Noël Carroll: The Philosophy of Motion Pictures (2008)

18 September 2010, dusan

The philosophy of motion pictures has typically been explored in a top-down fashion. The essence of motion pictures is identified – usually understood in terms of photographic film – and every other feature of the film is weighed in relation to that essence.

Philosophy of Motion Pictures offers a new approach, championing the concept of the moving image in a more freestyle manner. Motion pictures are defined in a way that not only embraces the media in which moving images exist, but which also affirms the variety of purposes they may legitimately serve. Characterizations of key cinematic elements — the shot, the sequence, the erotetic narrative, and its modes of affective address — are not deduced from first principles, but rather from topic to topic in a piecemeal fashion. The result is a more pluralistic review of this emerging field of study than is found in more conventional texts on film theory.

Topics include film as art, medium specificity, defining the moving image, representation, editing, narrative, emotion and evaluation. These topics reflect the legacy of traditional film theory for the contemporary philosophy of the moving image, while suggesting a new direction for theorizing the motion picture.

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, 2008
ISBN: 140512024X, 9781405120258
256 pages


PDF (updated on 2012-7-15)

Nicola Mullenger, Annette Wolfsberger (eds.): Cultural Bloggers Interviewed (2010)

15 September 2010, dusan

Cultural blogging is not (yet) a well-known category within the blogosphere and LabforCulture wanted to find out more. Who blogs? What are they blogging about? Which audiences and communities are being engaged? What are the economic models and how sustainable are they? These are some of the questions that are explored in the new Cultural Bloggers Interviewed publication.

With Annette Wolfsberger, we delved into the cultural blogging scene in a series of interviews with nine renowned European bloggers including: Anne Helmond, Robert Misik, Alek Tarkowski, Marta Peirano and José de Vicente, Alessandro Ludovico and Régine de Batty.

The bloggers were interviewed in 2009 and were challenged to answer questions about their motivation, business models and subsequent opportunities that came from starting their blogs. With a thought-provoking introduction about the role of blogs by Guardian journalist and blogger Mercedes Bunz, this publication is a must for anyone considering the future role of cultural bloggers and online publishing.

Interviews: Annette Wolfsberger
Idea: Angela Plohman
Editors: Nicola Mullenger and Annette Wolfsberger
Publisher: LabforCulture, Amsterdam 2010
ISBN 978-1-906496-50-0
Published under Creative Commons Licence 3 (Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported).


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Nora Farik (ed.): 1968 Revisited: 40 Years of Protest Movements (2008)

15 September 2010, dusan

Essays and Interviews with Protagonists of 1968.

* Preface by Nora Farik and Claude Weinber
* What is left? 1968 revisited introduction by Ralf Fücks
* 1968 – Again! Reference year for an age. The events in Brazil by Marcelo Ridenti
* Poland in 1968: „The freedom we needed so badly was so obvious elsewhere“ by Teresa Bogucka
* 1968: Czechoslovakia by Oldřich Tůma
* 1968 in Moscow – A Beginning by Alexander Daniel
* 1968 – An East German Perspective by Wolfgang Templin
* Germany 1968 – SDS, Urban Guerillas and Visions of Räterepublik interview with Klaus Meschkat
* Apartheid South Africa in 1968: Not quite business as usual by Bill Nasson
* Belgrade, June 1968 by Nebojša Popov
* May 1968 in Belgium: The crack bursts open by Benoît Lechat
* „Today the big political game is ‘bashing the 1960s’“ interview with Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Publisher Heinrich Böll Foundation EU Regional Office Brussels, May 2008
Democracy series, Volume 7
68 pages


PDF (English, updated on 2024-1-18)