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'''re-new''' is an annual festival and conference for interactive media art and digital culture, held in [[Copenhagen]], [[Denmark]] and organized by the re-new digital arts forum.
re-new digital arts forum is an independent organization active in the cross-field of art and technology. re-new undertakes research projects, project development and international meetings to further interest in digital art and knowledge of those concepts and technologies that supports it. A major activity is the annual re-new digital arts festival and conference which presents a wide selection of the newest ground-breaking artistic and academic works in digital music, video, installations, performative and cross-modal art as well as recent forms of distributed and collaborative art.
http://www.re-new.org re-new website
[[Category:Media art festivals]]
[[Category:Media art festivals]]

Revision as of 03:51, 12 January 2012

Pages in series "Media art festivals"

The following 5 pages are in this series, out of 5 total.