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* Carla L. Keyvanian, ''[http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/13110/26387004.pdf Manfredo Tafuri's notion of history and its methodological sources : from Walter Benjamin to Roland Barthes]'', MIT, 1992. Master thesis.
'''Manfredo Tafuri''' (Rome, 1935 – Venice, 1994) was an Italian architect, historian, theoretician, critic and academic. He was one of the most important architectural historian of the second half of the 20th century.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfredo_Tafuri
* ''L'architettura moderna in Giappone'', Bologna: Cappelli, 1964, 174 pp. {{it}}
* ''Ludovico Quaroni e lo sviluppo dell'architettura moderna in Italia'', Milan: Comunità, 1964, 212 pp. {{it}}
* ''Teorie e storia dell'architettura'', Bari: Laterza, 1968, 358 pp; 2nd ed., 1970; 3rd ed., 1973; 4th ed., 1976; 5th ed., 1980; 1986; 1988. {{it}}
** ''Teoría e historia de la arquitectura: hacia una nueva concepción del espacio arquitectónico'', Barcelona: Laia, 1970, 287+83 pp; 2nd ed., 1977; Madrid: Celeste, 1997, 393 pp. {{es}}
** ''Theories and History of Architecture'', trans. G. Verrecchia, London: Granada, 1976, 324 pp; New York: Harper & Row, 1976; 1980. Of 4th ed. [http://aaaaarg.fail/ref/eb4d7f136c0de487417a30fec28de4c4#0.01 Ch 4: "Operative Criticism"]. {{en}}
** ''Théories et histoire de l'architecture'', trans. Jean-Patrick Fortin and François Laisney, afterw. Hubert Damisch, Paris: SADG, 1976, xiii+397 pp. Of 4th ed. {{fr}}
** ''Teorias e história da arquitectura'', trans. Ana de Brito and Luis Leitão, Lisbon: Presença, 1979, 275 pp; São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1979, 275 pp; 2nd ed., 1988. {{pt}}
* ''Il concorso per i nuovi uffici della Camera dei deputati: un bilancio dell'architettura italiana'', Rome: Edizioni universitarie italiane, 1968, 147 pp. {{it}}
* ''Jacopo Sansovino e l'architettura del '500 a Venezia'', Padova: Marsilio, 1969, 166 pp; new ed., 1972. {{it}}
* ''L'architettura dell'Umanesimo'', Bari: Laterza, 1969, 402 pp; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1976; 4th ed., 1980. {{it}}
** ''La arquitectura del humanismo'', trans. Víctor Pérez Escolano, Madrid: Xarait, 1978, 141 pp; 1982. {{es}}
** ''Architecture et humanisme: de la Renaissance aux réformes'', trans. H. Berghauer and Odile Seyler, pref. & ed. Henri Reymond, Paris: Dunod, 1981, 207 pp; 1986. {{fr}}
* with A. Asor Rosa, B. Cassetti, G. Ciucci, F. Dal Co, M. De Michelis, R. Di Leo, K. Junghanns[sic], G. Oorthuys, V. Procházka, and H. Schmidt, ''Socialismo, città, architettura, URSS 1917-1937. Il contributo degli architetti europei'', Rome: Officina, 1971, 342 pp; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1976. With Tafuri's [[Media:Tafuri_Manfredo_1972_Il_socialismo_realizzato_e_la_crisi_delle_avanguardie.pdf|"Il socialismo realizzato e la crisi delle avanguardie"]]. {{it}}
* with Massimo Cacciari and Francesco Dal Co, ''De la vanguardia a la metropoli: critica radical a la arquitectura'', Barcelona: Gili, 1972, 205 pp. {{es}}
* with J.L. Cohen, M. de Michelis, et al., ''URSS 1917-1978: la ville, l'architecture / URSS 1917-1978: la città, l'architettura'', Rome: Officina & Paris: L'Equerre, 1973, 371 pp. {{fr}}/{{it}} For the exhibition ''L'Espace urbain en URSS, 1917-1978'', Centre de création industrielle - CNAC Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1978.
* {{a|Tafuri1973}} ''Progetto e utopia: architettura e sviluppo capitalistico'', Bari: Laterza & Figli, 1973, 174 pp. {{it}} Retraces the development of architecture from the late 18th C to the early 1970s, he concludes by discounting any possibility of utopia for the architecture of the era of late capitalism. Expanded from his essay "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica" (1969; EN: [[Media:Tafuri_Manfredo_1969_1998_Toward_a_Critique_of_Architectural_Ideology.pdf|"Toward a Critique of Architectural Ideology"]], 1998).
** "Para una crítica de la ideología arquitectónica", in Tafuri, Cacciari, Dal Co, ''De la vanguardia a la metropolis. Crítica radical a la arquitectura'', Barcelona: Gili, 1972, pp 13-78. {{es}} Published in conjunction with the 1972 ''Seminar on Urbanism II'' at ETS de Arquitectura, Barcelona.
** ''[http://modernistarchitecture.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/manfredo-tafuri-architecture-and-utopia-design-and-capitalist-development.pdf Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development]'', trans. Barbara Luigia La Penta, MIT Press, 1976, xi+184 pp. {{en}} Review: [http://sci-hub.club/10.1080/10464883.2013.767143 Puglisi] (2013).
** ''[http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=d37b580e1859f343ba68a2e465356379 Kapitalismus und Architektur. Von Corbusier's 'Utopia' zur Trabantenstadt]'', trans. Thomas Bandholtz, Nikolaus Kuhnert and Juan Rodriguez-Lores, Hamburg and West Berlin: VSA, 1977. {{de}}
** ''Ontwerp en utopie: Architektuur en Ontwikkeling van het Kapitalisme'', trans. Umberto S. Barbieri, Cees Boekraad, et al., Nijmegen: Socialistiese Uitgeverij, 1978. {{nl}}
** ''Projet et utopie. De l'avant-garde à la métropole'', trans. Françoise Brun, ed. Ligia Ravé-Emy, Paris: Dunod, 1979. {{fr}}
** ''Projecto e utopia: arquitectura e desenvolvimento do capitalismo'', trans. C. Jardim and E. Nogueira, Lisbon, 1985. {{pt}}
* with Giorgio Ciucci, Francesco Dal Co, and Mario Manieri-Elia, ''La Città americana: dalla guerra civile al New Deal'', Bari: Laterza, 1973, xii+569 pp. {{it}}
** ''The American City: From the Civil War to the New Deal'', trans. Barbara Luigia La Penta, London: Granada, 1973, xiv+563 pp; MIT Press, 1973, xiv+563 pp; 1979. {{en}}
* with Francesco Dal Co, ''Architettura contemporanea'', Milan: Electa, 1976, 459 pp; 1979; 1988; 1992; 1998; 2000; 2003. {{it}}
** ''Modern Architecture'', 2 vols., trans. Robert Erich Wolf, New York: Electa/Rizzoli, 1976; London: Academy Editions, 1976; New York: H.N. Abrams, 1979, 448 pp; London: Faber, 1980; London: Faber, 1986; New York: Electa/Rizzoli, 1986. {{en}} Review: [http://www.jstor.org/stable/989752 Curtis] (JSAH 1981).
** ''Architektur der Gegenwart'', trans. Giorgio Bordin and Roland Tschrepp, Stuttgart: Belser, 1977, 455 pp. {{de}}
** ''Arquitectura contemporánea'', trans. Luis Escolar Bareño, Madrid: Aguilar, 1978, 461 pp; 1980; Buenos Aires: Viscontea, 1982; Madrid: Aguilar, 1989. {{es}}
* ''La sfera e il labirinto: Avanguardie e architettura da Piranesi agli anni '70'', Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1980, xxii+386 pp; 1988. {{it}}
** ''La esfera y el laberinto: vanguardias y arquitectura de Piranesi a los años setenta'', trans. Francisco Serra Cantarell, Esteve Rimbau Saurí and Francesc Arola Coronas, Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1984, 551 pp. {{es}}
** ''[[Media:Tafuri_Manfredo_The_Sphere_and_the_Labyrinth.pdf|The Sphere and the Labyrinth: Avant-Gardes and Architecture from Piranesi to the 1970s]]'', trans. Pellegrino d'Acierno and Robert Connolly, MIT Press, 1987, 383 pp; 1990; 1992; 1995. {{en}}
* ''Vienna rossa: la politica residenziale nella Vienna socialista, 1919-1933'', Milan: Electa, 1980, 289 pp; new ed., 1995, 343 pp. {{it}}
* ''Venezia e il Rinascimento: religione, scienza, architettura'', Torino: Einaudi, 1985, xxi+313 pp; 1986; 1990; 1998. {{it}}
** ''Venice and the Renaissance'', trans. Jessica Levine, MIT Press, 1989, xi+296 pp; 1995. {{en}} Review: [http://www.jstor.org.sci-hub.club/stable/2938606 Romano] (JMH 1991).
* ''Storia dell'architettura italiana 1944-1985'', Torino: Einaudi, 1986, xxi+268 pp; 1992; 1994; 1996; 1997; 2002; 2005. {{it}}
** ''History of Italian Architecture: 1944-1985'', trans. Jessica Levine, MIT Press, 1988, ix+269 pp; 1990. {{en}}
* ''Ricerca del Rinascimento: principi, città, architetti'', Torino: Einaudi: 1992, xxii+384 pp; 1993; 1994. {{it}}
** ''Sobre el renacimiento: principios, ciudades, arquitectos'', trans. Antonio Bonet Correa, Madrid: Cátedra, 1995, 316+64 pp. {{es}}
** ''Interpreting the Renaissance: Princes, Cities, Architects'', trans. & pref. Daniel Sherer, foreword K. Michael Hays, Yale University Press/Harvard GSD Publications, 2006, xxxi+408 pp. [http://yalepress.yale.edu/book.asp?isbn=9780300111583] {{en}} Reviews: [http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:13688/Leach_Interpreting_the_Ren.pdf Leach] (ATR 2006), [http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/renaissance_quarterly/v060/60.4pellecchia.pdf Pellecchia] (RQ 2007), [http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/1049 Hermans] (CAA 2007), [http://sci-hub.club/10.1111/j.1540-6563.2008.00205_70.x Morman] (Historian 2008).
* "Le strutture del linguaggio nella storia dell’architettura moderna", in ''Teoria della progettazione architettonica'', ed. A. Locatelli, Bari, 1968, pp 12-30. {{it}}
* "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica", ''Contropiano'' 2 (1970), pp 241ff. {{it}}
* "Lavoro intellectuale e sviluppo capitalistico", ''Contropiano''2 (1970). {{it}}
* "Social-democrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar", ''Contropiano'' 1 (1971), pp 207-223. {{it}}
* "Austro-Marxismo e città. 'Das Rote Wien'", ''Contropiano'' 2 (1971), pp 257-311. Later enlarged as the introduction to ''Vienna rossa'' (1980). {{it}}
* [[Media:Tafuri_Manfredo_1974_L_Architecture_dans_le_Boudoir_The_Language_of_Criticism_and_the_Criticism_of_Language.pdf|"L'Architecture dans le Boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language"]], trans. Victor Caliandro, ''Oppositions'' 3 (1974), pp 37-62; [http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic1315975.files/4%20Critical%20Thinking/Tafuri%20-%20L_Architecture%20dans%20le%20Boudoir.pdf repr. in] ''Architecture Theory Since 1968'', ed. K. Michael Hays, MIT Press, 1998, pp 148-173. {{en}}
* [http://aaaaarg.fail/ref/a9dddf5f9771e40f6728466f792dc4c4#0.01 "Ceci n'est pas une ville"], ''Lotus'' 13 (1976), pp 10-13. {{it}}/{{en}}
* [[Media:Tafuri_Manfredo_1976_European_Graffiti_Five_x_Five_Twenty-five.pdf|"'European Graffiti' Five x Five = Twenty-five"]], trans. Victor Caliandro, ''Oppositions'' 5 (1976), pp 35-73. {{en}}
* [http://lib.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/000/955/648/RUG01-000955648_2010_0001_AC.pdf#page=335 in Leach 2006]
* Luisa Passerini, "History as Project: An Interview with Manfredo Tafuri", trans. Denise L. Bratton, ''ANY'' 25-26, New York, pp 10-70. Conducted Feb-Mar 1992 in Rome.
* Françoise Very, ''AMC: Architecture mouvement continuité'' 39 (Jun 1976), pp 64-68.
* Omar Calabrese, [http://aaaaarg.fail/ref/0a09a3d7b018c7d171c838f62b61f521#0.01 La tecnica delle avanguardie], ''Casabella'' 463-464 (Nov-Dec 1980), pp 98-101. {{it}}
* [http://aaaaarg.fail/ref/0fc39a17febc3cff3e3d9b2703a334e3#0.01 "Manfredo Tafuri Interview"], trans. Amanda Pearce, ''Transitions'' 2:3/4 (Sep/Dec 1981), pp 7-12. {{en}}
* Fulvio Irace, ''Domus'' 653 (Sep 1984), pp 26-28.
* Richard Ingersoll, ''Design Book Review'' 9 (Spring 1986), pp 8-11.
* Giacinto Di Petrantionio, ''Flash Art'' 145 (Mar-Apr 1989), pp 67-71.
* Ana Luiza Nobre, [http://aaaaarg.fail/ref/8216de078e2e321e09bdf2735d905ac1#0.01 "Entrevista Manfredo Tafuri"], ''au: arquitetura urbanismo'' 9:48 (Jun-Jul 1993), pp 66-68. {{br-pt}}
* Marco Biraghi, ''Progetto di crisi. Manfredo Tafuri e l'architettura contemporanea'', Milan: Christian Marinotti, 2005. {{it}}
* Andrew Leach, ''Manfredo Tafuri: Choosing History'', Ghent, Belgium: A&S Books, 2007, 250 pp. {{en}} Review: [http://www.caareviews.org/reviews/1049 Hermans] (CAA 2007), [http://sci-hub.club/10.1080/13264820701730959 Hartoonian] (ATR 2007).
===Special journal issues===
* ''Casabella'' 619-620: "Il progetto storico di Manfredo Tafuri / The Historical Project of Manfredo Tafuri", ed. Vittorio Gregotti, Milan, 1995. {{it}}/{{en}}
* ''ANY (Architecture New York)'' 25-26: "Being Manfredo Tafuri", ed. Ignasi de Solà-Morales, New York, Feb 2000. [http://www.anycorp.com/any/magazine/25] {{en}}
* Carla Keyvanian, [http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/13110/26387004-MIT.pdf ''Manfredo Tafuri's Notion of History and Its Methodological Sources: From Walter Benjamin to Roland Barthes''], MIT, 1992, 94 pp. MSc thesis. {{en}}
* Titia Rixt Hoekstra, ''[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/ppn/283596589 Building versus 'Bildung'. Manfredo Tafuri and the Construction of a Historical Discipline]'', University of Groningen, 2005, 242 pp. Ph.D. thesis. {{en}}
* Andrew Leach, ''[http://lib.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/000/955/648/RUG01-000955648_2010_0001_AC.pdf Choosing History: A Study of Manfredo Tafuri's Theorisation of Architectural History and Architectural History Research]'', Ghent University, 2006, 355 pp. Thesis. {{en}}
===Book chapters, papers, articles, theses===
* Hélène Lipstadt, Harvey Mendelsohn, [http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic642734.files/lipstadt.pdf "Philosophy, History, and Autobiography: Manfredo Tafuri and the 'Unsurpassed Lesson' of Le Corbusier"], ''Assemblage'' 22 (Dec 1993), pp 58-103. {{en}}
* Daniel Sherer, "Tafuri's Renaissance: Architecture, Representation, Transgression", ''Assemblage'' 28 (1995), pp 34-45. {{en}}
* Daniel Sherer, "Progetto e Ricerca: Manfredo Tafuri come storico e come critico" / "Progetto and Ricerca: Manfredo Tafuri as Critic and Historian", ''Zodiac'' 15 (Mar-Aug 1996), pp 32-51. {{it}}/{{en}}
* Panayotis Tournikiotis, "History as the Critique of Architecture", in Tournikiotis, ''Historiography of Modern Architecture'', MIT Press, 1999. {{en}}
* Carla Keyvanian, "Manfredo Tafuri: From the Critique of History to Microhistories", ''Design Issues'' 16:1 (Spring 2000), pp 3-15. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/1511926] Summarises her 1992 MSc thesis. {{en}}
* Daniel Sherer, "Un colloquio 'inquietante'. Manfredo Tafuri e la critica operativa, 1968-1980", in ''La critica operativa e l'architettura'', ed. Luca Monica, Milan: Unicopli, 2002, pp. 108-120. {{it}}
* Gevork Hartoonian, "Beyond Historicism: Manfredo Tafuri’s Flight", ''Art Criticism'' 17:2 (2002), pp 28-40. [http://sro.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/10765/30422] {{en}}
* Esra Akcan, [http://sci-hub.club/10.1080/13602360210145088 "Manfredo Tafuri's Theory of the Architectural Avant-Garde"], ''Journal of Architecture'' 7:2 (Summer 2002), pp 135-170. {{en}}
* Ken Tadashi Oshima, [http://sci-hub.club/10.1080/13264820309478470 "Manfredo Tafuri and Japan: An Incomplete Project"], ''Architectural Theory Review'' 8:2 (Jun 2003), pp 16-29. {{en}}
* Andrew Leach, [http://sci-hub.club/10.1080/13264820309478471 "Death in Venice: Tafuri's Life in the Project"], ''Architectural Theory Review'' 8:2 (Jun 2003), pp 30-43. {{en}}
* Gevork Hartoonian, "Reading Manfredo Tafuri Today" & [http://sci-hub.club/10.1080/13264820309478472 "The Project of Modernity: Can Architecture Make It?"], ''Architectural Theory Review'' 8:2 (Jun 2003), pp 15 & 44-56. {{en}}
* Teresa Stoppani, "[http://www.academia.edu/5107215/ ''L'histoire assassinée''. Manfredo Tafuri and the Present"], ch. 18 in ''The Humanities in Architectural Design: A Contemporary and Historical Perspective'', eds. S. Bandyopadhyay, et al., London: Routledge, 2010, pp 214-225. {{en}}
* Gail Day, "Looking the Negative in the Face: Manfredo Tafuri and the Venice School of Architecture", ch 2 in Day, ''[http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=ab3799ddfaed2727a5b59b36018e02c8 Dialectical Passions: Negation in Postwar Art Theory]'', Columbia University Press, 2010. {{en}}
* Gail Day, [http://scribd.com/doc/104952098/ "Manfredo Tafuri, Fredric Jameson and the Contestations of Political Memory"], ''Historical Materialism'' 20:1 (2012), pp 31-77. {{en}}
* Tyrus Miller, [http://filozofskivestnikonline.com/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/159/145 "The Historical Project of 'Modernism': Manfredo Tafuri's Metahistory of the Avant-Garde"], ''Filozofski vestnik'' 35:2 (2014), pp 83-101. {{en}}
* [http://thecharnelhouse.org/tag/manfredo-tafuri Tafuri on Ross Wolfe's blog]. {{en}}
; Biographies
* Lee Sorensen, [http://dictionaryofarthistorians.org/tafurim.htm "Tafuri, Manfredo"], ''Dictionary of Art Historians''. {{en}}
* Marco Biraghi, [http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-oVkWhgs78cJ:www.architectural-review.com/view/reviews/reputations/manfredo-tafuri-1935-1994/8663417.article "Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994)"], ''Architectural Review'', 9 Jun 2014.
[[Category:Architecture]] {{DEFAULTSORT:Tafuri, Manfredo}} {{featured_article}}

Revision as of 18:07, 17 July 2015

Manfredo Tafuri (Rome, 1935 – Venice, 1994) was an Italian architect, historian, theoretician, critic and academic. He was one of the most important architectural historian of the second half of the 20th century.



  • L'architettura moderna in Giappone, Bologna: Cappelli, 1964, 174 pp. (Italian)
  • Ludovico Quaroni e lo sviluppo dell'architettura moderna in Italia, Milan: Comunità, 1964, 212 pp. (Italian)
  • Teorie e storia dell'architettura, Bari: Laterza, 1968, 358 pp; 2nd ed., 1970; 3rd ed., 1973; 4th ed., 1976; 5th ed., 1980; 1986; 1988. (Italian)
    • Teoría e historia de la arquitectura: hacia una nueva concepción del espacio arquitectónico, Barcelona: Laia, 1970, 287+83 pp; 2nd ed., 1977; Madrid: Celeste, 1997, 393 pp. (Spanish)
    • Theories and History of Architecture, trans. G. Verrecchia, London: Granada, 1976, 324 pp; New York: Harper & Row, 1976; 1980. Of 4th ed. Ch 4: "Operative Criticism". (English)
    • Théories et histoire de l'architecture, trans. Jean-Patrick Fortin and François Laisney, afterw. Hubert Damisch, Paris: SADG, 1976, xiii+397 pp. Of 4th ed. (French)
    • Teorias e história da arquitectura, trans. Ana de Brito and Luis Leitão, Lisbon: Presença, 1979, 275 pp; São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1979, 275 pp; 2nd ed., 1988. (Portuguese)
  • Il concorso per i nuovi uffici della Camera dei deputati: un bilancio dell'architettura italiana, Rome: Edizioni universitarie italiane, 1968, 147 pp. (Italian)
  • Jacopo Sansovino e l'architettura del '500 a Venezia, Padova: Marsilio, 1969, 166 pp; new ed., 1972. (Italian)
  • L'architettura dell'Umanesimo, Bari: Laterza, 1969, 402 pp; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1976; 4th ed., 1980. (Italian)
    • La arquitectura del humanismo, trans. Víctor Pérez Escolano, Madrid: Xarait, 1978, 141 pp; 1982. (Spanish)
    • Architecture et humanisme: de la Renaissance aux réformes, trans. H. Berghauer and Odile Seyler, pref. & ed. Henri Reymond, Paris: Dunod, 1981, 207 pp; 1986. (French)
  • with A. Asor Rosa, B. Cassetti, G. Ciucci, F. Dal Co, M. De Michelis, R. Di Leo, K. Junghanns[sic], G. Oorthuys, V. Procházka, and H. Schmidt, Socialismo, città, architettura, URSS 1917-1937. Il contributo degli architetti europei, Rome: Officina, 1971, 342 pp; 2nd ed., 1972; 3rd ed., 1976. With Tafuri's "Il socialismo realizzato e la crisi delle avanguardie". (Italian)
  • with Massimo Cacciari and Francesco Dal Co, De la vanguardia a la metropoli: critica radical a la arquitectura, Barcelona: Gili, 1972, 205 pp. (Spanish)
  • with J.L. Cohen, M. de Michelis, et al., URSS 1917-1978: la ville, l'architecture / URSS 1917-1978: la città, l'architettura, Rome: Officina & Paris: L'Equerre, 1973, 371 pp. (French)/(Italian) For the exhibition L'Espace urbain en URSS, 1917-1978, Centre de création industrielle - CNAC Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1978.
  • Progetto e utopia: architettura e sviluppo capitalistico, Bari: Laterza & Figli, 1973, 174 pp. (Italian) Retraces the development of architecture from the late 18th C to the early 1970s, he concludes by discounting any possibility of utopia for the architecture of the era of late capitalism. Expanded from his essay "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica" (1969; EN: "Toward a Critique of Architectural Ideology", 1998).
    • "Para una crítica de la ideología arquitectónica", in Tafuri, Cacciari, Dal Co, De la vanguardia a la metropolis. Crítica radical a la arquitectura, Barcelona: Gili, 1972, pp 13-78. (Spanish) Published in conjunction with the 1972 Seminar on Urbanism II at ETS de Arquitectura, Barcelona.
    • Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development, trans. Barbara Luigia La Penta, MIT Press, 1976, xi+184 pp. (English) Review: Puglisi (2013).
    • Kapitalismus und Architektur. Von Corbusier's 'Utopia' zur Trabantenstadt, trans. Thomas Bandholtz, Nikolaus Kuhnert and Juan Rodriguez-Lores, Hamburg and West Berlin: VSA, 1977. (German)
    • Ontwerp en utopie: Architektuur en Ontwikkeling van het Kapitalisme, trans. Umberto S. Barbieri, Cees Boekraad, et al., Nijmegen: Socialistiese Uitgeverij, 1978. (Dutch)
    • Projet et utopie. De l'avant-garde à la métropole, trans. Françoise Brun, ed. Ligia Ravé-Emy, Paris: Dunod, 1979. (French)
    • Projecto e utopia: arquitectura e desenvolvimento do capitalismo, trans. C. Jardim and E. Nogueira, Lisbon, 1985. (Portuguese)
  • with Giorgio Ciucci, Francesco Dal Co, and Mario Manieri-Elia, La Città americana: dalla guerra civile al New Deal, Bari: Laterza, 1973, xii+569 pp. (Italian)
    • The American City: From the Civil War to the New Deal, trans. Barbara Luigia La Penta, London: Granada, 1973, xiv+563 pp; MIT Press, 1973, xiv+563 pp; 1979. (English)
  • with Francesco Dal Co, Architettura contemporanea, Milan: Electa, 1976, 459 pp; 1979; 1988; 1992; 1998; 2000; 2003. (Italian)
    • Modern Architecture, 2 vols., trans. Robert Erich Wolf, New York: Electa/Rizzoli, 1976; London: Academy Editions, 1976; New York: H.N. Abrams, 1979, 448 pp; London: Faber, 1980; London: Faber, 1986; New York: Electa/Rizzoli, 1986. (English) Review: Curtis (JSAH 1981).
    • Architektur der Gegenwart, trans. Giorgio Bordin and Roland Tschrepp, Stuttgart: Belser, 1977, 455 pp. (German)
    • Arquitectura contemporánea, trans. Luis Escolar Bareño, Madrid: Aguilar, 1978, 461 pp; 1980; Buenos Aires: Viscontea, 1982; Madrid: Aguilar, 1989. (Spanish)
  • La sfera e il labirinto: Avanguardie e architettura da Piranesi agli anni '70, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 1980, xxii+386 pp; 1988. (Italian)
  • Vienna rossa: la politica residenziale nella Vienna socialista, 1919-1933, Milan: Electa, 1980, 289 pp; new ed., 1995, 343 pp. (Italian)
  • Venezia e il Rinascimento: religione, scienza, architettura, Torino: Einaudi, 1985, xxi+313 pp; 1986; 1990; 1998. (Italian)
    • Venice and the Renaissance, trans. Jessica Levine, MIT Press, 1989, xi+296 pp; 1995. (English) Review: Romano (JMH 1991).
  • Storia dell'architettura italiana 1944-1985, Torino: Einaudi, 1986, xxi+268 pp; 1992; 1994; 1996; 1997; 2002; 2005. (Italian)
    • History of Italian Architecture: 1944-1985, trans. Jessica Levine, MIT Press, 1988, ix+269 pp; 1990. (English)
  • Ricerca del Rinascimento: principi, città, architetti, Torino: Einaudi: 1992, xxii+384 pp; 1993; 1994. (Italian)
    • Sobre el renacimiento: principios, ciudades, arquitectos, trans. Antonio Bonet Correa, Madrid: Cátedra, 1995, 316+64 pp. (Spanish)
    • Interpreting the Renaissance: Princes, Cities, Architects, trans. & pref. Daniel Sherer, foreword K. Michael Hays, Yale University Press/Harvard GSD Publications, 2006, xxxi+408 pp. [1] (English) Reviews: Leach (ATR 2006), Pellecchia (RQ 2007), Hermans (CAA 2007), Morman (Historian 2008).


  • "Le strutture del linguaggio nella storia dell’architettura moderna", in Teoria della progettazione architettonica, ed. A. Locatelli, Bari, 1968, pp 12-30. (Italian)
  • "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica", Contropiano 2 (1970), pp 241ff. (Italian)
  • "Lavoro intellectuale e sviluppo capitalistico", Contropiano2 (1970). (Italian)
  • "Social-democrazia e città nella Repubblica di Weimar", Contropiano 1 (1971), pp 207-223. (Italian)
  • "Austro-Marxismo e città. 'Das Rote Wien'", Contropiano 2 (1971), pp 257-311. Later enlarged as the introduction to Vienna rossa (1980). (Italian)
  • "L'Architecture dans le Boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language", trans. Victor Caliandro, Oppositions 3 (1974), pp 37-62; repr. in Architecture Theory Since 1968, ed. K. Michael Hays, MIT Press, 1998, pp 148-173. (English)
  • "Ceci n'est pas une ville", Lotus 13 (1976), pp 10-13. (Italian)/(English)
  • "'European Graffiti' Five x Five = Twenty-five", trans. Victor Caliandro, Oppositions 5 (1976), pp 35-73. (English)



  • Luisa Passerini, "History as Project: An Interview with Manfredo Tafuri", trans. Denise L. Bratton, ANY 25-26, New York, pp 10-70. Conducted Feb-Mar 1992 in Rome.
  • Françoise Very, AMC: Architecture mouvement continuité 39 (Jun 1976), pp 64-68.
  • Omar Calabrese, La tecnica delle avanguardie, Casabella 463-464 (Nov-Dec 1980), pp 98-101. (Italian)
  • "Manfredo Tafuri Interview", trans. Amanda Pearce, Transitions 2:3/4 (Sep/Dec 1981), pp 7-12. (English)
  • Fulvio Irace, Domus 653 (Sep 1984), pp 26-28.
  • Richard Ingersoll, Design Book Review 9 (Spring 1986), pp 8-11.
  • Giacinto Di Petrantionio, Flash Art 145 (Mar-Apr 1989), pp 67-71.
  • Ana Luiza Nobre, "Entrevista Manfredo Tafuri", au: arquitetura urbanismo 9:48 (Jun-Jul 1993), pp 66-68. (Brazilian Portuguese)



  • Marco Biraghi, Progetto di crisi. Manfredo Tafuri e l'architettura contemporanea, Milan: Christian Marinotti, 2005. (Italian)
  • Andrew Leach, Manfredo Tafuri: Choosing History, Ghent, Belgium: A&S Books, 2007, 250 pp. (English) Review: Hermans (CAA 2007), Hartoonian (ATR 2007).

Special journal issues

  • Casabella 619-620: "Il progetto storico di Manfredo Tafuri / The Historical Project of Manfredo Tafuri", ed. Vittorio Gregotti, Milan, 1995. (Italian)/(English)
  • ANY (Architecture New York) 25-26: "Being Manfredo Tafuri", ed. Ignasi de Solà-Morales, New York, Feb 2000. [2] (English)


Book chapters, papers, articles, theses
