El medio es el diseño audiovisual (2007) [Spanish]

10 April 2017, dusan

“La Colección Editorial en Diseño Visual de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, es un proyecto propuesto por la Cátedra La Feria de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y producido por la IMAGOTECA, Centro de Documentación Visual, de la Universidad de Caldas. Su objeto es difundir el conocimiento en torno a las relaciones entre imágenes técnicas y lenguajes audiovisuales, el entrecruzamiento de la historia de los medios, los soportes y las tecnologías, y, por último, las prácticas de la creación y el diseño con medios audiovisuales. El propósito final es la difusión democrática del conocimiento en diseño y nuevos medios, en el contexto colombiano, donde la producción editorial en este campo es limitada.”

Autores: Roy Ascott, Hernando Barragán, Xavier Berenguer, Pierre Bongiovanni, Norbert Bolz, Rejane Cantoni, Walter Castañeda, Ricardo Cedeño, Michel Chion, Jean-Louis Comolli, Myriam Luisa Díaz, Philippe Dubois, Anne-Marie Duguet, Mauricio Duran Castro, Umberto Eco, Jean-Paul Fargier, Priscila Farías, Claudia Giannetti, Carmen Gil Vrolik, Jean-Luc Godard, Adriana Gómez Alzate, Olier Grau, Iliana Hernández García, Eduardo Kac, Jorge La Ferla, Pierre Lévy, Felipe Cesar Londoño López, Arlindo Machado, Lev Manovich, Christine Melo, Martha Patricia Niño, Nam June Paik, José Ramón Pérez Ornia, Omar Rincón, Nils Roller, Eduardo Russo, Carmelo Saitta, Lucia Santaella, María Teresa Santoro, Paula Sibilia, Bill Viola, Paul Virilio, Peter Weibel, Gerardo Yoel, Gene Youngblood, Siegfried Zielinski.

Edited by Jorge La Ferla
Publisher Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2007
ISBN 9789588319056, 9588319056
700 pages
via editor


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Kate Eichhorn: The Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order (2013)

4 April 2017, dusan

“In the 1990s, a generation of women born during the rise of the second wave feminist movement plotted a revolution. These young activists funneled their outrage and energy into creating music, and zines using salvaged audio equipment and stolen time on copy machines. By 2000, the cultural artifacts of this movement had started to migrate from basements and storage units to community and university archives, establishing new sites of storytelling and political activism.

The Archival Turn in Feminism chronicles these important cultural artifacts and their collection, cataloging, preservation, and distribution. Cultural studies scholar Kate Eichhorn examines institutions such as the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture at Duke University, The Riot Grrrl Collection at New York University, and the Barnard Zine Library. She also profiles the archivists who have assembled these significant feminist collections.

Eichhorn shows why young feminist activists, cultural producers, and scholars embraced the archive, and how they used it to stage political alliances across eras and generations.”

Publisher Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2013
ISBN 9781439909515, 1439909512
xii+188 pages
via author

Interview with author (Critical Margins, 2014)

Reviews: Susan M. Kline (J Archival Organization, 2013), Rebecka Sheffield (Archivaria, 2014), Natalya Lusty (Archives & Manuscripts, 2014), Elizabeth Groeneveld (Contemporary Women’s Writing, 2015), Julie R. Enszer (Signs, 2015), Joyce M. Latham (J American Culture, 2015).



Georges Didi-Huberman (ed.): Uprisings (2016)

4 April 2017, dusan

“While the notion of revolution, rebellion, and revolt isn’t alien in contemporary society’s vocabulary, the object of its action is replete with collective amnesia and inertia. That is why analyzing the representations of “uprisings”—from the etchings Goya, to contemporary installations, paintings, photographs, documents, videos, and films—demonstrates an unequivocal relevance to the social context in which we are living in 2016.

Constructing a chronological narrative or an exhaustive review of “uprisings” is not the aim. Thousands of representations of the gesture to say “NO,” to shout “STOP,” or to raise the banner “THEY SHALL NOT PASS” exist. They are known by women, men, and children, by workers, artists, and poets, by those who cry out and those who are silent, by those who weep, who mourn and those who make them. Uprisings is a montage of these words, gestures, and actions, which defy submission to absolute power.” (from the Foreword)

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Uprisings (Soulèvements) presented at the Jeu de Paume, Paris, from 18 October 2016 to 15 January 2017.

Foreword by Marta Gili
Introduction by Georges Didi-Huberman
Texts by Nicole Brenez, Judith Butler, Marie-José Mondzain, Antonio Negri, Jacques Rancière
Publisher Jeu de Paume, Paris, and Gallimard, Paris, 2016
ISBN 2072697298, 9782072697296
420 pages

Exhibition reviews: Joseph Nechvatal (Hyperallergic), Vivian Sky Rehberg (Frieze), Emily Nathan (Artnet).


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