Borbála Soós

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Borbála Soós (1984, Budapest) is a London-based curator and active advocate, participant and organiser of artistic and ecological research. Borbála's practice responds to, disrupts and enriches environmental thinking and related social, political and decolonial urgencies. She holds an MA in Curating Contemporary Art from the Royal College of Art, London (2012).

Since 2023 she is curator at the Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston. 2022-2023 she worked at Eastside Projects, Birmingham as Artist Caretaker, including the Public Programme. 2020-2022 she was a Research Associate at CCA Derry~Londonderry, conducting ACE DYCP funded research on decolonising and rewinding curatorial practice. Between 2012 and 2019 she was director/curator at Tenderpixel, a contemporary art gallery in central London. She has curated projects in collaboration with OFF Biennale, Budapest; Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest; ICA, London; Camden Arts Centre, London; Wysing Arts Centre, UK; CCA Derry-Londonderry; Rupert, Vilnius; FUTURA, Prague; tranzit, Bratislava and Kunsthalle Bratislava, among others. She has been a visiting lecturer at Goldsmiths College, the Royal College of Art, Central Saint Martins and Edinburgh College of Art... (2023)
