Marvin Minsky: The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind (2006)

26 May 2010, dusan

“In this book, Marvin Minsky argues persuasively that emotions, intuitions, and feelings are not distinct things, but different ways of thinking.

By examining these different forms of mind activity, Minsky says, we can explain why our thought sometimes takes the form of carefully reasoned analysis and at other times turns to emotion. He shows how our minds progress from simple, instinctive kinds of thought to more complex forms, such as consciousness or self-awareness. And he argues that because we tend to see our thinking as fragmented, we fail to appreciate what powerful thinkers we really are. Indeed, says Minsky, if thinking can be understood as the step-by-step process that it is, then we can build machines — artificial intelligences — that not only can assist with our thinking by thinking as we do but have the potential to be as conscious as we are.”

Publisher Simon & Schuster, 2006
ISBN 0743276647, 9780743276641
400 pages


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Gerald Matt (ed.): Interviews 1-2 (2007, 2008) [English/German]

25 May 2010, dusan

Interviews 2

Conversations with 42 artists from Matthew Barney to Louise Bourgeois, Kunsthalle Wien, 2008.
The interviews within the “art system” presents a particularly suitable form of creating an equal platform of exchange between creator and distributor of art, a “medium”, which conveys authentic information from the artist to an audience interested in art as well as to art critique and theory. While integrating the narrative and personal, this way of self-positioning counteracts the image of the “speechless” visual artist – to a certain extent still being perpetuated today – and mirror the diversity of contemporary art production by a lively dialogue.

360 pages, 127 coloured and 10 b/w illustrations, foreword by Gerald Matt, ISBN 978-3-86560-364-7
Editor: Kunsthalle Wien, Gerald Matt
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Year: 2008

publisher (English)
publisher (German)


The interviews, published in the book, are selected from a larger number of conversations with artists in the course of the recent curatorial and art publishing activities from Gerald Matt, Director Kunsthalle Wien
Over several years, he was able, in most cases, to observe these artists’ work through repeated personal encounters and as they passed through the international exhibition circuits.

356 pages, 127 coloured and 10 b/w illustrations, foreword by Gerald Matt
ISBN: 3-86560-186-3, 987-86560-186-5
Editor: Kunsthalle Wien, Gerald Matt
Publisher: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln
Year: 2007

publisher (English)
publisher (German)

PDF (Interviews 2, English)
PDF (Interviews 2, German)
PDF (Interviews, English)
PDF (Interviews, German)

Robert Adrian X (2001) [German/English]

25 May 2010, dusan

Robert Adrian X is an artist making installations, music and radio projects as well as works in public space since 1950s; since early 1980s he is the pioneer in the field of telecommunication.

A fragile sculpture made of cigar packages, painted in the style of De Stijl, a canvas that radiates in the subdued hues of Yves Klein’s “patented” blue, and a faded Amiga monitor with colourfully gleaming computer graphics, all lined up on a red shelf. Modern Art IV (1990), thus runs the title of this work, finds a common denominator for the art of the 20th Century, including that of the sampling brand.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Robert Adrian X, Kunsthalle, Vienna, 7 Dec 2001 – 10 Feb 2002. With essays by Timothy Druckrey, Georg Schöllhammer and Reinhard Braun.

Edited by Kunsthalle Wien, Lucas Gehrmann, and Gerald Matt
Publisher Kunsthalle Wien, 2001
ISBN 3852470285
152 pages
via Kunsthalle Wien


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