Martin Howse

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Programmer, writer, performer and explorer Martin Howse founded the ap project in 1998 to implement a truly artistic operating system (OS) in its most expanded sense. ap projects have included the ap02 distributed code-creation software developed in collaboration with v2 labs, Rotterdam and an environ- mental computational work, entitled ap0201 installed deep within the Mojave desert which received first prize within the Art & Artificial Life competition VIDA 8.0, 2005. In 2005 ap were responsible for the crash seminar and per- formances in London (ICA and Shoreditch Town Hall). In 2006 Martin Howse co-founded xxxxx with Jonathan Kemp, organising one large-scale conference and concert series in London (xxxxx) and publishing the acclaimed xxxxx [reader] [1]. From 2007 to 2009 he has hosted a regular workshop, micro-residency and salon series in Berlin, most recently under the banner of micro-research. Lives in Berlin.

Martin Howse operates within the fields of discourse, speculative hardware (environmental data in open physical systems), code (an examination of layers of abstraction), free software and the situational (performances and interventions). Heavily improvised, playing with the collapse of massed, barely functional salvaged equipment and software systems made manifest in sound/noise and image, Howse presents a complex, process-driven constructivist performance; the symphonic rise of the attempt to piece together fugal systematics is played out against the noise of collapse and machine crash at the deserted border of control. Member of Take2030.