Libreria delle Donne

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Libreria delle Donne di Milano.jpg

The Libreria delle Donne has existed since 1975. From its historical location in Via Dogana 2, it moved to Via Pietro Calvi 29, Milan. The Libreria delle Donne is a composite political reality on the move: it has its own publications and an online magazine, Via Dogana, it organises meetings, political discussions, film screenings, has a fund of out-of-print and unobtainable texts, and is a meeting centre for many women and men too. Of course it sells books, also by mail. The organisation is very light, reduced to a minimum. The most important things are invented, decided and changed through direct relations, not by voting. It is a feminist enterprise that does not claim equality, but, on the contrary, says that the difference of women is there and we cherish it, cultivate it through the practice of relationships and through attention to poetry, literature, philosophy. The Bookshop is a place for discussion, or rather it is essentially a political place, the way we understand politics. Nothing to do with institutions, parties or homogenous groups. We call it politics of starting from oneself; it comes from reflecting on the experience each one has, from being together in a women's enterprise but also in the world, and it is based on relationships. But in what we are there is something that cannot be written anywhere, something that cannot be reduced to what can be expressed in words, because you have to be there to experience it. (2025)


  • Le madri di tutte noi (Catalogo giallo) [The Mothers of Us All (Yellow Catalogue)], 1982. An anthology of female writers: Jane Austen, Sylvia Plath, the Brontës, Elsa Morante, Gertrude Stein, Anna Kavan, Ingeborg Bachmann, Virginia Woolf and Ivy Compton-Burnett.

About Libreria delle Donne

  • Alex Martinis Roe, To Become Two: Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice, Berlin: Archive Books, with Bolzano: ar/ge kunst, Utrecht: Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Amsterdam: If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution, and London: The Showroom, 2018. Author. Publisher. (English)


  • A story from Circolo della rosa, dir. Alex Martinis Roe, 2014, 8 min. [5]
