Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 4: From Sign to Signal (2012)

24 August 2016, dusan

“Since the 1990s there has been intensified focus on the concepts of performativity, the relational, and affect in the humanities. Scholars from different fields have in a variety of ways embraced these notions in their accounts of contemporary culture, and as such they also form the backdrop of this thematic collection of articles entitled From Sign to Signal. It seems, however, as if today’s media situation–the globally evident usage of media technologies–requires a new theoretical approach in order to deal with the intersections of technology and aesthetics, since in these cases the sign often falls short. It has therefore been the ambition of this collection to invite scholars within the humanities to take part in a discussion on the implications of a gradual shift from a (linguistically framed) paradigm of the sign to a new paradigm connected with media augmented environments.

As the term for this new paradigm we have chosen the ‘signaletic material’, coined by Gilles Deleuze in his book Cinema 2: The Time-Image. Deleuze developed this notion in order to stress that film in his view of contemporary or modern cinema had altogether eliminated classical (literary) thoughts of plot and narration. Toward the end of Cinema 2 it becomes clear that the notion of the ‘signaletic material’ might be developed to cover all kinds of filmic and electronic material as well as the emerging new media technologies.” (from Foreword)

Edited by Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen, John Sundholm and Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen
Publisher Co-Action Publishing, Järfälla, Sweden, 2012
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
eISSN 2000-4214
134 pages

HTML, PDFs (updated on 2017-10-27)
single PDF

Les Promesses du passé: une histoire discontinue de l’art dans l’ex-Europe de l’Est (2010) [French]

23 August 2016, dusan

“Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Les Promesses du passé [Promises of the Past] questions the former opposition between Eastern and Western Europe by reinterpreting the history of the communist block countries. To draw this discontinuous history of art in Former East, this transnational and transgenerational project features works by more than fifty artists from Central and Eastern Europe but also from other European Countries (to name a few: Marina Abramovic, Yael Bartana, Tacita Dean, Liam Gillick, Sanja Ivekovic, Július Koller, Jiri Kovanda, David Maljkovic, Marjetica Potrc and Monika Sosnowska).

Gathering together newly commissioned essays, art documentation, artists’ pages, unpublished documents and an anthology of historical texts by authors such as Slavoj Zizek, the late Igor Zabel and Svetlana Boym, this volume is an invaluable survey of the Eastern European art scene of the last decades—a scene which is gradually shifting from the periphery to the centre of current art-historical debates. ”

Published as catalogue of the exhibition Promises of the Past. A Discontinuous History of Art in Former Eastern Europe held at Centre Pompidou, Paris, 14 April – 19 July 2010, curated by Joanna Mytkowska and Christine Macel.

Edited by Christine Macel and Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez
Publisher Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2010
ISBN 9782844264411, 2844264417
255 pages
via Gioni

Exh. reviews: Mateusz Kapustka (Kunsttexte 2011, DE), Ana Bogdanovic (ArtHist 2013, EN).
Curator’s commentary: Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (aprior 2011, EN).


PDF (39 MB)

Stano Filko: II., 1965–69. Tvorba. Works-Creations. Werk-Schaffung. Ouvrages (1970) [SK/EN/DE/FR]

22 August 2016, dusan

A catalogue documenting the happenings and environmental works of Slovak neo-avant-garde artist Stano Filko from the second half of the 1960s with the author’s handwritten notes.

With an introduction by Pierre Restany
Publisher A-Press, Bratislava, [1970]
[158] pages
via Slovak National Gallery (copy scanned from a private collection)


PDF (39 MB)