Igor Markovic

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Journalist, critic. He specializes in media theory and radical critique on cyberculture.

In Arkzin magazine, has was the editor of "Fractal" column since 1996, presenting the translations of key texts of media theory (Arkzin wrote about the Dutch group Agentur Bilwet, cyberfeminism theory, work of Slovenian net-clubs Ljudmila and Kiberpipa, festivals such as Next 5 Minutes, Ars Electronica, Venice Biennale, art groups and artists such as Critical Art Ensemble, 01.org, Stelarc and Ivan Marusic. Furthermore, translations of texts written by theoreticians such as Geert Lovink, Andreas Broeckmann, Hakim Bey, Richard Dawkins, Peter Weibel, Mark Dery, Mark Terkessidis were published).