Jakob von Uexküll
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Born |
September 8, 1864 Keblaste, Mihkli, Läänemaa (today Estonia) |
Died |
July 25, 1944 Capri, Italy | (aged 79)
Web | Aaaaarg, Wikipedia, Academia.edu |

A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds, 1934–, Log.
Jakob Johann Baron von Uexküll (1864–1944) was a Baltic German biologist who worked in the fields of muscular physiology, animal behaviour studies, and the cybernetics of life.
- Theoretische Biologie, Berlin: Gebrüder Paetel, 1920; 2nd ed., Berlin: J. Springer, 1928; Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1973, 378 pp. (German)
- Theoretical Biology, trans. D. L. MacKinnon, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1926, xvi+362 pp.
- Streifzüge durch die Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen: Ein Bilderbuch unsichtbarer Welten, Berlin: J. Springer, 1934, 102 pp; repr. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956, 182 pp; 1958; 1962; Frankfurt am Main: S.Fischer, 1970, 206 pp. Illustrated by Georg Kriszat. (German)
- "A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds", in Instinctive Behavior: The Development of a Modern Concept, ed. & trans. Claire H. Schiller, New York: International Universities Press, 1957, pp 5-80; repr. in Semiotica 89:4 (1992), pp 319-391.
- Zwerftochten door de werelden van dieren en mensen, Amsterdam: Wereld-Bibliotheek, 1958. (Dutch)
- Dos animais e dos homens: digressões pelos seus mundos próprios. Doutrina do Significado, trans. Alberto Candeias and Anibal Garcia Pereira, Lisbon: Livros do Brasil, 1959, 205 pp. (Portuguese)
- Mondes animaux et monde humain suivi de La théorie de la signification, trans. Philippe Muller, Paris: Denoël, 1965. (French)
- A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans, with A Theory of Meaning, trans. Joseph D. O’Neil, University of Minnesota Press, 2010, 272 pp.
- Pasaże ku światom zwierząt i ludzi, trans. Katarzyna Bobrowicz, Warsaw, 2016, 159 pp. (Polish)
- Bedeutungslehre, J.A. Barth, 1940. (German)
- "The Theory of Meaning", Semiotica 42:1, The Hague: Mouton, 1982, pp 25-82.
- "A Theory of Meaning", in von Uexküll, A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans, with A Theory of Meaning, trans. Joseph D. O’Neil, University of Minnesota Press, 2010, pp 139-208. (English)
- Umwelt und Innenwelt der Tiere, eds. Florian Mildenberger and Bernd Herrmann, Springer, 2014. (German)
- Books
- Gudrun von Uexküll, Jakob von Uexküll, seine Welt und seine Umwelt, Hamburg: Wegner, 1964. (German)
- Jutta Schmidt, Die Umweltlehre Jakob von Uexkülls in ihrer Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung, Marburg, 1980. Dissertation. (German)
- Charlotte Helbach, Die Umweltlehre Jakob von Uexkülls: ein Beispiel für die Genese von Theorien in der Biologie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, Aachen, 1989. Dissertation. (German)
- Florian Mildenberger, Umwelt als Vision. Leben und Werk Jakob von Uexkülls (1864-1944), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2007. (German)
- Carlo Brentari, Jakob von Uexküll. Alle origini dell'antropologia filosofica, Brescia: Morcelliana, 2011, 356 pp. (Italian)
- Francesca Michelini, Kristian Köchy (eds.), Jakob von Uexküll and Philosophy: Life, Environments, Anthropology, Routledge, 2019, 266 pp. [1]
- Journal issues
- Sign Systems Studies, Vol. 32:1/2, Special Issue: "Uexküll", 2004.
- Elementos 46: "von Uexküll. Ontología eco-bío-política", UrKultur, 2013, 86 pp. [2] (Spanish)
- Papers, Book chapters, Articles
- Helene Weiss, "Aristotle's Teleology and Uexküll's Theory of Living Nature", The Classical Quarterly 42:1/2 (Jan-Apr 1948), pp 44-58.
- Kalevi Kull, "Jakob von Uexküll: An Introduction", Semiotica 134:1/4 (2001), pp 1-59. [3]
- Oliver A. I. Botar, "Notes towards a study of Jakob von Uexküll's reception in early twentieth-century artistic and architectural circles", Semiotica 134 (July 2001), pp 593-597. [4]
- Giorgio Agamben, "Chapter 10, 'Umwelt'" and "Chapter 11, Tick", in The Open: Man and Animal [2002], trans. Kevin Attell, Stanford University Press, 2004.
- Kalevi Kull, Jesper Hoffmeyer, "Thure von Uexküll, 1908–2004", Sign Systems Studies 33:2, 2005.
- Brett Buchanan, Onto-Ethologies: The Animal Environments of Uexküll, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2008.
- Jussi Parikka, "Chapter 4, Technics of Nature and Temporality: Uexküll's Ethology", in Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology, Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 2010, pp 57-83.
- Katja Kynast, "Kinematografie als Medium der Umweltforschung Jakob von Uexkülls", Bild-Wissen-Technik 4 (2010), pp 1-14. (German)
- Elizabeth Grosz, "Art and the Animal", in Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art, Duke University Press, 2011, pp 169-187. [5]
- Carlo Brentari, "How to make worlds with signs. Some remarks on Jakob von Uexküll’s Umwelt theory", RIFL 7:2 (2013), pp 8-21.
- More papers on Uexküll by Kalevi Kull.
- Jakob von Uexküll Centre
- Jakob von Uexküll-Archiv für Umweltforschung und Biosemiotik an der Universität Hamburg