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Born 1981. Dept of Fine Art of Technical University in [[Košice]]. Paintings, digital prints, instalations and video works.
Matúš Lányi
15.11.1981 / Spisske Podhradie / SK
2000 - 2007 / TU, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arts and Intermedia,
Studio of Graphic and experimental creation, akad.mal.Zbynek Prokop,
Prof. Rudolf Sikora, Kosice. / SK
1996 / 2000 / School of applied arts, Studio of graphic, Kosice / SK
http://www.lanyi.euweb.cz/ ,  matuslanyi@gmail.com
"Are you the king of the Jews?" acryl on canvas 295x100 [PRAGUEBIENNALE 3]
Individual  exhibitions
              2009 / Both sides of coin ( with Boris Sirka ), Art Gallery, Nové Zámky / SK
              2007 / Change of vine in to blood, Gallery SPACE, Bratislava / SK
              2006 / Just believe it, ( with Tomas Makara ), IC culture train, Kosice / SK
"Crucify him!" acryl on canvas 295x100 [PRAGUEBIENNALE 3]
group exhibitions
              2008 / Video Exchange, Galleria Valentina Moncada, Roma / IT
"Cabinet of fundamental chemictry" instalation
              2008 / East of Eden, Karlin Studios, Prague / CZ
              2008 / AntiFarewell, Bussiness centre, Kosice / SK
              2008 / Cassovia Contemporary on sale 2008, Museum of Vojtech Loffler, Kosice / SK
              2008 / Eastern to west, East - Slovakian Gallery, Kosice / SK
"Cabinet of fundamental chemictry" instalation
              2008 / Interface, Make Up gallery, Kasarne Kulturpark Kosice / SK
               2008 / Contemporary East – Slovakian Art, East - Slovakian Gallery, Kosice / SK
'''MATÚŠ LÁNYI'''                
              2008 / Me and the others, The Nitra Gallery, Nitra / SK
15. 11. 1981 Spišské Podhradie, Slovensko    tel: 00421 905 953 863
              2008 / What is the mistake ? (Visual vs. Reality) , Museum of Art, Zilina / SK
              2008 / Interface , Open Space – Center for Artprojects, Wienn / AT
1996 – 2000        Škola úžitkového výtvarníctva, Košice
              2007 / Make it up , Gallery AVU Prague / CZ
2000 – 2007        Technická Univerzita v Košiciach
              2007 / Decentralizácia , Gallery of Youth, Nitra / SK
                    Fakulta umení, Katedra výtvarných umení a intermédií,  
              2007 / Mapovanie, Museum of Andy Warhol, Medzilaborce / SK
                    Ateliér grafiky a experimentálnej tvorby
              2007 / Scooter 2: Biennale of Slovakian contemporary Art, Tatran Gallery, Poprad / SK
                    prof. Rudolf Sikora, Zbynek Prokop
              2007 / East of Eden, Gallery SPACE, Bratislava / SK
              2007 / Scooter 1: Biennale of Slovakian contemporary Art, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava / SK
solo exhibition
              2007 / Praque Biennale 3, Karlin hall, Prague / CZ
              2007 / Portes D´Europe V., Musee d´Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne / FR
'''Premenenie vína na krv'''
              2006 / Peas against the wall, Stanica, Zilina / SK
Galéria SPACE, Bratislava,  
              2006 / Autumn show, Museum of Vojtech Loffler, Kosice / SK
19. 1. 2007 – 11. 2. 2007, Juraj Čarný
IC  Culture train, Košice,
19. 9. 2006 – 19. 10. 2006, Mira Putišová
selected exhibition
'''EAST OF EDEN - súčasné umenie z Košíc'''
Galéria SPACE, Bratislava,
Radovan Čerevka Jaroslav Kyša Matúš Lányi Tomáš Makara
Peter Maukš Boris Sirka Ján Vasilko Peter Vrábeľ Vlasta Žáková
21. júna - 29. júla 2007 Juraj Čarný a Diana Majdáková
SLOVAKIA, Karlín Hall, Prague
May 24 – September 16, 2007, Juraj Čarný, Lýdia Pribišová
'''SKÚTER ,  1. biennale mladého slovenského umenia'''
Galéria Jána Koniarika, Kopplov kaštieľ, Trnava
17. máj – 24. jún 2007, Vladimír Beskid
'''Portes d´Europe V.'''
Musee d´Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne
Prezentácia diel slovenského videoumenia v rámci cyklu
Portes d´Europe
13. apríl 2007 – 22. apríl 2007
'''Jesenná prehliadka'''
Múzeum Vojtecha Lofflera, Košice,
7. 12. 2006 – 28. 1. 2007, Peter Tajkov           
Radovan Čerevka, Mário Chromý, Juraj Dudáš, Matúš Lányi,
Tomáš Makara, Ján Nálevka, Peter Vrábeľ.
16. 11. – 26. 11. 2006, Radovan Čerevka, Marek Adamov

Latest revision as of 10:11, 13 January 2009

Matúš Lányi 15.11.1981 / Spisske Podhradie / SK

2000 - 2007 / TU, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arts and Intermedia, Studio of Graphic and experimental creation, akad.mal.Zbynek Prokop, Prof. Rudolf Sikora, Kosice. / SK

1996 / 2000 / School of applied arts, Studio of graphic, Kosice / SK

http://www.lanyi.euweb.cz/ , matuslanyi@gmail.com

Individual exhibitions

             2009 / Both sides of coin ( with Boris Sirka ), Art Gallery, Nové Zámky / SK
             2007 / Change of vine in to blood, Gallery SPACE, Bratislava / SK
             2006 / Just believe it, ( with Tomas Makara ), IC culture train, Kosice / SK

group exhibitions

             2008 / Video Exchange, Galleria Valentina Moncada, Roma / IT
             2008 / East of Eden, Karlin Studios, Prague / CZ
             2008 / AntiFarewell, Bussiness centre, Kosice / SK
             2008 / Cassovia Contemporary on sale 2008, Museum of Vojtech Loffler, Kosice / SK
             2008 / Eastern to west, East - Slovakian Gallery, Kosice / SK
             2008 / Interface, Make Up gallery, Kasarne Kulturpark Kosice / SK
             2008 / Contemporary East – Slovakian Art, East - Slovakian Gallery, Kosice / SK
             2008 / Me and the others, The Nitra Gallery, Nitra / SK
             2008 / What is the mistake ? (Visual vs. Reality) , Museum of Art, Zilina / SK
             2008 / Interface , Open Space – Center for Artprojects, Wienn / AT
             2007 / Make it up , Gallery AVU Prague / CZ
             2007 / Decentralizácia , Gallery of Youth, Nitra / SK
             2007 / Mapovanie, Museum of Andy Warhol, Medzilaborce / SK
             2007 / Scooter 2: Biennale of Slovakian contemporary Art, Tatran Gallery, Poprad / SK
             2007 / East of Eden, Gallery SPACE, Bratislava / SK
             2007 / Scooter 1: Biennale of Slovakian contemporary Art, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava / SK
             2007 / Praque Biennale 3, Karlin hall, Prague / CZ
             2007 / Portes D´Europe V., Musee d´Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne / FR
             2006 / Peas against the wall, Stanica, Zilina / SK
             2006 / Autumn show, Museum of Vojtech Loffler, Kosice / SK