Nina Kogan
Born 1887/1889(?) in Vitebsk, Belarus. I911-1913 attended the St.Ekaterina School, St.Petersburg; 1919 started to teach at the Vitebsk Practical Art Institute; was a colleague of Marc Chagall and Mstislav Dobuzhynsky and then of El Lissitzky and Kazimir Malevich. In 1919 joined the UNOVIS group; 1920 with Vera Ermolaeva and Malevich worked on a new version of Victory Over the Sun, designed a suprematist ballet. In 1922 moved to Moscow where she worked at the Museum of Artistic Culture; took part in the UNOVIS works exhibition in St.Petersburg; Contributed to the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung, Berlin. In 1930s active as book illustrator. In 1938-41 contributed to several exhibitions in Leningrad (Exhibition of Works by Woman Artists, Six and Seventh Exhibition of Works by Leningrad Artists). Died c1942 in Leningrad.