Αθήνα ανοχύρωτη πόλη: Χωρική ανάλυση της εξέγερσης του Δεκέμβρη 2008 (2010) [Greek]

29 October 2011, dusan

Το κείμενο επιχειρεί μια περιπλάνηση στην αθηναϊκή μητρόπολη πριν και κατά τη διάρκεια της εξέγερσης του 2008, επιδιώκοντας να φωτίσει εκείνες τις πλευρές που πυροδότησαν τις δεκεμβριανές συγκρούσεις. Αντιμετωπίζει τον χώρο ως παράγωγο ανθρώπινων σχέσεων και τις πόλεις ως χώρους συνύπαρξης που μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν ως πεδία αντίστασης και διεκδίκησης της καθημερινής ζωής. Μέσα από μια περιήγηση στα ιδιαίτερα πολεοδομικά χαρακτηριστικά της Αθήνας παρουσιάζει τη χωρική εξάπλωση των συγκρούσεων ερευνώντας τη σχέση του αστικού χώρου με τα συμβάντα των ημερών και τις μετέπειτα παρακαταθήκες τους στον ιστό της πόλης. Στην πραγματικότητα, αυτό που ανέδειξε ο Δεκέμβρης του 2008 είναι πως όπου υπάρχει καταπίεση θα υπάρχει και αντίσταση, όπου υπάρχει βία θα υπάρχει και αντιβία, όπου υπάρχουν άνθρωποι θα υπάρχει αγώνας για ζωή και τότε ο θάνατος δεν θα έχει πια εξουσία.

Publisher Urban Anarchy, December 2010
116 pages


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Georges Didi-Huberman: Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere (1982/2003)

28 October 2011, dusan

In this classic of French cultural studies, Georges Didi-Huberman traces the intimate and reciprocal relationship between the disciplines of psychiatry and photography in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the immense photographic output of the Salpetriere hospital, the notorious Parisian asylum for insane and incurable women, Didi-Huberman shows the crucial role played by photography in the invention of the category of hysteria. Under the direction of the medical teacher and clinician Jean-Martin Charcot, the inmates of Salpetriere identified as hysterics were methodically photographed, providing skeptical colleagues with visual proof of hysteria’s specific form. These images, many of which appear in this book, provided the materials for the multivolume album Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere.

As Didi-Huberman shows, these photographs were far from simply objective documentation. The subjects were required to portray their hysterical “type”—they performed their own hysteria. Bribed by the special status they enjoyed in the purgatory of experimentation and threatened with transfer back to the inferno of the incurables, the women patiently posed for the photographs and submitted to presentations of hysterical attacks before the crowds that gathered for Charcot’s “Tuesday Lectures.”

Charcot did not stop at voyeuristic observation. Through techniques such as hypnosis, electroshock therapy, and genital manipulation, he instigated the hysterical symptoms in his patients, eventually giving rise to hatred and resistance on their part. Didi-Huberman follows this path from complicity to antipathy in one of Charcot’s favorite “cases,” that of Augustine, whose image crops up again and again in the Iconographie. Augustine’s virtuosic performance of hysteria ultimately became one of self-sacrifice, seen in pictures of ecstasy, crucifixion, and silent cries.

Originally published by Editions Macula, Paris, 1982
Translated by Alisa Hartz
Publisher MIT Press, 2003
ISBN 0262042150, 9780262042154
373 pages

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Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization journal (2001-2012)

27 October 2011, dusan

Ephemera is the free journal for the discussion of theoretical and political perspectives on all aspects of organization; supported by the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary, University of London.

Editorial collective: Anna-Maria Murtola, Armin Beverungen, Bent Meier Sørensen, Casper Hoedemaekers, Chris Land, Kate Kenny, Lena Olaison, Martyna Sliwa, Michael Pedersen, Nick Butler, Peter Svensson, Sara Louise Muhr, Stephen Dunne, Stevphen Shukaitis, Sverre Spoelstra
ISSN 2052-1499

View issues online:
vol 12, no 4 (nov 2012) — The commons and their im/possibilities
vol 12, no 3 (aug 2012) — Professions at the margins
vol 12, no 1-2 (may 2012) — The atmosphere business
vol 11, no 4 (nov 2011) — Work, play and boredom
vol 11, no 3 (aug 2011) — The effect of affect
vol 11, no 2 (may 2011) — Governing work through self-management
vol 11, no 1 (feb 2011) — Authenticity
vol 10, no 3/4 (nov 2010) — Digital labour: Workers, authors, citizens
vol 10, no 2 (may 2010) — The state of things
vol 10, no 1 (feb 2010) — The excellent institution
vol 9, no 4 (nov 2009) — The university of finance
vol 9, no 3 (aug 2009) — Throwing shoes…
vol 9, no 2 (may 2009) — Project management behind the façade
vol 9, no 1 (feb 2009) — ‘No we can’t’: Crisis as chance
vol 8, no 4 (nov 2008) — Practical Criticism and the Social Sciences of Management
vol 8, no 3 (aug 2008) — University, Failed
vol 8, no 2 (may 2008) — Alternatively
vol 8, no 1 (feb 2008) — Symptoms of Organization
vol 7, no 4 (nov 2007) — Always Elsewhere
vol 7, no 3 (aug 2007) — Local Solidarity
vol 7, no 2 (may 2007) — Marginal Competencies
vol 7, no 1 (feb 2007) — Immaterial and Affective Labour: Explored
vol 6, no 4 (nov 2006) — Experience, Movement and the Creation of New Political Forms
vol 6, no 3 (aug 2006) — América Latina / Latin America
vol 6, no 2 (may 2006) — Organizing between a rock and a hard place
vol 6, no 1 (feb 2006) — In Times, in and as Global Conflict
vol 5, no X (dec 2005) — Web of Capturing the Moving Mind
vol 5, no 4 (nov 2005) — Inscribing Organized Resistance
vol 5, no 3 (aug 2005) — Unwrapped: Let’s Get Out of Here
vol 5, no 2 (may 2005) — The Organisation and Politics of Social Forums
vol 5, no 1 (feb 2005) — Writing:Labour
vol 4, no 4 (nov 2004) — Paid in Full? Writing Beyond the Pale
vol 4, no 3 (aug 2004) — Theory of the Multitude
vol 4, no 2 (may 2004) — No Critique
vol 4, no 1 (feb 2004) — Handle with Care
vol 3, no 4 (nov 2003) — silent sounds
vol 3, no 3 (aug 2003) — Images of Organization
vol 3, no 2 (may 2003) — From…To…
vol 3, no 1 (feb 2003) — Exhibiting
vol 2, no 4 (nov 2002) — Hors d’oeuvre
vol 2, no 3 (aug 2002) — After Organization Studies
vol 2, no 2 (may 2002) — Writing Politics
vol 2, no 1 (feb 2002) — Vorsprung durch Technik?
vol 1, no 4 (nov 2001) — Responding: To Cooper
vol 1, no 3 (aug 2001) — It Appears that Certain Aphasiacs…
vol 1, no 2 (may 2001) — O cursèd spite
vol 1, no 1 (feb 2001) — Castles Made of Sand


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