Peter Sinclair

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Digital media and sound artist. He is a tenured professor at Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence where he has been responsible for the sound department since 1996. He is also currently a member of the scientific council for research and studies at the DAP (fine arts departement of the Ministry for Culture) and director of the research project “Territoires électronique de la création plastique sonore” (the electronic territories of sound art) which is a collaboration between Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence/Locus Sonus and Université de Provence - Aix/Marseilles LAMES/CNRS-MMSH.

Peter Sinclair is known for his sound installations and othe cross-disciplinary works which use sound as their principal medium. Excited by technology but handling it with critical irony, his work has moved from burlesque mechanics, through the misuse of computers to performance that parodises modern media language in transatlantic streamed-collaborations.

Aside from his personal artistic productions Peter Sinclair participates in various collectives such as “PacLap” and “Daisy Chain” and he has been working with New York based artist GH Hovagimyan since 1996. Their collaborative works, which include Excercises in talking, a soapopera for laptops, heartbreak hotel, shooter and Rant rant back back rant, have been shown frequently in Europe and the US.