Paul Keller

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Paul Keller (1974) is director of Kennisland, an Amsterdam-based think tank focusing on complex challenges in society which require new forms of innovation. Paul initiates projects, advises governments, cultural heritage institutions and other organisations on copyright policy, open data and open innovation strategies. On behalf of Kennisland and public cultural heritage institutions, he advocates for more flexible copyright policies that better align with the needs of an inclusive digital society. Paul is a board member of Creative Commons International and a board member of the Europeana Foundation. He has been instrumental in writing Europeana's public domain charter and developing the Europeana Licensing Framework as well as the Europeana Publication Framework.

He holds a masters degree in Comparative Political Science from the University of Amsterdam, 2002. From 2002 he was part of the Waag Society where he led the Public Research/Public Domain programme on the legal and social aspects of the network society (2003-2007) and coordinated the Waag Sarai Exchange Platform (together with Sarai/CSDS in Delhi, India, and the Alternative Law Forum in Bangalore, India). He was also editor of (2017)
