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Ideographies of Knowledge

A symposium unfolding from the intention to reflect upon the legacy of Paul Otlet and his work from the perspective of today's knowledge archives.

Saturday, 3 October 2015
Mundaneum, Rue de Nimy 76, Mons, Belgium

"Once one read; today one refers to, checks through, skims." – Paul Otlet, 1903

Session 5. Access and Infrastructures – The Economy of Documents

15:15 – 16:00 H

Documents want to be treated as self-contained entities, with freedom of movement across collections. However, by being always already embedded in multiple domains/regimes that claim to contain them, they operate between autonomy and agency in the world. Their sole presence in a collection intervenes in protocols of wider legal and economic regimes. How and at what costs?

Moderated by Matthew Fuller.
Video by Stefan Piat.

Marcell Mars – Alice & Bob, Bonnie & Clyde

I'll talk about heros. Aaron Swartz and Alexandra Elbakyan. Not that they are bandits or couple. Also about Peter Sunde and other TPB guys. I would like to talk how the system generates that discourse and the need for epic and heroic narratives. How in the past, when it comes to knowledge it was mostly about the dangerous ideas which made the martyrs: Bruno, Galileo or Copernicus. These days it is about access and infrastructures.

Tomislav Medak – Illegal Copy

An object of exchange unsettling the economy of cultural production, nowadays the makings of a production model that serves the market power much more than the labor of cultural producers, an object begging a question what do we do at a rare juncture when a historic opportunity presents itself to reconsider how a good such as knowledge and culture gets produced and distributed in a society.

Nikita Mazurov – Advanced eBook Processor v2.2, Anti-Copyleft Button

Advanced eBook Processor, a tool for removing content protection from PDF files, led to the arrest of one of its Russian developers, Dmitry Sklyarov, when he came to the US to deliver a conference presentation on ebook security.

An anti-copyleft button, found on a cultural battlefield. Does it signal an avowal of support for copyright; or, does it perhaps connote a refusal of acquiescence to ostensibly palatable modes of valorized oppression, thus signaling the need for a wholesale rejection of Intellectual Property?


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