Le Corbusier: Complete Works in 8 Volumes (1930-70) [French/English/German]
17 April 2014, dusan
Filed under book | Tags: · architecture, city, urbanism
Published between 1930 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself the eight volumes comprise a comprehensive record of the buildings, projects, sketchbooks, manifestos, drawings, and texts of one of the 20th century’s most influential architect.
Volumes 1-2, 4-7 edited by Willy Boesiger; Volume 1 co-edited by Oscar Stonorov, Volume 3 edited by Max Bill
Publisher: Les Éditions d’Architecture, Zurich, 1930-1970
1708 pages
PDFs (removed on 2017-10-9 upon request of the Fondation Le Corbusier)
Comments (353)353 Responses to “Le Corbusier: Complete Works in 8 Volumes (1930-70) [French/English/German]”
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Necesito descargar info de Le Corbusier y le su obra ville le sextant
How to get this pdf in English language ?
Any suggestions please help. I’m a Architecture student.
Thanks for your efforts.
Each volume is written in three languages, English included.
Obra excelente. Difícilmente se haya un compendio de obras completo, y concentrado por años.
Thank YOU
Thank you! This is the real Bible of the architect!
I wonder, if the text part is from Corbusier himself, or is written by the editors or others. Because the addition of the thoughts of Le Grand to his deeds, projects, designs and buildings is of a crucial importance to the understanding of his genius.
very thanks !!
Thank You so much !
Tanks you, it will be a pleasure!!
impossível baixar os pdf?
PDFs (removed on 2017-10-9 upon request of the Fondation Le Corbusier
Thank you so much!!!
Podrian pasarme el tomo 7 Y 8 alguien por favor
if someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it? juwilz.d@Gmail.com
Se alguem quiser contribuir e enviar, eu agradeço demasiadamente. monteiro.jr@hotmail.com
If someone has pdf full version, specially vol 5-8, would you mind sharing it? khoirotulfitri13@gmail.com , thank you
No encontré la liga, me gustaría poder descargar los libros por favor
I am missing volume 7 and 8 who has it please send it to me, I would greatly appreciate it
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for ur kindess. lillianjjy@gmail.com
Me too cmagris@gmail.com
May someone share the pdf with me please? Anantama.aldhi@gmail.com
May someone share the pdf with me please? :(
May someone share the pdf with me please? pablogzzo@hotmail.com
May someone share the pdf with me please?1102544403@qq.com
mee too please.
me too please
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for ur kindess laurentia.olivia98@gmail.com
May someone share the pdf with me please?
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for ur kindess
May someone please share the pdf here please thank you duldulaoyen@gmail.com
Can someone share with greg.gibson.d@gmail.com please
Would someone share with me please. The link expired.
Alguien lo compartiría por favor, ya que el link expiró por favor.
“removed on 2017-10-9” OMG :(((( I was missing it,… please…..who has it please send it to me.
this my Gmail if you can share lamvu.1728@gmail.com
Thank so much.
Can someone please share the pdf of volume 5-8? I really need it as my reference for my studies, please send to me here at my email mary.darlene13@yahoo.com. Thank you in advance
Dear fellows,
You will find this volume by clicking ‘STBGD’; which is a torrent link! I just download it. Enjoy!!!
Can someone share the full pdf version to me too? Thank you for ur kindess setiohadiDC@gmail.com
why u share a TORRENT file?? why?!
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness
Me too please , thank’s alot in advance
Can someone share the full pdf version to me too? Thank you for ur kindess marinoantonio1991@gmail.com
Hi would someone please share the PDF with me as well? Much appreciated!
Can you plz share this set of book in English version.
Really excited and great to know this news! May I have the full version of PDF? Thanks so much for sharing this!
Can someone send me the complete version please?
rinse_t hotmail.com
Best regards,
Can anyone please share these series? I’m a desperate archi student willing to see this!
kdh_nsr_11@hotmail.com <<
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness
me too please
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
me too please nikiforidis@mail.de
Would also greatly appreciate this… seems none of the links are working anymore! Thanks in advance
Can someone please send me the pdf
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
One copy for me too please
One copy for me too please
Would someone be so kind to also share the pdfs with me?
I will send in return other books :)
Thank you!
Me please !
Lamentável a remoção dos PDFs do Le Corbusier para baixar os PDFs
Incrível a ganancia dos editores impedindo que uma enorme legião de admiradores do grande Arquiteto pudesse ter acesso aos textos.
Agora, pagando tudo bem.
Ridícula e idiota tal modificação, de um dia para outro.
So nos resta lamentar tal procedimento.
Fernando Cals – ARQUITETO
Se alguem puder enviar alguma coisa, ficarei eternamente agradecido
Just miss the date, is it stillpossible to have it in french please ?
best regards
Someone can share with me please:-)
Many thanks
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
Please email me a link too! Pay it forward. My country has only one library and hardly any books. mooshemazhab@gmail.com
Thanks guys!
Can someone please send me a torrent link or whatever in my email, i really need it for my thesis, thank you!
Email : Valdrin236@gmail.com
oh I’am so sad,Please leave some link.Here where I live ,it to hard to find some good book in eng ver.thank you
Hi there, can someone please share the pdf with me? I really appreciated it!!!
please send me to the below email:
thanks so much!
can anybody please mail me all the pdfs….since the links have got expired..i would require it for reference.am an architecture student…
thanks in advance
(jeffrinanniealex25@gmail.com) is my mail id
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for your kindness!
Uma das línguas mais faladas no mundo e o Português, no entanto não tem uma tradução para ela. Poderiam pensar em fazer uma tradução para nós, por favor?
i´m an architectural design professor.
i would be nice to have this copies in my ipad
hi, it will be really kind if someone can mail me the pdf . (arshirin.s@gmail.com)
Can I have a copy as well? Thanks!
Hello could someone send me the complete volume. Very much appreciated. Thank you.
Can someone please send me a copy? I’ll be grateful! amna041596@gmail.com
Hello could someone send me the complete volume? Very much appreciated. Thank you.( jenithluntian@gmail.com )
Hello, I’m very interested in books. @: alonsoortega2@gmail.com
I can’t believe it :-(
Is it that difficult to understand that the links had to be removed because of copyright infringement? Imho justifiably; the Fondation Le Corbusier is the legal und sole owner of the rights of use. And you folks are yelling out for illegal copies, posting valid email addresses… Oh Lord, please let rain brain ;-P
can someone forword the files to meanujjain@gmail.com
can forward to me please muhamadfuadmufid10@gmail.com
ruego que una persona que tenga acceso a estos libros pueda enviarmelos. desde ya muchísimas gracias. vivo en argentina y toda mi vida me he sentido atraido por el pensamiento de le corbusier.
can someone forword the files to zirtkop@gmail.com
if someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it? juangabrieloliveira@gmail.com
Can anyone share the full pdfs to me . Thanks in advance. vishnutanneru69@gmail.com
Can someone share the pdf files with me as well please. It will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
( Linaikhwan@icloud.com )
may someone share with me pdf hamdismiles@gmail.com
Hello, I’m very interested in books. Can someone share the pdf files with me, please?
@: albalabarxera@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance.
Can someone share pdf with me ? Im a student of interior architecture. Thanks :)
can someone share pdfS with me?
i am architecture student and atudying about his works.
can someone share pdfS with me?
i am architecture student and atudying about his works.
Mandenmelo porfavor :v
Hello, I’m very interested in books. Can someone share the pdf files with me, please?
@: paubrizzio@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance.
Hi!, can someone share pdfs with me? I really appreciated it! Thank u. pachec94@gmail.com.
Can some send me the volume 7,4 and 8 please.
it will be a great help.
Hello, please, can someone share pdfs with me? I appreciated it! Thank’s so much.
Hello, please, can someone share pdfs with me? I appreciated it! Thank’s so much.
Merhaba biri benim PDF sini gönderebilir mi ?
Can someone share pdfs with me with me please?
If someone has pdf full version, specially vol 1-5, would you mind sharing it? sahar.hz1997@gmail.com , thank you
can someone share pdfS with me?
i am architecture student and atudying about his works.
thank u in advance
İf someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it? Thank you
İf someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it? Thank you
İf someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it? Thank you
Please,can someone PDFs share with me? Thanks so much.
Please,can someone PDFs share with me with e-mail way ? Thanks so much.
Try opening the PDFs with google chrome, then select the “Print” option, then “Print using the system dialog”, select the “Landscape” view and select the “Open PDF in preview” option at the bottom left corner. (MAC users) After that, you should be able to save it.
That worked for me :).
Link to Wetransfer with complete series: https://we.tl/57kQojo9qm
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
May someone share the pdf with me? Thanks in advance :)
The Greatest Modern Architect
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for ur kindess.
¿Por favor alguien me puede compartir la versión completa en formato pdf? se lo agradecería un mundo !! gracias
mandemelo por favor
Hi everyone!
I don’t want to bother you but, Can someone share pdfs with me?
My email is ; ezetrusendi@gmail.com
Thanks in advance!
Hey all, can somebody share the files with me too :(
Hello, PLEASE, Can someone share pdfs with me? I would appreciated it really!!
Can you share the full version of PDFs with me. Thank you for ypur kindness
Hello, PLEASE, Can someone share pdfs with me?
Sharing is caring
Hi, PLEASE, Can someone share pdfs with me?
Alguien podría compartirme los archivos, por favor.
Gracias por adelantado, espero que pasen un fantástico día.
Can someone please share a copy of the .pdf version to me too? I would appreciate it a lot. My email id is: bobbyisse@gmail.com
Thank You & Kind Regards,
would somebody please share the PDF ? it’s been removed.
thanks a million in advance
would somebody please share the PDF ? it’s been removed.
thanks in advance!
Por favor enviar el archivo en pdf. Gracias
Por favor, pido a quien haya alcanzado a descargar los pdf, compartirlos enviándolos a mi e-mail. Gracias.
Would someone who got the pdfs share them with me by sending them to my e-mail, please? Thank you.
Hi, would someone share me the pdf? would really appreciate, please send it to diah.paramita93@gmail.com
Thankyou very much
Would someone be so kind to also share the pdfs with me?
I will send in return other books :)
Thank you!
Can someone please share the complete PDF. I would be really appreciate it!
¿alguien que pueda compartir el archivo LC conmigo? muchas gracias
Hola! alguien tiene los pdf en ingles para pasarme por mail? gracias!!
Hola! alguien tiene los pdf en ingles para pasarme por mail? gracias!!
can someone share it please? thank you
Hey, If someone could please e-mail me the pdf’s in anu language, i would be very aprecciated.
hola, alguien tiene los pfd en qualquer língua para pasarme por mail? gracias
Please someone share the book thanks
I´ll be extremely greatful, if anyone has the kindness to share this with me.
This Bible has to be unchained to spread his knowledge as a real human legacy :)
I´ll be extremely greatful, if anyone has the kindness to share this with me.
This Bible has to be unchained to spread his knowledge as a real human legacy :)
I’ll be greatful if you send me in english, please. Thank you.
please share thx! menzella.maxi@gmail.com
Can someone share it?
¿puedes enviármelo?
I’ll be greatful if someone sends me a pdf in english. Thank you.
Can somebody please send me a pdf, in English. Thank you in advance!I’ll be very grateful.
can someone please send me the full English version. my email is param4237@gmail.com
Can someone please send me the full english version, thank you
my email is bonampak07@gmail.com
Hello! If someone could also please send me the pdf of these volumes??? I would greatly appreciate it!
Can someone please send me the full english version?
Thank you so much! My email is: joanaorencio@hotmail.com
please any one got the pdf shre it to me zaghloulamged@gmail.com
URGENT please
Plz send me le corbusier pdf file on naelrami@gmail.com
Hi archi-lovers ! Someone can send me files to amines.souef@gmail.com pls ?
I’ll be forever greatfull
PS : take a look to our project http://www.massi.solutions
Paola is the true MVP. I was on vacation and bookmarked this link so I thought I missed out.
Can someone please send me the full english version?
Thank you so much!
My email is: iren67@hotmail.com
I will send it to the next one
¿Alguien sería tan amable de compartir también los pdf?
Enviaré a cambio otros libros ¡ :)
Can someone please send me the full english version? Pdf
Thank you so much!
My email is iopalev434@gmail.com
Can someone please send me the English files? I will be so grateful.
Stephen Calder
can anyone share the pdf please
Can someone please send me the English pdf? Thank youu(:
please send me to the below email:
thanks so much!
Please can you send me. Thanks.
Can someone please send me the pdf FILE? Thank youu))))
can someone please send me the full English version?? thank you very much!!!
email: ch.fouster@gmail.com
Can someone share the full pdf version in English to me?
Could someone please send me the files? He is my favourite architect andI would really appreciate having these volumes.
Could someone please send me the files? He is my favourite architect andI would really appreciate having these volumes.
My email adress is: shakibababak@yahoo.com
Podrian pasarme el pdf? Muchas gracias.
Podrian pasarme el pdf? Muchas gracias. Estaré muy agradecido.
Anyone who did not have time to download-write me a mail newdizz@gmail.com
if someone has the pdf full ver in English, would u mind sharing it?
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
I dowload it. Thank so much.
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!! lad56520@gmail.com
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!! frankocastillo3@gmail.com
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you very much..
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you very much. mehmetakifcengel@gmail.com
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!! nowherech@naver.com
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you very much..
Can someone please share the full version of pdf to me too ?
Thank you for your kindness!!
Can someone please share the PDF with me?
Hello, PLEASE, Can someone share pdfs with me?
I wish you happy holidays
Could someone please send me the files? I will be so grateful!
Podría alguien pasarme los pdf? Estaré muy agradecido!
A copy of these works would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If someone can share with me please… and thank you so much!
Si pudieran compartirlos conmigo lo agradeceré. Gracias!
If anyone has it english or german please share it.
A copy of these works would be greatly appreciated.
My Email: h-s-e@gmx.de
Can someone please share the English version PDF with me please.
Uầy. thật tuyệt vời nếu bạn có thể chia sẻ nó cho tôi…
Uầy. thật tuyệt vời nếu bạn có thể chia sẻ nó với tôi và tất cả những người yêu quý kiến trúc sư Le Corbusier và những kiệt tác của ông <3
thật tuyệt.
Can someone please share the PDF with me via ndzinisasibongiseni@gmail.com
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for ur kindess.
My em
Can you share these to me please @ anikbaruaflm@gmail.com.
Can someone forward the pdfs in english pleas.
I am an architecture student from Mumbai, India
Can someone forword a pdf file in English version to me please?
I’d be appreciate. I’m an architecture student from Thailand.
Can Anybody share the odd with me pls .. thanks .. Ami211@HOTMAIL.COM
Could I have a copy in English please? Tho is my e-mail a dress: alessiara97@virgilio.it
Thank you so much!
Please share a copy of the English PDF with me. Appreciate it
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you
PLEASE! Someone help me! HW is due to tomorrow. Can anyone share the full PDF with me?
I already send it to everyone until January 1 for free, later it have a cost
You can search here for the torrent
Hi! could someone please send me the full PDF version in English and/or German?
Thanks in advance!
Please send me a copy full in English…someone? Please
Could someone share the full version?
Much Appreicated!!
Hello! If someone could also please send me the pdf of these volumes??? I would greatly appreciate it!
I want books.
Hola from Paraguay, does anybody have a pdf (or another digital format) the original French version of this book? Would love to read it in the original language. Best wishes.
Hello, can anyone share the PDF of Le Corbusier, pleaseee! Thank you :)
I need these PDF I. English version pls share with me
Thank you
Please share English version of PDF please
Can someone share the full pdf version to me? Thank you for ur kindess Alfarhat.tian@gmail.com
Can someone share the full pdf version to me (English)? Thank you
Please share the full pdf version! @ dntavantzis@hotmail.com
Please send me full volumes
send me in english . PDEEP.AAKAAR@GMAIL.COMq
Hi! Please send me the text in English.
Hi! Please send me the full volumes in English…
Thanx from student of Architecture :)
Please share the full pdf version!
Would someone please share the pdf with me Gjoka.Eric@gmail.com
Thank you in advance,
Would someone share the full version of the pdf with me ??
Thank you in advance!!!
If someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it?
If someone has the pdf, would u mind sharing it?
Thank you.
Would someone please share the pdf with me khanhshin1998@gmail.com
Would someone share the full version of the pdf with me ??
Thank you in advance!!! iro_stal@hotmail.com
Hi could someone please share the full English version Pdf with me. I will be forever grateful and would love to read and learn from this resource.
Many thanks
Would someone please share the pdf with me
I also want all the downloadable volumes.
Please send me the volumes, please..
Please! Can someone share the complete volumes.
This is for an architecture students
Thank you so much!
Please! Can someone share the complete volumes.
This is for an architecture students
Thank you so much!
PDFs (removed on 2017-10-9 upon request of the Fondation Le Corbusier)
Fondation Le Corbusier -> Facists
Serian amables de enviarme los 8 volumenes, o si existe algun link para descargarlos.
muchas gracias
Serian amables de enviarme los 8 volumenes, o si existe algun link para descargarlos.
muchas gracias
Email me in english Thiagoshanti@gmail.com
Please send all pdf in my email please … bhavesh.p1148@gmail.com
Hi, could someone please share all the volumes PDFs with me, I dont want to miss the chance of having an architecture Bible.
Thank you.
That’s my mail id.
Can someone please send me all the 8 volumes in English this a life time request thank you so much.
Can someone send me all the 8 volumes in English please,
send them to
Please send me the full volumes in English please
Thank you
PLease, send me the full volumes in english PLEASE
i would deeply appreciate these texts as well… a.leelarkin@gmail.com
Please kindly send me the full volumes in English to nidoai@gmail.com… Thank you.
Please kindly send me the full volumes in English to nargile57@gmail.com or a link where i may download. Many thanks
Please kindly send me the full volumes in English to sooji9155@gmail.com thank you.
Please kindly send me the full volumes in English / a link to aidan_hall89@yahoo.co.uk
Thanks a lot :)
Please kindly send me the full volumes to 251421592@qq.com
Is it still available in another site for download?
Please kindly send me the full volumes in English to karol.99.camarena@gmail.com
Please kindly send me the full volumes in English to caceresfigueroaluis@gmail.com , Thank You!!
Please Kindly send me the full volumes in English to amazna@hotmail.com
Thank you.
Please kindly send me the full volumes to iremcagbayir@gmail.com
Thank you!
Please Kindly send me the full volumes in English to francisiwamura@gmail.com
Please Kindly send me the full volumes in English to
Thanks a lot
Hello, I am not sure whether this thread is still working. But could you please send me the books/volumes on vikas.spaces@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Hello, would you please kindly send the full volumes in English to rodrigo.marin@outlook.com
Thank you in advance
Hola. Me podrian enviar los volumenes en frances a brodriguezc07@gmail.com ? Gracias
please to help me sent this to chansophea230@gmail.com
Hello. Please kindly send me the full volume in English to chansopheakphall@gmail.com
Thank you !
Please kindly share me his great achivement for me. Deeply thanks
Hello, would you please kindly send the full volumes in English to tejeda.dp@gmail.com
Please kindly email me the entire volumes in English to
Could you please send me the full volume in English to torkelrein@hotmail.com
Please, send me the full volumes in English to stelasouza.arq@gmail.com
Please send me the full volumes in English to josuequirozortiz@icloud.com and I will love u hahah
Please send me the full volumes in english to bhoiryash21@gmail.com
Hello, would you please kindly send the full volumes in English and/or french to fmp@proyectobigbang.com.ar
por favor enviarme rcortezarq@gmail.com
Could you please send me the full volume in English to miraybas@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Hi Dusan, so a quick ? People keep requesting scans of the Le Corbusier volumes, but I’m assuming you can’t send these out given that you removed the link at the publisher’s request. But if you are able to email these, please let me know. Many thanks
estoy elaborando una investigación sobre el aprendizaje del proyecto arquitectónico en la universidad de huancayo
Por favor envienmelo mhuisarodriguez@gmail.com
alguien que pueda enviarme el pdf por favor,muchas gracias a quien pueda enviarmelo a matias.otazop@utem.cl
es posible que alguien me mande los volúmenes a mi email? rosa.garcia.cervigon@gmail.com
Por favor enviar para email danieltorres.trindade@gmail.com
Hello, please, can someone share pdfs with me? I appreciated it! Thank’s so much.
Hello, please, can someone share pdfs with me? I appreciated it! Thank’s so much. fava2442@gmail.com
if someone has the full pdf could you send it to me?
I would really appreciate it!
thank you
if someone has the full pdf could you send it to me?
I would really appreciate it!
thank you
Please kindly email me the entire volumes in English to francisiwamura@gmail.com
se alguém tiver o pdf completo, você poderia enviá-lo para mim?
Eu realmente apreciaria isto!
hi! if someone have all the volumes PLEASE!! it would be so nice of you if you could send me my mail adress is juanferreira_@outlook.com THANKS!
Please share the English PDF with me. Many Thanks
Please share the English PDF with me. Many Thanks
It will be a great great honor if you can send English version to me
Please share the English PDF with me. I would appreciate it greatly .
It will be a great great honor if you can send English version to me
It will be a great great honor if you can send English version to me
Hello Dusan!
Do you happen to have The Celluloid Courtroom: A History of Legal Cinema authored by Robert D. Levi? It would be greatly and sincerely appreciated.
I hope you are all holding up well in this challenging times. Take care! Stay safe.
Hi Dusan!
Correction: the author is Ross D. Levi.
Thank you so much in advance!
Hi Dusan!
I am from Argentina, this books are from my students.
Thanks you so much!
Good afternoon, my name is Mauro Alegre, I am an architect and professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the unne. the material is very important to me. From already thank you very much.
Hola buenas, soy estudiante de arquitectura, me podrían hacer el favor de pasarme los pdfs, ya que serian una gran fuente para mi.
Muchísimas gracias y un saludo.
Could someone please share the documents with me?
It would be very useful to me!
Soy estudiante de arquitectura, me podrías pasar los PDF’s, dado que me serian de gran ayuda para un trabajo de investigación.
Muchas gracias.
Ciao sono da sempre un appassionato di Le Corbusier mi piacerebbe davvero avere una copia pdf dell’Opera Completa
Grazie mille
Ciao, is it possible to have a copy of the pdf? I’m doing a research on Modernism but all libraries are closed…
Ciao sono da sempre un appassionato di Le Corbusier mi piacerebbe davvero avere una copia pdf dell’Opera Completa
Can u send 4me ,and thanks
Buen día , me podrían pasar los PDFS Porfavor , rcortezarq@gmail.com
Could someone please share the documents with me?
Could someone please share the documents with me? tizianatosoni@gmail.com thanks!
Alguien podría compartir los volúmenes conmigo por favor?
Me podrian compartir los volúmenes por favor
Compartanme los volúmenes por favor
Can anyone share the full pdfs to me . Thanks in advance.
Estaría muy agradecido si me pueden enviar el link de descarga de las obras completas. abrazo grande!
Porfavor, si podrian compartirme los PDF ya sea aun consto simbolico, o por un favor, se lo agradeceria.
HOla Me podrían compatir los 8 volumenes por favor.
sume3d@gmail.com gracias!
Can anyone share me the 8 pdf volumes, english version? Thanks cfunzaga@gmail.com
Can anyone share the 8 volumes in pdf to me? Please
Can anyone share the 8 volumes in pdf to me? Please
Can anyone share the 8 volumes in pdf to me? Please
Podrias compartirme los 8 volumenes de la obra en pdf? Gracias
Podrias compartirme los 8 volumenes de la obra en pdf por favor? Gracias
Podrias compartirme los 8 volumenes de la obra en pdf por favor? Gracias ingnubiamedina@hotmail.com
Un alma piadosa que tenga los PDF y los reenvíe!
Un buen samaritano que me pudiera enviar los PDF, se lo agradecería mucho! Saludos desde México!
the eight volumes -in french- are hosted in libgen
los ocho volumenes -en frances- se encuentran disponibles en libgen
Can anyone share the 8 volumes in pdf to me? Please
my email: chloe.fp2001@gmail.com
Hola! soy estudiante de arquitectura, me gustaria poder leer los libros en pdf, me lo podrían pasar, se los agradeceria muchisimo. mi correo es: gonzalofalla320@outlook.com
¡Hola! soy arquitecto técnico, me gustaría tener los textos de Le Corbusier, si alguien me los puede pasar, por favor, muchas gracias
¡Hola! soy arquitecto técnico, me gustaría tener los textos de Le Corbusier, si alguien me los puede pasar, por favor, muchas gracias
Se alguém puder enviar os PDF’s, ficaria grato!
Send me to raynnergoston@gmail.com
Hi. I’d be thankful if anyone who has the pdf send it to my e-mail: lorosantiago@gmail.com
I would help me a lot with a college work.
Hola, alguien me podría compartir los PDF, se agradece!! Saludos
If someone has the pdf i’d be very thankful If you can send it to e stefzupan12@gmail.com
Hi. I’d be thankful if anyone who has the pdf send it to my e-mail: albertjr1997@gmail.com
I would help me a lot with a college work.
If someone got the files, could you please send to me? I would be really thankful. alv_mark_@hotmail.com
Hola, me ayudaría mucho que alguien pudiera compartirme los 8 volúmenes en pdf. Mi correo: alexandermesamm@gmail.com
Gracias de antemano!
Alguien pudrá compartirme los 8 volúmenes en pdf. Mi correo altaplana.ba@gmail.com
Hola, me ayudaría mucho que alguien pudiera compartirme los 8 volúmenes en pdf. Mi correo: ikookmin13@gmail.com
¡Gracias de antemano!
hola, alguien me podria ayudar compartiendome el pdf de los 8 volumenes porfavor. Aqui les dejo mi correro :juanjorasmosmendoza15@gmail.com
Hello, could someone help me by sharing the pdf of the 8 volumes please. Here is my email : juanjorasmosmendoza15@gmail.com
thank you!!!
Thank you so much
Hola, alguien generoo que pueda compartir los pdf de los 8 tomos por favor. Aquí está mi correo electrónico: abadcastro@gmail.com
Muchas gracias por compartir!
Hola, alguna alma caritativa que pueda compartir los pdf de los 8 tomos por favor: antonycaballero.arq@gmail.com
Mil gracias.
Hola, alguna alma caritativa que pueda compartir los pdf de los 8 tomos por favor: francdtcontacto@gmail.com
Hola! Alguien me podría compartir los pdf de los 8 tomos por favor? es para mi tesis :) chiaraagotti@gmail.com
Mil gracias!
Hola, alguien que pueda compartir los pdf de los 8 tomos por favor
Hello, could someone help me by sharing the pdf of the 8 volumes please? I would love to read through these and be inspired by the master.
My email is: butchydavy@me.com