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#REDIRECT [[Commons]]
the common, peer-to-peer, public domain, management of commons, governance of commons, private property, open source, creative commons, wiki, biopiracy, filesharing, copyright, free software, knowledge commons, crowdfunding, gift economy, culture flat-rate
==Research networks==
* [http://www.zcommunications.org/resoc/discussions Reimagining Society Project], participants are generating a vast outpouring of content bearing upon vision for a new society and strategy to attain the aims. Hosted by Z Communications
* [http://www.edu-factory.org/ Edu-Factory]
* [http://www.commoner.org.uk/ The Commoner]
* [http://onthecommons.org/ On The Commons] (formerly Tomales Bay Institute), a network of citizens and organizations that champions the cause of the commons. Maintained by David Bollier and many others.
* [http://www.factoryofthecommon.org/ Factory of the Common], a network of research events that explore the dimension of the ‘common’ and its institutions in times of financial crisis and cognitive capitalism. This network aims to syndicate a new generation of autonomous studies across Europe in order to provide the basis for a constituent research centre. Maintained by [[Matteo Pasquinelli]] and [[Paolo Do]] as an international syndication platform in collaboration with Edufactory, Uninomade, institutional partners such as Queen Mary University of London and other initiatives of autonomous research.
* [http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Commons P2P Foundation]
; political theory
* [http://www.zcommunications.org/znet/viewArticle/21899 Michael Hardt (2009) – Politics of the Common] (essay)<br>Hardt gives very good summary of current debates about the commons. he explains the immaterial property and the common got into centre of contemporary production shifting away from industrial capitalist mobile/immobile commodity properties. he says that today the capital and economic development paradoxically relies on the common, and that the central task for contemporary society is to develop an alternative management of the common. By the common he means the ecological (earth, ecosystems, and all forms of life interacting with them) and social/cultural (shared products of human labor–ideas, images, affects, social relationships) domains. that is not much news, but what is interesting – these two domains are often treated separately, and here hardt mentions two major instances of contradictions which link them: contradiction between private property and the common; and the fact that the value of common is immeasurable with the traditional capitalist system of measures (and is rather based on value of life, which we have not yet invented). / O ‘the common’ hovori ako o ekologickych (lesy, plaze, vzduch, jazera) a nematerialnych socialnych/kulturnych statkoch (videa, texty, fotky, idey, pocity, socialne vztahy, zabava, nove formy zivota), ku ktorym maju (mat) vsetci volny pristup. hovori o dvoch hlavnych rozporoch s ohladom na klasicky system – konkretne nemoznost urcit ich (ekonomicku) hodnotu, a problem vlastnickeho vztahu k nim.
* [http://www.lacan.com/zizecology1.htm Slavoj Zizek (2007) – Ecology: A New Opium of the Masses] (essay and video)<br>tu zizek vychadza z idei commons ako ju chapu hardt a negri, a jemne ju rozsiruje: commons ako kultura, externa priroda (ekologia), a interna priroda (biogenetika). tvrdi, ze je do commons zasadne zapojit aj mensiny, populaciu vylucenu z politickych procesov.
* [http://www.taller-commons.com/downloads/angelis.pdf Massimo De Angelis (2007) - The Production of Commons and the “Explosion” of the Middle Class] (essay)<br> about the Commons as a political movement inaugurating a new era of history; summary of his book ''The Beginning of History. Value Struggles and Global Capital''
; ecology
* [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/162/3859/1243 Garrett Hardin (1968) - The Tragedy of the Commons] (essay)<br>To make the case for "no technical solutions", Hardin notes the limits placed on the availability of energy (and material resources) on Earth, and also the consequences of these limits for "quality of life". To maximize population, one needs to minimize resources spent on anything other than simple survival, and vice versa. | hypothetical example of a pasture shared by local herders. individual herder will continue to add additional animals to his or her herd. However, since all herders reach the same rational conclusion, overgrazing and degradation of pasture is its long-term fate. | examples of latter day "commons", such as the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, fish stocks, national parks, advertising, and even parking meters. | potential management solutions: commons problems including privatization, polluter pays, and regulation. | The metaphor illustrates the argument that free access and unrestricted demand for a finite resource ultimately dooms the resource through over-exploitation.
* Elinor Ostrom
; cultural economy
* [http://burundi.sk/monoskop/log/?p=224 Lawrence Lessig (2008) – Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy] (book)<br> hovori o tom, ako mozu ist dokopy ekonomika ‘komercie’ (klasicky online biznis) a ‘zdielania’ (v ktorej nefigujuru peniaze–napr. priatelstvo alebo P2P filesharing).
* [http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0501/msg00006.html Mikael Pawlo (2004) – What’s the meaning of “non-commercial”?] (essay)<br>Pawlo je sef svedskych iCommons a kritizuje tu fakt, ze drviva vacsina materialov pod CC pouziva klauzulku ‘non-commercial’. pyta sa co to znamena — a dava vela prikladov, kde sa to co je commercial a co non-commercial neda urcit – napriklad: verejna televizia, verejne skoly, reklamy na neziskovky, rss-feedy embednute vo weboch na ktorych je reklama - to su priklady, v ktorych nie je mozne urcit ci mozeme pouzit CC videa ktore su sirene pod noncommercial licenciou.
; software
* Richard Stallmann<br>Stallmann v Lessigovej knihe hovori, ze free software nie je altruizmus, ze tie veci programatori nerobia lebo maju dobre srdce, ale spravidla maju pragmaticke dovody.
; academy, education, knowledge commons
* [http://www.commoner.org.uk/?p=66 George Caffentzis (2008) - Autonomous Universities and the Making of the Knowledge Commons] (essay)<br>"In this lecture I address the role autonomous universities can play in the practical task of making the knowledge commons."
; philosophy
* [http://vimeo.com/4568779 Bernard Stiegler (2009) – transindividuation] (video)<br>Stiegler kritizuje web 2.0 sluzby a hovori o procese “transindividuacie”, kedy svoj esteticky vkus menia uzivatelia medzi sebou tym, ze zdielaju online material. nadvazuje na zabudnuteho filozofa Simondona, ktory s tym terminom prisiel snad este v 50-tych rokoch.
; commons in cultural praxis
* Pirate Bay at court, and sellout
* [http://uniteddiversity.com/commons-creation/ Commons Creation Collective] (website)<br> brings together event organisers, radical media publishers, and their supporters, to contribute a minimum of £5 a month into a common fund and decide together how to best to invest it in shared infrastructure. Purpose: to create a commons; a pool of collectively owned/ shared resources (thereby building the foundations for a scaleable community banking and exchange system).
; art and activism
* [http://www.lakeside-kunstraum.at/archiv.detail.asp?active_semprog_ID=525386989&active_topic_ID=854442775 Ines Doujak (2007) – Victory Gardens] (website), [http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/2008/05/raised-above-the-ground-with.php]<br>instalacia viedenskej umelkyne kritizujucej politiku USA a EU, ktora prehliada privatizovanie verejnych statkov (vody, potravin, pody) korporaciami prostrednictvom patentov [biopiratstvo], najma v krajinach “mega diverzity” (mexiku, indii, brazili, indonezii). / Hardt: I object to calling this piracy, by the way, because pirates at least have the dignity to steal property. These corporations steal the common and transform it into private property.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiWlvBro9eI Yes Men (2004) – Dow Does the Right Thing] (video), [http://www.theyesmen.org/hijinks/bbcbhopal] (website)<br> Impersonating a Dow Chemical spokesman on BBC, "Jude Finisterra" promises a huge compensation for the thousands of victims of the Bhopal disaster in which Dow Chemical's subsidiary Union Carbide India was responsible for in 1984.
; cz/sk
* Peter Gonda - socio-antropologicky pohlad, a teoria hier (MA: Simulating social norms in gene-culture coevolution multi-agent model)
* Juraj Halas - kratke dejiny uvah o commons v ramci marxizmu, pripadne o ich korenoch v Marxovych textoch (PhD: marx a kriticka socialna teoria)
* Andrej Chudý? - autorstvo, ... (MA: Vplyv elektronickej komunikácie na súčasné zmeny v chápaní a zmysle autorstva)
* Leo Singer?
* Dusan Barok
* [http://burundi.sk/monoskop/log/?tag=commons Books about the commons at Monoskop/log]
{{Contemporary debate}}

Latest revision as of 18:00, 5 April 2012

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