confessorum in Barok 2014

) The
"Edit section: \(K\) The index")]

* [![](/images/thumb/2/27/Summa_confessorum.1310.jpg/103px-Summa_confessorum.1310.jpg)](/File:Summa_confessorum.1310.jpg)

Summa confessorum [1297-98], 1310.

[The] sequencing not only weaves words into statements but activates other
temporalities, and _presents occurrences of words from pa

alphabetical order, except for a few in some classified
arrangement. Until the end of the century these alphabetical reference works
indexed a small group of books. Finally John of Freiburg added an alphabetical
subject index to his own book, _Summa Confessorum_ (1297—1298). As the Rouses
have put it, 'By the end of the [13]th century the practical utility of the
subject index is taken for granted by the literate West, no longer solely as
an aid for preachers, but also in the disciplines of theology, phil


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