Preliminary Thoughts on the Way to the Free Library Congress

# Preliminary Thoughts on the Way to the Free Library Congress

by Dennis Yi Tenen — Mar 24, 2016


Figure 1: Article titles obscuring citation network topography. Image by Denis
Y Tenen.

**In the framework of the[Authorship](http://www.akademie-
solitude.de/en/events/~no3764/) project, Akademie Schloss Solitude together
with former and current fellows initiated a debate on the status of the author
in the 21st century as well as closely related questions on the copyright
system. The event »[Custodians.online – The Struggle over the Future of
›Pirate‹ Libraries and Universal Access to Knowledge](http://www.akademie-
libraries-and-universal-access-to-knowledge~no3779/)« was part of the debate
by which the Akademie offers its fellows to articulate diverse and already
long existing positions regarding this topic. In this article, published in
the special online-issue on _[Authorship](http://schloss-
post.com/category/issues/authorship/), _ Dennis Yi Tenen, PiracyLab/Columbia
University, New York, reports his personal experiences from the
»[Custodians.online](http://custodians.online/)« discussion. Edited by
Rosemary Grennan, MayDay Rooms, London/UK.**

I am on my way to the Free Library Congress at Akademie Schloss Solitude, in
Stuttgart. The event is not really called the »Free Library Congress,« but
that is what I imagine it to be. It will be a meeting about the growing
conflict between those who assert their intellectual property rights and those
who assert their right to access information freely.

Working at a North American university, it is easy to forget that most people
in the United States and abroad lack affordable access to published
information – books, medical research, science, and law. Outside of a
university subscription, reading a single academic article may cost upwards of
several hundred dollars. The pricing structure precludes any meaningful idea
of independent research.

Imagine yourself a physician or a young scientist somewhere in the global
south, or in Eastern Europe, or anywhere really without a good library and
without the means to pay exorbitant subscription prices demanded by the
distributors. How will you keep current in your field? How are you to do right
for your patients in following the latest treatment protocols? What about
citizen science or simply due diligence on the part of patients, litigants, or
primary school students in search for reputable sources? Wherever library
budgets do not soar into the millions, research involves building archives
that exist outside of the intellectual property regime. It involves the
organizational effort required to collect, sort, and share information widely.

A number of prominent sites and communities emerged in the past decade in an
attempt to address the global imbalance of access to information. Among them,
Sci-Hub. [1] Founded by Alexandra Elbakyan, a young neuroscientist from
Kazakhstan, the site makes close to 50 million scientific articles available
for download. Elbakyan describes the mission of her library as »removing all
barriers that impede the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human
society.« Compare this with Google’s mission »to organize the world’s
information and make it universally accessible and useful.« [2] The two
visions are not so different. Sci-Hub violates intellectual property law in
many jurisdictions, including the United States. Elsevier, one of the world’s
largest scientific publishers, has filed a complaint against Sci-Hub in New
York Southern District Court. [3] Of course, Google also continually finds
itself at odds with intellectual property holders. The very logic of
collecting and organizing human knowledge is, fundamentally, a public works
project at odds with the idea of private intellectual property.

Addressing the judge directly in her defense, Elbakyan appeals to universal
ethical principles, like those enshrined in Article 27 of the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights, which holds that: »Everyone has the right to
freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts
and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.« [4] [5] Her
language – our language – evokes also the »unquiet« history of the public
library. [6] I call this small, scrappy group of artists, academics,
librarians, and technologists »free« to evoke the history of »free and public«
libraries and to appeal also to the intellectual legacy of the free software
movement: as Richard Stallman famously put it »free as in free speech not as
in free beer.« [7]

The word »piracy« is also often used to describe the online free library
world. For some it carries an unwelcome connotation. In most cases, the
maintenance of large online archives is a drain on resources, not
profiteering. It resembles much more the work of a librarian than that of a
corsair. Nevertheless, many in the community actually embrace a few of the
political implications that come with the idea of piracy. Piracy, in that
sense, appeals to ideas and strategies similar to those of the Occupy
Movement. When public resources are unjustly appropriated and when such
systematic appropriation is subsequently defended through the use of law and
force, the only available response is counter occupation.

The agenda notes introducing the event calls for a »solidarity platform« in
support of free online public libraries like Sci-Hub and Library Genesis,
which increasingly find themselves in legal peril. I do not yet know what the
organizers have in mind, but my own thoughts in preparation for the day’s
activities revolve around the following few premises:

1\. The case for universal and free access to knowledge is stronger when it is
made on ethical, technological, and **tactical** grounds, not just legal.

The cost of sharing and reproduction in the digital world are too low to
sustain practices and institutions built on the assumptions of print. The
attempt to re-introduce »stickiness« to electronic documents artificially
through digital rights management technology and associated legislation like
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act are doomed to fail. Information does not
(and cannot) »want« to be free, [8] but it definitely has lost some of its
purchase on the medium when words moved from vellum to magnetic charge and
subsequently to solid storage medium that – I kid you not – works through
mechanisms like quantum tunneling and electron avalanche injection.

2\. Any proposed action will require the close **alignment of interests**
between authors, publishers, readers, and librarians.

For our institutions to catch up to the changing material conditions *and* our
(hopefully not so rapidly changing) sense of what’s right and wrong in the
world, writers, readers, publishers, and archivists need to coordinate their
action. We are a community. And I think we want more or less the same thing:
to reach an audience, to find and share information, and to remain a vital
intellectual force. The real battle for the hearts and minds of an informed
public lies elsewhere. Massive forces of capital and centralization threaten
the very existence of a public commons. To survive, we need to nurture a
conversation across organizational boundaries.

By my calculations, Library Genesis, one of the most influential free online
book libraries sustains itself on a budget of several thousand dollars per
year. [9] The maintenance of Sci-Hub requires a bit more to reach millions of
readers. [10] How do pirate libraries achieve so much with so little? The
fact that these libraries do not pay exorbitant license fees can only comprise
a small part of the answer. The larger part includes their ability to rely on
the support of the community, in what I have called elsewhere »peer
preservation.« Why can’t readers and writers contribute to the development of
infrastructures within their own institutions? Why are libraries so reliant on
outside vendors, who take most of the profits out of our ecosystem?

I am conflicted about leaving booksellers out of the equation. In response
about my question about booksellers – do they help or hinder project of
universal access? – [Marcell Mars](https://www.memoryoftheworld.org/nenad-
romic-aka-marcell-mars/) spoke about »a nostalgia for capitalism we used to
know.« [Tomislav Medak](https://www.memoryoftheworld.org/tomislav-medak/)
spoke in defense of small book publishers that produce beautiful objects. But
the largest of booksellers are no longer strictly in the business of selling
books. They build cloud infrastructures, they sell online services to the
military, build autonomous drones, and much much more. The project of
corporate growth just may be incompatible with the project to provide free and
universal access to information.

3\. Libraries and publishing conclude a **long chain of literary production**.
Whatever ails the free library must be also addressed at the source of

Much of the world’s knowledge is locked behind paywalls. Such closed systems
at the point of distribution reflect labor practices that also rely on closed
and proprietary tools. Inequities of access mirror inequities of production.
Techniques of writing are furthermore impoverished when writers are not free
to modify their instruments. This means that as we support free libraries we
must also convince our peers to write using software that can be freely
modified, hacked, personalized, and extended. Documents written in that way
have a better chance of ending up in open archives.

4\. We need **more empirical evidence** about the impact of media piracy.

The political and economic response to piracy is often guided by fear and
speculation. The work of researchers like [Bodo
Balazs](http://www.warsystems.hu/) is beginning to connect the business of
selling books with the practices of reading them. [11] Balazs makes a
powerful argument, holding that the flourishing of shadow media markets
indicates a failure in legitimate markets. Research suggests that piracy does
not decrease, it increases sales, particularly in places which are not well-
served by traditional publishers and distributors. A more complete, »thick
description« of global media practice requires more research, both qualitative
and quantitative.

5\. **Multiplicity is key**.

As everyone arrives and the conversation begins in earnest, several
participants remark on the notable absences around the table. North America,
Eastern and Western Europe are overrepresented. I remind the group that we
travel widely and in good company of artists, scholars, activists, and
philosophers who would stand in support of what [Antonia
majaca/) has called (after Walter Mignolo) »epistemic disobedience« and who
need to be invited to this table. [12] I speak up to say, along with [Femke
Snelting](http://snelting.domainepublic.net/) and [Ted
Byfield](http://nettime.org/), that whatever is meant by »universal« access to
knowledge must include a multiplicity of voices – not **the** universal but a
tangled network of universalisms – international, planetary, intergalactic.

1. Jump Up
2. Jump Up [https://www.google.com/about/company/>](https://www.google.com/about/company/>)
3. Jump Up
4. Jump Up
5. Jump Up
6. Jump Up In reference to Battles, Matthew. _Library: An Unquiet History._ New York: Norton, 2003.
7. Jump Up
8. Jump Up Doctorow, Cory, Neil Gaiman, and Amanda Palmer. _Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age_. San Francisco: McSweeney’s, 2014.
9. Jump Up
10. Jump Up
11. Jump Up See for example Bodo, B. 2015. [Eastern Europeans in the pirate library] – _Visegrad Insight_ 7 1.
12. Jump Up


[Dennis Yi Tenen](https://schloss-post.com/person/dennis-yi-tenen/), New

[Dennis Yi Tenen](http://denten.plaintext.in/) is an assistant professor of
English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. He is the author of
the forthcoming »Plain Text: The Poetics of Human-Computer Interaction«.​

Opinion: Elsevier against SciHub and LibGen


15 Civ. 4282(RWS)



- against -





Attorneys for the Plaintiffs

99 Park Avenue, Suite 1100
New York, NY 1001 6
Joseph DeMarco, Esq.
David Hirschberg, Esq.
Urvashi Sen, Esq.

Pro Se

Alexandra Elbakyan
Almaty, Kazakhstan


Sweet, D.J.,

Plaintiffs Elsevier Inc., Elsevier B.V., and Elsevier, Ltd. (collectively, "Elsevier" or the "Plaintiffs") have moved for a preliminary injunction preventing defendants Sci-Hub, Library Genesis Project (the " Project"), Alexandra Elbakyan ("Elbakyan"), Bookfi.org, Elibgen.org, Erestroresollege.org, and Libgen.info (collectively, the "Defendants") from distributing works to which Elsevier owns the copyright. Based upon the facts and conclusions below, the motion is granted and the Defendants are prohibited from distributing the Plaintiffs' copyrighted works.

Prior Proceedings

Elsevier, a major publisher of scientific journal articles and book chapters, brought this action on June 2, 2015, alleging that the Defendants, a series of websites affiliated with the Project (the "Website Defendants") and their owner and operator, Alexandra Elbakyan, infringed Elsevier's copyrighted works and violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. (See generally Complaint, Dkt. No. 1.) Elsevier filed the instant motion for a preliminary injunction on June 11, 2015, via an Order to Show Cause. (Dkt. Nos. 5-13.) On June 18, 2015, the Court granted


Plaintiffs' Order to Show Cause and authorized service on the

Defendants via email.



1 5.)

During the following

the Plaintiffs served the Website Defendants via email and

Elbakyan via email and postal mail.
On July 7,
Part One Judge,
and Elbakyan,


See Dkt.


the Honorable Ronnie Abrams,

24-31. )
acting as

held a telephone conference with the Plaintiffs

during which Elbakyan acknowledged receiving the

papers concerning this case and declared that she did not intend
to obtain a lawyer.

(See Transcript,



38. )

After the

Judge Abrams issued an Order directing Elbakyan to

notify the Court whether she wished assistance in obtaining pro
bono counsel,

and advising her that while she could proceed pro

the Website Defendants,

not being natural persons,
(Dkt. No.

obtain counsel or risk default.

telephonic conference was held on July 14 ,


3 6. )

A second


during which

Elbakyan stated that she needed additional time to find a

( See Transcript,

the request,



4 2. )

Judge Abrams granted

but warned Elbakyan th�t "you have to move quickly

both in attempting to retain an attorney and you' ll have to
stick to the schedule that is set once it' s set. "
After the telephone conference,


at 6. )

Judge Abrams issued another

Order setting the preliminary injunction hearing for September
1 6 and directing Elbakyan to inform the Court by July 21 if she
wished assistance in obtaining pro bono counsel.

(Dkt. No.

4 0. )

The motion for a preliminary injunction was heard on
September 1 6,

201 5.

None of the Defendants appeared at the

although Elbakyan sent a two-page letter to the court

the day before.

(Dkt. No.


Applicable Standard

Preliminary injunctions are "extraordinary and drastic

that should not be granted unless the movant,

clear showing,

carries the burden of persuasion. "

5 20 U. S.

district court may,

9 68,

972 (1997).

by a

Mazurek v.

In a copyright case,

at its discretion,


grant a preliminary

injunction when the plaintiffs demonstrate 1) a likelihood of
success on the merits,

2) irreparable harm in the absence of an

3) a balance of the hardships tipping in their

and 4 ) that issuance of an injunction would not do a

disservice to the public interest.
F. 3d 27 5,

278 ( 2d Cir.



v. ivi,




The Motion is Granted

With the exception of Elbakyan,

none of the Defendants

filed any opposition to the instant motion,

participated in any

hearing or telephone conference, or in any other way appeared in

the case.

Although Elbakyan acknowledges that she is the "main

operator of sci-hub. erg website"
only represent herself pro




50 at 1. ), she may

since the Website Defendants are

not natural persons, they may only be represented by an attorney
See Max Cash Media, Inc.

admitted to practice in federal court.

Prism Corp. , No.

(S.D. N. Y.

12 Civ.

147, 2012 WL 2861 162, at *1

July 9, 2012);

Auth. , 722 F. 2d 20, 22

(2d Cir.


(stating reasons for the

rule and noting that it is "venerable and widespread").


the Website Defendants did not retain an attorney to defend this
action, they are in default.
However, the Website Defendants' default does not
the Plaintiffs to an injunction, nor does

automatically entit

the fact that Elbakyan's submission raises no mer
challenge to the Plaintiffs' claims.
Music, No.

13 Civ.


See Thurman v.

5194, 2015 WL 2 168134, at *4

Bun Bun
May 7,

(S. D. N. Y.

Instead, notwithstanding the default, the Plaintiffs

must present evidence sufficient to establish that they are
entitled to injunctive relief.
Curveal Fashion, No.
(S. D. N. Y.

09 Civ.

Jan 20, 2010);

See id. ;



8458, 2010 WL 308303, at *2


Vartuli, 228 F. 3d 94, 98


A. Likelihood of S

Gucci Am.,

ss on the



, -

Elsevier has established that the Defendants have
reproduced and distributed its copyrighted works,
of the exclusive rights established by 17

Dkt. No. 1,

at 11-13.)


"two elements must be

ownership of a valid copyright,



copying of

constituent elements of the work that are original."

LLC v. Doe 3,

Feist Publ'ns,


U.S.C. § 106.

In order to prevail on a

claim for infringement of copyright,

in violation

604 F.3d 110,



(2d Cir. 2010)

Inc. v. Rural Tel. Serv. Co.,

499 U.S.




(1991) ) .
Elsevier has made a substantial evidentiary showing,
documenting the manner in which the Defendants access its
ScienceDirect database of scientific literature and post
copyrighted material on their own websites free of charge.
According to Elsevier,

the Defendants gain access to

ScienceDirect by using credentials fraudulently obtained from
educational institutions,

including educational institutions

located in the Southern District of New York,
legitimate access to ScienceDirect.

(the "Woltermann Dec.") ,

which are granted

(See Declaration of Anthony
Dkt. No. 8,

at 13-14.)


an attachment to one of the supporting declarations to this

Elsevier includes a sequence of screenshots showing how

a user could go to �ww.sc�-hub.org,

one of the Website


search for information on a scientific article,

a set of search results, click on a link,
copyrighted article on ScienceDirect,


and be redirected to a

via a proxy.


Elsevier also points to a

Walterman Dec. at 41-44 and Ex. U.)

Twitter post (in Russian) indicating that whenever an article is
downloaded via this method,
own servers.
1 2,



the Defendants save a copy on their

(See Declaration of David M. Hirschberg,
As specific examples,

with their copyright registrations.

No. 9,

Exs. B-D.)


Elsevier includes copies of

two of its articles accessed via the Defendants'





(Declaration of Paul F.

This showing demonstrates a

likelihood of success on Elsevier' s copyright infringement
Elsevier also shows a likelihood of success on its claim
under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act ("CFAA").

inter alia,


obtaining information from "any protected

computer" without authorization,

18 U.S. C. § 1030(a)(2)(C),


obtaining anything of value by accessing any protected computer
with intent to defraud.


§ (a) (4).

The definition of

"protected computer" includes one "which is used in or affecting
interstate or foreign commerce or communication,

including a

computer located outside the United States that

is used in a

manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce or
communication of the United States."

I .

§ (e) (2) (B);


Wires S. A.




166 F.

App'x 559, 562 n. 5

(2d Cir.

Elsevier's ScienceDirect database is located on multiple

servers throughout the world and is accessed by educational
institutions and their students, and qualifies as a computer
used in interstate commerce, and therefore as a protected
computer under the CFAA.

See Woltermann Dec.

at 2-3. )


found above, Elsevier has shown that the Defendants' access to
ScienceDirect was unauthorized and accomplished via fraudulent
university credentials.

While the C fAA requires a civil

plaintiff to have suffered over $5,000 in damage or loss, see
Register. com, Inc.


Verio, Inc. , 356 F. 3d 393, 439

(2d Cir.

2004), Elsevier has made the necessary showing since it
documented between 2,000 and 8,500 of its articles being added
to the LibGen database each day

(Woltermann Dec.

at 8, Exs.

G &

H) and because its articles carry purchase prices of between
$19. 95 and $41. 95 each.
Leon, No.

12 Civ.


at 2;

see Millennium TGA, Inc.

1360, 2013 WL 5719079, at *10

(E. D. N.Y.



18, 2013). 1
Elsevier's evidence is also buttressed by Elbakyan's
submission, in which she frankly admits to copyright


(See Dkt.



She discusses her time as a

While Elsevier's articles are likely sufficient on their own to qualify as


of value" under the CFAA,

Elbakyan acknowledges in her submission

that the Defendants derive revenue from their website.



{"That is true that website collects donations,

pressure anyone to send them.").)



Dkt. No.

however we do not

student at a university in Kazakhstan, where she did not have
access to research papers and found the prices charged to be
just insane.

at 1.)

She obtained the papers she needed

"by pirating them," and found may similar students and
researchers, predominantly in developing count

s, who were in

similar situations and helped each other illicitly obtain
research materials that they could not access legitimately or
afford on the open market.


As Elbakyan describes it, "I

could obtain any paper by pirating it, so I solved many requests
and people always were very grateful for my help.

After that, I

created sci-hub.org website that simply makes this process
automatic and the website immediately became popular."


Given Elsevier's strong evidentiary showing and Elbakyan's
admissions, the first prong of the preliminary injunction test
is firmly established.

B. Irreparable Harm

Irreparable harm is present "where, but for the grant of
equitable relief, there is a substantial chance that upon final
resolution of the action the parties cannot be returned to the
positions they previously occupied."

Brenntag Int'l Chems.,

Inc. v. Bank of India, 175 F.3d 245, 249

(2d Cir. 1999).


there is irreparable harm because it is entirely likely that the


damage to Elsevier could not be effectively quantified.

356 F.3d at 404

{"irreparable harm may be found

where damages are difficult to establish and measure.").
would be difficult,

if not impossible,


to determine how much

money the Plaintiffs have lost due to the availability of
thousands of their articles on the Defendant websites;


percentage of those articles would no doubt have been paid for
legitimately if they were not downloadable for free,

but there

appears to be no way of determining how many that would be.
There is also the matter of harm caused by "viral infringement, "
where Elsevier's content could be transmitted and retransmitted
by third parties who acquired it from the Defendants even after
the Defendants' websites were shut down.

765 F. Supp. 2d 594,

(2d Cir. 2012).




'to prove the loss of sales due to

infringement is .

notoriously difficult.'"



607 F.3d 6 8,

(2d Cir. 2010)

Corp. v. Petri-Kine Camera Co.,

aff'd 691 F.3d

"(C]ourts have tended to issue injunctions

in this context because


Inc. v. ivi,

Salinger v.

(quoting Omega Importing

451 F.2d 1190,


(2d Cir.



the harm done to the Plaintiffs is likely

irreparable because the scale of any money damages would
dramatically exceed Defendants' ability to pay.
F.3d at 249-50



(explaining that even where money damages can be

quantified, there is irreparable harm when a defendant will be
unable to cover the damages).

It is highly likely that the

activities will be found to be willful - Elbakyan

herself refers to the websites'

activities as "pirating" (Dkt.

No. 50 at 1) - in which case they would be liable for between
$750 and $150,000 in statutory damages for each pirated work.
See 17 U.S.C.

§ 504(c);

HarperCollins Publishers LLC v. Open

Road Integrated Media, LLP, 58 F.

Supp. 3d 380, 38 7 (S.D.N.Y.

Since the Plaintiffs credibly allege that the Defendants

infringe an average of over 3,000 new articles each day
(Woltermann Deel. at 7), even if the Court were to award damages
at the lower end of the statutory range the Defendants'
liability could be extensive.

Since the Defendants are an

individual and a set of websites supported by voluntary
donations, the potential damages are likely to be far beyond the

ability to pay.

C. Balance of Hardships

The balance of hardships clearly tips in favor of the

Elsevier has shown that it is likely to succeed on

the merits, and that it continues to suffer irreparable harm due
to the Defendants'

making its copyrighted material available for

As for the Defendants, "it is axiomatic that an infringer

of copyright cannot complain about the loss of ability to offer
its infringing product."


691 F.3d at 287 (quotation

The Defendants cannot be legally harmed by the fact

that they cannot continue to steal the Plaintiff' s content,


See id.

if they tried to do so for public-spirited reasons.

D. Public Interest

To the extent that Elbakyan mounts a legal challenge to the
motion for a preliminary injunction,
interest prong of the test.

it is on the public

In her letter to the Court,

notes that there are "lots of researchers .


. especially in

developing countries" who do not have access to key scientific
papers owned by Elsevier and similar organizations,

and who

cannot afford to pay the high fees that Elsevier charges.


at 1.)

Elbakyan states in her letter that Elsevier
operates by racket:
any papers.


if you do not send money,

On my website,

as they want for free,

you will not read

any person can read as many papers

and sending donations is their free will.

Why Elsevier cannot work like this,


I wonder?

also notes that researchers do not actually receive money in
exchange for granting Elsevier a copyright.




alleges they give Elsevier ownership of their works "because
Elsevier is an owner of so-called



If a

researcher wants to be recognized,

make a career - he or she

needs to have publications in such journals.n

{ Id. at 1-2.)

Elbakyan notes that prominent researchers have made attempts to
boycott Elsevier and states that "[t]he general opinion in
research community is that research papers should be distributed
for free (open access),

not sold.

And practices of such

companies like Elsevier are unacceptable,
distribution of knowledge."

because they limit

ld. at 2.)

Elsevier contends that the public interest favors the
issuance of an injunction because doing so will "protect the
delicate ecosystem which supports scientific research

(Pl.'s Br.,

Dkt. No. 6,

at 21.)

It states that the

money it generates by selling access. to scientific research is
used to support new discoveries,
maintain a "de

to create new journals,

and to

nitive and accurate record of scientif

( Id.)

It also argues that allowing its articles to

be widely distributed

sks the spread of bad science - while

Elsevier corrects and retracts articles whose conclusions are
later found to be flawed,

it has no way of doing so when the

content is taken out of its control.

Id. at 22.)


Elsevier argues that injunctive relief against the Defendants is
important to deter "cyber-crime," while

ling to issue an

injunction will incentivize pirates to continue to publish
copyrighted works.

It cannot be denied that there is a compelling public
interest in fostering scientific achievement, and that ensuring
broad access to scientific research is an important component of
that effort.

As the Second Circuit has noted, "[c]opyright law

inherently balances [] two competing public interests .


. the

rights of users and the public interest in broad accessibility
of creative works, and the rights of copyright owners and the
public interest in rewarding and incentivizing creative efforts

'owner-user balance' )."

WPIX, 691 F.3d at 287 .

Elbakyan' s

solution to the problems she identifies, simply making
copyrighted content available for free via a foreign website,
disserves the public interest.

As the Plaintiffs have

established, there is a "delicate ecosystem which supports
scientific research worldwide,"

( Pl.' s Br., Dkt. No. 6 at 21),

and copyright law pays a critical function within that system.
"Inadequate protections for copyright owners can threaten the
very store of knowledge to be accessed; encouraging the
production of creative work thus ultimately serves the public' s
interest in promoting the accessibility of such works. "
691 F.3d at 287 .


The existence of Elsevier shows that

publication of scient ific research

generates substantial

economic value.
The public' s interest in the broad diffusion of scientific
knowledge is sustained by two critical exceptions in copyright



the "idea/expression dichotomy" ensures that while

a scientific article may be subject to copyright,

the ideas and

See 17 U. S.C. § 102(b)

insights within that article are not.

("In no case does copyright protection for an original work of
authorship extend to any idea,


method of operation,


to this distinction,

every idea,




or discovery").



and fact in a

copyrighted work becomes instantly available for public
exploitation at the moment of publication."
537 U.S. 186,



So while Elsevier may be able to keep

its actual articles behind a paywall,
them are fair game for anyone.


the discoveries within


codified at 17 U.S.C. § 107,


as well as ideas,

news reporting,

Eldred v. Ashcroft,

the "fair use"

allows the public to use

nfor purposes such as criticism,

teaching .





research" without being liable for copyright infringement.

(emphasis added)

Under this doctrine,

themselves may be taken and used,

Elsevier' s articles

bu.t only for legitimate

and not for wholesale infringement.

U.S. at 219.2

See Eldred,


The public interest in the broad dissemination and

use of scientific research is protected by the idea/expression
dichotomy and the fair use doctrine.


See Golan v. Holder,

The public interest in wide d1sseminat1on of scientific works

by the fact that copyrights are given only limited





417, 431-32


is also served

See Sony Corp.



Ct. 873,

890 (2012);


537 U.S. at 219.

Given the

importance of scientific research and the critical role that
copyright plays in promoting it,

the public interest weighs in

favor of an injunction.


For the reasons set forth above,

It is hereby ordered that:

preliminary injunction is granted.

1. The Defendants,

their officers,



the motion for a



successors and assigns,


all persons and entities in active concert or participation
with them,

are hereby temporarily restrained from unlawful

access to,



and/or distribution of

Elsevier's copyrighted works and from assisting,



abetting any other person or business entity in engaging in
unlawful access to,



and/or distribution

of Elsevier' s copyrighted works.
2. Upon the Plaintiffs'


have registered Defendants'

those organizations which

domain names on behalf of

Defendants shall disclose immediately to the Plaintiffs all
information in their possession concerning the identity of
the operator or registrant of such domain names and of any

bank accounts or financial accounts owned or used by such
operator or registrant.
3. Defendants shall not transfer ownership of the Defendants'
websites during the pendency of this Action,

or until

further Order of the Court.
4. The TLD Registries for the Defendants'


or their

shall place the domain names on

registryHold/serverHold as well as serverUpdate,

and serverTransfer prohibited statuses,


further Order of the Court.
5. The Defendants shall preserve copies of all computer files
relating to the use of the websites and shall take all
necessary steps to retrieve computer files relating to the
use of the websites that may have been deleted before entry
of this Order.
6. That security in the amount of $ 5, 000 be posted by the
Plaintiffs within one week of the entry of this Order.



P. 6 5(c).



It is so ordered.

New York,

October ? ;--1





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