Kazimir Malevich: Bog ne skinut. Iskusstvo, tserkov’, fabrika (1922) [Russian]

22 April 2012, dusan

“Through transforming the world I move towards my own transformation and, perhaps, in the last day of my conversion I will transform into a new form leaving my current image in the fading green animal kingdom… And the most economical is a square..”

God Is Not Cast Down: Art, Church, Factory [Бог не скинут: искусство, церковь, фабрика], a pamphlet written in 1920 during Malevich’s days as director of the Vitebsk Academy. The artist attempts to summarize his philosophy of art. For Malevich, this is an exercise just as important, or even more important, than painting. The resulting collection of theses provides for difficult but thought-provoking reading. Published in 2000 copies.

Publisher Unovis, Vitebsk, 1922
43 pages

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