monoskop in Barok 2018

ouach "Ilan Manouach"), Kenneth Goldsmith and the Onassis

[![Shadow Libraries.jpg](/images/thumb/8/8e/Shadow_Libraries.jpg/500px-

This is the first time that I was asked to talk about Monoskop as a _shadow

What are shadow libraries?
[Lawrence Liang](/Lawrence_Liang "Lawrence Liang") wrote a think piece for _e-
flux_ a couple of years ago,
in response to the closure of, a digital library that had operated
from 2004

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He was still alive when we put it up on Monoskop, and could experience it.
Digital libraries may seem like virtual, grey places, nonplaces.
But these little chance encounters happen all the time there.
There are touches. There are traces. There are many hands involved, visible

our dear friend [Sean
Dockray](/Sean_Dockray "Sean Dockray"), is facing a Canadian publisher.
Open Library is now facing the Authors Guild for lending scanned books
deaccessioned from libraries.
They need our help, our support.

[![Cabinet 2012 Monoskop

But collisions of interests can be productive.
This is what our beloved _Cabinet_ magazi

monoskop in Bodo 2014

the same catalog, which makes shadow libraries, unauthorized texts
collections an easy target of law enforcement. Those few digital online libraries that dare to provide
unauthorized access to texts in an organized manner, such as, a*.org, monoskop or Gigapedia/, all had their bad experiences with law enforcement and rights holder dismay.
Of these pirate libraries, Gigapedia—later called—was the largest at the turn of the 2010’s. At
its peak, it was several orders of


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