Kenneth Goldsmith: Theory (2015) [EN, FR]

12 July 2015, dusan

Theory offers an unprecedented reading of the contemporary world: 500 texts – from poems and musings to short stories – printed on 500 pages assembled in the form of a ream of paper. Curated by the author-poet, this collection maps out the various issues and trends in contemporary literature in a world currently being shaken up by everything online and digital, and calls for the reinvention of creative forms.”

Edition directed by Mathieu Cénac and David Desrimais
Publisher Jean Boîte, Paris, May 2015
ISBN 9782365680103 (EN)
500 pages

Publisher (EN)
Publisher (FR)

Theory (English, cover, inner side of wrapper, label)
Théorie (French, trans. Léa Faust, cover, label)

4 Responses to “Kenneth Goldsmith: Theory (2015) [EN, FR]”

  1. Kenneth Goldsmith, “Theory”, 2015 — for publication: on July 14, 2015 6:02 am

    […] via […]

  2. littlet on July 16, 2015 9:34 pm

    i dont see where the whole thing is downloadable :( (following kenneth goldsmith tweet)

  3. littlet on July 16, 2015 9:36 pm

    my bad but not so easy for me to find sorry

  4. dusan on July 16, 2015 11:01 pm

    link at the bottom of the post leads to a pdf

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