Sigmund Freud
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![]() Freud with daughter Anna in the Dolomites, 1913. | |
Born |
May 6, 1856 Freiberg in Mähren, Moravia, Austrian Empire (today Příbor, Czech Republic) |
Died |
September 23, 1939 London, England | (aged 83)
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André Brouillet, A Lesson on Hysteria, 1887. This painting which Freud took back with him to Vienna following studies with Jean Martin Charcot, shows Charcot (to the right of the patient), pioneer of neurology at the hospital ‘la Salpetriere’ in Paris. The patient is Blanche Wittmann, held by Joseph Babinski, who hypnotized her. The painting hung in Freud's consulting room in Vienna, and later in London. [1]
Sigmund Freud (born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 1856–1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founder of psychoanalysis.
![]() | Works are in German unless otherwise stated. Green and blue links point to digital versions of publications available on Monoskop or other digital libraries (sometimes using abbreviations). |
(First published during his lifetime. See also selected works.)
- Zur Auffassung der Aphasien. Eine kritische Studie, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1891, 107 pp, IA. Repr., ed. Paul Vogel, intro. Wolfgang Leuschner, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1992.
- On Aphasia: A Critical Study, intro. E. Stengel, London: Imago, and New York: International Universities, 1953, 105 pp, OL. (English)
- Contribution à la conception des aphasies: une étude critique, trans. Claude Van Reeth, intro. Roland Kuhn, Paris: PUF, 1978, 105 pp; 1983; 1987. (French)

with Josef Breuer, Studien über Hysterie, 1895, Jubilothèque.
- with Josef Breuer, Studien über Hysterie, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1895, 269 pp, Jubilothèque, Goo; 2nd ed., unchanged, 1909; 3rd ed., unchanged, 1916, IA; 4th ed., unchanged, 1922; in G.S., 1, 1925, pp 3-238, [omitting Breuer's contributions; with extra footnotes by Freud]; repr. (of 1925), in G.W., 1, 1952, pp 75-312; in G.W., Nachtr., 1987, pp 217-310, [Breuer's contributions]. Repr., intro. Stavros Mentzos, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1970; 1991.
- "Studies in Hysteria", trans. A.A. Brill, in S.P.H, 1909, pp 1-120; 2nd ed., 1912; 3rd ed., 1920; 4th ed., 1922. Partial trans. (English)
- Studies in Hysteria, trans. & intro. A.A. Brill, New York: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing, 1936, 241 pp; Beacon Press, c1958, IA; 1961; 1964. (English). Complete trans., except for omitting Freud's extra footnotes of 1925.
- Studie o hysterii, trans. J. Budínský, et al., Prague: Julius Albert, 1947, 187 pp. (Czech)
- Studies on Hysteria, trans. James Strachey with Anna Freud, in Standard Ed., 2, 1955; repr., New York: Basic Books, 1957, ARG, IA; Avon Books, 1966, 379 pp, OL; Basic Books, 1982; Penguin, 1991; Basic Books, 2000. (English). With Breuer's contributions, otherwise based on the German 1925 edition.
- Études sur l’hystérie, trans. Anne Berman, intro. Marie Bonaparte, Paris: PUF, 1967; 7th ed., 1981, 247 pp; 11th ed., 1992; in OCF., II, 2009. (French)
- Studies in Hysteria, trans. Nicola Luckhurst, intro. Rachel Bowlby, London: Penguin, 2004. (English)

Die Traumdeutung, 1900, IA.
- Die Traumdeutung, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1900, 375 pp, IA; 2nd ed., enlarged and rev., 1909, 389 pp; 3rd ed., enlarged and rev., 1911, 418 pp; 4th ed., enlarged and rev., 1914, 498 pp; 5th ed., enlarged and rev., 1919, 474 pp; 6th ed., 1921, 478 pp; 7th ed., 1922, 478 pp; enlarged and rev. ed., in G.S., 2/3, 1925, 543 pp and pp 1-185; 8th ed., enlarged and rev., 1930, 435 pp; repr. (of 8th ed.), in G.W., 2/3, 1942; in Studienausgabe, II, 1972. Repr., Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1991.
- The Interpretation of Dreams, trans. A.A. Brill, London: George Allen, and New York: Macmillan, 1913, 510 pp, IA; 2nd ed., 1915, 510 pp, IA; 3rd ed., rev. and rewritten, London: George Allen, 1932; repr. (of 3rd ed., with almost the whole of Chapter I omitted), in Basic Writings, 1938, pp 181-549; Modern Library: 1978, OL. (English)
- La Science des Rêves, trans. I. Meyerson, Paris: Alcan, 1926; 1950; new ed. as L’interprétation des rêves, rev. Denise Berger, Paris: PUF, 1967, 569 pp; 1980; 1987; in OCF.P, IV, 2003. (French). Of the 7th ed.
- Výklad snů, trans. Ota Friedmann, rev. Jan Pachta, Prague: Julius Albert, 1937, 537 pp; 2nd ed., rev., Pelhřimov: Nová tiskárna, 1994, 395 pp; 3rd ed., 1997, 395 pp; 4th ed., rev., 2003, 395 pp. (Czech)
- The Interpretation of Dreams, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., Vols. 4-5, 1953; repr., London and New York: Basic Books, 1955; 2010, ARG. (English)
- Tumačenje snova II. O snu, trans. Albin Vilhar, Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1969, 351 pp, ARG 2up; 1984. (Serbian)
- Interpretarea viselor, trans. Nicolae Anghel, Bucharest: Măiastră, 1991. (Romanian)
- Výklad snů, trans. Otakar Vochoč, Prague: Psychoanalytické nakladatelství, 1998, 711 pp. (Czech)
- Despre vis, trans. Daniela Ştefănescu, 2nd ed., Bucharest: Trei, 2011, 125 pp, PDF, ARG, Scribd. Trans. of "Über den Traum". (Romanian)

Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens, 1904, IA.
- Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens: (über Vergessen, Versprechen, Vergreifen, Aberglaube und Irrtum), Berlin: Karger, 1904, 92 pp, Goo = IA; 2nd ed., enlarged, 1907, 132 pp, Goo = IA; 3rd ed., enlarged, 1910, 149 pp; 4th ed., enlarged, 1912, 198 pp; 5th ed., enlarged, 1917, 232 pp, IA; 6th ed., enlarged, Leipzig and Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 312 pp, 1919; 7th ed., enlarged, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1920, 334 pp; 8th ed., (repr. of 7th ed.), 1922; 9th ed., (repr. of 7th ed.), 1923; 10th ed., enlarged, 1924, 310 pp; in G.S., 4, 1924, pp 1-310; 11th ed., (repr. of 10th ed.), 1929; in G.W., 4, 1941, 322 pp. Repr., intro. Riccardo Steiner, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2000. First published in Monatsschr. Psychiat. Neurol., Vol. 10 (July and August 1901), pp 1-32 and 95-143.
- La psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris: Payot, 1922, IA, WS-FR; 1969; 1976, 296 pp. (French)
- Psychopathology of Everyday Life, trans. & intro. A.A. Brill, London: Fisher Unwin, and New York: Macmillan, 342 pp, 1914, IA, IA, IA, IA; London: Penguin, 1938, 218 pp; New York: Penguin, 1939, 218 pp; in Basic Writings, 1938, pp 35-178; London: Ernest Benn, 1949, 239 pp; London: Collins, 1958, 180 pp. (English)
- Psychopathologie všedního dne: k psychopathologii každodenního života: o zapomínání, přeřeknutí, přehmátnutí, pověře a omylu, trans. Ota Friedmann, Prague: Julius Albert, 1938, 234 pp; 2nd ed., Prague: Psychoanalytické nakladatelství, 1996, 262 pp. (Czech)
- The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, trans. Alan Tyson, in Standard Ed., 6, 1960. (English)
- The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, trans. James Strachey, intro. Peter Gay, New York and London: Norton, 395 pp, OL. (English)
- La psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne, trans. Denis Messier, Paris: Gallimard, 1997. (French)

Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie, 1905, IA.
- Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie, Leipzig and Vienna: Deuticke, 1905, 83 pp, IA; 2nd ed., with additions, 1910, 87 pp; 3rd ed., with additions, 1915, 101 pp, IA; 4th ed., with additions, 1920, 104 pp; 5th ed., unchanged, 1922, 104 pp, IA; repr., with additions, in G.S., 5, 1924, pp 3-119; 6th ed., (repr. of 1924 ed.), 1925, 120 pp, IA; in G.W., 5, unchanged, 1942, pp 29-145; in Studienausgabe, V, 1972. Repr., intro. Reimut Reiche, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1991.
- Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory, trans. A.A. Brill, intro. J.J. Putnam, New York: Journal of Nerv. and Ment. Dis. Publ. Co., 1910, 91 pp, IA, IA; 2nd ed. as Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex, 1916, 117 pp; 3rd ed., 1918, 117 pp; 4th ed., rev., 1930, 104 pp, IA; repr. (of 4th ed.), in Basic Writings, 1938, pp 553-629. (English)
- Trois Essais sur la théorie sexuelle, trans. Blanche Reverchon, Paris: Gallimard, 1923. (French)
- Tři úvahy o sexuální teorii, trans. Václav Srdce, Prague: Alois Srdce, 1926, 135 pp. (Czech)
- Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, trans. & ed. James Strachey, intro. Steven Marcus, London: Imago, 1949; repr., corr. and exp., in Standard Ed., 7, 1953, pp 123-245; New York: Basic Books, 1962, OL; 2000, ARG. (English). Based on the German 1925 edition.
- Trois Essais sur la théorie sexuelle, trans. Jean Laplanche and J.-B. Pontalis, Paris: Gallimard, 1962, 190 pp. (French)
- Trois Essais sur la théorie sexuelle, trans. Philippe Koeppel, intro. Michel Gribinski, Paris: Gallimard, 1985, 211 pp; 1987; in OCF.P, VI, 2006. (French)
- Trei eseuri privind teoria sexualităţii, trans. Nicolae Anghel, Bucharest: Măiastră, 1991, PDF.

Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten, 1905, IA.
- Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1905, 206 pp, IA; 2nd ed., with a few small additions, 1912, 207 pp; 3rd ed., unchanged, 1921, 207 pp; 4th ed., unchanged, 1925, 207 pp; repr., unchanged, in G.S., 9, 1925, pp 1-269; repr., unchanged, in G.W., 6, 1940, pp 1-285; in Studienausgabe, IV, 1970. Repr., intro. Peter Gay, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1992.
- Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious, trans. A.A. Brill, New York: Moffat, Yard, 1916, 388 pp, IA, IA, IA; repr., London: T. Fisher Unwin, 388 pp; repr., London: Kegan Paul, 1922, IA; repr. in Basic Writings, 1938, pp 633-803. (English)
- Le mot d’esprit et sa relation à l’inconscient, trans. Marie Bonaparte and M. Nathan, Paris: Gallimard, 1930; 1971, 225 pp. (French)
- Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., 8, 1960; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1963, OL, OL; 1990, 368 pp. (English)
- Le mot d’esprit et sa relation à l’inconscient, trans. Denis Messier, intro. Jean-Claude Lavie, Paris: Gallimard, 1992. (French)
- Vtip a jeho vztah k nevědomí, trans. Ondřej Bezdíček, Prague: Psychoanalytické nakladatelství, 2005, 251 pp. (Czech)

Der Wahn und die Träume in W. Jensens "Gradiva", 1907, IA.
- Der Wahn und die Träume in W. Jensens "Gradiva", Leipzig and Vienna: Heller, 1907, 81 pp, IA; repr., unchanged, Leipzig and Vienna: Deuticke, 1908; 2nd ed., with 'Postscript', Deuticke, 1912, 87 pp; 3rd ed., unchanged, 1924; in G.S., 9, 1925, pp 273-367; in G.W., 7, 1941, pp 31-125; in Studienausgabe, X, 1969. Repr., ed. Bernd Urban, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1995.
- Delusion and Dream, trans. Helen M. Downey, intro. G. Stanley Hall, New York: Moffat, Yard, 1917, 243 pp, [omits 'Postscript', incl. trans. of Jensen's story], IA, IA; repr., London: George Allen & Unwin, 1921, 213 pp, IA. (English)
- Délire et rêves dans la 'Gradiva' de W. Jensen, trans. Marie Bonaparte, Paris: Gallimard, 1931; 1949, 215 pp. (French)
- "Delusion and Dream", trans. Harry Zohn, in Delusion and Dream, and Other Essays, ed. Philip Rieff, Boston: Beacon Press, 1956, OL. (English). From the 2nd ed. of G.W..
- Delusions and Dreams in Jensen's Gradiva, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., 9, 1959, [with 'Postscript']. (English)
- Délire et rêves dans la 'Gradiva' de W. Jensen, trans. P. Arhex and R.-M Zeitlin, Paris: Gallimard, 1991; in OCF.P, VIII, 2007. (French)

Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci, 1910, IA.
- Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1910, 71 pp, IA; in G.S., 9, 1925, pp 369-454; in G.W., 8, 1945, pp 127-211; in Studienausgabe, X, 1969; Repr., intro. Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1995.
- Leonardo da Vinci: a Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence, trans. A.A. Brill, New York: Moffat, Yard, 1916, IA; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1922, IA. (English)
- Un souvenir d’enfance de Léonard de Vinci, trans. Marie Bonaparte, Paris: Gallimard, 1927. (French)
- Vzpomínka z dětství Leonarda da Vinci: 4 obrazy, trans. & intro. Ladislav Kratochvíl, Prague: Orbis, 1933, 131 pp; Prague: Orbis, 1991, 88 pp. (Czech)
- Un souvenir d’enfance de Léonard de Vinci, trans. Janine Altounian, André and Odile Bourguignon, et al., intro. J.-B. Pontalis, Paris: Gallimard, 1987; 1992; in OCF.P, X, 1993. (French)
- Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood, intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 144 pp, OL. (English)

Totem und Tabu, 1913, IA.
- Totem und Tabu, Leipzig and Vienna: Hugo Heller, 1913, 149 pp, IA; 2nd ed., Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1920, 216 pp; 3rd ed., 1922, 216 pp; in G.S., 10, pp 3-194; 5th ed., 1934, 194 pp; in G.W., 9, 1940, pp 1-205; in Studienausgabe, IX, 1974. Repr., intro. Mario Erdheim, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1991.
- Totem and Taboo, trans. A.A. Brill, New York: Moffat, Yard, 1918, 265 pp, IA, IA; London: Routledge, 1919, 265 pp, IA, IA; London and New York: Penguin, 1938, 159 pp; in Basic Writings, 1938, pp 807-930. (English)
- Totem et Tabou, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris: Payot, 1923, WB-CA; 1989, 241 pp; 1992. (French)
- Totem and Taboo, trans. James Strachey, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1950, IA; New York and London: Norton, 1952, OL; repr., slightly corr., in Standard Ed., 13, 1955, pp vii-162; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 248 pp; Routledge, 1999, ARG. (English)
- Totem şi tabu; Moise şi monoteismul; Angoasă în civilizaţie; Viitorul unei iluzii, trans. dr. Leonard Gavriliu in: Opere, vol. 1, Bucharest: Ştiinţifică, 1991. (Romanian)
- Totem şi tabu. O interpretare psihanalitică a vieții sociale a popoarelor primitive, trans. Gabriel Avram, Bucharest: Herald, 2017, PDF, ARG. (Romanian)
- Totem a tabu, trans. & intro. Ludvík Hošek, Prague: Práh, 1991, 131 pp; Prague: Psychoanalytické nakladatelství, 1997, 157 pp. (Czech)
- Totem et Tabou, trans. M. Weber, Paris: Gallimard, 1993; in OCF.P, XI, 1998. (French)

Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, 1917/1922, IA.
- Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, [1916-17], Leipzig and Vienna: Heller, 1917, 545 pp; 2nd ed., with index and corr., 1918, 553 pp; 3rd ed., corr., Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1920, 553 pp, IA; 4th ed., corr., 1922, 554 pp, IA; pocket ed., 1922, 495 pp; pocket ed., 2nd ed., corr. and with index, 1922, 502 pp; in G.S., 7, 1924, 483 pp; 5th ed., (repr. of G.S. ed.), 1926, 483 pp, IA; pocket ed., 3rd ed., 1926, IA; small ed., 501 pp, 1930, IA; Berlin: Kiepenheuer, 1933, 524 pp; in G.W., 11, 1944, 495 pp; in Studienausgabe, I, 1969. Repr., Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1991. First published separately as Vorlesungen I-IV: Einleitung, Fehlleistungen, 1916; Vorlesungen V-XV: Der Traum, 1916; and Vorlesungen XVI-XXVIII: Allgemeine Neurosenlehre, 1917; all three in Leipzig and Vienna: Heller.
- A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, trans. unspecified, New York: Boni and Liveright, 1920, 406 pp, IA, IA; 1922, IA; 1925, IA. (English)
- Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, trans. Joan Riviere, London: Allen & Unwin, 1922, 395 pp; 2nd ed., rev., 1929, 395 pp; repr. as A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, New York: Liveright, 1935, 412 pp; New York: Permabooks, 1958, OL. (English)
- Introduction à la psychanalyse, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris: Payot, 1921; 1922, 484 pp, IA; 1923, WS-FR; 1932; 1951, 441 pp; 1993. (French)
- Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., Vols. 15-16, 1961; New York and London: Norton, 1977, 621 pp, OL; repr. as Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 112 pp. (English)
- Conférences d’introduction à la psychanalyse, trans. Fernand Cambon, intro. J-B. Pontalis, Paris: Gallimard, 1999; in OCF., XIV, 2000. (French)
- Further translations: Dutch, 1917; French, 1922; Italian, 1922; Russian, 1922-23; Spanish, 1923; Japanese, 1928; Norwegian, 1929; Hebrew, 1930; Hungarian, 1932; Serbo-Croatian, 1933; Chinese, 1933; Polish, 1935.
- Úvod do psychoanalysy: přednášky, trans. Ota Friedmann, Prague: Julius Albert, 1936, 382 pp; 2nd ed., 1945, 382 pp. (Czech)
- "Přednášky k úvodu do psychoanalýzy", trans. Jiří Pechar, in Freud, Vybrané spisy 1, Prague: SZN, 1969; repr., 1991. (Czech)

Jenseits des Lustprinzips, 1920, IA.
- Jenseits des Lustprinzips, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1920, 60 pp, IA; 2nd ed., 1921, Goo = IA, 64 pp; 3rd ed., 1923, 94 pp; in G.S., 6, 1925, pp 191-257; in Theoretische Schriften, 1931, pp 178-247; in G.W., 13, 1940, pp 1-69; in Studienausgabe, III, 1975.
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle, trans. C. J. M. Hubback, London and Vienna: International Psychoanalytical, 1922, 90 pp, HTML; New York: Boni and Liveright, 1924; London: Hogarth and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1942. (English)
- "Au delà du principe de plaisir", trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris: Payot, 1927. (French)
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., 18, 1950; intro. Gregory Zilboorg, New York: Liveright, 1961, 68 pp; Norton, 1975, ARG, OL; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 144 pp. (English)
- "Au delà du principe de plaisir", in Freud, Essais de psychanalyse, trans. Jean Laplanche and J.-B. Pontalis, Paris: Payot, 1982; in OCF.P, XV, 1996. (French)

Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse, 1921, IA.
- Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1921, 140 pp, IA; 2nd ed., 1923, 120 pp; in G.S., 6, 1925, pp 261-349; in Theoretische Schriften, 1931, pp 248-337; in G.W., 13, 1940, pp 71-161; in Studienausgabe, IX, 1974. Repr. in Freud, Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse/Die Zukunft einer Illusion, intro. Reimut Reiche, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1993.
- Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, trans. James Strachey, London and Vienna: International Psycho-Analytical Press, 1922, 134 pp, IA, IA; London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, and New York: Liveright, 1940; 1949, IA; in Standard Ed., 18, 1950; London and New York, 1959; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 144 pp. (English)
- Psychologie collective et analyse du Moi, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris: Payot, 1924; 1925. (French)
- "Psychologie collective et analyse du Moi", in Freud, Essais de psychanalyse, Paris, Payot, 1972; in OCF.P, XVI, 1991. (French)
- Das Ich und das Es, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1923, 77 pp, IA; in G.S., 6, 1925, pp 351-405; in Theoretische Schriften, 1931, pp 338-391; in G.W., 13, 1940, pp 237-289; in Studienausgabe, III, 1975. Repr. in Das Ich und das Es. Metapsychologische Schriften, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1992.
- Le Moi et le Soi, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, 1923, WB-CA. (French)
- The Ego and the Id, trans. Joan Riviere, London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1927, 88 pp; repr., modified, in Standard Ed., 19, 1961, pp 1-66; new ed., rev., ed. James Strachey, New York and London: Norton, 1962, OL; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 128 pp. (English)
- "Le Moi et le Ça", in Freud, Essai de psychanalyse, trans. Jean Laplanche, Paris: Payot, 1981; in OCF.P, XVI, 1991. (French)
- "Já a Ono. Psychologie masy a analýza Já", in Freud, O člověku a kultuře, Prague: Odeon, 1990. (Czech)
- Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose, [1918], Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924, 132 pp, IA; in G.S., 8, 1924, pp 439-567; in Neurosenlehre und Technik, 1931, pp 37-171; in G.W., 12, 1947, pp 27-157; in Studienausgabe, VIII, 1969. First published in S.K.S.N., Bd. 4, 1918, pp 578-717, and S.K.S.N., Bd. 5, 1922, pp 1-140.
- From the History of an Infantile Neurosis, trans. A. and J. Strachey, in C.P., 3, pp 473-605; rev.ed., in Standard Ed., 17, 1955, pp 1-124. (English)
- "À partir de l’histoire d’une névrose infantile", in Freud, Cinq psychanalyses, trans. Marie Bonaparte and R. M. Loewenstein, Paris: PUF, 1990; in OCF.P, XIII, 1988. (French)

Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens, 1924, IA.
- Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens, [1910-18], Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924, 48 pp, IA; 1931; in G.W., 8, 1945, pp 66-77 [I], 78-91 [II], and Bd. 12, 1947, pp 159-180 [III]; in Studienausgabe, V, 1972. First published separately as "Über einen besonderen Typus der Objektwahl beim Manne" [I], 1910; "Über die allgemeinste Erniedrigung des Liebeslebens" [II], 1912; and "Das Tabu der Virginität" [III], 1918; repr. in sequence in S.K.S.N., Bd. 4, 1918, pp 200-251; in G.S., 5, 1924, pp 186-231.
- "Contributions to the Psychology of Love" [I-III], trans. Joan Riviere, in C.P., 4, 1925, pp 192-235.
- "Contributions to the Psychology of Love" [I-III], trans. Angela Richards, in Standard Ed., 11, 1957, pp 163-208. (English)

Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens, 1924, IA.
- Zur Einführung des Narzißmus, [1914], Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924, 35 pp, IA; in G.S., 6, pp 155-187; in Theoretische Schriften, pp 25-57; in G.W., 10, 1946, pp 137-170; in Studienausgabe, III, 1975. First published in Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, Vol. 6 (1914), pp 1-24; repr. in S.K.S.N., Bd. 4, 1918, pp 78-112.
- "On Narcissism: an Introduction", trans. C.M. Baines, in C.P., 4, pp 30-59; in Standard Ed., 14, 1957, pp 67-102. (English)
- "Pour introduire le narcissisme", in Freud, La vie sexuelle, trans. Jean Laplanche, Paris: PUF, 1969; in OCF.P, XII, 2005. (French)

Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung, 1924, IA.
- Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung, [1914], Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924, 72 pp, IA; in G.W., 10, 1946, pp 43-113; in Freud, 'Selbstdarstellung'. Schriften zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse, ed. Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, 1971. First published in Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, Vol. 6 (1914), pp 207-260; repr. in S.K.S.N., Bd. 4, 1918, pp 1-77; in G.S., 4, pp 411-480.
- "The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement", trans. A.A. Brill, Psychoanal. Rev. 3 (1916), pp 406-454; repr. in book form, New York: Nervous & Mental Disease Publishing, 1917, 58 pp; repr. in Basic Writings, 1938, pp 933-977. (English)
- Contribution à l’histoire du mouvement psychanalytique, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris, Payot, 1927, WB-CA. (French)
- "On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement", trans. Joan Riviere, in C.P., 1, 1924, pp 287-359; repr., modified, in Standard Ed., 14, 1957, pp 1-66. (English)
- Sur l’histoire du mouvement psychanalytique, trans. C. Heim, intro. J-B. Pontalis, Paris: Gallimard, 1991; in OCF.P, XII, 2005. (French)
- Die Frage der Laienanalyse. Unterredungen mit einem Unparteüschen, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1926, 123 pp, IA; in G.S., 11, 1928, pp 307-384; in G.W., 14, 1948, pp 207-286; in Studienausgabe, Ergänzungsband, 1975.
- "The Problem of Lay-Analyses", trans. A.P. Maerker-Branden, in The Problem of Lay-Analyses, New York: Brentano, 1927, pp 25-186. (English)
- The Question of Lay Analysis: an Introduction to Psycho-Analysis, London: Imago, 1947, 81 pp; Norton, 1950, 125 pp; in Standard Ed., 20, 1959, pp 177-258; Norton, 1969, OL; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 144 pp. (English)
- La question de l’analyse profane, trans. Janine Altounian, et al., intro. J.-B. Pontalis, Paris: Gallimard, 1986, 204 pp; in OCF.P, XVIII, 1994. (French)
- Hemmung, Symptom und Angst, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1926, 136 pp, IA; 2nd ed., 1928, IA; in G.S., 11, 1928, pp 23-115; in Neurosenlehre und Technik, 1931, pp 205-99; in G.W., 14, 1948, pp 111-205; in Studienausgabe, VI, 1971. Repr., intro. F.-W. Eickhoff, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1992.
- Inhibition, Symptom and Anxiety, trans. supervised L. Pierce Clark, Stamford, Conn.: Psychoanalytic Institute, 1927, 103 pp. (English)
- "Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety", trans. Henry Allen Bunker, in Psychoanal. Q. 4:4 (1935), pp 616-625; 5:1 (1936), pp 1-28; 5:2 (1936), pp 261-79; 5:3, pp 415-3; repr. as The Problem of Anxiety, New York: Psychoanalytic Press and Norton, 1936, 165 pp. (English). Review, Review.
- Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, trans. Alix Strachey, London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1936, 179 pp; in Standard Ed., 20, 1959, pp 75-176; London, 1960; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 176 pp. (English)
- Inhibition, symptôme et angoisse, trans. Michel Tort, Paris: PUF, 1965; 1968, 104 pp; in OCF.P, XVII, 1992. (French)

Die Zukunft einer Illusion, 1927, IA.
- Die Zukunft einer Illusion, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1927, 91 pp, IA; 2nd ed., unchanged, 1928; in G.S., 11, 1928, pp 411-466; in G.W., 14, 1948, pp 325-380; in Studienausgabe, IX, 1974, pp 135-189.
- The Future of an Illusion, trans. W.D. Robson-Scott, London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1928, 98 pp. (English)
- Budoucnost jedné iluse, trans. Harry Schütz and Fr. Navrátil, Prague: Volná Myšlenka, 1929, 82 pp. (Czech)
- L'Avenir d'une illusion, trans. Marie Bonaparte, Paris: Denoël et Steele, 1932, 197 pp; Paris: PUF, 1971; in OCF.P, XVIII, 1994. (French)
- The Future of an Illusion, trans. James Strachey, Standard Ed., 21, 1961, pp 1-56; Norton, 1961, OL; 1975, OL, Scribd; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1989, 112 pp, OL. (English)
- L'Avenir d'une illusion, trans. Anne Balseinte, Jean-Gilbert Delarbre and Daniel Hartmann, intro. Jacques André, Paris: PUF, 2002, 61 pp. (French)

Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, 1930, IA.
- Das Unbehagen in der Kultur, Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1930, 136 pp, IA; 2nd ed., with additions; in G.S., 12, 1934, pp 29-114; in G.W., 14, 1948, pp 421-506; in Studienausgabe, IX, 1974, pp 191-270. Repr. in Das Unbehagen in der Kultur und andere kulturtheoretische Schriften, intro. Alfred Lorenzer and Bernard Görlich, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1994.
- Civilization and its Discontents, trans. Joan Riviere, London: Hogarth, 1930, 144 pp; New York: Dover, 1994, OL. (English)
- Malaise dans la civilisation, trans. Charles and J. Odier, Paris: Denoël & Steele, 1934, WB-CA; Paris: PUF, 8th ed., 1981, 107 pp. (French)
- Civilization and its Discontents, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., 21, 1961, pp 57-146; New York: Norton, 1962, ARG, OL; London, 1963; intro. Christopher Hitchens, Norton, 2010, 186 pp. (English)
- Nelagodnost u kulturi, trans. Đorđe Bogičević, Belgrade: Rad, 1988, 83 pp, ARG. (Serbian)
- Le malaise dans la culture, trans. P. Cotet, R. Lainé, J. Stute Cadiot and J. André, Paris: PUF, 1995; in OCF.P, XVIII, 1994. (French)
- Nespokojenost v kultuře, trans. Ludvík Hošek, Prague: Hynek, 1998, 141 pp. (Czech)
- Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1933, 255 pp; in G.S., 12, 1934, pp 149-345; in G.W., 15, 1944, 206 pp; in Studienausgabe, I, 1969. Repr., Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1991.
- New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, trans. W.J.H. Strott, London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1933, 240 pp; New York: Norton, 1933, 257 pp. (English)
- New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., 22, 1964, 267 pp; New York: Norton, 1965, OL; intro. Peter Gay, Norton, 1990, 280 pp. (English)
- Nouvelles conférences d'introduction à la psychanalyse, trans. Rose-Marie Zeitlin, Paris: Gallimard, 1984; 1989, 263 pp; in OCF.P, XIX, 1995. (French)
- Nová řada přednášek k úvodu do psychoanalýzy, trans. Eugen Wiškovský and Jiří Pechar, Prague: Psychoanalytické nakladatelství, 1997, 157 pp. (Czech)

Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion. Drei Abhandlungen, 1939, IA.
- Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion. Drei Abhandlungen, Amsterdam: De Lange, 1939, 241 pp, IA; in G.W., 16, 1950, pp 101-246; in Studienausgabe, IX, 1974. Repr. in Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion und andere reliogionspsychologische Schriften, ed. Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, (forthcoming). First 2 of 3 parts first published in Imago, 1937.
- Moses and Monotheism, trans. Katherine Jones, London: Hogarth, and Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1939, 223 pp, ARG, IA; New York: Knopf, 1939, 218 pp; Vintage, 1955, OL; Vintage, 1967, OL (English)
- Moïse et le monothéiste, trans. Anne Berman, Paris: Gallimard, 1948; 1972, 186 pp. (French)
- "Moses and Monotheism", trans. James Strachey, in Standard Ed., 23, 1964, pp 1-138. (English)
- L’homme Moïse et la religion monothéiste, trans. C. Heim, Paris: Gallimard, 1986, in OCF., XX, 2010. (French)
Editorial work[edit]
- with Eugen Bleuler, Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1909-12. Vol. 1, 1909, IA; Vol. 2, 1910, 1. Hälfte IA; Vol. 3, 1911, 1. Hälfte IA; Vol. 4, 1912, 1. Hälfte IA.
- Jean Martin Charcot, Neue Vorlesungen über die Krankheiten des Nervensystems, insbesondere über Hysterie, Leipzig and Vienna, Toeplitz & Deuticke, 1886, Goo = IA.
- Hippolyte Bernheim, Neue Studien ueber Hypnotismus, Suggestion und Psychotherapie, Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1888-89; 1892, Goo = IA. [2]
Collected works[edit]
in German[edit]
- G.S Gesammelte Schriften, 12 vols., ed. Anna Freud, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924-34.
- I, Studien über Hysterie / Frühe Arbeiten zur Neurosenlehre (1892-1899), 1925, IA.
- II, Die Traumdeutung, 1925, IA.
- III, Ergänzungen zur Traumlehre, 1925, IA.
- IV, Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens / Das Interesse an der Psychoanalyse / Über Psychoanalyse / Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung, 1924, IA.
- V, Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie / Arbeiten zum Sexualleben und zur Neurosenlehre / Metapsychologie, 1924, IA.
- VI, Zur Technik / Zur Einführung des Narzissmus / Jenseits des Lustprinzips / Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse / Das Ich und des Es / Anhang, 1925, IA.
- VII, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, 1924, IA.
- VIII, Krankengeschichten, 1924, IA.
- IX, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten / Der Wahn und die Träme in W. Jensens "Gradiva" / Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci, 1925, IA.
- X, Totem und Tabu. Arbeiten zur Anwendung der Psychoanalyse, 1924, IA.
- XI, Schriften aus den Jahren 1923-1926. Vermischte Schriften, 1928, IA.
- XII, Schriften aus den Jahren 1928 bis 1933. Vermischte Schriften, 1934, IA.
- G.W. Gesammelte Werke. Chronologisch geordnet [Imago-Ausgabe], 17 vols., eds. Anna Freud, Edward Bibring, Willi Hoffer, Ernst Kris and Otto Isakower, with Marie Bonaparte, London: Imago, 1940-52; repr. as Gesammelte Werke, 17+2 vols., Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1960ff; 1999. [3] [4]
- I, Werke aus den Jahren 1892-1899, 1952, ARG, PDF; 6th ed., 1992. [5]
- Vols. II/III, Die Traumdeutung / Über den Traum, 1942 (1945??); 2nd ed., 1948; 3rd ed., 1961, ARG, PDF; 8th ed., 1998. [6]
- IV, Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens, 1941; repr. 1947, ARG, PDF; 10th ed., 2006. [7]
- V, Schriften aus den Jahren 1904-1905, 1942; 2nd ed., 1949; 3rd ed., 1961; 4th ed., 1968, ARG, PDF; 7th ed., 1992. [8]
- VI, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten, 1940; repr. 1948, ARG, PDF; 8th ed., 2000. [9]
- VII, Werke aus den Jahren 1906-1909, 1941; 2nd ed., 1947; 3rd ed., 1955; 4th ed., 1966, ARG, PDF; 7th ed., 1993. [10]
- VIII, Werke aus den Jahren 1909-1913, 1945; repr. 1948; 1955, ARG, PDF; 9th ed., 1996. [11]
- IX, Totem und Tabu, 1944; 2nd ed., 1950; 3rd ed., 1961, ARG, PDF; 8th ed., 1996. [12]
- X, Werke aus den Jahren 1913-1917, 1946; repr. 1949, ARG, PDF; 8th ed., 1991. [13]
- XI, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, 1944; 2nd ed., 1948; 3rd ed., 1961; 4th ed., 1966; 5th ed., 1969, ARG, PDF; 9th ed., 1998. [14]
- XII, Werke aus den Jahren 1917-1920, 1947; 2nd ed., 1955; 3rd ed., 1966, ARG, PDF; 7th ed., 2006. [15]
- XIII, Jenseits des Lustprinzips/Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse/Das Ich und das Es, 1940; 2nd ed., 1947; 3rd ed., 1955; 4th ed., 1963; 5th ed., 1967, ARG, PDF; 10th ed., 1998. [16]
- XIV, Werke aus den Jahren 1925-1931, 1948; repr. 1955, ARG, PDF; 7th ed., 1991. [17]
- XV, Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einührung in die Psychoanalyse, 1944; 2nd ed., 1950; 3rd ed., 1961, ARG, PDF; 9th ed., 1996. [18]
- XVI, Werke aus den Jahren 1925-1939, 1950; 2nd ed., 1961, ARG, PDF; 8th ed., 2006. [19]
- XVII, Schriften aus dem Nachlaß 1892-1938, 1941; repr. 1946; 1955, ARG, PDF; 8th ed., 1993. [20]
- XVIII, Gesamtregister der Bände 1-17, 1968; 5th ed., 1994. [21]
- Nachtragsband: Texte aus den Jahren 1885 bis 1938, ed. Angela Richards, 1987. [22]
- Studienausgabe , 10+1 vols., eds. Alexander Mitscherlich, Angela Richards and James Strachey, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1969-75 (1-11), 1977 (12); repr. 1982; rev. ed., 11 vols., 1989; 2000. Arranged by theme. [23] [24]
- I, Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse / Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, 1969.
- II, Die Traumdeutung, 1972.
- III, Psychologie des Unbewußten, 1975.
- IV, Psychologische Schriften, 1970.
- V, Sexualleben, 1972.
- VI, Hysterie und Angst, 1971.
- VII, Zwang, Paranoia und Perversion, 1973.
- VIII, Zwei Kinderneurosen, 1969.
- IX, Fragen der Gesellschaft / Ursprünge der Religion, 1974.
- X, Bildende Kunst und Literatur, 1969.
- Ergänzungsband: Schriften zur Behandlungstechnik, 1975.
in English[edit]
- C.P. Collected Papers, 5 vols., trans. Joan Riviere, et al., London, 1924-50. Contains virtually all of Freud's shorter papers and his case histories.
- Standard Ed. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 24 vols., ed. James Strachey with Anna Freud, London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953-74. Abstracts, [25], [26], [27].
- I, Pre-Psycho-Analytic Publications and Unpublished Drafts (1886-1899), 1966; repr. 1981, ARG.
- II, Studies in Hysteria by Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud (1893-1895), 1955; repr. 1962, PDF; 1981, ARG.
- III Early Psycho-Analytic Publications (1893-1899), 1962; repr. 1981, ARG.
- IV, The Interpretation of Dreams (I) (1900), 1953; repr. with corrections, 1958; repr. 1971, ARG, IA.
- V, The Interpretation of Dreams (II) and On Dreams (1900-1901), 1953; repr. with corrections, 1958; repr. 1981, ARG.
- VI, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901), 1960; repr. 1981, ARG.
- VII, A Case of Hysteria, Three Essays on Sexuality and Other Works (1901-1905), 1953; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- VIII, Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious (1905), 1960; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- IX, Jensen's 'Gradiva', and Other Works (1906-1909), 1959; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- X, The Cases of 'Little Hans' and the Rat Man' (1909), 1955; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- XI, Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis, Leonardo and Other Works (1910), 1957; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- XII, The Case of Schreber, Papers on Technique and Other Works (1911-1913), 1958; repr. 1981, ARG.
- XIII, Totem and Taboo and Other Works (1913-1914), 1955; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- XIV, On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement, Papers on Meta-psychology and Other Works (1914-1916), 1957.
- XV, Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis (Parts I and II) (1915-1916), 1961; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- XVI, Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis (Part III) (1916-1917), 1963. [28]
- XVII, An Infantile Neurosis and Other Works (1917-1919), 1955; repr. 1981, ARG 2up.
- XVIII, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Group Psychology and Other Works (1920-1922), 1955, ARG.
- XIX, The Ego and the Id and Other Works (1923-1925), 1961, PDF, pp 18-29.
- XX, An Autobiographical Study, Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, Lay Analysis and Other Works (1925-1926), 1959.
- XXI, The Future of an Illusion, Civilization and its Discontents and Other Works (1927-1931), 1961.
- XXII, New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis and Other Works (1932-1936), 1964.
- XXIII, Moses and Monotheism, An Outline of Psycho-Analysis and Other Works (1937-1939), 1964.
- XXIV, Indexes and Bibliographies, comp. Angela Richards, 1974.
in Spanish[edit]
- Obras Completas, 23+2 vols., trans. José Luis Etcheverry, Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1978-82, PDF. [29]
in French[edit]
- OCF.P Œuvres complètes de Freud / Psychanalyse, 21+1 vols., ed. Jean Laplanche, Paris: PUF, 1988ff. [30] [31]
- OCF Œuvres complètes de Freud, 18 vols., Paris: PUF, 1998.
in Czech[edit]
in Dutch[edit]
- Werken, 11 vols., trans. Wilfred Oranje, Amsterdam: Boom, 2006, ARG, 1, ARG, 2, ARG, 3, ARG, 4. [34]
in Romanian[edit]
- O.E. Opere Esenţiale, 11 vols., Bucharest: Trei, 2010. [35]
- 1, Introducere în psihanaliză, trans. Ondine Dascăliţa, Roxana Melnicu and Reiner Wilhelm, 760 pp.
- 2, Interpretarea viselor, trans. Roxana Melnicu, 784 pp.
- 3, Psihologia inconştientului, trans. Gilbert Lepădatu, George Purdea and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 440 pp.
- 4, Cuvântul de spirit şi raportul său cu inconştientul, trans. Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 344 pp.
- 5, Studii despre sexualitate, trans. Rodica Matei and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 384 pp.
- 6, Inhibiţie, simptom, angoasă, trans. Roxana Melnicu, Georgeta Mitrea Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 376 pp.
- 7, Nevroză, psihoză, perversiune, trans. Roxana Melnicu, Corneliu Irimia, Reiner Wilchelm and Silviu Dragomir, 416 pp.
- 8, Nevroza la copil: Micul Hans şi Omul cu lupi, trans. Rodica Matei and Ruxandra Hosu, 296 pp.
- 9, Studii despre societate şi religie, trans. Roxana Melnicu, George Purdea and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 744 pp.
- 10, Eseuri de psihanaliză aplicată, trans. Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 416 pp.
- 11, Tehnica psihanalizei, trans. Roxana Melnicu and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, 496 pp.
Selected works[edit]
in German[edit]

Psychoanalytische Studien an Werken der Dichtung und Kunst, 1924, IA.
- S.K.S.N. Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, 5 vols., Leipzig and Vienna: Franz Deuticke, 1906-22, IA, 1.
- Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924, IA, BnF.
- Psychoanalytische Studien an Werken der Dichtung und Kunst, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1924, IA.
- Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen aus den Jahren 1913-1925, Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1926, IA.
- Kleinoktavoausgabe, 7 vols., Leipzig, Vienna and Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1929-33. [36]
- Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens, 1929, 312 pp. (see above)
- Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, 1930, 499 pp. (see above)
- Schriften zur Neurosenlehre und zur psychoanalytischen Technik (1913-1926), 1931, 426 pp.
- Kleine Schriften zur Sexualtheorie und zur Traumlehre, 1931, 381 pp.
- Theoretische Schriften (1911-1925), 1931, 381 pp.
- Vier psychoanalytische Krankengeschichten, 1932, 463 pp.
- Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse, 1933, 254 pp. (see above)
- Freud Fundamente, 3 vols., Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1999; 2nd ed., 2001, 1312 pp.
- Werkausgabe in zwei Bänden, Bd. 1, Elemente der Psychoanalyse, Bd. 2, Anwendungen der Psychoanalyse, eds. & comm. Anna Freud and Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2006.
- Das Lesebuch: Schriften aus vier Jahrzenhnten, ed. & comm. Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2006, 350 pp.
in English[edit]
- S.P.H. Selected Papers on Hysteria and Other Psychoneuroses, New York, 1909-20.
- The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud, trans. & ed. A.A. Brill, New York: Modern Library, 1938, OL; 1995, OL.
- The Freud Reader, ed. Peter Gay, New York: Norton, 1989; 1995, ARG.
- Writings on Art and Literature, intro. Neil Hertz, Stanford University Press, 1997, 290 pp, ARG, PDF, Log. Selected from the Standard Ed.
- Freud: A Modern Reader, ed. Rosine Joseph Perelberg, London and Philadelphia: Whurr Publishers, 2005, 297 pp; 2006, PDF.
- The Penguin Freud Reader, ed. & intro. Adam Phillips, Penguin, 2006.
in French[edit]
- Essais de psychanalyse appliquée, trans. Marie Bonaparte and Mme E. Marty, Paris: Gallimard, 1933; 1971. [37]
- Cinq psychanalyses, trans. Marie Bonaparte and Rudolph Loewenstein, Paris: Denoël & Steele, 1935; Paris: PUF, 1973, 422 pp; 17th ed., 1992.
- Métapsychologie, trans. Marie Bonaparte and Anne Berman, Paris: Gallimard, 1940.
- Essais de psychanalyse, trans. Samuel Jankélévitch, Paris: Payot, 1948; 1963, 280 pp.
- Psychanalyse, ed. Dina Dreyfus, Paris: PUF, 1963; 5th ed., 1971, 190 pp.
- La vie sexuelle, intro. Jean Laplanche, trans. Denis Berger, Jean Laplanche, et al., Paris: PUF, 1969, 159 pp; 9th ed., 1992.
- La technique psychanalytique, trans. Anne Bernam, Paris: PUF, 1970, 141 pp. Trans. of Zur Technik der Psychoanalyse und zur Metapsychologie, 1924.
- Essais de psychanalyse, trans. Andre Bourguignon, et al., Paris: Payot, 1981, 274 pp; 1993.
- Résultats, idées, problèmes, 1, 1890-1920, trans. Janine Altounian, Paul-Laurent Assoun, Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, et al., Paris: PUF, 1984, 263 pp; 4th ed., 1991; 1998. [38] [39]
- Résultats, idées, problèmes, 2, 1921-1938, trans. Janine Altounian, Anne Balseinte, André Bourguignon, et al., Paris: PUF, 1985, 298 pp; 3rd ed., 1992; 1998. [40] [41]
in Czech[edit]
- Vybrané spisy, 3 vols., trans. Otakar Kučera, Jiří Pechar, Eugen Wiškovský, Bohodar Dosužkov, et al., Prague: Státní zdravotnické nakladatelství, 1969 (I-II); Prague: Avicenum, 1971 (III); 2nd ed., Prague: Avicenum, 1991/93.
- O člověku a kultuře, ed. Jiří Stromšík, trans. Ludvík Hošek and Jiří Pechar, Prague: Odeon, 1990, 444 pp.
in Romanian[edit]
- Introducere în psihanaliză, prelegeri de psihanaliză, psihopatologia vieţii cotidiene, trans. Leonard Gavriliu, Bucharest: Didactică şi pedagogică, 1990, PDF, Scribd.
- Psihologia colectiva şi analiza eului, trans. Darie Lăzărescu, Bucharest: Mediarex, 1995, PDF, PDF, Scribd.
More works online[edit]
Wikisource, Projekt Gutenberg-DE.
Collection of writings by and on Freud on Aaaaarg, Wikibooks-FR. (many languages).
Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg. (English)
BnF, Wikisource-FR (French).
Bibliographies, concordances, indices[edit]
- Samuel A. Guttman, R.L. Jones, S.M. Parrish, The Concordance to the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 6 vols., 1980. (English)
- Samuel A. Guttman, et al. (eds.), Konkordanz zu den "Gesammelten Werken" von Sigmund Freud, 6 vols., Waterloo: North Waterloo Academic Press, 1995.
- Alain Delrieu, Sigmund Freud: index général Paris: Anthropos, 1997. (French)
- Gerhard Fichtner, Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo, Freud-Bibliographie mit Werkkonkordanz, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1989; 2nd ed., exp. and corrected, 1999, 295 pp.
- Alain Delrieu, Sigmund Freud: index thématique, chronologique, anthologique, 2nd ed., Paris: Anthropos, 2001. (French)
- C. Marcoux, Freud en français. Bibliographie complète des écrits de Freud avec concordances allemande et anglaise, Paris: Société psychanalytique de Paris / Bibliothèque Sigmund Freud, 2012. (French)
- Freud, Sigmund: Werkverzeichnis in chronologischer Ordnung, until 1941, compiled by Christine Diercks.
- Bibliographie Sigmund Freud, compiled by Sigmund Freud Museum. (German)
- Bibliography of Freud's writings, with their English translations.
- A Select Bibliography, by Robert A. Hatch.
- Bibliographie de Freud, Bibliothèque nationale de France (RTF).
- Bibliographie de Freud en français, compiled by Hélène Parat, Cécile Marcoux and Coline Meirieu.

The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904, 1985, ARG.
- Aus den anfangen der psychoanalyse. briefe an Wilhelm Fliess, abhandlungen und notizen aus de jahren 1887-1902, eds. Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud and Ernst Kris, London: Imago, 1950.
- The Origins of Psycho-Analysis. Letters to Wilhelm Fliess, Drafts and Notes: 1887-1902, eds. Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud and Ernst Kris, trans. Eric Mosbacher and James Strachey, New York: Basic Books, 1954, 486 pp, OL. (English)
- La naissance de la psychanalyse. Lettres à Wilhelm Fliess, notes at plans (1887-1902), eds. Marie Bonaparte, Anna Freud and Ernst Kris, trans. Anne Berman, Paris: PUF, 1973, 424 pp; 6th ed., 1991; 1996. (French)
- with Ludwig Binswanger, Erinnerungen an Sigmund Freud, ed. Ludwig Binswanger, 1956.
- H. D. [Hilda Doolittle], Tribute to Freud: Writing on the Wall, New York, 1956; 1970; rev ed., Manchester: Carcanet, 1985, ARG 2up, PDF. (English). Contains, as an appendix, several letters from Freud to her, the complete collection is at the Beinecke Library at Yale.
- Briefe 1873-1939, eds. Ernst and Lucie Freud, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1960; 2nd ed., enlarged, 1968; 3rd ed., corrected, 1980, 540 pp.
- Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939, trans. Tania and James Stern, 1961; 2nd ed., 1975. (English)
- with Oskar Pfister, Briefe 1909-1939, eds. Ernst L. Freud and Heinrich Meng, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1963; 2nd ed., 1980, 168 pp.
- Psychoanalysis and Faith: The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Oskar Pfister, trans. Eric Mosbacher, 1963. (English)
- Correspondance avec le pasteur Pfister, 1909-1939, Paris: Gallimard, 1991. (French)
- with Karl Abraham, Briefe 1907-1926, eds. Hilda Abraham and Ernst Freud, intro. Edward Glover, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1965; 2nd ed., corrected, 1980.
- A Psychoanalytic Dialogue: The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham, 1907-1926, eds. Hilda Abraham and Ernst Freud, trans. Bernard Marsh and Hilda C. Abraham, New York: Basic Books, 1965, ARG. (English)
- The Complete Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham 1907-1925, ed. Ernst Falzeder, Karnac, 2002, 666 pp, ARG. (English)
- Correspondance (1907-1926), Paris: Gallimard, 2006. (French)
- with Lou Andreas-Salomé, Briefwechsel, ed. Ernst Pfeiffer. Frankfurt am Main, 1966.
- Letters, trans. William and Elaine Robson-Scott, ed. & intro. Ernst Pfeiffer, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972, 244 pp, OL; Norton, 1985. (English)
- Correspondance 1912-1936, Paris: Gallimard, 1970. (French)
- with Arnold Zweig, Briefwechsel, ed. Ernst L. Freud, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1968; 2nd ed., 1980, 203 pp; 1984.
- The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig, trans. William and Elaine Robson-Scott, 1970. (English)
- Correspondance, Paris: Rivages, 2006. (French)
- with Albert Einstein, Lettres de Einstein et Freud echangée sur la guerre, ed. Denis de Rougemont, Liège: Pierre Aelberts, 1972, 22 pp. (French). Extract, Commentary by Peter Gay, Commentary by Assoun, [42].
- Warum Krieg?, Paris: Internationales Institut für geistige Zusammenarbeit (Völkerbund), 1933, 62 pp. One letter by each discussing war.
- Why War?, trans. Stuart Gilbert, Paris: International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (League of Nations), 1933, 57 pp. (English)
- Pourquoi la guerre ?, trans. Blaise Briod, Paris: Institut international de coopération intellectuelle (Société des Nations), 1933, 65 pp, WB-CA; Rivages, 2005, 64 pp. (French) [43]
- Warum Krieg?, Paris: Internationales Institut für geistige Zusammenarbeit (Völkerbund), 1933, 62 pp. One letter by each discussing war.
- "Three Letters from Sigmund Freud to André Breton", J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn. XXI (1973), pp 127-134. (English)
- with Carl Gustav Jung, Briefwechsel, eds. William McGuire and Wolfgang Sauerländer, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1974; abridged ed., Zürich: Buchclub Ex Libris, 1976, 722 pp, ARG, PDF; 3rd ed., corrected, 1979.
- The Freud/Jung Letters: The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung, ed. William McGuire, trans. Ralph Manheim [Freud's] and R.F.C. Hull [Jung's], Princeton University Press, 1974, ARG. (English)
- Correspondance 1906-1914, Paris: Gallimard, 1992. (French)
- Briefe an Wilhelm Fließ 1887–1904, unabridged ed., ed. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson with Michael Schroeter and Gerhard Fichtner, intro. Ernst Kris, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1986; 2nd ed. with errata and addenda, 1999, 646 pp.
- The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904, ed. & trans. Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, 1985, ARG. (English)
- Sigmund Freud as a Consultant. Recollections of a Pioneer in Psychoanalysis, ed. Martin Grotjahn, 1970. (English). Letter to the Italian analyst Edoardo Weiss. [44]
- with Edoardo Weiss, Briefe zur psychoanalytischen Praxis. Mit den Erinnerungen eines Pioniers der Psychoanalyse, 1973.
- in Freud, 'Selbstdarstellung'. Schriften zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse, ed. Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, 1971; corr. ed., 1973, pp 103-123. Schoolboy letters to his friend Emil Fluss.
- Brautbriefe: Briefe an Martha Bernays aus d. Jahren 1882–1886, ed. & intro. Ernst L. Freud, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1987.
- Jugendbriefe an Eduard Silberstein 1871-1881, ed. Walter Boehlich, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1989, 280 pp.
- with Ludwig Binswanger, Briefwechsel 1908-1938, ed. Gerhard Fichtner, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1992, 340 pp.
- Correspondance, 1908-1938, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1995. (French)
- with Ernest Jones, Briefwechsel 1908-1939, ed. R. Andrew Paskauskas, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1993, 836 pp. (English)
- Correspondance complète, Paris: PUF, 1998. (French)
- The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi, 3 vols, eds. Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder and Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, trans. Peter T. Hoffer, intro. André Haynal, Harvard University Press, 1993, ARG, 1: 1908-14, ARG, 2: 1914-19, ARG, 3: 1920-33. (English)
- with Sándor Ferenczi, Correspondance, 3 vols., Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1992-2000. (French)
- with Romain Rolland, Correspondance 1923-1936, Paris: PUF, 1993. (French)
- Lettres de famille de Freud et des Freud de Manchester, Paris: PUF, 1996. (French)
- with Max Eitingon, Briefwechsel (1906–1939), edition diskord, 2004.
- Correspondance 1906-1939, Paris: Hachette, 2009. (French)
- with Anna Freud, Briefwechsel, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 2006, 750 pp.
- Correspondance 1904-1938, Paris: Fayard, 2012. (French)
- Unterdeß halten wir zusammen. Briefe an die Kinder, ed. Michael Schroeter with Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo and Ernst Falzeder, Berlin: Aufbau, 2010.
- The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank: Inside Psychoanalysis, eds. E. James Lieberman and Robert Kramer, trans. Gregory C. Richter, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2012, ARG. (English)
- Correspondances de Freud, Paris: Presse Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2007. (French)
- Lettres à ses enfants, Paris: Aubier, 2012. (French)
On the origin of psychoanalysis[edit]
- Ola Andersson, Studies in the Prehistory of Psychoanalysis, Stockholm, 1962. (English)
- Maria Dorer, Historische Grundlagen der Psychoanalyse, Leipzig, 1962.
- Walter A. Stewart, Psychoanalysis. The First Ten Years, 1880-1898, New York, 1967. (English)
- Henri F. Ellenberger, The Discovery of the Unconscious, London, 1970. (English)
- Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, Sonu Shamdasani, Le Dossier Freud. Enquête sur l'histoire de la psychanalyse, Empêcheurs de Penser en Rond, 2006. (French)
On psychoanalysis as a science[edit]
- Paul Kline, Fact and Fantasy in Freudian Theory, 1972; 2nd ed., 1981. (English)
- Seymour Fisher, Roger P. Greenberg, The Scientific Credibility of Freud's Theories and Therapy, 1977. (English)
- Seymour Fisher, Roger P. Greenberg (eds.), The Scientific Evaluation of Freud's Theories and Therapy, 1978. (English)
- Adolf Grünbaum, The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique, 1984. (English)
- La Psychanalyse à l'épreuve, Éditions de l’éclat, 1999. (French)
Philosophical essays[edit]
- Paul Ricœur, De l'interprétation: Essai sur Freud, Paris: Seuil, 1965; 1995. (French)
- Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation, trans. Denis Savage, Yale University Press, 1970, ARG. (English)
- Jean-François Lyotard, Dérive à partir de Marx et Freud, Paris: Union générale d'édition, 1973; Paris: Galilée, 1994, 203 pp, PDF. (French) [45]
- Richard Wollheim (ed.), Freud: A Collection of Critical Essays, 1974; 2nd ed., enlarged, as Philosophical Essays on Freud, eds. Wollheim and J. Hopkins, 1983, PDF. (English)
- Friedrich Kittler, Aufschreibesysteme 1800/1900, Munich: Fink, 1985, Log; 2nd ed., 1987. Reviews: Futterknecht, Holub.
- Discourse Networks 1800 / 1900, trans. Michael Metteer with Chris Cullens, Stanford University Press, 1990, Log, ARG. (English). Especially pp 273-296.
- Nedskrivningssystem 1800 · 1900, trans. Tommy Andersson, Göteborg: Glänta, 2012, 656 pp. (Swedish). Introduction. [46] [47]
- Louis Althusser, Écrits sur la psychanalyse: Freud et Lacan, eds. & intro. Olivier Corpet and François Matheron, Paris: Stock/IMEC, 1993, 310 pp. (French)
- Sulla psicoanalisi: Freud e Lacan, trans. G. Piana, Milan: Cortina Raffaello, 1994, 304 pp. (Italian)
- Writings on Psychoanalysis: Freud and Lacan, trans. Jeffrey Mehlman, New York: Columbia University Press, 1996, 194 pp, ARG. (English)
- Escritos Sobre Psicoanalisis: Freud y Lacan, Mexico: Siglo XXI, 2000, 272 pp. (Spanish)
On Freud and female sexuality[edit]
- Sarah Kofman, L'énigme de la femme: La femme dans les textes de Freud, Paris: Galilée, 1980; 2nd ed., rev., 1983. (French)
- The Enigma of Woman: Woman in Freud's Writings, 1985. (English)
- Jacqueline Rose, Sexuality in the Field of Vision, Verso, 1986, ARG. (English)
- Wilhelm Reich, Sex-Pol: Essays, 1929-1934, ed. Lee Baxandall, intro. Bertell Ollman, trans. Anna Bostock, Tom DuBose and Lee Baxandall, Vintage, 1972, ARG. Writings from Reich's Marxist period, fusing the ideas of Marx and Freud. Review. (English)
On Freud's aesthetics[edit]
- Sarah Kofman, L'enfance de l'art, Paris: Payot, 1970. (French)
- The Childhood of Art: An Interpretation of Freud's Aesthetics, Columbia University Press, 1988, 239 pp. Review: Korda (1988). (English)
Criticism of Freud and psychoanalysis[edit]
- Catherine Meyer (ed.), Le Livre noir de la psychanalyse. Vivre, penser et aller mieux sans Freud, Les Arènes, 2005, PDF. (French)
- O livro negro da psicanálise. Viver e pensar melhor sem Freud, trans. Maria Beatriz de Medina and Simone Perelson, Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2011, PDF. (Portuguese)
- Fritz Wittels, Sigmund Freud: His Personality, His Teaching, and His School, trans. Eden and Cedar Paul, 1924. (English). Criticized by Freud in a letter to the author.
- Hanns Sachs, Freud: Master and Friend, London, 1945. (English)
- Ernest Jones, The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, 3 vols., New York: Basic Books, 1953-1957, PDF, ARG (vol 1), PDF, ARG (vol 2), PDF, ARG (vol 3), OL, OL; abridged ed. as The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, eds. Lionel Trilling and Steven Marcus, Hogarth, 1961. The classic biography, by the pioneering British psychoanalyst who knew Freud closely. (English)
- Das Leben und Werk von Sigmund Freud, 3 vols., trans. Katherine Jones and Gertrud Meili-Doretzki, Bern: Huber, 1960-62; repr. as Sigmund Freud. Leben und Werk, Munich: dtv, 1984.
- La vie et l'œuvre de Sigmund Freud, 3 vols., Paris: PUF, 2006. (French) [48]
- Vita e opere di Freud, 3 vols., 1962, PDF. (Italian)
- Sigmund Freud. Leben und Werk, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1969. Trans. of the 1961 abridged edition.
- Lionel Trilling, Freud and the Crisis of Our Culture, Boston: Beacon Press, 1955, 59 pp, OL. (English).
- Benjamin Nelson (ed.), Freud and the 20th Century, New York: Meridian Books, 1957, OL. (English)
- Martin Freud, Glory Reflected, London, 1957. (English)
- Philip Rieff, Freud: The Mind of the Moralist, 1959; rev. ed., 1961; University of Chicago Press, 1979, DJV. (English)
- Didier Anzieu, L'Auto-analise de Freud et la découverte de la psychanalyse, Paris: PUF, 1959; 2nd ed., 1975; 1998. On Freud's early life as mirrored in the dreams he chose to recount and analyze in The Interpretation of Dreams.
- Gunnar Brandell, 1961; rev. ed., 1976. (Swedish). Tries to enlist Freud among such Naturalists as Zola and Schnitzler.
- Freud: A Man of His Century, rans. Iain White, 1979. (English)
- Octave Mannoni, Freud, Paris: Seuil, 1968; 1977; 2002. (French)
- Freud, trans. Renaud Bruce, New York: Pantheon, 1971, 215 pp, OL; Vintage, 1974; London, 1985. (English)
- Alexander Grinstein, On Sigmund Freud's Dreams, 1968; 2nd ed., 1980. (English). On Freud's early life.
- Paul Roazen, Brother Animal, Knopf, 1969; Penguin, 1973; NYU Press, 1986; Transaction Publishers, 1990. (English)
- Richard Wollheim, Freud, Viking, 1971; London: Fontana, 1973, 240 pp, OL; Cambridge University Press, 1981. (English)
- Max Schur, Freud. Living and Dying, London: Hogarth, 1972; New York: International University Press, 1972, OL; 1976. (English). By the physician who was Freud's private doctor during his last ten years and later became a psychonanalyst.
- Sigmund Freud. Leben und Sterben, trans. Gert Müller, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1973.
- La mort dans la vie et l'œuvre de Freud, Paris: Gallimard, 1982. (French)
- Paul Roazen, Freud and His Followers, New York, 1975. (English)
- Ernst Freud, Lucie Freud, Ilse Grubrich-Simitis (eds.), Sigmund Freud. Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1974; 2nd ed., corr., 1976; 1985; 2006, 352 pp. Picture biography, with a biographical sketch by K.R. Eissler. Photographs assembled from family collections, manuscripts, letters and published material, each captioned by a passage from Freud’s writing.
- John E. Gedo, George H. Pollock (eds.), Freud: The Fusion of Science and Humanism: The Intellectual History of Psychoanalysis, 1976. (English)
- Marianne Krüll, Freud und sein Vater. Die Entstehung der Psychoanalyse und Freuds ungelöste Vaterbindung, Gießen: Psychosozial, 1979; 3th ed., 2004. On Freud's early years in Freiberg and Vienna.
- Freud and His Father, trans. Arnold J. Pomerans, 1986. (English)
- Ronald W. Clark, Sigmund Freud. The Man and the Cause, London: Cape and Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980; Easton Press, 1988. (English) [49]
- Sigmund Freud, trans. Joachim A. Frank, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1981.
- Louis Breger, Freud's Unfinished Journey: Conventional and Critical Perspectives in Psychoanalytic Theory, 1981. (English). Reads Freud as at the junction of 19th and 20th-century cultures.
- Siegfried Bernfeld, Suzanne Cassirer Bernfeld, Bausteine der Freud-Biographik, ed. Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1981, 287 pp. [50]
- William J. McGrath, Freud's Discovery of Psychoanalysis: The Politics of Hysteria, Cornell University Press, 1986, 336 pp. (English)
- Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time, New York: Norton, 1988, OL, OL; 2006. (English)
- Eine Biographie für unsere Zeit, trans. Joachim A. Frank, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 1989; 1995.
- Freud, une vie, 2 vols., Hachette, 1991. (French)
- Lydia Flem, L'Homme Freud. Une biographie intellectuelle, Paris: Le Seuil, 1991. (French)
- Hans-Martin Lohmann, Sigmund Freud, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1998; new ed., 2006.
- Charles Rojzman, Freud. Un humanisme de l'avenir, Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1998. (French)
- Freud, The Humanist, London: Open Gate, 1999. (English)
- Louis Bregel, Freud: Darkness in the Midst of Vision--An Analytical Biography, Wiley, 2000, 480 pp. (English)
- Marthe Robert, La Révolution psychanalytique: La vie et l'œuvre de Freud, Paris: Payot, 2002. (French)
- Birgit Lahann, Als Psyche auf die Couch kam. Das rätselvolle Leben des Sigmund Freud, Berlin: Aufbau, 2006.
- Eva Weissweiler, Die Freuds. Biografie einer Familie, Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2006.
- Christian Moser, Sigmund Freud – Die ganze Wahrheit, Hamburg: Carlsen, 2006.
- Linde Salber, Der dunkle Kontinent. Freud und die Frauen, Reinbek: Rowohlt, 2006.
- K.R. Eissler, Islr Grubrisch-Simitis, Sigmund Freud: Lieux, visages, objets, Paris: Gallimard, 2006. (French)
- Irene Berkel, Sigmund Freud, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2008.
- Gérard Huber, Si c’était Freud: Biographie psychanalytique, Le Bord de l'Eau, 2009. (French)
- Nador Fodor, Frank Gaynor (eds.), Freud: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. A Compilation of Selections from Freud's Work, New York: Philosophical Library, 1950, 208 pp., PDF; New York: Greenwood, 1969. (English)
- Horace B. English and Ava Champney English, A Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms, New York: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1958.
- Jean Laplanche, Jean-Bertrand Pontalis, Vocabulaire de la psychanalyse, Paris: PUF, 1967. (French)
- Das Vokabular der Psychoanalyse, trans. Emma Moersch, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1972.
- The Language of Psychoanalysis, trans. D. Nicholson-Smith, New York: W. W. Norton, 1973. (English)
- Vocabularul psihanalizei, Bucharest: Humanitas, 1994. [51] (Romanian)
- Ludwig Eidelberg, ed., Encylopedia of Psychoanalysis, New York: Free Press, 1968.
- Charles Rycroft, A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, London: Penguin, 1968; rev. ed., 1972.
- Humberto Nagera (ed.), Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on The Libido Theory, Basic Books, 1969, 194 pp. (English)
- Psychoanalytische Grundbegriffe. Eine Einführung in Sigmund Freuds Terminologie und Theoriebildung, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1977.
- B. Moore and B.D. Fine, Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1990. (English)
- Wolfgang Mertens, Kompendum Psychoanalytischer Grundbegeriffe, Munich: Quintessenz, 1992.
- Elisabeth Roudinesco, Michel Plon, Dictionnaire de la psychanalyse, Paris: Fayard, 1997; 2nd ed., 2000; 2006. (French)
- Dicționar de psihanaliză, trans. Matei Georgescu, Daniela Luca, Valentin Protopopescu and Genoveva Telek, Bucharest: Trei, 2002, 1094 pp. (Romanian)
- Wörterbuch der Psychoanalyse. Namen, Länder, Werke, Begriffe, Heidelberg and New York: Springer, 2004.
- Edward Erwin, The Freud Encyclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture, New York: Routledge, 2002. (English)
- Alain de Mijolla (ed.), Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse, 2 vols., Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2002. (French)
- International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, 3 vols., Detroit: Thomson/Gale, 2005. (English)
- Edward Erwin (ed.), The Freud Encyclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 2002, PDF. (English)
- Ross M. Skelton (ed.), The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. (English)
- Emilio Rodrigué, Freud: le siècle de la psychanalyse, Payot, 2007. (French)
- Wolfgang Mertens, Bruno Waldvogel (eds.), Handbuch psychoanalytischer Grundbegriffe, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 3rd ed., rev. and exp., 2008.
- Claude Le Guen, Dictionnaire freudien, Paris: PUF, 2008. (French)
- Salman Akhtar, Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, London: Karnac Books, 2009, ARG. (English)
- Dr. Richard Sterba, Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. A Gift for Sigmund Freud’s 80th Birthday, trans. Peter T. Hoffer, London: Karnac Books, 2013, ARG. (English)
- Hoffet, Blanche, Der Begriff der Zensur bei Freud. Inaugural-Dissertation der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Bern zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde vorgelegt, Heidelberg, 1920. [52]
- Calvin S. Hall, A Primer of Freudian Psychology, New York, 1954. (English)
- Lou Andreas-Salomé, In der Schule bei Freud, 1958.
- Erich Fromm, Beyond the Chains of Illusion: My Encounter with Marx and Freud, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962, 182 pp; London: Sphere Books, 1980; Continuum, 2006, 152 pp, PDF. (English)
- Jenseits der Illusionen. Die Bedeutung von Marx und Freud, trans. Liselotte and Ernst Mickel, Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlag, 1962, 208 pp; Konstanz: Diana, 1967; Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1981.
- Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, eds. Herberg Nunberg and Ernst Federn, New York, 1962ff. (English)
- Wilhelm Salber, Entwicklungen der Psychologie Sigmund Freuds, 3 vols., Bonn 1973, 1974.
- Gerald N. Izenberg, The Existentialist Critique of Freud: The Crisis of Autonomy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976, PDF. (English)
- Karl H. Pribram, Merton M. Gill, Freud's Project Reassessed, London, 1976. (English)
- Sherry Turkle, Psychoanalytic Politics: Freud's French Revolution, New York: Basic Books, 1978, 278 pp, ARG; 2nd ed., rev., 1992. (English). Reviews: Harris, Sturrock, Strawson, Turkle's reply to Wollheim.
- La France freudienne, Fayard, 1982. (French)
- Erich Fromm, Sigmund Freuds Psychoanalyse – Größe und Grenzen, 1979.
- Greatness and Limitations of Freud's Thought, Harper & Row, 1980; New American Library, 1981, OL. (English)
- Jean-Paul Sartre, Le Scenario Freud, Paris: Gallimard, 1984. (French)
- Janet Malcolm, In The Freud Archives, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984, 165 pp; New York: New York Review Books, 2002, ARG. (English)
- Marie Balmary, Le sacrifice interdit: Freud et la Bible, Paris: Grasset, 1986, PDF. (French)
- Paul-Laurent Assoun, Introduction à l'épistémologie freudienne, Paris: PUF, 1993. (French)
- Jacques Bénesteau, Mensonges freudiens. Histoire d'une désinformation séculaire, Pierre Mardaga, 2002. (French)
- Edward W. Said, Freud and the Non-European, intro. Christopher Bollas, London: Verso and Freud Museum, 2003; 2014, EPUB. (English)
- Jean-Michel Quinodoz, Lire Freud. Découverte chronologique de l'œuvre de Freud, Paris: PUF, 2004. (French)
- André Haynal, Paul Roazen, Ernst Falzeder, Dans les secrets de la psychanalyse, Paris: PUF, 2005. (French)
- Thomas Ballhausen, Günter Krenn, Lydia Marinelli (eds.), Psyche im Kino. Sigmund Freud und der Film, Vienna: Filmarchiv Austria, 2006.
- John Shannon Hendrix, Architecture and Psychoanalysis: Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan, New York: Peter Lang, 2006. (English)
- Dominique Bourdin, La psychanalyse de Freud à aujourd'hui: Histoire, concepts, pratique, Bréal, 2007. (French)
- Catherine Liu, John Mowitt, Thomas Pepper, and Jakki Spicer (eds.), The Dreams of Interpretation: A Century Down the Royal Road, University of Minnesota Press, 2007, 379 pp, Log. (English)
- Juan Pablo Lucchelli, Le transfert, de Freud à Lacan, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009. (French)
- Alain de Mijolla, 'Freud et la France, 1885-1945, Paris: PUF, 2010. (French)
- Michel Onfray, Le crépuscule d'une idole, Grasset, 2010. (French)
- Rubén Gallo, Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis, MIT Press, 2010, 424 pp, ARG. (English)
- Wilhelm Reich, Reich parle de Freud, Payot, 2012. (French)
- Michel Steiner, Freud et l'humour juif, In Press, 2012, 250 pp. (French)
- Ute Holl, Der Moses-Komplex: Politik der Töne, Politik der Bilder, Zurich: diaphanes, 2014, 368 pp. [53] (German)
- Auswahlbibliographie zur Freud-Biographik , compiled by Christfried Tögel.
- Peter Gay, "Bibliographical Essay", in Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time, New York: Norton, 1988, pp 741-779. (English) [55]
- Freud, dir. John Huston, 1962. Feature.
- Der junge Freud, TV, 1976.
- Berggasse 19, TV, 1979.
- The Century of the Self, documentary, dir. Adam Curtis, 2002.
- Princesse Marie, TV, 2004.
- Sigmund Freud – Auf den Spuren des berühmten Psychoanalytikers, documentary, 2006.
- Sigmund Freud – Aufbruch in die Seele, TV, dir. Günther Klein, 2007.
- A Dangerous Method, dir. David Cronenberg, 2011. Feature.
- Sigmund Freud Archives, Library of Congress
- Sigmund Freud: Conflict & Culture, online exhibition in the Library of Congress
- Locations of Freud's manuscripts, documents and letters (Psychoanalytic Document Database)
- Sigmund Freud Archives