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Revision as of 11:07, 4 February 2014

Eliza Deac got her B.A. diploma in Romanian Literature in 2005 with a paper on the work of the Romanian literary critic Ion Negoiţescu. She earned a Master's degree in Romanian Literary Studies in 2006, with a paper on the subjectivity of literary criticism. In 2001 she received a certificate of specialization in literature and aesthetics at the Universitz of Geneva, where she presented a thesus on the editioral verisons of Mallarmé's Un coup de Dés. She is currently a PD.D. student at the Faculty of Letters of "Babeş Bolyai" University, Cluj Napoca, prepaaring a dissetation on the mutations of the notion of poetry in the experimental literary trends of the 20th and 21st centuries [1].