Serban on the Romania performance artist Geta Brătescu; Vesna Vuković on Croatian artists Sanja Iveković and Tomislav Gotovac; Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez on the Slovenian group IRWIN; and Lucian Gomoll and Lissette Olivares on Chilean conceptual and performance. (English)
- Miklós Peternák, "The Illusion of the Initiative: An Overview of the Past Twenty Years of Media Art in Central Europe" / Die Illusion der Initiative. Über die Medienkunst der letzten zwanzig Jahre in Ost- und Mitteleuropa", in Gateways: Art and Networked Culture, eds. Sabine Himmelsbach, KUMU Art Museum Tallinn, Goethe Institut Estland and Ralf Eppeneder, Hatje Cantz, 2011. [78] [79] (English)/(German)
- Ostalgia, New York: New Museum, 2011, 119 pp. Texts: Massimiliano Gioni, Ekaterina Degot, Boris Groys (interviewed by Judy Ditner), Victor Misiano, Joanna Mytkowska, Bojana Pejić. Exh. held 6 Jul-2 Oct 2011; curated by Massimiliano Gioni, with Jarrett Gregory. Archive. Exh. review: Cotter (NYT). [80] (English)
- The Present and Presence: A Selection of Works from the Arteast 2000+ Collection and the National Collection, Ljubljana: Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, 2011, 61 pp. Curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur, Igor Španjol. [81] (English)/(Slovenian)
- Rasa Smite, Kreatīvie tīkli, Riga: RIXC, and Liepaja: LiepU MPLab, 2011. Based on PhD research on network culture of the 1990s (2006-2011). Excerpt. Publisher, [82]. Review: Tīfentāle (Studija). [83] (Latvian)
- Creative Networks: In the Rearview Mirror of Eastern European History, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2012, 160 pp. (English)
- From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society: Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb, 1990-2010, eds. Jasna Jakšić et al., Belgrade: Seecult.org, Skopje: Forum Skopje, Ljubljana: Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA, Zagreb: Kurziv-Platform for Maters of Culture, Media and Society: The Association of NGOs Clubture, 2011, 607 pp. (Serbian)/(English)
- East of Eden: Photorealism: Versions of Reality, ed. Nikolett Erőss, Budapest: Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, 2012, 216 pp. Essays: Jesa Denegri, Dávid Fehér, Brigitte Franzen, Anna Sophia Schultz, Jana Gerzova, Erwin Kessler, Magdalena Radomska. Publisher. Exh. held 14 Sep 2011-16 Jan 2012. Exh. brochure. (Hungarian)/(English)
- 3/4 27-28: "Remake", ed. Barbora Šedivá, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2012, 134 pp. Exh. held at The Brno House of Arts, 6 Mar-15 Apr 2012; curated by Barbora Šedivá and Katarína Gatialová. [84] (English)/(Slovak)
- Journal of Postcolonial Writing 48(2): "On Colonialism, Communism and East-Central Europe", eds. Dorota Kołodziejczyk and Cristina Şandru, Routledge, Mar 2012. Introduction. Publisher.
- Pavle Levi, Cinema by Other Means, Oxford University Press, Apr 2012, xvi+201 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Kino drugim sredstvima, trans. Đorđe Tomić, Belgrade: Muzej savremene umetnosti: Filmski centar Srbije, 2013, 249 pp. (Serbian)
- Sedanjost in prisotnost - ponovitev 1. Izbor del iz zbirke Arteast 2000+ in nacionalne zbirke Moderne galerije / The Present and Presence - Repetition 1: A Selection of works from the Arteast 2000+ Collection and the National Collection of Moderna galerija, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Ljubljana, 2012, 189 pp. Exh. held 17 Apr-28 Oct 2012; curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur, and Igor Španjol; followed by Repetition 2-9, until 29 Nov 2015. (Slovenian)/(English)
- Sounding the Body Electric: Experiments in Art and Music in Eastern Europe 1957-1984 / Dźwięki elektrycznego ciała: Eksperymenty w sztuce i muzyce w Europie Wschodniej 1957–1984, eds. David Crowley and Daniel Muzyczuk, Łódź: Muzeum Sztuki, 2012, 222 pp. Exh. held at Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź, 25 May–19 Aug 2012; Calvert 22 Gallery, London, 26 Jun-25 Aug 2013. Audio 2-CD (2013). [85] (English)/(Polish)
- ARTMargins 1(2-3): "Artists' Networks in Latin America and Eastern Europe", eds. Klara Kemp-Welch and Cristina Freire, Jun-Oct 2012. [86] (English)
- "The Lunatics are on the Loose...": European Fluxus Festivals, 1962-1977, ed. Petra Stegmann, Potsdam: Down With Art!, 2012, 591 pp. Exh. held at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 12 Jul-12 Aug 2012; University of Arts in Poznań, 2-12 Oct 2012; MOCAK, Cracow, 19 Oct 2012-27 Jan 2013; Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, 3-25 Nov 2012; Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1 Dec 2012-28 Apr 2013; Goethe-Institut, Paris, 6 Dec 2012-10 Jan 2013; CAC, Vilnius, 14 Dec 2012-27 Jan 2013; National Gallery in Prague, 1 Oct 2014-4 Jan 2015. Extensive documentation of 32 selected European Fluxus events. Contributors: Jennifer Burkard, Myriam Kroll, Peter van der Meijden, Susanne Rennert, Henar Rivière Ríos, Heike Roms, Vanja Sisek, Petra Stegmann, Caroline Ugelstad. Project website, [87]. [88] (English)
- Bogumiła Suwara, Zuzana Husárová (eds.), V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre:, Bratislava: SAP & Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, Sep 2012, 312 pp. (Slovak),(Czech)
- Ieva Astahovska (ed.), Atsedzot neredzamo pagātni / Recuperating the Invisible Past, Riga: Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Oct 2012, 284 pp. Texts: Piotr Piotrowski, Magdalena Radomska (PL), Viktor Misiano (RU), Mark Allen Svede (USA), Linara Dovydaityte, Dovilė Tumpytė, Alfonsas Andriuškevičius, Vytautas Landsbergis, George Maciunas (LT), Andres Kurg, Mari Laanemets , Epp Lankots, Maria-Kristiina Soomre, Kädi Talvoja, Leonhard Lapin, Vilen Künnapu, Juhan Viiding (EE), Dora Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Tamás Szentjóby (HU), Ieva Astahovska, Stella Pelše, Iliana Veinberga, Varis Rudzītis (LV). Conference. Review: Tīfentāle (Studija). [89] [90] (Latvian)/(English)
- György Galántai, Júlia Klaniczay (eds.), Artpool: The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe, forew. Kristine Stiles, Budapest: Artpool, 2013, 535 pp. History of an archive for producing, networking, curating, and researching art since 1970. Publisher. Reviews. (English)
- A kurátori gyakorlat és diszkurzus szótára / Curatorial Dictionary, ed. Eszter Szakács, Budapest: tranzit.hu, 2012 ff. Interprets concepts of curatorial–contemporary art discourse of the 1990s and onwards. [91] (Hungarian)/(English)
- L'Internationale: Post-War Avant-Gardes Between 1957 and 1986, ed. Christian Höller, Zurich: JRP Ringer, Oct 2012; L’Internationale Online, 2015, 416 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Golo Föllmer, Markus Steffens, Melanie Uerlings (eds.), Sound Exchange. Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010, Saarbrücken: PFAU, 2012, 400 pp, HTML. Project website. Exh. and events held in eight cities, Aug 2011-Nov 2012. (English),(multiple languages)
- The Freedom of Sound: John Cage Behind the Iron Curtain, ed. Katalin Székely, Budapest: Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, 2013. Publisher. Exh. held at Ludwig Muzeum, Budapet, 23 Nov 2012–17 Feb 2013. Exh. brochure. (English)
- Zdenka Badovinac, Eda Čufer, Cristina Freire, Boris Groys, Charles Harrison, Vít Havránek, Piotr Piotrowski, Branka Stipančić, "Conceptual Art and Eastern Europe: Part I", e-flux 40, Dec 2012; Part 2, e-flux 41, Jan 2013. Based on a conference organised by Zdenka Badovinac in Ljubljana, 2007. (English)
- Amy Bryzgel, Performing the East: Performance Art in Russia, Latvia and Poland since 1980, London and New York: I.B. Tauris, May 2013, 303 pp. Contains three chapters: one on post-Soviet Russian identity focusing on Sergei Bugaev (aka Afrika) and Oleg Kulik; a second on Starix (2000–2004), the fake media star invented by the artist Gints Gabrāns, and The Bronze Man (1987–1992), a homeless man moving from Riga to Bremen and Helsinki, constructed by Miervaldis Polis; and a third chapter on gender performances by the Polish artists Zbigniew Libera and Katarzyna Kozyra. Video talk. Publisher. Reviews: Jeschke (Slovo), Cseh-Varga (Oxford Art J). (English)
- Anna Schober, The Cinema Makers: Public Life and the Exhibition of Difference in South-Eastern and Central Europe since the 1960s, Bristol: Intellect, May 2013, 240 pp. Investigates how cinema spectators in southeastern and central European cities became cinema makers through such practices as squatting in existing cinema spaces, organizing cinema "events," writing about film, and making films themselves. Publisher. (English)
- Mária Orišková (ed.), Curating 'Eastern Europe' and Beyond: Art Histories through the Exhibition, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (Spectrum Slovakia), and Bratislava: Veda, 2013, 205 pp. TOC. Publisher. Edit András's essay. Book launch. Reviews: Císař (Umění), Mazur (Szum, PL). (English)
- Centropa 14(1): "Performance Art in Central and Eastern Europe", eds. Amy Bryzgel and Pavlína Morganová, Jan 2014. [92] (English)
- Report on the Construction of a Spaceship Module, eds. Vít Havránek, Dóra Hegyi, and Georg Schöllhammer, New York: New Museum, 2014, 20 pp. Exh. organised by the tranzit network and held at the New Museum, New York, 22 Jan-13 Apr 2014. (English)
- Klara Kemp-Welch, Antipolitics in Central European Art: Reticence as Dissidence under Post-Totalitarian Rule, 1956-1989, London: I.B. Tauris, Feb 2014, xx+336 pp. Presents new readings of the work of Tadeusz Kantor, Július Koller, Tamas Szentjóby, Endre Tót, Jiří Kovanda and Jerzy Bereś. Publisher. Reviews: Gurshtein (ARTMargins), Bryzgel (CritCom), Cseh-Varga (Oxford Art J), Alisauskas (Critique d'art), Aulich (LSE blogs). (English)
- Katarzyna Kosmala (ed.), Sexing the Border: Gender, Art and New Media in Central and Eastern Europe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Sep 2014, 275 pp. Excerpt. Publisher. (English)
- Grammatika svobody / Pyat' urokov. Raboty iz kollektsii Arteast 2000+ Muzeya sovremennogo iskusstva v Lyublyane [Грамматика свободы / пять уроков. Работы из коллекции Arteast 2000+ Музея современного искусства в Любляне], Moscow: Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, and Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2015, 200 pp. Texts by Dasha Zhukova, Kate Fowle, Zdenka Badovinac, Snejana Krasteva, Viktor Misiano. Publisher. Exh. held at Garage Museum, Moscow, 6 Feb-19 Apr 2015. [93] (Russian)
- Ieva Astahovska, Inga Lāce (eds.), Revisiting Footnotes. Footprints of the Recent Past in the Post-Socialist Region / Tulkojot atsauces. Nesenās pagātnes nospiedumi postsociālisma reģionā, Riga: Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2015, 350 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Gerhardt (JSPPS), Zajančkauska (Satori). [94] (English)/(Latvian)
- Maja Fowkes, The Green Bloc: Neo-Avant-Garde Art and Ecology under Socialism, Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, Jul 2015, viii+299 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Cseh-Varga (Springerin), Debeusscher (Critique d'art), Filipovic (AM J), Laki (Flash Art CS). (English)
- Dobrota Pucherová, Róbert Gáfrik (eds.), Postcolonial Europe? Essays on Post-Communist Literatures and Cultures, Leiden/Boston: Brill Rodopi, Jul 2015. Publisher. Editors. Reviews: Luca (JCCEE), Stoica. [95] (English)
- Revista Arta 14-15: "Performance in Europa de est" / "Performance in Eastern Europe", ed. Ileana Pintilie, Bucharest: Romanian Artists’ Union, 2015, 98 pp. (Romanian)/(English)
- Balagan!!!: Contemporary Art from the Former Soviet Union and Other Mythical Places, ed. David Elliott, Berlin: MOMENTUM, 2015, 263 pp. Exh. held at Stiftung Brandenburger Tor im Max Liebermann Haus, Kühlhaus am Gleisdreieck, MOMENTUM im Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, 14 Nov-23 Dec 2015. [96] (English)
- Jérôme Bazin, Pascal Dubourg Glatigny, Piotr Piotrowski (eds.), Art Beyond Borders: Artistic Exchange in Communist Europe (1945-1989), Budapest: Central European University Press, Feb 2016, xii+494+24 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Hero Mother, Contemporary Art by Post-Communist Women Rethinking Heroism, eds. Bojana Pejić and Rachel Rits-Volloch, Berlin: MOMENTUM, 2016, 191 pp. Exh. held at MOMENTUM im Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, 14 May-12 June 2016; accompanied by a symposium and performance program. Exh. photos. [97] [98] (English)
- Karolina Łabowicz-Dymanus, Synchronizacja w Sieci: Centra Sztuki Współczesnej Sorosa: cztery modele: Budapeszt, Kijów, Tallin, Warszawa [Synchronised over network. Soros Centers for Contemporary Arts - four models: Budapest, Kiev, Tallinn, Warsaw], Warsaw: Instytut Sztuki PAN, 2016, 312 pp. Based on PhD thesis (2011).
discussion (80 min, PL). [99] (Polish)
- springerin 2: "Parallax Views", Vienna: springerin, Spring 2016. (German)/(English)
- Platform: East European Performing Arts Companion, eds. Joanna Krakowska and Daria Odija, Warsaw: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Lublin: Centre for Culture in Lublin, Warsaw: Institute of Arts of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Lublin: City of Lublin, 2016, 459 pp. (English)
- Branislav Jakovljević, Alienation Effects: Performance and Self-Management in Yugoslavia, 1945-91, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, Jun 2016, xii+369 pp. Explores aspects and relations between artistic and economic performances in Yugoslavia, such as self-management, socialist aestheticism, conceptual art, theoretical Marxism, performance art and political performances. Publisher. Reviews: Jestrović (Contemp Theatre Rev), Goulish (TDR), Tepavac (arcadia), Halilbašić (rezens.tfm), Radosavljević (Modern Drama), Jovićević (Peščanik). (English)
- Učinki odtujitve. Performans in samoupravljanje v Jugoslaviji, 1945–1991, trans. Aleksandra Rekar, Ljubljana: Maska, 2021, 377 pp. Publisher. (Slovenian)
- Revista Arta 6(20-21): "Conceptualismul în Europa Centrală și de Est / Conceptualism in Eastern and Central Europe", ed. Cristian Nae, Bucharest, Sep 2016, 191 pp. [100] (Romanian)/(English)
- David Crowley, Daniel Muzyczuk (eds.), Notatki z podziemia: sztuka i muzyka alternatywna w Europie Wschodniej 1968-1994 / Notes from the Underground: Art and Alternative Music in Eastern Europe 1968–1994, London: Koenig Books, and Łódź: Muzeum Sztuki, 2016, 446 pp. Exh. held at Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, 22 Sep 2016–15 Jan 2017. Publisher. (English)/(Polish)
- Katja Praznik, Paradoks neplačanega umetniškega dela: avtonomija umetnosti, avantgarda in kulturna politika na prehodu v postsocializem [The Paradox of Unpaid Artistic Labor: Autonomy of Art, the Avant-Garde and Cultural Policy in the Transition to Post-Socialism], Ljubljana: Sophia, 2016, 321 pp. Publisher. Review: Šepetavc (Družboslovne razprave). [101] (Slovenian)
- Amy Bryzgel, Performance Art in Eastern Europe since 1960, Manchester: Manchester University Press, Feb 2017, xvii+366 pp. Introduction. Presents a history and development of performance art in the former communist countries of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe since the 1960s, covering 21 countries and 250+ artists. Companion website. Publisher. Reviews: Foerschner (H-Net), Maydanchik (SEER), Blaylock (CAA), Spieker (Slavic R), Jovićević (Modern Drama). Bryzgel 2020. [102]
- Pavle Levi, Jolted Images: Unbound Analytic, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, Oct 2017, 216 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Madina Tlostanova, Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art: Resistance and Re-Existence, Palgrave Macmillan, Feb 2017, xi+224 pp. Publisher. (English)
- My Sweet Little Lamb (Everything We See Could Also Be Otherwise), eds. What, How & for Whom/WHW and Kathrin Rhomberg, Zagreb: What, How & for Whom/WHW, 2017, 167 pp; new ed., exp., eds. Emily Pethick, Kathrin Rhomberg, What, How & for Whom/WHW, and Jill Winder, Berlin: Sternberg Press, and Vienna: Kontakt Collection, Mar 2023, 456 pp. Based on a series of exhibition episodes based on the Kontakt Collection and dedicated to the artist Mladen Stilinović, held in Zagreb, 4 Nov 2016–8 May 2017, and The Show Room, London, Jun 2017. Texts in exp. ed. by Branislav Dimitrijević, Miguel A. López, Oxana Timofeeva, Marina Vishmidt. Publisher. (English)
- Spoločné posedenie. Paralelné chronológie zhôd okolností vo východnej Európe / Sitting Together: Parallel Chronologies of Coincidences in Eastern Europe, eds. Petra Feriancová and Zsuzsa László, Bratislava: tranzit.sk, and Budapest: tranzit.hu, 2017, 25 pp. (Slovak)/(Hungarian)
- Izabel Galliera, Socially Engaged Art After Socialism: Art and Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe, I.B. Tauris, May 2017, xx+361 pp; repr., Bloomsbury, Apr 2022. Reclaiming public life from the ideologies of both communist regimes and neoliberalism, their projects have harnessed the politically subversive potential of social relations based on trust, reciprocity and solidarity. Drawing on archival material and exclusive interviews, this book traces the development of socially engaged art from the early 1990s to the present in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. Publisher. Review: Tomkova (ARTMargins). (English)
- The Other Transatlantic: Kinetic and Op Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America, eds. Marta Dziewańska, Dieter Roelstraete, and Abigail Winograd, Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2017, 358 pp. Based on 2016 conference; published on the occasion of exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 17 Nov 2017–11 Feb 2018. Texts by Dieter Roelstraete, Abigail Winograd, Marta Dziewanska, Dušan Barok, Ariel Jiménez, Andrzej Turowski, Armin Medosch, Sasha Obukhova, Anna Katherine Brodbeck, Attila Tordai-S., Waldemar Baraniewski, Daniel Garza Usabiaga, Magdalena Moskalewicz, Daniel Muzyczuk, Anindita Banerjee and Rachel Haywood Ferreira, and a section with historical texts. TOC. Project website. Publisher. Review: Quinz (Critique d'art). (English)
- Dušan Barok, Abigail Winograd, "Timeline of Events: Between Eastern Europe and Latin America", pp 32-64.
- The Travellers: Voyage and Migration in New Art from Central and Eastern Europe, ed. Magdalena Moskalewicz, Tallinn: Lugemik, 2017, 174 pp. Exh. held at Zacheta—National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, 14 May-21 Aug 2016; KUMU Art Museum, Tallinn, 25 Aug 2017-28 Jan 2018. Publisher. Editor. Roundtable. Exh. booklet (Zacheta). Exh. booklet (KUMU). (English)
- Glossary of Common Knowledge, eds. Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur, and Jesús Carrillo, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2018, 352 pp; Vol. 2, ed. Ida Hiršenfelder, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, Dec 2022, 304 pp. Glossary entries produced through seminars (2014-2022), focusing on selected referential fields: historicisation, subjectivisation, geopolitics, constituencies, commons, other-institutionality, and commons/solidarity. Vol. 1 contains 86 terms from 66 contributors, vol. 2 contains 57 terms proposed from 51 contributors. Curated by Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur and Jesús Carrillo (MNCARS) in collaboration with L’Internationale, et al. Project website (MG), Project website (L'Internationale), Log. [103] [104] [105]
- Katalin Cseh-Varga, Adam Czirak (eds.), Performance Art in the Second Public Sphere. Event-Based Art in Late Socialist Europe, London: Routledge, Feb 2018, xii+263 pp. Project website. Publisher. (English)
- Alexander Pehlemann (ed.), Warschauer Punk Pakt. Punk im Ostblock 1977-1989, Mainz: Ventil, 2018, 319 pp; new ed., exp., Apr 2023, 335 pp. Publisher. (German)
- Left Performance Histories: Recollecting Artistic Practices in Eastern Europe, eds. Judit Bodor, Adam Czirak, Astrid Hackel, Beáta Hock, Andrej Mircev, and Angelika Richter, Berlin: neue Gesellschaft für bildene Kunst (nGbK), 2018, 205 pp. Text by Kata Benedek, Judit Bodor, David Crowley, Adam Czirak, Constanze Fritzsch, Astrid Hackel, Beata Hock, Jürgen Hohmuth, Roddy Hunter, Bojana Matejić, Andrej Mirčev, Angelika Richter, Elske Rosenfeld, Heike Roms, Branka Stipančić. TOC, Introduction. Publisher. Project website. Review: Bryzgel (CAA). (German)/(English)
- Madina Tlostanova, What Does It Mean to Be Post-Soviet? Decolonial Art from the Ruins of the Soviet Empire, Duke University Press (On Decoloniality, 2), Jun 2018, 160 pp. Reviews: Emerson (ARLISNA), Coe (Visual Studies). Publisher. (English)
- Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980, eds. Martino Stierli and Vladimir Kulić, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2018, 200 pp. Exh. held 15 Jul 2018–13 Jan 2019. Publisher. Review: Bell (CAA). Exh. reviews: Wilkinson (Arch R), Farago (NYT), McGuirk (New Yorker), Glisic (ARTMargins), James (Design & Cult), Freeman (Places), Sala (Brooklyn Rail), Miljački (JSAH), Koehn (Plots).
- Art and Theory of Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe: A Critical Anthology, eds. Ana Janevski, Roxana Marcoci, and Ksenia Nouril, New York: Museum of Modern Art (Primary Documents), Aug 2018, 408 pp. Features 75 contributions, including “primary and secondary sources, including newly commissioned texts and interviews with artists.” The contributions are divided into seven thematic chapters, in the following order: I. Reckoning with History, II. Exhibiting the “East” since 1989, III. Working in and on the Archive, IV. After the Fall: Democracy and Its Discontent, V. Maintaining the Social in Postsocialism: Activist Practices and Forms of Collectivity, VI. Deconstructing Gender Discourses, VII. In a Global World.
- UMCSEET. Unearthing The Music: Creative Sound And Experimentation under European Totalitarianism 1957-1989, OUT.RA, 2018, 75 pp. Wiki database. Project website. (English)
- Andrzej Szczerski, Transformacja. Sztuka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej po 1989 roku, Cracow: Wydawnictwo UJ, Dec 2018, 314 pp. TOC. Excerpt. Publisher. Review: Maksymczak. (Polish)
- Transformation: Art in East-Central Europe after 1989, trans. Sabina Potaczek-Jasionowicz, Cracow: WUJ, Jan 2019, 258 pp. Publisher.
- The Handbook of Courage: Cultural Opposition and its Heritage in Eastern Europe, eds. Balázs Apor, Péter Apor, and Sándor Horváth, Budapest: Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dec 2018, 634 pp. Project website. Publisher.
- Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia, 9: Lost and Found Spaces: Displacements in Eastern European Art and Society in the 1990s, Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia, 2019. Publisher. Conference, 1-3 Nov 2018, [106].
talks. Conf. review: Łabowicz-Dymanus. (Estonian)/(English)
- Klara Kemp-Welch, Networking the Bloc: Experimental Art in Eastern Europe 1965-1981, MIT Press, Feb 2019, xi+468 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Nae (ARTMargins), Tomkova (H-Net), Hughes (Critique d'art). (English)
- Vladimir Kulić (ed.), Second World Postmodernisms: Architecture and Society under Late Socialism, London: Bloomsbury, Feb 2019, 272 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Southern Constellations: The Poetics of the Non-Aligned, ed. Tamara Soban, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2019, 188 pp. Exh. held MG+MSUM, Ljubljana, 7 Mar-10 Sep 2019; curated by Bojana Piškur. (Slovenian)/(English)
- Magdalena Radomska, "Transformacja w sztuce w postkomunistycznej Europie", Artium Quaestiones 29, May 2019, pp 409-435. (Polish)
- Adam Czirak (ed.), Aktionskunst jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Künstlerische Kritik in Zeiten politischer Repression, Bielefeld: transcript, Sep 2019, 242 pp. Publisher. (German)
- Artists & Agents. Performancekunst und Geheimdienste, eds. Kata Krasznahorkai and Sylvia Sasse, Leipzig: Spector Books, Nov 2019, 686 pp. Exh. held at HMKV, Dortmund, 26 Oct 2019-19 Apr 2020. Contributors: Inke Arns, Mădălina Brașoveanu, Anna Krakus, Liliana Gomez, Hristo Hristov, Kata Krasznahorkai, Tomáš Pospiszyl, Łukasz Ronduda, Sylvia Sasse, Tamás Szőnyei und Anikó Szűcs. Publisher. [107] (German)
- Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services, eds. Inke Arns, Kata Krasznahorkai, Sylvia Sasse, and HMKV, Dortmund: Kettler, 2019, 224 pp. Exh. magazine. Review: Bátorová (ArtMargins). (German)/(English)
- Uroš Cvoro, Transitional Aesthetics: Contemporary Art at the Edge of Europe, Bloomsbury, Nov 2019, 184 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Medea muckt auf. Radikale Künstlerinnen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang / The Medea Insurrection: Radical Women Artists behind the Iron Curtain, eds. Suzanne Altmann, Katarina Lozo, and Hilke Wagner, Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, and Dresden: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 2019, 256 pp. Texts by Susanne Altmann, Agata Jakubowska, Katalin Krasznahorkai, Emese Kürti, Katarina Lozo & Ramona Novicov. Exh. held at Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 8 Dec 2018–31 Mar 2019; The Wende Museum, The Armory, Culver City, California, 9 Nov 2019–5 Apr 2020. [108] (German)/(English)
- Kapitál 11: "Postsocializmus", eds. Dominik Želinský and Matej Sotník, Bratislava, Nov 2019. (Slovak)
- Beata Hock, Klara Kemp-Welch, Jonathan Owen (eds.), A Reader in East-Central European Modernism, 1918-1956, London: Courtauld Books Online, Dec 2019, 432 pp, PDFs, HTML. Review: Drobe (Craace). (English)
- Bogumiła Suwara, Mariusz Pisarski (eds.), Remediation: Crossing Discursive Boundaries: Central European Perspective, Berlin: Peter Lang, and Bratislava: Veda, 2019, 368 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Łukasz Stanek, Architecture in Global Socialism: Eastern Europe, West Africa, and the Middle East in the Cold War, Princeton University Press, Jan 2020, 368 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Bojana Videkanić, Nonaligned Modernism: Socialist Postcolonial Aesthetics in Yugoslavia, 1945-1985, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, Feb 2020, 304 pp. Based on PhD thesis (2013). Publisher. Podcast. Interview. Reviews: Leboš (ARTMargins), Filipovic (H-Socialisms), Bobic (Slavic R), Drosos (RACAR), Kulic (U Toronto Quarterly), Popović (Balkanologie), Jagdhuhn (Connections). (English)
- Maja Fowkes, Reuben Fowkes, Central and Eastern European Art Since 1950, London: Thames & Hudson, Mar 2020, 232 pp. Introduction. Publisher. Reviews: Nae (ARTMargins), Rousseva (CAA), Schultz (Art Monthly), Placáková (Artportal.hu), Placáková (Artalk.cz, CZ). (English)
- Vít Havránek, Tereza Stejskalová (eds.), Pojď blíž: antologie textů k bienále. Ve věci umění 2020, Prague: tranzit.cz
, 2020, 296 pp. Exh. held in Prague, 22 Jul 2020 — 15 Nov 2020. Guidebook. Publisher. (Czech)
- Come Closer: The Biennale Reader. Matter of Art 2020, Prague: tranzit.cz , 2020, 296 pp. Exhibition. Guidebook. Publisher. Distributor. (English)
- Kristian Lukic, "Naratív Európy v kontexte internetového umenia a aktivizmu v 90. rokoch medzi Východom a Západom", Flash Art CZ/SK 57, Sep-Nov 2020, [109] (Slovak)
- "The narrative of “Europe” in Internet art practice & activism in the 90s between the East and the West", Flash Art CZ/SK, Nov 2020. (English)
- Corinna Kühn, Medialisierte Körper. Performances und Aktionen der Neoavantgarden Ostmitteleuropas in den 1970er Jahren, Vienna: Böhlau, Sep 2020, 324 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Renz (ArtMargins), Drobe (Art East Central). (German)
- Beate Störtkuhl, Rafał Makała (eds.), Nicht nur Bauhaus – Netzwerke der Moderne in Mitteleuropa / Not Just Bauhaus – Networks of Modernity in Central Europe, Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, Oct 2020, 400 pp. Publisher. Review: Secklehner (Art East Central). (German),(English)
- Octavian Esanu (ed.), Contemporary Art and Capitalist Modernization: A Transregional Perspective, Routledge, Oct 2020, 304 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Doing Performance Art History. Perspectives of Actors and Observers, eds. Sandra Frimmel, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Katalin Krasznahorkai, Nastasia Louveau, Dorota Sajewska, and Sylvia Sasse, Apparatus, Oct 2020. (English)
- Alina Șerban, Daniel Grúň (eds.), Unpaged. How to Revisit History from a Plural Perspective?, Bucharest: Institute of the Present, 2020. From private inventory to open archives: archival turn in art history of Eastern Europe and Latin America. (English)
- Marko Ilić, A Slow Burning Fire: The Rise of the New Art Practice in Yugoslavia, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Feb 2021, 384 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Rounthwaite (ArtMargins), Jurich (Afterimage), Wetzler (Art in America), Smith (CAA), Drosos (Critique d'art), Bryzgel (Art J Open), Arbuthnot (Oxford Art J). (English)
- Jorge Munnshe, "Electronic Music in Eastern Europe", pt 1: USSR, pt 2: Russia, pt 3: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, pt 4: Hungary, pt 5: Czechoslovakia, pt 6: Poland, East Germany, pt 7, Amazing Sounds, n.d. (English)
- Katja Praznik, Art Work: Invisible Labour and the Legacy of Yugoslav Socialism, University of Toronto Press, Jun 2021, 217 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Kulić (Critique d'art), Webster (Cult Soc). [110] (English)
- Delo umetnosti. Nevidno delo in zapuščina jugoslovanskega socializma, Ljubljana: Maska, 2023. Publisher. (Slovenian)
- Philipp Schorch, Daniel Habit (eds.), Curating (Post-)Socialist Environments, Bielefeld: transcript, Jun 2021, 344 pp. OAPEN. Distributor. [111] (English)
- 90e: Ožiljci / 90s: Scars, ed. Janka Vukmir, Rijeka: Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, 2021, 92 pp. Exh. held at MMSU Rijeka, 27 Jul–3 Oct 2021; curated by Janka Vukmir.
documentation from the 90s. 90 texts from the 90s. Bibliography. Conference: Scars: Reflections on Art and Society in Central-East Europe in the 1990s, online, 9-10 Jul 2021. Interview with curator (Balkon). [112] [113] (Croatian)/(English)
- Emese Kürti, Zsuzsa László (eds.), What Will Be Already Exists: Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East-Central Europe and Beyond, Bielefeld: transcript, Sep 2021, 196 pp. Addresses the challenge of continuity, sustainability, and institutionalization of archives established by Eastern European artists. At its center stands the 40th anniversary of the Artpool Art Research Center founded in 1979 in Budapest. (English)
- Mateusz Sapija, "Conceptualizing Exhibitions as Sociopolitical Research: An Analysis of European Exhibition Practices of the 1990s", The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture 3, Sep 2021, pp 193-211. (English)
- Nikdy sme neboli bližšie / We Have Never Been Closer, eds. Dušan Barok and Ivana Rumanová, Bratislava: tranzit.sk, Nov 2021, xl pp. Exh. held 24 Nov 2021-25 Mar 2022. Materials. (Slovak)/(English)
- Octavian Esanu, The Postsocialist Contemporary: The Institutionalization of Artistic Practice in Eastern Europe after 1989, Manchester University Press, Nov 2021, 288 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Galliera (JCCEE), Isto (CAA), Nagy (East Central Europe). (English)
- CENSE Almanac: Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies, eds. Miloš Vojtěchovský and Lloyd Dunn, CENSE, Nov 2021, 80 pp. (English)
- Black Box East: Toolbox for the Analysis of Post-“Communist” Societies as Laboratories of Capitalist Globalization, eds. Magdalena Taube and Krystian Woznicki, Berliner Gazette, 2021. Research project. (English)/(German)
- Jasmina Tumbas, "I am Jugoslovenka!": Feminist Performance Politics During and After Yugoslav Socialism, Manchester: Manchester University Press, Feb 2022, 344 pp. Publisher. Podcast (Cibic, Ostojić, Tumbas, Videkanić). Reviews: Bryzgel (Art J Open), Szymanek (CAA), Blackwood (Art Monthly), Dolečki (rezens.tfm), Jakiša (Comp Southeast Eur Stud), Walter. (English)
- Ksenya Gurshtein, Sonja Simonyi (eds.), Experimental Cinemas in State-Socialist Eastern Europe, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, Apr 2022, 334 pp. TOC. Publisher. Review: Máté (SEEC). [114] (English)
- Rado Ištok, Piotr Sikora, Renan Laru-an, Tereza Stejskalová (eds.), Měkká místa. Bienále Ve věci umění 2022, Prague: tranzit.cz, 2022, 328 pp. Exh. held in Prague, 21 Jul – 23 Oct 2022. Guidebook. Publisher. (Czech)
- Soft Spots. Biennale Matter of Art 2022, Prague: tranzit.cz, 2022, 328 pp. Exhibition. Guidebook. Publisher. (English)
- Agnieszka Chmielewska, Irena Kossowska, Marcin Lachowski (eds.), State Construction and Art in East Central Europe, 1918-2018, Routledge, Sep 2022, xvi+300 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Aaron Moulton, The Influencing Machine / Maszyna wpływu, Warsaw: Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Nov 2022, 212 pp. Exh. cat. Commissioned web-based work by Sara Bezovšek. Publisher. Book launch (video). Exh. review: Hock (JCCEE). (English)/(Polish)
- New Media Museums: Collecting and Preserving Media Arts, ed. Dušan Barok with Jakub Frank, Olomouc: Olomouc Museum of Art, 2022, 257 pp, PDF. Project website. (English)
- Die Sonne nie swieci tak jak słońce / Die Sonne Does Not Shine the Same as Słońce, ed. Jakub Gakowski, Szczecin: TRAFO Trafostacja Sztuki, 2022, 170 pp. Exhibition. (Polish)/(English)}
- НА чија страна си?: за неврзаната деколонијална констелација: меѓународна групна изложба и јавна програ / Which Side Are You On? On the Non-Aligned Decolonial Constellation, ed. Ivana Vaseva (Ивана Васева), Skopje: Faculty of things that can’t be learned, 2023, 205 pp. Texts by Ivana Vaseva, Bojana Piškur. Exh. held at MG+MSUM, Ljubljana, 24 Nov-16 Dec 2022; curated by Bojana Piškur and Ivana Vaseva. (Serbian)/(English)
- Paul Stubbs (ed.), Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, Jan 2023, xiv+393 pp. (English)
- Andres Kurg, Mari Laanemets, Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture without Borders, 1960s–1980s, Tallinn: Lugemik, 2023, 400 pp. Publisher. Exh. held at the Estonian Museum of Architecture, 20 Jan–30 Apr 2023. Exh. booklet (64 pp). (English)
- Antje Kempe, Beáta Hock, Marina Dmitrieva (eds.), Universal – International – Global. Art Historiographies of Socialist Eastern Europe, Vienna/Cologne: Böhlau, Jan 2023, 317 pp. TOC, Introduction. Review: Bátorová (Sešit). (English)
- Beáta Hock, "Evolving Networks: International Sponsors of Post-Socialist Art Scenes", Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 31:1, Feb 2023, pp 95-108, PDF. (English)
- Vaje v zbirki / Exercises in a Collection, ed. Bojana Piškur, Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 2023, 64 pp. Exh. held 28 Feb-4 Jun 2023. [115] (Slovenian)/(English)
- Ana Vilenica (ed.), Decoloniality in Eastern Europe: A Lexicon of Reorientation, Novi Sad: kuda.org, Mar 2023, 157 pp. Based on a series of webinars held 2022. Texts: Ana Vilenica, Ana Sladojević, Piro Rexhepi, Čarna Brković, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Manuela Boatcă, Zhivka Valiavicharska, Bojana Videkanić, Veda Popovici, Ivana Pražić, Danijela Majstorović, Jelena Savić, Emina Bužinkić, Łukasz Stanek, Erin McElroy, Zoltán Ginelli, Olivera Jokić. Publisher. (English)
- Edit András, Határsértő képzelet. Kortárs művészet és kritikai elmélet Európa keleti felén, Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Művészettörténeti Intézet, Apr 2023, 334 pp. Book launch. (Hungarian)
- Kulturní převlékání. Umění na troskách socialismu a na vrcholcích nacionalismu, trans. Róbert Svoboda, intro. Jan Zálešák, Hradec Králové: Galerie moderního umění, Dec 2023, 344 pp. Partial trans. of Kulturális átöltözés (2009) and Határsértő képzelet. Kortárs művészet és kritikai elmélet Európa keleti felén (2023). Publisher. Book launch. [116] (Czech)
- Flashback: Hermit 1992–1999, eds. Miloš Vojtěchovský and Jakub Frank, Olomouc: Olomouc Museum of Art, 2023, 267 pp. Publisher, [117]. Exh. held 4 May-17 Sep 2023. (Czech)/(English)
- Masha Shpolberg, Lukas Brasiskis (eds.), Cinema and the Environment in Eastern Europe: From Communism to Capitalism, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, Oct 2023, 321 pp. Publisher. Screening. [118] (English)
- Multiple Realities: Experimental Art in the Eastern Bloc, 1960s–1980s, ed. Pavel S. Pyś, Minneapolis, MN: Walker Art Center, 2023, 408 pp. Introduction. TOC. Publisher. Exh. held at Walker Art Center, 11 Nov 2023-10 Mar 2024; Phoenix Art Museum, 17 Apr−15 Sep 2024; Vancouver Art Gallery, 13 Dec 2024−21 Apr 2025. Opening panel discussion (105m). Curator's talk (42m). Exh. reviews: Farago (NYT), Snodgrass (Artforum), Blaylock (ARTMargins), Plagens (WSJ), Wetzler (Apollo), Greenberger (Art in America), Duray (Observer), ArtRevue.cz. [119] [120] (English)
- Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny / Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones 35, Prague: VVP AVU, 2023, 208 pp. Based on the Resonances conference series, 2022-2023. Publisher. (English)
- Sven Spieker, Art and Demonstration: A Revolutionary Recasting of Knowledge, MIT Press, Feb 2024, EPUB. Reconceives the history of postwar art in Eastern and Western Europe from the perspective of demonstration, understood formally (as a technique for showing and pointing) as well as politically (as protest, resistance, etc.) Publisher, [121]. (English)
- ArtMargins: "Regional Resonances: In Search of the Transnational in Central East European Art of the 1970s", ed. Zsuzsa László, 2024. Special issue. Contributions by Hana Buddeus, Emese Kürti, Zsuzsa László, Małgorzata Miśniakewicz, Cristian Nae, and Alina Șerban. Project. (English)
- Julia Allerstorfer, Karolina Majewska-Güde, Monika Leisch-Kiesl (eds.), East Central European Art Histories and Austria: Imperial Pasts - Neoliberal Presences - Decolonial Futures, Bielefeld: transcript, Jun 2024, 418 pp. Publisher. Distributor.
- Júlia Perczel, Balazs Vedres, "Careers in the global art field: Geo-capital and globalizer venues in the consecration of Central-Eastern European artists", Poetics 108: "Mapping relational structures in culture", Feb 2025.
- Denisa Tomková, Empowering Aesthetics: Contemporary Art from Post-Socialist Central Europe, Bloomsbury, Apr 2025, 200 pp. Publisher.
- A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in Eastern Europe, Brill, forthcoming. [122] (English)
See also local features on avant-garde, modernism, experimental art, media culture and social practice in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, GDR, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosova, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and summary page with Central and Eastern Europe Bibliography.
Writers, historians, theorists, critics[edit]
- Jaroslav Anděl (1949), conceptual artist, photographer, art historian, curator, and pedagogue
- Judit Angel, art historian, curator and director of tranzit.sk
- Corina L. Apostol (1984), curator, assistant professor of social practice in contemporary art and culture at U Amsterdam and co-founder of ArtLeaks
- Inke Arns (1968), curator and director of HMKV Dortmund
- Ieva Astahovska, art scholar, critic, and curator
- Zdenka Badovinac, curator, writer and director of Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb
- Ivana Bago (1979), scholar, writer and curator
- Zbyněk Baladrán (1973), visual artist, curator and exhibition designer
- Flóra Barkóczi, art historian and researcher at Artpool
- Dušan Barok (1979), artist, writer and editor of Monoskop
- Anežka Bartlová (1988), art historian and critic
- Milena Bartlová (1958), art historian
- László Beke (1944-2022), art historian and curator
- Mária Beňačková Rišková (1974), curator, editor and design scholar
- BLOK, curatorial collective
- Barbara Borčić (1954), art historian and director of SCCA-Ljubljana
- Sezgin Boynik (1977), sociologist, art theorist and chief editor of Rab-Rab Press
- Amy Bryzgel, researcher on contemporary art and professor at Northeastern U
- Boris Buden (1958), philosopher, translator and cultural theorist
- Magda Cârneci (1955), poet, prose writer, art essayist and translator
- Lucie Česálková (1983), associate professor of film studies at Charles U Prague and editor at Národní filmový archiv
- Jindřich Chalupecký (1910-1990), art critic and art historian
- Vasyl Cherepanyn (1980), philosopher and head of Visual Culture Research Center Kyiv
- Sebastian Cichocki (1975), chief curator at MSN Warsaw
- Cosmin Costinaş, curator
- David Crowley (1966), cultural historian
- Jozef Cseres (1961), artist, curator, lecturer and publisher
- Branka Ćurčić (1977), writer and art critic
- Katarzyna Cytlak (1979), art historian
- Nina Czegledy, media artist, curator and writer
- Ješa Denegri (1936), critic and art historian
- Branislav Dimitrijević (1967), art historian, curator and professor of history and theory of art at Nova Academia Belgrade
- Valie Djordjevic, editor at iRights.infos and moderator at Faces
- Lenka Dolanová (1979), art historian and curator
- Tomáš Dvořák (1975), theorist and media historian
- Marta Dziewańska, curator at KANAL — Centre Pompidou Brussels
- Lina Džuverović, curator and lecturer at Chelsea College of Art London
- Aleš Erjavec (1951), research advisor at ZRC SAZU Institute of Philosophy Ljubljana and retired professor of aesthetics at U Ljubljana
- Octavian Eşanu (1966), artist, curator and critic
- Palo Fabuš (1983), critic and theorist
- Vilém Flusser (1920-1991), media philosopher
- Éva Forgács (1947), art historian, critic, and curator
- Maja Fowkes, art historian, curator and co-director of Post-socialist Art Centre at UCL London
- Reuben Fowkes (1971), art historian, curator and co-director of Post-socialist Art Centre at UCL London
- Jakub Frank (1993), art historian and curator at Olomouc Museum of Art
- Darko Fritz (1966), artist, curator, researcher and graphic designer
- Agnes Gagyi, sociologist and researcher at U Gothenburg
- Jana Geržová, art historian and chief editor of Profil
- Lucia Gregorová Stach (1975), art historian and chief curator at Slovak National Gallery
- Marina Gržinić (1958), philosopher, theoretician and artist
- Daniel Grúň (1977), art historian, curator, writer, art critic and assistant professor of art theory and history at VŠVU Bratislava
- Ksenya Gurshtein, curator at Ulrich Museum of Art
- Petra Hanáková (1974), art historian and curator of other media at Slovak National Gallery
- Vít Havránek (1971), art historian, curator and vice dean at AVU Prague
- Maria Hlavajova, general and artistic director of BAK Utrecht
- Dóra Hegyi, art historian, curator, critic and director of tranzit.hu
- Ágnes Heller (1929-2019), philosopher and lecturer, core member of Budapest School philosophical forum in the 1960s
- Beáta Hock, researcher
- Hanna B. Hölling, research professor at BFH Bern
- Zuzana Husárová, researcher, author of electronic literature, pedagogue and editor of Glosolália
- Marko Ilić, art historian and lecturer at U Oxford
- Rado Ištok, writer, editor and curator of modern and contemporary art at National Gallery Prague
- Agata Jakubowska, art historian and professor at U Warsaw
- Ana Janevski (1976), curator of media and performance at MoMA New York
- Václav Janoščík (1985), pedagogue, theorist and curator
- Vladan Joler (1977), researcher, artist and professor of new media at U Novi Sad
- Klara Kemp-Welch, art historian and reader in 20th century modernism at Courtauld London
- Denisa Kera (1974), philosopher and designer
- Mira Keratová (1977), art historian and curator
- Ladislav Kesner (1961), senior researcher at Center for Advanced Studies of Brain and Consciousness and lecturer of art history and theory at MUNI Brno
- Ryszard Kluszczyński (1952), professor of cultural and media studies at U Lodz
- Vida Knežević (1980), art historian, curator, cultural worker and member of Kontekst Collective
- Ján Kralovič (1984), art historian and lecturer in art history and theory at VŠVU Bratislava
- Slávo Krekovič (1977), sound artist, musicologist, curator, organiser and editor of 3/4
- Julia Kristeva (1941), philosopher, literary critic, psychoanalyst, sociologist, feminist and novelist
- Kateřina Krtilová (1979), media philosopher
- Barbora Kundračíková, assistant professor of art history at Palacký U Olomouc and head of modern art collections at Museum of Art Olomouc-SEFO
- Emese Kürti (1976), art historian, art critic and researcher
- Marika Kuźmicz, art historian, dean of Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies at ASP Warsaw, founder of Arton Foundation
- Zsuzsa László, researcher, curator and deputy head at KEMKI Budapest
- Lukáš Likavčan (1991), philosopher and postdoctoral fellow at NYU Shanghai
- Johana Lomová, assistant professor of theory and history of art at UMPRUM Prague
- Yuri Lotman (1922-1993), literary scholar, semiotician and cultural historian
- Jerzy Ludwiński (1930-2000), art historian, critic, curator and founder of Mona Lisa Gallery
- Kristian Lukić (1974), curator, artist and researcher
- Václav Magid (1979), artist, curator and writer
- Antonia Majaca, art historian and theorist
- Roxana Marcoci, curator of photography at MoMA New York
- Marcell Mars (1972), free software advocate, cultural explorer, social instigator and member of Mama Zagreb
- Radislav Matuštík (1929-2006), art historian, pedagogue and critic
- Diana McCarty, media producer, feminist media activist and co-founder of reboot.fm and Faces
- Ivan Mečl (1968), artist, critic and organiser
- Tomislav Medak, researcher, organiser and member of Mama
- Armin Medosch (1962-2017), artist, curator, theorist and critic
- Suzana Milevska (1961), art historian and theorist of visual culture
- Stefan Morawski (1921-2014), philosopher and historian of aesthetics
- Pavlína Morganová (1974), art historian and head of AVU Research Centre
- Magdalena Moskalewicz, art historian, curator and author
- Edi Muka, art critic and curator
- Michal Murin (1963), artist, writer and editor of Profil
- Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, curator and art historian
- Boris Ondreička (1969), curator, artist and artistic director of viennacontemporary
- Mária Orišková (1952), art historian
- Melentie Pandilovski (1963), art director, curator, art historian and phenomenologist
- Krisztina Passuth (1937), art historian
- Bojana Pejić (1948), curator, art historian and lecturer
- Ana Peraica, media theorist
- Miklós Peternák (1956), writer, lecturer, film/video artist and head of Intermedia Department
- Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (1976), curator, editor and writer
- Piotr Piotrowski (1952-2015), art historian and curator
- Bojana Piškur, art historian and senior curator at Moderna galerija Ljubljana
- Tjaša Pogačar, curator, co-founder and chief editor of Šum
- Marek Pokorný, critic, curator of contemporary art and director of PLATO Ostrava
- Tomáš Pospiszyl (1967), art historian, critic and curator
- Katja Praznik, associate professor at SUNY Buffalo
- Lýdia Pribišová, curator and art historian
- Jovita Pristovšek, associate professor at AVA Ljubljana
- Noemi Purkrábková, media theorist, art writer, curator, DJ and co-founder of BCAAsystem
- Pavel Pyś, curator of visual arts at Walker Art Center Minneapolis
- Oleksiy Radynski, filmmaker, writer and participant at Visual Culture Research Center Kyiv
- Anna Remešová, art writer
- Łukasz Ronduda (1976), art historian and curator
- Ivana Rumanová, cultural critic, cultural worker and anthropologist
- Katarína Rusnáková (1959), curator, art theorist and historian
- Georg Schöllhammer (1958), curator, writer and editor of springerin
- Keiko Sei, writer, curator and advocate of independent media
- Dubravka Sekulić, architect, researcher and senior tutor at RCA London
- Alina Șerban (1978), art historian, art writer, curator and editor
- Karol Sienkiewicz (1980), art critic and historian
- Eva Skopalová, theorist and curator of modern and contemporary art at National Gallery Prague
- Jan Sowa (1976), social theorist, researcher and associate professor at Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw
- Igor Španjol (1972), curator at Moderna galerija Ljubljana
- Dejan Sretenović (1962), art historian and curator
- Tereza Stejskalová (1981), curator, researcher and director of tranzit.cz
- Branka Stipančić (1953), art historian, curator and editor
- Tomáš Štrauss (1931-2013), art historian
- János Sugár (1958), artist, filmmaker and founding member of Media Research Foundation
- Miško Šuvaković (1954), theorist, aesthetician, artist, curator, and professor of theory of art, culture, and aesthetics
- Kateřina Svatoňová (1978), film and media theorist, head of film studies at Charles U Prague
- Bálint Szombathy (1950), artist, writer, editor, art organiser and founding member of Bosch+Bosch
- Kuba Szreder (1977), lecturer in art theory at Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw
- Aneta Szyłak (1959-2013), curator, art theorist, institution maker and writer
- Gáspár Miklós Tamás (1948-2023), marxist-anarcho-syndicalist philosopher and public intellectual
- Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu (1976), philosopher and cultural theorist
- Denisa Tomková, assistant professor of art theory at Charles U Prague
- Ondřej Trhoň (1993), writer, cultural critic and game artist
- Jasmina Tumbas, associate professor of contemporary art history and performance studies at SUNY Buffalo
- Lucia Udvardyová, music journalist, curator and organiser
- Jiří Valoch (1946), art historian, curator, artist and poet
- Guy van Belle, experimental artist, musician and writer
- Jelena Vesić, curator, writer and lecturer
- Bojana Videkanić (1977), artist, curator and an art historian
- Ana Vilenica, urban researcher, art theoretician and post-doc fellow at DIST Torino
- Raluca Voinea (1978), curator, art critic, co-director of tranzit.org and co-editor of IDEA
- Miloš Vojtěchovský (1955), art historian, art theorist and pedagogue
- Lioudmila Voropai (1975), philosopher, media theorist, artist, curator and interim professor for art research and media theory at HfG Karlsruhe
- Vesna Vuković (1976), curator, researcher in the field of socially engaged art and member of BLOK.
- Joanna Warsza (1976), curator, editor, writer and program director of CuratorLab at Konstfack U Arts Stockholm
- What, How & for Whom / WHW, curatorial collective and artistic directors of Kunsthalle Wien
- Aga Wielocha, researcher, collection care professional and postdoctoral fellow at BFH Bern
- Igor Zabel (1958-2005), art historian, curator, writer, critic and translator
- Jan Zálešák (1979), curator, pedagogue, art critic and head of dept of theory and art history at FaVU Brno
- Slavoj Žižek (1949), marxist philosopher and cultural critic
For more artists, see Central and Eastern Europe.
Cities alternative base |
Belgrade, Berlin, Bratislava, Brno, Bucharest, Budapest, Kyiv, Ljubljana, Lviv, Prague, Riga, Warsaw, Zagreb |
Full list | ||
Banja Luka, Banská Bystrica, Belgrade, Berlin, Bratislava, Brno, Bucharest, Budapest, Chemnitz, Cluj, Dresden, Dubrovnik, Galanta, Gdansk, Halle, Katowice, Kaunas, Kharkiv, Korčula, Košice, Krakow, Kyiv, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Lodz, Lübeck, Lublin, Lugansk, Lviv, Maribor, Michalovce, Mooste, Mostar, Nida, Nitra, Nové Zámky, Novigrad, Novi Sad, Olomouc, Oradea, Osijek, Ostrava, Pécs, Perast, Plovdiv, Plzeň, Podgorica, Považská Bystrica, Poznan, Prague, Prešov, Prishtina, Pula, Riga, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Split, Szczecin, Szeged, Tallin, Tbilisi, Timisoara, Tirana, Ústí nad Labem, Velika Gorica, Vilnius, Warsaw, Weimar, Wroclaw, Zagreb, Zambrow, Zlín |
This section brings together resources on East Central Europe from across the Monoskop wiki and Log. Currently focused on the visual arts, it will gradually expand to other areas. First published on 5 January 2024. Thanks to all contributors.
Visual art | ||
Movements – 1990s – East Central Europe – Writers – Historians – Care – Museums – References. |