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Hudebník a architekt. Hrál(v osmdesátých a na začátku devadesátých let) v různých skupinách a účastnil se rozmanitých hudebních projektů. Absolvoval mnoho koncertů se skupinou "Sledě, živé sledě". V současnosti je členem ambi(val)entního dua "Tílko" (s Jennifer Helia DeFelice) a audiovizuálního improvizačního dua "Koberce, záclony" (s Filipem Cenkem). Vede si zvukový deník ze svých cest - zaznamenává útržky příběhů, podivné zvuky a rozmanité "akustické chyby". Od roku 2002 se věnuje volné improvizaci a rád se zúčastňuje krátkodobých projektů (spolupráce s duem Cremaster, Ruth Barberán a Margaridou Garcia, Willem Guthriem, Andreou Neumann ad.), stejně jako rád hraje sám. Od roku 2005 se jeho hlavní zálibou stalo "dolování" zvuků z amplifikovaného jednolůžkového pletacího stroje Dopleta 160. Jako architekt se zajímá o architekturu bez "stavění", sociologické metody v projektování a morfogenetické mapy v digitální architektuře.
Born 1967. Musician and architect. Has played with various groups and taken part in several music projects. He was a member of the guitar/doublebass/bassoon group "Sledě, živé sledě" (Herring, live herring) - and currently performes in a duo called "Tílko" (Singlet) with Jennifer Helia DeFelice and audiovisual project of [[Carpets Curtains]] with [[Filip Cenek]]. "Writes" a sound diary from all his journeys - collects excerpts of stories, wierd sounds and various acoustic mistakes. Likes to take part in one-shot improvisational groups or duos (with Cremaster, Ruth Barberán and Margarida Garcia, Will Guthrie, Andrea Neumann) as well as playing solo performances. As an architect he is interested in architecture without "building", sociological methods in designing a morphogenetic maps in digital architecture. In 2009 he established a label UCEROZ and till now he released two albums with his most favourite collaborators. With [[Peter Graham]] they started duo [[Palagrachio]]. Lives in [[Brno]].
; Interviews
* Pavel Klusák: Interview with Ivan Palacký. In: His Voice, 6/2005. http://www.fiume.cz/palacky/texty%20cv/palacky_rozhovor_cz.rtf (Czech)

Latest revision as of 14:36, 7 September 2011

Born 1967. Musician and architect. Has played with various groups and taken part in several music projects. He was a member of the guitar/doublebass/bassoon group "Sledě, živé sledě" (Herring, live herring) - and currently performes in a duo called "Tílko" (Singlet) with Jennifer Helia DeFelice and audiovisual project of Carpets Curtains with Filip Cenek. "Writes" a sound diary from all his journeys - collects excerpts of stories, wierd sounds and various acoustic mistakes. Likes to take part in one-shot improvisational groups or duos (with Cremaster, Ruth Barberán and Margarida Garcia, Will Guthrie, Andrea Neumann) as well as playing solo performances. As an architect he is interested in architecture without "building", sociological methods in designing a morphogenetic maps in digital architecture. In 2009 he established a label UCEROZ and till now he released two albums with his most favourite collaborators. With Peter Graham they started duo Palagrachio. Lives in Brno.

