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[[Image:Ivana_Rumanova_2021.jpg|thumb|350px|Ivana Rumanová, 2021.]]
'''Ivana Rumanová''' is a cultural critic, curator and anthropologist based in [[Bratislava]].   
'''Ivana Rumanová''' is a cultural critic, cultural worker and anthropologist.   
Ivana Rumanová studied cultural anthropology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague and the Cultural Projects in the Public Space programme at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She worked as a curator at [http://www.novasynagoga.sk/tag/ivana-rumanova/ Nová synagóga Žilina] (The New Synagogue of Žilina, 2016-2019) and as a project manager at [[tranzit.sk]] (2019-2021). She is a member of the editorial board of the magazines ''[https://kapital-noviny.sk/ Kapitál]'' (visual department, visual curator) and ''[[3/4]]'' which bring critical reflection on art and technology and their social and political overlaps. She also writes for ''Artalk.cz, Flash Art, A2, kød''. Her recent work includes ''[https://urbanimaginationsk.cargo.site/ Seminár urbánnej imaginácie]'' (Seminar of Urban Imagination, 2020-2021, with Eliška Mazalanová and Peter Szalay), which explores the right to the city in a time of climate crisis, ''[https://sk.tranzit.org/en/exhibition/0/2021-11-24/we-have-never-been-closer Nikdy sme neboli bližšie]'' (We Have Never Been Closer, 2021-2022, with Dušan Barok) at tranzit.sk, which reflects on the phenomenon of networked communities in relation to transitology, and the dramaturgy of Miroslav Tóth's techno-opera ''The Committee''. She contributed to Martin Piaček‘s research project ''[http://www.liquiddogmas.org/ Liquid Dogmas]'' (2020), and acted as dramaturge for choreographer Yuri Korec‘s physical performance ''Sapiens Territory'' (2020). She organizes the ''Kapitalks'' series of events and curated the Right to the City residency programme for the City Gallery of Bratislava (GMB). She has also collaborated with Nová Cvernovka, where she curated the programme Reaktor with the theme of solidarity platforms and radical care. (2022)
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; Publications
She studied Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and the Cultural Projects in Public Space programme at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since then, she has never really left this interstice between social sciences and art, experiencing both deep enthusiasm and sincere scepticism towards them. She worked as a curator at the Nová synagóga Žilina, she is a member of the editorial board of the magazines ''Kapitál'' and ''3/4''. Recently she's been interested in the financialisation of art and urban development, possible more-than-human alliances and alternative models of land ownership as forms of resistance to wild urban development projects, the destigmatisation of leftist thinking in the context of Central Europe, trade unionism and organising platforms of freelance cultural workers. She used to curate solo exhibitions, but is now more interested in exploring collective practices and event- and research-based projects. She is a receipient of the Věra Jirousová Award for visual art criticism. In 2024, she co-founded the non-partisan civic initiative of the cultural community in Slovakia, [https://platformaok.sk/ Otvorená Kultúra] (OK!), and the art and culture workers' union, [https://platformaok.sk/kult%C3%BArne-odbory/manifest-ko Kultúrne odbory] (K.O.). She lives in [[Bratislava]]. (2024)
* editor, ''[[Media:Nikdy sme neboli blizsie We Have Never Been Closer 2021.pdf|Nikdy sme neboli bližšie / We Have Never Been Closer]]'' (with Dušan Barok), Bratislava: tranzit.sk, 2021, 40 pp. Exh. booklet. [https://sk.tranzit.org/en/exhibition/0/2021-11-24/we-have-never-been-closer Exhibition]. {{sk}}/{{en}}
* editor, [https://artalk.cz/category/artalk-revue/6zima-2021komunity/ ''Artalk Revue'' 6: "Komunity" / "Communities"], Artalk.cz, Dec 2021, [[Media:Artalk_Revue 6_Komunity_2021.pdf|PDF/sk]], [[Media:Artalk_Revue 6_Communities_2021.pdf|PDF/en]]. {{sk}}/{{en}}
* [https://denikreferendum.cz/clanek/33585-za-plotom-bratislavsky-istropolis-pod-tlakom-developerskeho-feudalizmu "Za plotom: bratislavský Istropolis pod tlakom developerského feudalizmu"] (with Peter Szalay), ''Deník Referendum'', 23 Jan 2022. {{sk}}
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/author/ivanarumanova/ Articles in ''Kapitál''] {{sk}}
* [https://www.advojka.cz/o-nas/autori/ivana-rumanova Articles in ''A2'']  
* [https://flashart.cz/contributor/ivana-rumanova/ Articles in ''Flash Art CS''] {{sk}}
; Interviews
== Projects (selection) ==
* Matej Sotník, [https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/304561/studovala-na-sorbonne-verejny-priestor-pariz-je-sofistikovane-segregovany/ "Študovala na Sorbonne verejný priestor: Paríž je sofistikovane segregovaný"], ''Aktuality.sk'', 22 Sep 2015. {{sk}}
* [https://old.novasynagoga.sk/dalibor-baca-definitivne-nedokoncene/ Dalibor Bača: Definitively Unfinished], exhibition project, New Synagogue Žilina, curator, 2018.
* [https://old.novasynagoga.sk/simon-chovan-human-allergic-vystava/ Šimon Chovan: Human Allergic], exhibition project, New Synagogue Žilina, curator, 2018.
* [https://old.novasynagoga.sk/veduca-skamenelina/ Index Fossil], exhibition project, New Synagogue Žilina, curator, 2019.
* [https://urbanimagination.cargo.site/ Urban Imagination Seminar], applied research project, co-curated with [[Eliška Mazalanová]] and [[Peter Szalay]], since 2019.
* [https://novacvernovka.eu/program/rezidencie-reaktor-2021 Radical Care], Nová Cvernovka Bratislava, residency program curator, 2021.
* [https://www.gmb.sk/detail/rezidencny-program Right to the City], Bratislava City Gallery, residency program curator, 2021.
* [https://sk.tranzit.org/en/exhibition/0/2021-11-24/we-have-never-been-closer We Have Never Been Closer], exhibition project at [[tranzit.sk]], co-curated with [[Dušan Barok]], 2021-2022.
* [https://fb.me/e/2g3kFYZUU FIST], festival of inclusive sexuality and physicality, collective curating, June 2022.
* [https://www.facebook.com/events/1001404477935511 L*st, after all], international symposium, co-curated with [[Ondřej Trhoň]], May 2023.
* Urban monuments IX: [https://fb.me/e/ZGrD7DY8 Antifascist] & [https://fb.me/e/2VadAI06o Feminist and female working class activism in Turiec], research-based project, co-curated with [[Adam Galko]], June 2023
* preliminary research of the incarcerated workers rights, realised together with [[Kristína Jamrichová]] for the Human Rights Forum, since 2023.
== Publications ==
(in Slovak, unless otherwise stated)
* "Kúpeľné mestá, regenerácia utópií a spoločnosť post-práce" [From liquid times to a pool. Spa cities, utopia regeneration and post-work societies], in ''Architektúra starostlivosti: slovenské kúpele v druhej polovici 20. storočia'', ed. Petra Hlaváčková, et al., Bratislava: Archimera, 2019.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/osvietenie-prichadza-vzdy-neskoro-pockame/ "Osvietenie prichádza vždy neskoro. Počkáme."], ''Kapitál'' 2, Bratislava, 11 Feb 2020.
** [https://artportal.hu/magazin/enlightenment-always-comes-too-late-lets-wait/ "Enlightenment always comes too late. Let´s wait"], ''artPortal'', Budapest: Artportal Hungary, 20 Feb 2020. {{en}}
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/organs-without-a-body/ "Organs without a body"], ''Kapitál'', 11 Dec 2020.
* ''[[Media:Nikdy sme neboli blizsie We Have Never Been Closer 2021.pdf|Nikdy sme neboli bližšie / We Have Never Been Closer]]'' (editor, with Dušan Barok), Bratislava: tranzit.sk, 2021, 40 pp. Exh. booklet. [https://sk.tranzit.org/en/exhibition/0/2021-11-24/we-have-never-been-closer Exhibition]. {{sk}}/{{en}}
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/citaty-z-pamati-troch-japonskych-anarchofeministiek/ "Citáty z pamätí troch japonských anarchofeministiek"], ''Kapitál'' 11: "Anarchia", 17 Nov 2021.
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20230925082421/https://artalk.cz/category/artalk-revue/6zima-2021komunity/ ''Artalk Revue'' 6: "Komunity" / "Communities"] (editor), Artalk.cz, Dec 2021, [[Media:Artalk_Revue 6_Komunity_2021.pdf|PDF/sk]], [[Media:Artalk_Revue 6_Communities_2021.pdf|PDF/en]]. {{sk}}/{{en}}
* [https://denikreferendum.cz/clanek/33585-za-plotom-bratislavsky-istropolis-pod-tlakom-developerskeho-feudalizmu "Za plotom: bratislavský Istropolis pod tlakom developerského feudalizmu"] (with Peter Szalay), ''Deník Referendum'', 23 Jan 2022.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/archiv/2022-06-vyvlastnenie/ ''Kapitál'' 6: "Vyvlastnenie"] (editor), Bratislava: KPTL, Jun 2022.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/domy-nepadaju-tak-rychlo-ako-by-si-niekto-prial/ "Domy nepadajú tak rýchlo, ako by si niekto prial"], ''Kapitál'' 6: "Vyvlastnenie", Jun 2022.
* [https://artalk.info/news/musime-sa-uskromnit "Musíme sa uskromniť"], ''Artalk'', 30 Sep 2022.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/you-can-be-the-boss-anti-hehe/ "You can be the boss, ANTI HEHE"], ''Kapitál'', 1 Nov 2022.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/moralna-podpora-nestaci/ "Morálna podpora nestačí"], ''Kapitál'' 12: "DAV", 12 Dec 2022.
* [https://artalk.info/news/we-are-all-well "We are all well"], ''Artalk'', 26 Jan 2023.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/hell-of-a-masterplan-k-bratislavskej-prednaske-reiniera-de-graafa/ "Hell of a Masterplan! K bratislavskej prednáške Reiniera de Graafa"], ''Kapitál'', 20 Feb 2023.
* [https://artalk.info/news/pytliaci-a-svalovci-o-moznostiach-odboroveho-organizovania-sa "Pytliaci a svalovci. O možnostiach odborového organizovania sa"], ''Artalk'', 22 Mar 2023.
* [https://artalk.info/news/zasuk-je-treba-odbourat-mytus-ze-umeni-neni-prace "Zasuk: Je třeba odbourat mýtus, že umění není práce"], ''Artalk'', 23 Mar 2023. Interview with [[Zasuk]].
* "Všelijaké těžko definovatelné plácky. Bratislavské Lido v kontextu divokého developmentu" [All sorts of hard-to-define patches. Bratislava Lido in the context of wild development] (with Peter Szalay), ''ERA21'' 2: "Architektura a divokost", Brno: Era Média, 2023. [https://www.era21.cz/cs/obsah-casopisu/2023/2/] {{cz}}
* "'Our clients are the most valuable thing we have.' Pseudooživovanie miest cez development na príklade bratislavského Lida" ['Our clients are the most valuable thing we have.' Bringing cities to life through development using the case study of Bratislava Lido] (with Peter Szalay), in ''Správa o slovenskej architektúre'', eds. Henrieta Moravčíková, et al., Bratislava: Slovart, 2023. [https://www.slovart.sk/knihy-v-slovencine-a-cestine/architektura/sprava-o-slovenskej-architekture.html?page_id=216129 Publisher].
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/je-suis-post-sedliak/ "Je suis post-sedliak"], ''Kapitál'', 2 Oct 2023.
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/vsetku-moc-spekulacii/ "Všetku moc špekulácii!"], ''Kapitál'' 11: "Vizionárska fantastika", Nov 2023.
* "Nemodli sa a nepracuj!" (with Jakub Huba), ''Kapitál'' 11: "Vizionárska fantastika", Nov 2023, pp 24-25. [https://kapital-noviny.sk/nemodli-sa-a-nepracuj/]
* [https://kapital-noviny.sk/postni-to-a-nic-sa-nestane/ "Postni to, a nič sa nestane"], ''Kapitál'', 11 Dec 2023.
* [[Občianska neposlušnosť|"'O tom, že by mohlo ísť o provokáciu, som sa dozvedel až tu, na policajnej stanici.' Občianska neposlušnosť a umelecké akcie vo verejnom priestore pred novembrom '89"]], ''Monoskop'', 2023.
* [https://34.sk/nemiesta-neveselym-nepoziciavame "Nemiesta: Neveselým nepožičiavame"], ''3/4'', Feb 2024.
* ''Mestský rozvoj pre koho? Bratislavské Lido medzi vágnym terénom a expanziou centra'' (editor, with Eliška Mazalanová and Peter Szalay), Bratislava: tranzit.sk, 2024. [https://urbanimaginationsk.cargo.site/ Project website]. [https://sk.tranzit.org/sk/publikacia/0/publication/urban-development-for-whom-lido-in-bratislava-between-terrain-vague-and-downtown-expansion Publisher]. [https://sk.tranzit.org/sk/prednaska/0/2024-06-04/uvedenie-knihy-mestsky-rozvoj-pre-koho-bratislavske-lido-medzi-vagnym-terenom-a-expanziou-centra Book launch]. [https://www.facebook.com/sk.tranzit/posts/pfbid02qkBGktT4fmNQgWNvKMUTPPVb8PbXDSiyDGATpR9obpxC7aCfiSiyiuG7hb1gpVGAl]
* "Miss development: Verejný záujem tvorby miest v čase financializácie", ''Kapitál'' 7: "Mesto a klíma", 2024.
Further texts in [https://kapital-noviny.sk/author/ivanarumanova/ ''Kapitál''], [https://artalk.info/?authors=328 ''Artalk''], [https://denikreferendum.cz/author/2177 ''Deník Referendum''], [https://flashart.cz/contributor/ivana-rumanova/ ''Flash Art CS''], [https://www.advojka.cz/o-nas/autori/ivana-rumanova ''A2''].
== Interviews ==
* Matej Sotník, [https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/304561/studovala-na-sorbonne-verejny-priestor-pariz-je-sofistikovane-segregovany/ "Študovala na Sorbonne verejný priestor: Paríž je sofistikovane segregovaný"], ''Aktuality.sk'', 22 Sep 2015.
* Anna Remešová, [https://artalk.info/news/ok-voci-rozdelovaniu-ludi-sa-chceme-aktivne-vymedzit "OK!: Voči rozdeľovaniu ľudí sa chceme aktívne vymedziť"], ''Artalk'', 3 May 2024.
== Links ==
* [https://platformaok.sk/ Otvorená Kultúra] (OK!)
* [https://platformaok.sk/kult%C3%BArne-odbory/manifest-ko Kultúrne odbory] (K.O.)
[[Series:Art writers]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Rumanova, Ivana}}

Latest revision as of 08:58, 25 July 2024

Ivana Rumanova 2021.jpg

Ivana Rumanová is a cultural critic, cultural worker and anthropologist.

She studied Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and the Cultural Projects in Public Space programme at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since then, she has never really left this interstice between social sciences and art, experiencing both deep enthusiasm and sincere scepticism towards them. She worked as a curator at the Nová synagóga Žilina, she is a member of the editorial board of the magazines Kapitál and 3/4. Recently she's been interested in the financialisation of art and urban development, possible more-than-human alliances and alternative models of land ownership as forms of resistance to wild urban development projects, the destigmatisation of leftist thinking in the context of Central Europe, trade unionism and organising platforms of freelance cultural workers. She used to curate solo exhibitions, but is now more interested in exploring collective practices and event- and research-based projects. She is a receipient of the Věra Jirousová Award for visual art criticism. In 2024, she co-founded the non-partisan civic initiative of the cultural community in Slovakia, Otvorená Kultúra (OK!), and the art and culture workers' union, Kultúrne odbory (K.O.). She lives in Bratislava. (2024)

Projects (selection)[edit]

  • Index Fossil, exhibition project, New Synagogue Žilina, curator, 2019.
  • Radical Care, Nová Cvernovka Bratislava, residency program curator, 2021.
  • FIST, festival of inclusive sexuality and physicality, collective curating, June 2022.
  • preliminary research of the incarcerated workers rights, realised together with Kristína Jamrichová for the Human Rights Forum, since 2023.


(in Slovak, unless otherwise stated)

  • "Kúpeľné mestá, regenerácia utópií a spoločnosť post-práce" [From liquid times to a pool. Spa cities, utopia regeneration and post-work societies], in Architektúra starostlivosti: slovenské kúpele v druhej polovici 20. storočia, ed. Petra Hlaváčková, et al., Bratislava: Archimera, 2019.
  • "Všelijaké těžko definovatelné plácky. Bratislavské Lido v kontextu divokého developmentu" [All sorts of hard-to-define patches. Bratislava Lido in the context of wild development] (with Peter Szalay), ERA21 2: "Architektura a divokost", Brno: Era Média, 2023. [1] (Czech)
  • "'Our clients are the most valuable thing we have.' Pseudooživovanie miest cez development na príklade bratislavského Lida" ['Our clients are the most valuable thing we have.' Bringing cities to life through development using the case study of Bratislava Lido] (with Peter Szalay), in Správa o slovenskej architektúre, eds. Henrieta Moravčíková, et al., Bratislava: Slovart, 2023. Publisher.
  • "Nemodli sa a nepracuj!" (with Jakub Huba), Kapitál 11: "Vizionárska fantastika", Nov 2023, pp 24-25. [2]
  • Mestský rozvoj pre koho? Bratislavské Lido medzi vágnym terénom a expanziou centra (editor, with Eliška Mazalanová and Peter Szalay), Bratislava: tranzit.sk, 2024. Project website. Publisher. Book launch. [3]
  • "Miss development: Verejný záujem tvorby miest v čase financializácie", Kapitál 7: "Mesto a klíma", 2024.

Further texts in Kapitál, Artalk, Deník Referendum, Flash Art CS, A2.

