Walter Gropius, L. Moholy-Nagy (eds.): Bauhaus Books, 10 vols. (1925–1930) [German]

17 August 2014, dusan

1. Walter Gropius, Internationale Architektur, 1925, 111 pp.
2. Paul Klee, Pädagogisches Skizzenbuch, 1925, 50 pp.
4. Die Bühne am Bauhaus, 1925, 84 pp.
7. Walter Gropius (ed.), Neue Arbeiten der Bauhauswerkstäffen, 1925, 115 pp.
8. L. Moholy-Nagy, Malerei, Fotografie, Film, 1925/27, 140 pp.
9. Kandinsky, Punkt und Linie zu Fläche: Beitrag zur Analyse der malerischen Elemente, 1926, 190 pp.
10. J.J.P. Oud, Holländische Architektur, 1929, 107 pp.
11. Kasimir Malewitsch, Die gegenstandslose Welt, 1927, 104 pp.
12. Walter Gropius, Bauhausbauten Dessau, 1930, 221 pp.
14. László Moholy-Nagy, Von Material zur Architektur, 1929, 241 pp.

Publisher Albert Langen, Munich, 1925-1930
via Bibliothèque Kandinsky

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Walter Gropius: Scope of Total Architecture (1956/1962)

17 August 2014, dusan

A collection of essays by founder of the Bauhaus.

First published by Harper, 1956
This edition published by Collier Books, 1962
Fourth printing, 1970
158 pages

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Calder: An Autobiography with Pictures (1966)

16 August 2014, dusan

“Born in Philadelphia at the turn of the century, Alexander Calder was the son and grandson of renowned sculptors. Originally trained as an engineer, he turned to art in his twenties. From the early days of his famous wire circus performances all the way into the 1960s, marked by free floating forms of his stabile and mobile sculptures, Calder unfolds the story of his life. With the informality he was loved for, he talks as if he were reminiscing with his friends around a table with a carafe of wine, a loaf of bread, and a cut of cheese in front of them. And like wine, bread, and cheese these memoirs have genuineness, substance, and flavor. Numerous snapshots from his family album, many drawings by himself and his friends, letters, mementos, and a large selection of photographs of his works complete this rare document.” (from the book jacket, edited)

Publisher Pantheon Books, 1966
285 pages

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+ Watch Le Cirque de Calder, a film by Carlos Vilardebó, 18 min, 1961, on UbuWeb.