Media art academy programs
Revision as of 09:17, 12 November 2023 by Dusan (talk | contribs) (→Early media/art programs and courses)
- Bauhaus, existed in three German cities (Weimar from 1919 to 1925, Dessau from 1925 to 1932 and Berlin from 1932 to 1933), under three different architect-directors: Walter Gropius from 1919 to 1927, Hannes Meyer from 1927 to 1930 and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe from 1930 to 1933, when the school was closed by the Nazi regime. When der Rohe took over the school in 1930, he transformed it into a private school, and would not allow any supporters of Meyer to attend it.
- VKhUTEMAS, Russian architectural avant-garde school 1920-1930 in Moscow. Together with the French rationalism, German and Dutch functionalism it is a turning point in the historical development of the world architectural process.
- School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava, led by Josef Vydra, 1928-39.
- Műhely, (lit. "workshop"), 1920s?-1938 in Budapest. Sándor Bortnyik, Hungarian painter and graphic designer, moved to Weimar in 1922 and was connected to the Bauhaus. When he moved back to Hungary he founded an art school in Budapest, where he followed Bauhaus principles. [1]
- Black Mountain College, 1933-1957, near Asheville, North Carolina. Founded by John Andrew Rice, Theodore Dreier and other former faculty of Rollins College, Black Mountain was experimental by nature and committed to an interdisciplinary approach, attracting a faculty which included many visual artists, poets, and designers. [2]
- New Bauhaus, since 1937, Chicago. Moholy-Nagy left Germany via Britain and founded the New Bauhaus school under the sponsorship of industrialist and philanthropist Walter Paepcke. In 1944, this became the Institute of Design, and in 1949 it became part of the new Illinois Institute of Technology university system. [3]
- John Cage's Experimental Composition classes from 1957 to 1959 at the New School for Social Research have become legendary as an American source of Fluxus, the international network of artists, composers, and designers. The majority of his students had little or no background in music, most of whom were artists. His students included Jackson Mac Low, Allan Kaprow, Al Hansen, George Brecht, Alice Denham and Dick Higgins, as well as the numerous artists he invited to attend his classes unofficially. Several famous pieces came from these classes: George Brecht's Time Table Music, and Alice Denham's 48 Seconds.
- Oskar Hansen's Open Form in 1950s-60s and Kowalski's studio.
Early media/art programs and courses[edit]
- 1972- Department of Media Study at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The program was started as an experimental film and media laboratory and operated under the direction of the founder Gerald O'Grady and artists like Tony Conrad, Steina and Woody Vasulka, and Hollis Frampton.
- 1976/77 independent art course is conducted by Miklós Erdély and Dóra Maurer, at the Ganz Cultural House Budapest, in which the participants have access to video.
- Moscow and St Petersburg, 1984: As critic Anna Lawton pointed out, the followers of Parallel Cinema regarded their films as experimental workshops intended to bring about cinema´s aesthetic rejuvenation.
- 1986 In addition to the experimental establishment of a video course at the Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts Budapest, a postgraduate video department is established at the Loránd Eötvös University of Art and Sciences (ELTE). The earlier video courses are supplemented by university level video education.
- Institute of Sonology KONCON The Hague, *1986
- 1989, The Academy of Applied Arts Budapest graduates its first class in video.
- Academy of Media Arts Cologne, *1990
- 1990, The Intermedia Department is established at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, in which video training plays a role.
- New Media AVU Prague academy program started by Michael Bielický in 1991 (until 2007).
- DEAF_00 Media Academy Day, 15 November 2000, Rotterdam.
- DEAF03 Media Academy Day, 27 February 2003, Rotterdam.
- Networks, Art, & Collaboration conference, 24-25 April 2004, Buffalo, NY.
- New Media Education in the Czech Republic, Round table, 12 May 2005, Institut français, Prague.
- New Media programs in the Czech Republic, symposium, 9 February 2006, FAMU, Prague.
- Summer Open Academy, 2006-2007, Bratislava.
- Upgrade.Komensky.Dot.Org, Panel Discussion on Art, Culture, Technology, Information, Tradition, Convergence, 31 May 2007, NoD, Prague.
- Leonardo Education Forum. Meetings: Mutamorphosis Prague Nov 2007, Transmediale Berlin Feb 2008, ISEA Singapore Aug 2008.
- A Wiki Directory of Academic Art and Technology Programs (USA), by Michael Naimark and Mark Tribe, 2004.
- Leonardo Education Forum (LEF).
- Fibreculture newmedia-education, "In an age dominated by corporate concerns, education wants to be free!"
- Miloš Vojtěchovský, "Upgrade Komensky", a call for participation and for critical reading of the text, 2007.
- Miloš Vojtěchovský, "Third grade educational model on inter-media studies in Czech Republic", 2007.
- White Paper on Media art education, Leonardo Education Forum, 2007-2008.
- Trebor Scholz, "It's New Media: But is it Art Education?", Fibreculture Journal 3, 2004.
- Trebor Scholz, "New Media Arts Education and Its Discontent", Nettime-l 4 October 2003.
- Geert Lovink "The Battle over New Media Art Education. Experiences and Models"˛ in My First Recession. Critical Internet Culture in Transition, V2_/NAi Publishers, 2003.
- Academy of Media Arts Cologne
- Art & Science UAK Vienna
- Art and Technology UKW Vienna
- ArtScience Interfaculty
- Audiovisual Communication GWK UDK Berlin
- Centre for Audiovisual Studies FAMU
- Centre for Digital Music ELEC QMUL London
- Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media UPF Barcelona
- Computer Music Studio AMUZ Warszawa
- Creating Social Media Goldsmiths London
- Department for New Media ZHDK Zürich
- Department of Media Study
- Department of Musicology FF MU Brno
- Digital Aesthetics Research Centre AU Aarhus
- Digital Media for Artists UFG Linz
- Digital Media FUD UJEP Ústí nad Labem
- Electronic Media KMKA ITLTSA UL Lodz
- Electronic Music Studios Goldsmiths London
- European Media Studies FH Potsdam
- Experimental Design IBK UFG Linz
- Film- und Medienkunst ADK Berlin
- Fine and Media Arts UKW Vienna
- Grafische Datenverarbeitung & interaktive Systeme UB Bremen
- Graphic Design and New Media UMPRUM Prague
- Image Science DU Krems
- Institut Für Musik Und Medien RSH Düsseldorf
- Institut für transmediale Gestaltung UDK Berlin
- Institut für Zeitbasierte Medien UDK Berlin
- Institute for Composition and Electroacoustics MDW Vienna
- Institute for Media and Applied Arts PTE
- Institute for Postdigital Narrativity HfG Karlsruhe
- Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics UMDA Graz
- Institute of Intermedia Prague
- Institute of Media Design UFG Linz
- Institute of Sonology
- Interactive Media and Environment FMI AM Groningen
- Interactive Media FUD UJEP Ústí nad Labem
- Interactive Media Goldsmiths London
- Interactive/Media/Design KABK Hague
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research SOC Uni of Plymouth
- Intermedia and Digital Media FVU AKU Banská Bystrica
- Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD Bratislava
- Intermedia Art FU OU Ostrava
- Intermedia ASP Gdansk
- Intermedia ASP Poznan
- Intermedia KiT NTNU Trondheim
- Intermedia MKE Budapest
- Intermedia UUD ZČU Plzeň
- International School of New Media UL Lübeck
- MA Ravensbourne
- Media Art and Design FM Bauhaus Weimar
- Media Art HGB Leipzig
- Media Culture FM Bauhaus Weimar
- Media Design and Communication Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam
- Media Design MOME Budapest
- Media Studies FF UNS Novi Sad
- Media Technology Group SZTAKI Budapest
- Media Technology Leiden
- MediaArchitecture FM Bauhaus Weimar
- Medientheorien IMM HU Berlin
- MOKK Media Research BUTE Budapest
- MTI Research Centre DMU Leicester
- MultiMedia FaVU VUT Brno
- Multimedia UUD ZČU Plzeň
- Music and Media Art BFH Bern
- New Media 2 AVU Prague
- New Media ADBK Munich
- New Media Art MF VDU Kaunas
- New Media AU UNS Novi Sad
- New Media AVU Prague
- New Media FGw UvA Amsterdam
- New Media FU OU Ostrava
- New Media UUD ZČU Plzeň
- New Media VKT ARTUN Tallinn
- Nordic Sound Art
- Pôle art/media HEAD Geneva
- Pôle CCC HEAD Geneva
- Sonic Arts Research Centre QUB Belfast
- Sonology ESMUC Barcelona
- Supermedia UMPRUM Prague
- Time-based Media FUD UJEP Ústí nad Labem
- TransArts UKW Vienna
- Transmedia, Brussels
- VAMA VU Amsterdam
- Video and Videoinstallation AKBILD Vienna
- Video FaVU VUT Brno
- Visual Arts and Digital Media AKBILD Vienna
- Visual Arts and Intermedia FU TU Košice
- Visual Communication FAA TU Liberec
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