Amodern 1: The Future of the Scholarly Journal (2013)

26 September 2013, dusan

Amodern is a new peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal devoted to the study of media, culture, and poetics. Its first issue is devoted to a critical conversation about the future of the scholarly journal.

With contributions by Scott Pound, Michael Nardone and Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Scott Pound and Jerome J. McGann, Johanna Drucker, Benjamin J. Robertson, Gary Genosko, and Nick Montfort.

Editors: Scott Pound, Darren Wershler
Managing Editor: Michael Nardone
Publisher Concordia University and Lakehead University, February 2013

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Simone de Beauvoir: The Mandarins (1954–) [EN, ES, RU]

25 September 2013, dusan

In her famous novel, The Mandarins, Simone de Beauvoir takes an unflinching look at Parisian intellectual society at the end of World War II. In fictionally relating the stories of those around her – Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Arthur Koestler, Nelson Algren – de Beauvoir dissects the emotional and philosophical currents of her time. At once an engrossing drama and an intriguing political tale, The Mandarins is the emotional odyssey of a woman torn between her inner desires and her public life.

First published in French as Les Mandarins, Gallimard, 1954

English edition
Translated by Leonard M. Friedman
First published in English in 1956
Publisher Harper, London, 2005
With an Introduction by Doris Lessing
ISBN 0007203942

Publisher (EN)

The Mandarins (English, trans. Leonard M. Friedman, 1956/2005, EPUB)
Los Mandarines (Spanish, PDF’d HTML)
Мандарины (Russian, trans. Наталья Полторацкая and Нина Световидова, 2005)

Bertolt Brecht: Stories of Mr. Keuner (1949–) [DE, EN, GR]

25 September 2013, dusan

Bertolt Brecht’s Stories of Mr. Keuner is a collection of fables, aphorisms, and comments on politics, everyday life, and exile. From 1930 til his death in 1956, Brecht penned these ironic portraits of his times as he was “changing countries more often than shoes.” An ardent antifascist, Brecht roamed across Europe just ahead of Hitler’s armies-only to wind up poolside in Los Angeles and then interrogated by Senator Joe McCarthy’s infamous committee.

German edition
First published in Kalendergeschichten, 1949
Publisher of a book-length edition: Suhrkamp, 1971
108 pages

English edition
First published in Tales from the Calendar, translated by Yvonne Kapp and Michael Hamburger, 1961
New edition translated by Martin Chalmers
Publisher City Lights Publishers, San Francisco, 2001
ISBN 0872863832, 9780872863835
120 pages

Publisher (EN)

Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner (German, from Kalendergeschichten, pp 113-126, 1949)
Anecdotes of Mr Keuner (English, from Tales from the Calendar, pp 110-124, trans. Yvonne Kapp and Michael Hamburger, 1961)
Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner (German, 1971, reformatted PDF)
Ιστορίες του κ. Κόυνερ: Η διαλεκτική σαν τρόπος ζωής (Greek, trans. Petros Markaris, 1991)
Stories of Mr. Keuner (English, trans. Martin Chalmers, 2001, Chalmer’s Afterword is missing, no OCR)