Paulo Freire: Education for Critical Consciousness (1973/2005)

25 October 2011, dusan

Paulo Freire was Latin America’s foremost educationalist, a thinker and writer whose work and ideas continue to exert enormous influence in education throughout the world today. Education for Critical Consciousness is the main statement of Freire’s revolutionary method of education. It takes the life situation of the learner as its starting point and the raising of consciousness and the overcoming of obstacles as its goals. For Freire, man’s striving for his own humanity requires the changing of structures which dehumanize both the oppressor and the oppressed.

Originally published by Sheed & Ward Ltd in 1973
Publisher Continuum International Publishing Group, New York, 2005
Continuum Impacts series
ISBN 082647795X, 9780826477958
146 pages

reviews (Alison Kreider; Stéphanie Levine and Maryam Nabavi; Karen Sihra)

google books

PDF (updated on 2012-7-15)

Occupy! An OWS-Inspired Gazette, 1 (2011)

25 October 2011, dusan

“With the help of Astra Taylor (Examined Life; Zizek!) and Sarah Leonard of Dissent and the New Inquiry, we’ve put together a history, both personal and documentary, and the beginning of an analysis of the first month of the occupation. Articles deal with the problem of the police; the history of the “horizontalist” management structure at OWS; how to keep a live-in going when what you’ve tried to shut down refuses to shut down (like Harvard, or Wall Street); on whether the Fed should be abolished; on where that Citibank arrest video came from; on occupations in Oakland, Philadelphia, Atlanta; on what happens next; and more.

It’s an attempt to begin to think through what is happening, written by people both on the ground and across the river. We hope you’ll read it and discuss it with us. There’s a lot more thinking and doing to do.” (authors)

Editors Astra Taylor, Eli Schmitt, Nikil Saval, Kathleen Ross, Sarah Leonard, Mark Greif, Christopher Glazek, Keith Gessen, Carla Blumenkranz
Publisher n+1, New York, October 2011
40 pages

Project’s Kickstarter page
Facebook page

PDF (updated on 2017-12-2)

See also issues 2 and 3.

Tomáš Pospiszyl: Srovnávací studie (2005) [Czech]

25 October 2011, dusan

“V knize Srovnávací studie autor upozorňuje na rozdílnost zdánlivě podobných uměleckých děl nebo teoretických myšlenek, které sice vznikaly současně, ale na různých stranách železné opony. Ukazuje, v čem se lišili kritici Jindřich Chalupecký a Clement Greenberg, rozdíly mezi díly socialistického realismu a malířem Normanem Rockwellem, srovnává mírové manifesty Jana Lukeše, Vladimíra Boudníka a Milana Knížáka, přibližuje vztahy Jana Kotíka a Pravoslava Rady k Situacionistické internacionále a vyvrací mýty o východoevropském minimalismu. Resumé do angličtiny přeložil Jeff Buehler. Reprodukce na obálce Ján Mančuška.”

Publisher Agite/Fra, Prague, 2005
Vizuální teorie series
ISBN 808660327X
180 pages

Reviews: Tomáš Hříbek (Estetika, 2007), Pavel Sedlák (A2, 2006).

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