Mapping the Arabic Blogosphere: Politics, Culture and Dissent (2009)

3 February 2012, dusan

“We conducted a study of the Arabic language blogosphere using link analysis, term frequency analysis, and human coding of individual blogs. We identified a base network of approximately 35,000 active blogs, created a network map of the 6,000 most connected blogs, and with a team of Arabic speakers hand coded 4,000 blogs. The goal for the study was to produce a baseline assessment of the networked public sphere in the Arab Middle East, and its relationship to a range of emergent issues, including politics, media, religion, culture, and international affairs.”

Authored by Bruce Etling, John Kelly, Rob Faris, John Palfrey, Internet and Democracy
Published by Berkman Center, June 2009
Internet & Democracy Case Study Series
Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2009-06
62 pages



Deibert, Palfrey, Rohozinski, Zittrain (eds.): Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace (2011)

3 February 2012, dusan

A daily battle for rights and freedoms in cyberspace is being waged in Asia. At the epicenter of this contest is China–home to the world’s largest Internet population and what is perhaps the world’s most advanced Internet censorship and surveillance regime in cyberspace. Resistance to China’s Internet controls comes from both grassroots activists and corporate giants such as Google. Meanwhile, similar struggles play out across the rest of the region, from India and Singapore to Thailand and Burma, although each national dynamic is unique. Access Contested, the third volume from the OpenNet Initiative (a collaborative partnership of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and the SecDev Group in Ottawa), examines the interplay of national security, social and ethnic identity, and resistance in Asian cyberspace, offering in-depth accounts of national struggles against Internet controls as well as updated country reports by ONI researchers.

The contributors examine such topics as Internet censorship in Thailand, the Malaysian blogosphere, surveillance and censorship around gender and sexuality in Malaysia, Internet governance in China, corporate social responsibility and freedom of expression in South Korea and India, cyber attacks on independent Burmese media, and distributed-denial-of-service attacks and other digital control measures across Asia.

Edited by Ronald Deibert, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, Jonathan Zittrain
Publisher MIT Press, 2011
Information Revolution and Global Politics series
ISBN 0262516802, 9780262516808
414 pages

google books


A Peer-Reviewed Newspaper, 1(2): In/Compatible Research (2012)

1 February 2012, dusan

“World of the News – The world’s greatest peer-reviewed newspaper of in/compatible research presents cutting edge in/compatible research in an accessible FREE tabloid format. The newspaper partly addresses academia’s increasing demand for publication of academic peer-reviewed journal articles. Perhaps researchers need new visions of how to produce and consume research?

The content of the newspaper derives from a Ph.D. workshop and conference held in November 2011, at University of the Arts, Berlin (organised by Aarhus University in collaboration with transmediale/reSource for transmedial culture and the Vilém Flusser Archive). This provided an insight into current research from academics, practitioners, and Ph.D. researchers from an open call. Leading up to that event, and subsequent to it, a blog (this blog) has been gathering draft articles and discussions, reflecting on the key issues. This collaborative ‘peer-review’ process is further developed during the festival itself, on 01 February, 2012. So, although this may seem like old news in many ways, in terms of research practices, it breaks with some of the current academic conventions of peer-review, academic reputation, and what constitutes proper scholarly activity.”

Contributions by Christian Ulrik Andersen, Cesar Baio, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Zach Blas, Morten Breinbjerg, Geoff Cox, Lina Dokuzović, Jacob Gaboury, Kristoffer Gansing, Baruch Gottlieb, Jakob Jakobsen, Ioana Jucan, Dmytri Kleiner, Thomas Bjoernsten Kristensen, Magnus Lawrie, Giannina Lisitano, Aymeric Mansoux, Alex McLean, Rosa Menkman, Gabriel Menotti, Andrew Murphie, Jussi Parikka, Søren Pold, Morten Riis, Lasse Scherffig, Cornelia Sollfrank, Mathias Tarasiewicz, Tiziana Terranova, Marie Thompson, Nina Wenhart, Carolin Wiedemann, Siegfried Zielinski.

Edited by Geoff Cox and Christian Ulrik Andersen
Published by transmediale, Berlin, and Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Aarhus, January 2012
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License
ISBN 8791810205
32 pages

Project page (archived)

PDF (21 MB, updated on 2019-9-27)