AI Now 2019 Report (2019)

14 December 2019, dusan

This report “examines new research on the risks and harms of AI, including its use by companies to aggressively manage and control workers, its climate impact, and the growing use of facial and affect recognition. We also look at the growing movements that are demanding a halt to risky and dangerous AI, and offer recommendations on what policymakers, advocates, and researchers can do to address these harms.”

By Kate Crawford, Roel Dobbe, Theodora Dryer, Genevieve Fried, Ben Green, Elizabeth Kaziunas, Amba Kak, Varoon Mathur, Erin McElroy, Andrea Nill Sánchez, Deborah Raji, Joy Lisi Rankin, Rashida Richardson, Jason Schultz, Sarah Myers West, and Meredith Whittaker
Publisher AI Now Institute, New York, 12 Dec 2019
Creative Commons BY-ND 4.0 International License
100 pages



3X3X6: Shu Lea Cheang (2019) [English/Chinese]

20 November 2019, dusan

3x3x6 is the title of Shu Lea Cheang’s project representing Taiwan at the 58th Venice Biennale and hosted at the Palazzo delle Prigioni–a Venetian prison from the sixteenth century in operation until 1922. 3x3x6 is also the standardised architecture of industrial imprisonment for ‘sexual criminals’ and ‘terrorists’ in the West: 3×3 meters, monitored by 6 cameras 24 hours a day. Shu Lea Cheang investigates historical reports based on ten cases of subjects incarcerated because of gender or sexual dissent and uses trans-punk fiction, queer, and anti-colonial imaginations to hack the history of sexuality as well as contemporary technologies of surveillance.” (from back cover)

With contributions by Matthew Fuller, Paul B. Preciado, Dean Spade, and Jackie Wang.

Curated and edited by Paul B. Preciado
Publisher Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2019
Open access
ISBN 9789860588798, 9860588791
211 pages


PDF, PDF (43 MB)

Recherches, 12: Trois milliards de pervers: Grande encyclopédie des homosexualités (1973) [FR, EN]

11 November 2019, dusan

“‘Trois milliards de pervers: Grande encyclopédie des homosexualités’ [Three Billion Perverts: The Big Encyclopedia of Homosexualities] is the title of the twelfth issue of the journal Recherches, founded in 1965 by Félix Guattari. Published in March 1973, this issue caused a scandal, proclaiming the irruption of homosexuality in French society. Very quickly banned, seized, and destroyed for breach of moral standards, it became a milestone in the history of homosexual struggles. Recently reprinted, this publication is at once an historical document and an element of reflection for contemporary struggles for emancipation, shedding light on what could be a homosexual affirmation conceived as a radical break with the normative structures running through the social space.

Combining testimonies, original texts, and interviews; articulating social criticism, literature, philosophy, and psychoanalysis; across spaces as diverse as cafés, political meetings, prisons, asylums, parks, and urinals; and bringing together contributions from such figures as Gilles Deleuze, Fanny Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jean Genet, Felix Guattari, Daniel Guérin, Guy Hocquenghem, Jean-Jacques Lebel, the actor Marie-France, Vera Memmi, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Jozy Thibaut, ‘Trois milliards de pervers’ takes the form of a collective of homosexuals reflecting on the come-on, masturbation, transvestites, scouting, and militant movements, in order to call into question all forms of desiring-production. As such, this publication set out to establish an entirely ‘new scientific spirit.'” (Source)

Publisher Recherches, Paris, Mar 1973
216+[8] pages

Reviews: Le Nouvel Observateur (1973), Les cahiers du GRIF (1974).


PDF (17 MB)
HTML, PDF (English trans. of Foucault’s Testimony at the Trial of Félix Guattari, in 1974, after the publication was seized; and “La Femme de Drague”, a conversation between seven women addressing the social and affective economy of seduction, trans. Gila Walker, Glass Bead, 2019)