Sound Exchange: Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010 (2012) [English/German]

19 November 2012, dusan

“The long traditions of experimental music cultures in Central and Eastern Europe are diverse and multifaceted, but have been difficult to access until now. With contributions from selected music, media and cultural studies specialists from eight countries, this anthology bundles together elements of unearthing material locally and documents current positions and historical finds by protagonists, as well as musical aesthetic qualities in the history of musical experiments in Central and Eastern Europe. The anthology pursues commonalities and singularities and discusses their relationship with the international history of experimental music.

The often barely known musical and artistic positions portrayed here show a wide stylistic and aesthetic spectrum of electro-acoustic music, composed and improvised music, musical media art and audio art from 60 years of experimental musical culture in the context of decades-long political repression and an atmosphere of increasing openness and international networking following 1989.”

With contributions by Antoni Beksiak, Balázs Kovács, Daiga Mazvērsīte, Gerhard Lock, Hans-Gunter Lock, Māra Traumane, Martin Flašar, Michal Rataj, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Monika Pasiecznik, Pavel Klusák, Slávo Krekovič, Tautvydas Bajarkevicius, Viestarts Gailītis.

Edited by Carsten Seiffarth, Carsten Stabenow, and Golo Föllmer
Publisher PFAU, Saarbrücken, 2012
ISBN 9783897274877, 3897274876
400 pages

Book website

PDF (20 MB, added on 2019-1-25, via book website)
HTML (updated on 2019-1-31)

Alain Badiou: In Praise of Love (2009–) [French, English]

18 November 2012, dusan

“A new century, new threats to love… Love without risks is like war without deaths – but, today, love is threatened by an alliance of liberalism and hedonism. Caught between consumerism and casual sexual encounters devoid of passion, love – without the key ingredient of chance – is in danger of withering on the vine. In In Praise of Love, Alain Badiou takes on contemporary ‘dating agency’ conceptions of love that come complete with zero-risk insurance – like US zero-casualty bombs. He develops a new take on love that sees it as an adventure, and an opportunity for re-invention, in a constant exploration of otherness and difference that leads the individual out of an obsession with identity and self. Liberal, libertine and libertarian reductions of love to instant pleasure and non-commitment bite the dust as Badiou invokes a supporting cast of thinkers from Plato to Lacan via Karl Marx to form a new narrative of romance, relationships and sex – a narrative that does not fear love.”

With Nicolas Truong
Publisher Flammarion, 2009
Café Voltaire series
ISBN 2081233010, 9782081233010
90 pages

English edition
Translated by Peter Bush
Publisher Serpent’s Tail, 2012
ISBN 1846687799, 9781846687792
104 pages

Badiou’s lecture on love (2008)
Review: Fabian Van Onzen (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 2012).

Publisher (FR)
Publisher (EN)

Éloge de l’amour (French, EPUB, updated on 2020-7-5)
In Praise of Love (English, updated on 2020-7-5)

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army (2007/2008)

18 November 2012, dusan

On September 16, 2007, machine gun fire erupted in Baghdad’s Nisour Square leaving seventeen Iraqi civilians dead, among them women and children. The shooting spree, labeled “Baghdad’s Bloody Sunday,” was neither the work of Iraqi insurgents nor U.S. soldiers. The shooters were private forces working for the secretive mercenary company, Blackwater Worldwide.

This is the explosive story of a company that rose a decade ago from Moyock, North Carolina, to become one of the most powerful players in the “War on Terror.” In his gripping bestseller, award-winning journalist Jeremy Scahill takes us from the bloodied streets of Iraq to hurricane-ravaged New Orleans to the chambers of power in Washington, to expose Blackwater as the frightening new face of the U.S. war machine.

First published in 2007
Revised and updated edition
Publisher Nation Books, 2008
ISBN 156858394X, 9781568583945
550 pages

interview with the author (, 14 November 2012)
interview with the author (Democracy Now!, 2009)
Scahill’s speech at the Miami Book Fair (2008)
interview with the author (PBS, 2007)
interview with the author (Democracy Now!, 2007)

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