Vice Magazine: The Syria Issue (November 2012)

23 November 2012, dusan

Special issue on Syrian civil war, featuring work of Robert King.

“VICE commissioned renowned war photographer and videographer Robert King to embed with the ragtag troops of the Free Syrian Army in Aleppo, smack dab in the heart of a conflict that is ripping Syria apart. He returned with footage that has made us very scared and very sad for the future of the country. We’ve compiled Robert’s footage into a series of raw, largely unedited vignettes that present a snapshot of the ancient city as it crumbles and burns while its citizens are killed indiscriminately.” (Editors)

Vice Magazine, Volume 19, Number 11
Publisher John Martin, November 2012
148 pages



Never Mind the Balance Sheet: The Dangers Posed by Public-Private Partnerships in Central and Eastern Europe (2008)

23 November 2012, dusan

In recent years public-private partnerships (PPPs) have been heavily promoted in central and eastern Europe (CEE), often giving the impression that where infrastructure is concerned, PPPs are the only game in town. Yet behind the plethora of conferences, workshops and publications, few CEE countries have implemented more than two or three PPP projects, and even fewer truly successful projects.

As George Monbiot, UK author and investigative journalist, says of the Private Finance Initiative, the British variant on PPP: “The reality is that PFI, or public private partnership as the government now prefers to call it, is a scam. (…) Far from introducing market disciplines, it has become an official licence to fleece the taxpayer. Far from reducing the public sector borrowing requirement, PFI is, as the Accounting Standards Board has noted, simply an an off-balance sheet fiddle. Most alarmingly, the ministers I have spoken to simply do not understand how it works.”

Research and writing: Fidanka Bacheva-McGrath, Eliska Cisarova, Akos Eger, Pippa Gallop, Zvezdan Kalmar, Vera Ponomareva
Publisher CEE Bankwatch Network, November 2008
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License
60 pages

The Hidden Costs of of Public-Private Partnerships online resource


PDF (shorter versions in more languages)

Nordics in Global Crisis: Vulnerability and Resilience (2010)

23 November 2012, dusan

The world is experiencing its worst slump since the Great Depression in the 1930s. The Nordic countries have, with the exception of Norway, been hit harder than most. Due to its sharpness and depth, the crisis is opening up or reviving a broad agenda of important policy issues. This report raises a number of the issues and discusses the scope for economic policies to contribute to the resolution of key economic problems.

The report can be seen as a sequel and as complementary to an earlier report on the Nordic Model, presented two years earlier by a team including three of the authors of the present report. While the earlier report was focused on structural issues, the one at hand is about macroeconomic and financial issues.

The members of the team are eminent economists and authoritative experts on the issues covered. The report is a joint product, reflecting

Authors Thorvaldur Gylfason, Bengt Holmström, Sixten Korkman, Hans Tson Söderström, Vesa Vihriälä
Publisher Taloustieto Oy, Helsinki, 2010
Volume 242 of ETLA – The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy. Series B
ISBN 9516284957, 9789516284951
264 pages

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