quine in Constant 2018


## commands

local UNIX time of this machine
%XBASHCODE: date +%s

UNIX time + 1
%BASHCODE: echo $((`date +%s` +1 ))

## goodbye unix time

while :
sleep 1
figlet $((2147483647 - `date +%s`))

# Sundial Time Protocol Group tweaks

printf 'Current Time in Millennium Unix Time: '
printf $((2147483647 - `date +%s`))
sleep 2
echo $((`cat ends-of-times/idletime` + 2)) > ends-of-times/idletime
idletime=`cat ends-of-times/idletime`
figlet "Thank you for having donated 2 seconds to our ${idletime} seconds of collective SSH pause "


[TODO: RELATES TO]{.tmp} [Languaging]{.grouping} []{#nmi5mgjm .anchor}
Quine]{.method .descriptor} [What: A program whose function consists of
displaying its own code. Also known as \"self-replicating
program\"]{.what .descriptor} [Why: Quines show the tension between
\"software as language\" and \"software as operation\".]{.why
.descriptor} [How: By running a quine you will get your code back. You
may do a step forward and wonder about functionality and aesthetics,
uselessness and performativity, data and code.]{.how .descriptor}
[Example: A quine (Python). When executed it outputs the same text as
the source:]{.example .descriptor}

` {.sourceCode .python}
s = 's = %r\nprint(s%%s)'

[Example: A oneline unibash/etherpad quine, created during relearn
2017:]{.example .descriptor}

` {.quaverbatim}
wget -qO- | curl -F "file=@-;type=text/plain"

[WARNING]{.warning .empty .descriptor}

The encounter with quines may deeply affect you. You may want to write
one and get lost in trying to make an ever shorter and more elegant one.
You may also take quines as point of departure or limit-ideas for
exploring software dualisms.

\"A quine is without why. It prints because it prints. It pays no
attention to itself, nor does it asks whether anyone sees it.\" \"Aquine
is aquine is aquine. \" Aquine is not a quine This is not aquine

[Remember: Although seemingly absolutely useless, quines can be used as
exploits.]{.remember .descriptor}

Exploring boundaries/tensions

databases treat their content as data (database punctualization) some
exploits manage to include operations in a database

[]{#zwu0ogu0 .anchor}
Glossaries as an exercise]{.method .descriptor} [What: Use the technique
of psychanalytic listening to compile (gather, collect, bring together)
a list of key words for understanding software.]{.what .descriptor}
[How: Create a shared document that participants can add words to as
their importance emerges.To do pyschoanalytic listening, let your
attention float freely, hovering evenly, over a conversation or a text
until something catches its ear. Write down what your ear/eye catches.
When working in a collective context invite others to participate in
this project and describe the practice to them. Each individu


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