Lettrist International

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The Lettrist International (or Letterist International; LI) was a Paris-based collective of radical artists and theorists between 1952 and 1957. It was created by Guy Debord as a schism from Isidore Isou's Lettrist group. The group went on to join others in forming the Situationist International, taking some key techniques and ideas with it.


(in French)

  • Ion, 1 issue, April 1952.
  • Internationale lettriste, 4 numbers, Paris, Dec 1952-Jun 1954.
  • Guy Debord, "Les environs de Fresnes (1952-1953)", in Debord, Enregistrements magnétiques, Paris: Gallimard, 2010.
  • Visages de l’avant-garde 1953: Internationale lettriste, Paris: Jean-Paul Rocher, 2010. Text from the LI that recalls the adventures of the lettrists between 1945 to February 1953, first published 2010.
  • Patrick Straram, Les bouteilles se couchent [1953], Paris: Allia, 2006. Semi-fictionalised contemporary account of the scene, written in 1953 but lost until recently.
  • Potlatch: bulletin d'information de groupe français de l'Internationale lettriste, later Potlatch: bulletin d'information de l'Internationale lettriste, 29 numbers (28 issues), Paris, 22 Jun 1954-5 Nov 1957; new ed., augm., Paris: Champ Libre, 1985; Paris: Gallimard, 1996. [1]
  • Les Lèvres Nues, 12 numbers, Brussels, 1954-58; facs., Paris: Plasma, 1978; Paris: Allia, 1999.
  • Ed Van der Elsken, Love on the Left Bank, 1956; repr., Stockport: Dewi Lewis Publishing, 1999. Ed van der Elsken was a Dutch photographer, who captured the scene around Moineau's during the period. Included among the people depicted in this book are a few members and associates of the LI (particularly Mension and Papaï).
  • Guy Debord, "Histoire de l'Internationale lettriste (1956)", in Debord, Enregistrements magnétiques, Paris: Gallimard, 2010.
  • Documents relatifs à la fondation de l'Internationale situationniste, 1948-1957, Paris: Allia, 1985.
  • Guy Debord, Le marquis de Sade a des yeux de fille, Paris: Fayard, 2004. Correspondence between Debord, Hervé Falcou and Ivan Chtcheglov in the early 1950s.
English translations


(in French unless noted)


See also
