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'''Ekin Erkan''' is a Turkish writer in science, technology and philosophy living in New York City, notable for researching with and developing Reza Negarestani's research on artificial general intelligence. Erkan's work originally concerned Bernard Stiegler's work on "psychopolitics," as well as secondary literature on François Laruelle's ''non-standard philosophy'' but has more recently (given their analytic return) been working on Catarina Dutilh Novaes' concept of ''de-semantification'' and Robert Brandom's ''inferentialism''.  
'''Ekin Erkan''' Ekin Erkan is a Turkish philosopher, a researcher in art history, and an art and cinema critic. Erkan's research in philosophy primarily concerns Kant & Hegel's theoretical philosophy, the philosophy of mind/perception, and aesthetics/the philosophy of art. Erkan's area of concentration in art history is currently on revisionist histories of 20th century Abstract Expressionism and how the story of the State Department's co-optation of Abstract Expressionism relates to the utopian (viz. “California Ideology") self-conception of nascent internet art (see: NetTime listservs of the late 1990s and early aughts) and its eventual co-optation by commodity capital (e.g., NFTs, the uniform flat aesthetics of ”corporate Memphis", and the machinations of the “big five” digital oligopolies). Erkan also works on the art of Gerda Wegener and Lili Elbe.
; Background  
; Background  
Erkan's work examines the collective closure between neural networks, predictive processing, and perceptual faculties as they relate to machine intelligence and algorithmic governmentality. Erkan has a background in both analytic and continental philosophy, supplemented by graduate research in medialogy, media archaeology and film philosophy. Despite originally working within the continental tradition of philosophy of art, aesthetics and media, Erkan's more recent work has been associated with the post-continental school of thinkers, influenced by philosophers such as Carl Sachs, Ray Brassier, Reza Negarestani and Thomas Moynihan. Erkan is currently pursuing post-graduate study in Critical Philosophy at The New Centre for Research & Practice, researching under the tutelage of Iranian ''theory fiction'' pioneer Reza Negarestani while working on Bayesian neuro-inference and AGI. Erkan also is a columnist and critic at the art and literature journal ''AEQAI'', publishing monthly contributions on contemporary art and intermedia. In addition to Erkan's work on Stiegler and Rouvroy, Erkan has published writing on Andy Clark and David Chalmers' ''extended mind'', Ned Block's ''non-iconic memory'' and ''phenomenology of perception and mental paint'', François Laruelle’s ''non-ethics'' and ''non-aesthetics'', Robert Brandom's inferentialism, Negarestani's neo-rationalist turn, Catherine Malabou's "neuroplasticity" and "creative non-calculation," and post-Deleuzian film philosophy in publications including ''Theory & Event'',''Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture'',''Cosmos & History'', ''Alphaville'', ''Cultural Studies'', ''New Review of Film and Television Studies'', ''Chiasma'', ''Rhizomes'', ''Labyrinth'', ''Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice'', ''Media Theory'', ''Philosophy East and West'', and ''The Cincinnati Romance Review''.  
Erkan's work is primarily anchored in the Kant's theoretical philosophy and, as it concerns Erkan's work in aesthetics/philosophy of art/metacriticism, Arthur Danto qua Hegel. Erkan's articles have been published in peer-reviewed publications including ''Axiomathes'', ''International Journal of Philosophical Studies'', ''Perception'', ''Philosophy in Review'', ''pli: Warwick Journal of Philosophy'', ''New Formations'',''Theory, Culture & Society'', ''The Journal of Value Inquiry'', ''The Review of Metaphysics'', ''Radical Philosophy'', ''Theory & Event'', ''Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture'',''Cosmos & History'', ''Alphaville'', ''Cultural Studies'', ''New Review of Film and Television Studies'', ''Chiasma'', ''Rhizomes'', ''Labyrinth'', ''Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice'', ''Media Theory'', ''Philosophy East and West'', and ''The Cincinnati Romance Review''.  
; Research  
; Global Research  
Erkan is also currently working with Giacomo Gilmozzi on Bernard Stiegler’s United Nations 2020 World Summit initiative “Internation.World.” With the support of the New Centre of Research & Practice, Erkan will be contributing to a book on the collective closure between non-anthropomorphic perceptual processes and neuro-inferential Bayesian cognitive architecture in the Summer of 2020.
Erkan worked with Giacomo Gilmozzi on Bernard Stiegler’s United Nations 2020 World Summit initiative “Internation.World.” With the support of the New Centre of Research & Practice, Erkan contributed to research on Bayesian cognitive architecture in the Summer of 2020.
; Activism
Erkan has published extensively on Oktay Ince, a video activist/filmmaker whose work, spanning the last twenty years, was recently confiscated by Turkish authorities after being taken into police custody on May 30, 2019. Ince had raised suspicions after attempting to organize a protest in front of a courthouse in the capital of Ankara concerning the arrest and imprisoning of leftist activists, teachers, and artists in Turkey; Ince was quickly arrested. A month prior to his arrest, Ince had organized a protest in Izmir with a local feminist collective and was arrested once again, labelled a “terrorist” and charged with “insulting the president.” Following his most recent arrest, Ince has had his entire video archive confiscated by the Turkish state. Erkan’s writing on the unwarranted [https://aeqai.com/main/2019/09/the-bent-and-biologized-bodies-of-oktay-inces-breakages/ arrest, activism, and video art of Incay can be found here.]
; Articles
; Academic Articles
* [http://https://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/834/1454 "Apperceptive Patterning: Artefaction, Extensional Beliefs and Cognitive Scaffolding], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy,'' 16:1 (2020), pp 225–278.
* [https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/kant-2023-2020/html "Katharina T. Kraus: Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation: The Nature of Inner Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Xiii, 306 pp. ISBN: 978-1-108-87430-4"], ''Kant-Studien'' vol. 114, no. 2, 2023, pp. 388-395. https://doi.org/10.1515/kant-2023-2020
* [http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/reviews/individual-reviews/from-organic-subjectivity-to-internal-reality "From organic subjectivity to internal reality], ''Radical Philosophy'' 2.7 (2020), pp 119–122.
* [https://academic.oup.com/bjaesthetics/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/aesthj/ayac068/7111348?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false "Art and Posthistory: Conversations on the End of Aesthetics."], ''The British Journal of Aesthetics'' 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/aesthj/ayac068
* [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11097-023-09891-5 "Review of David Papineau, The metaphysics of sensory experience."], ''Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences'' 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-023-09891-5
* [https://whitehotmagazine.com/articles/ray-uncanny-at-the-met/5438 "Charles Ray and the Uncanny at the Met."], ''White Hot Magazine'' June 2022.
* [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11406-022-00595-9 "Kant’s Metaphysics of the Self: The Self as a “Clear” Representation."], ''Philosophia'' 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-022-00595-9
* [https://whitehotmagazine.com/articles/ray-uncanny-at-the-met/5438 "Charles Ray and the Uncanny at the Met."], ''White Hot Magazine'' June 2022.
* [https://hyperallergic.com/776200/nellie-mae-rowes-story-of-freedom/ "Nellie Mae Rowe's Story of Freedom."], ''Hyperallergic'' December 22, 2022.
* [https://www.cineaste.com/summer2022/home "A Hero."], ''Cineaste'' Vol. XLVII, No. 3, 2022.
* [https://cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/view/990/1623 "Life and Actuality: On Placing Possibility in Hegel's Modal Metaphysics."], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 17.3, 2021, pp. 171-195.
* [https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/agph-2021-2023/html "Anja Jauernig, The World According to Kant: Appearances and Things in Themselves in Critical Idealism. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press 2021, xii+380 pp."], ''Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie'' 65.4 vol. 103, no. 4, 2021, pp. 764-769. https://doi.org/10.1515/agph-2021-2023
* [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09672559.2021.1918824?src= "Reason and Experience in Mendelssohn and Kant by Paul Guyer, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, viii + 361 pp., €41.85 ($50.00) (hbk), ISBN: 9780198850335 Ekin Erkan Pages 268-274"], ''International Journal of Philosophical Studies'' 29.2 (2021), pp. 268-274.
* [https://www.pdcnet.org/philtoday/content/philtoday_2021_0065_0004_0971_0978 "Étienne Balibar, On Universals: Constructing and Deconstructing Community"], ''Philosophy Today'' 65.4 (2021), pp. 971-978.
* [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09672559.2021.1918824?src= "Reason and Experience in Mendelssohn and Kant"], ''International Journal of Philosophical Studies'' 29.2 (2021), pp. 268-274.
* [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/03010066211002710 "Barwich, A. S. (2020). Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind"], ''Perception'' (2021), pp. 1-3.
* [https://www.argumenta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Argumenta-62-Book-Reviews.pdf "Westphal, Kenneth, Kant’s Critical Epistemology: Why Epistemology Must Consider Judgment First"], ''Argumenta'' 12 (2021), pp. 366-373.
* [https://cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/view/922/1574 "Béatrice Longuenesse and Ned Block Vide Kant"], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 17.1 (2021), pp 405-452.
* [https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/pir/article/view/19859 "Kant's Transcendental Deduction: A Cosmology of Experience"], ''Philosophy in review'' 14.1 (2021), pp. 29-36.
*[https://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/853/1530 "Mentality and Object: Computational and Cognitive Diachronic Emergence"], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 16.2 (2020), pp. 296-356.
* [http://journalcontent.mediatheoryjournal.org/index.php/mt/article/view/111/97 "A Promethean Philosophy of External Technologies, Empiricism, & the Concept: Second-Order Cybernetics, Deep Learning, and Predictive Processing"], ''Media Theory Journal'' 4.1 (2020), pp. 87–146.
* [https://plijournal.com/volumes/32-themes-in-metaphysics-2020/ "Nahum Brown, Hegel on Possibility: Dialectics, Contradiction, and Modality"], ''pli: Warwick Journal of Philosophy'' 32 (2020).
* [https://zapruderworld.org/volume-6/the-post-cinematic-gesture-redhack/ "The Post-Cinematic Gesture: Redhack"], ''Zapruder World: An international journal for the history of social conflict'' 6 (2020).
* [http://www.ladeleuziana.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Erkan.pdf "The Inhuman Overhang: On Differential Heterogenesis and Multi-Scalar Modeling"], ''La Deleuziana'' 11 (2020), pp. 202–235.
* [https://muse.jhu.edu/article/764163 "Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals by Pamela Hieronymi (review)"], ''The Review of Metaphysics'' 74.1 (2020), pp. 150-153.
* [https://muse.jhu.edu/article/757474 "The First Person in Cognition and Morality by Béatrice Longuenesse (review)"], ''The Review of Metaphysics'' 73.4 (2020), pp. 846-848.
* [https://www.pdcnet.org/croatjphil/content/croatjphil_2020_0020_0003_0513_0516 "Béatrice Longuenesse, ''I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant and Back Again''"], ''Croatian Journal of Philosophy'' 20.3 (2020), pp. 513-516.
* [https://westernchiasma.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/erkan_chi6_proof_29-12-2020.pdf "Morphing Intelligence: From IQ Measurement to Artificial Brains"], ''Chiasma: An international journal of theory and philosophy'' 6:1 (2020), pp. 248-260.
* [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17400309.2020.1778158 "Cinema/politics/philosophy"], ''New Review of Film and Television Studies'' 18:3 (2020).
* [https://muse.jhu.edu/article/761230?fbclid=IwAR1To_VJZG9mBl1u_T1GH84Y24Qf1Iys66v-P2m_A5xQIkQpZa3-ddrgQ2k "Yuk Hui’s Axio-Cosmology of the Unknown: Genesis and the Inhuman"], ''New Formations'' 100-101, pp. 209-213 (2020).
* [https://tripleampersand.org/ryles-analytical-behaviorism-agnostic-question-ontological-behaviorism/ "Analytical vs Ontological: Gilbert Ryle & the Question of Behaviorism"], ''Triple Ampersand'' (2020).
* [http://www.rhizomes.net/issue36/pdf/erkan.pdf "The Post-Human Media Semblance: Predictive Catastrophism"], ''Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge'' 36 (2020).
* [http://www.rhizomes.net/issue36/pdf/erkan-james.pdf "Post-Continental Naturalism: Equipollence between Science and Ontological Pluralism"], ''Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge'' 36 (2020).
* [http://www.rhizomes.net/issue36/pdf/erkan-garcia.pdf "Tristan Garcia’s Electric Ontology: Thought and its Deracinated Image"], ''Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge'' 36 (2020).
* [https://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/859/1475 "Physics Avoidance & Cooperative Semantics: Inferentialism and Mark Wilson’s Engagement with Naturalism Qua Applied Mathematics"], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 16:1 (2020), pp 560–644.
* [http://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/847/1460 "Against the Virtual: Kleinherenbrink’s Externality Thesis and Deleuze’s Machine Ontology"], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 16:1 (2020), pp 492–559.
* [http://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/834/1454 "Apperceptive Patterning: Artefaction, Extensional Beliefs and Cognitive Scaffolding"], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 16:1 (2020), pp 225–278.
* [https://rdcu.be/b5jMB "Jonathan Gilmore: Apt Imaginings, Feelings for Fictions and Other Creatures of the Mind"], ''The Journal of Value Inquiry'' (2020), pp 1-9.
* [http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/reviews/individual-reviews/from-organic-subjectivity-to-internal-reality "From organic subjectivity to internal reality"], ''Radical Philosophy'' 2.7 (2020), pp 119–122.
* [http://www.theoryculturesociety.org/review-alain-badiou-the-pornographic-age/ "Review of Alain Badiou, The Pornographic Age"], ''Theory, Culture & Society'' (2020).
* [http://muse.jhu.edu/article/752734/pdf "The Depth Conditions of Possibility: The Data Episteme"], ''Theory & Event'' 23.2 (2020), pp 496–500.
* [http://muse.jhu.edu/article/752734/pdf "The Depth Conditions of Possibility: The Data Episteme"], ''Theory & Event'' 23.2 (2020), pp 496–500.
* [https://www.raco.cat/index.php/Comparativecinema/article/view/369008/462826 "Jean-Louis Schefer's The Ordinary Man of Cinema"], ''Comparative Cinema'' 8:14 (2020), pp 82–85.
* [http://mediatheoryjournal.org/ekin-erkan-on-bernard-stiegler/ "Dependence, Addiction and Arrest: A Eulogy to Stiegler by Ekin Erkan"], ''Media Theory Journal'' (2020).
* [http://http://barricadejournal.org/ramparts/on-new-authoritarianism-and-its-historical-ontology/ "On New Authoritarianism and its Historical Ontology: A review of David Renton's The New Authoritarians: Convergence on the Right"], ''Barricade'' (2020).
* [http://mediatheoryjournal.org/review-of-failure-and-discussion-with-neta-alexander-by-ekin-erkan/ "Review of Failure, and Discussion with Neta Alexander, by Ekin Erkan"], ''Media Theory Journal'' (2020).
* [http://identitiesjournal.edu.mk/index.php/IJPGC/announcement/view/17 "Animality, Metaethical Judgments and Predictive Justice"], ''Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture'' (2020; online).
* [http://identitiesjournal.edu.mk/index.php/IJPGC/announcement/view/17 "Animality, Metaethical Judgments and Predictive Justice"], ''Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture'' (2020; online).
* [http://www.axiapublishers.com/ojs/index.php/labyrinth/article/view/201/130 "The Call of Being: On Pure Phenomenality and Radical Immanence"], ''Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics'' 21.2 (2020), pp 197–203.
* [http://www.axiapublishers.com/ojs/index.php/labyrinth/article/view/201/130 "The Call of Being: On Pure Phenomenality and Radical Immanence"], ''Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics'' 21.2 (2020), pp 197–203.
Line 29: Line 72:
* [http://tripleampersand.org/radical-cryptophasia-poto-cabengo-database/ "Cryptophasia and the Question of Database"], ''Triple Ampersand,'' (2019).
* [http://tripleampersand.org/radical-cryptophasia-poto-cabengo-database/ "Cryptophasia and the Question of Database"], ''Triple Ampersand,'' (2019).
* [http://tripleampersand.org/generic-unmasked-reproducibility-profanation/ "The Generic Unmasked: Reproducibility and Profanation"], ''Triple Ampersand,'' (2019).
* [http://tripleampersand.org/generic-unmasked-reproducibility-profanation/ "The Generic Unmasked: Reproducibility and Profanation"], ''Triple Ampersand,'' (2019).
* [http://www.cromrev.com/current/R05-Erkan.pdf "Review of François Laruelle's A Biography of Ordinary Man: On Authorities and Minorities"], ''Cincinnati Romance Review,'' 46 (2019).
* [https://www.artsci.uc.edu/content/dam/refresh/artsandsciences-62/departments/rll/crr/current-issue/book-review/R05-Erkan.pdf "Review of François Laruelle's A Biography of Ordinary Man: On Authorities and Minorities"], ''Cincinnati Romance Review,'' 46 (2019).
* [http://ekinerkan.com See author's website]
* [http://aeqai.com/main/2020/06/arrest-the-politics-and-transcendence-of-aesthetic-arrest-qua-protest/ "Arrest: the Politics and Transcendence of Aesthetic Arrest Qua Protest"], ''AEQAI''.
* [http://aeqai.com/main/2021/05/aleatory-aesthetics-appraising-the-aesthetics-of-chance-in-gerhard-ricthers-cage-paintings/ "Aleatory Aesthetics: Appraising the Aesthetics of Change in Gerhard Richter's Cage Paintings"], ''AEQAI''.
* [http://aeqai.com/main/2022/01/vasily-kandinsky-around-the-circle// "Vasily Kandinsky: Around the Circle"], ''AEQAI''.
* [https://ekinerkan.com See author's website]
* [http://aeqai.com/main/author/ekin1/ See author's art criticism]
* [http://aeqai.com/main/author/ekin1/ See author's art criticism]
; Translations
*[https://www.cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/860/1533 "Infinite Judgements and Transcendental Logic"], ''Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy'' 16.2 (2020), pp 391-415.
; Art Criticism
*[https://www.aufbau.eu/epaper/aufbau/06-oktober-2023-90-jahrgang-ausgabe-05 "Flagge oder Gemälde?"], ''Aufbau'' October 2023.
*[https://brooklynrail.org/2023/07/artseen/Jonas-Wood-Drawings-20032023 "Jonas Wood: Drawings 2003-2023"], ''The Brooklyn Rail'' July 2023.
*[https://hyperallergic.com/820434/chronicles-of-an-american-abyss/ "Chronicles of an American Abyss (review of "Model Home (New York), After Wisconsin Death Trip" at Carriage Trade (277 Grand Street, Chinatown, Manhattan))"], ''Hyperallergic'' 7 May 2023.
*[https://hyperallergic.com/801406/edward-hoppers-views-of-isolation/ "Edward Hopper's View of Isolation (review of "Edward Hopper’s New York" at the Whitney Museum of American Art (99 Gansevoort Street, Manhattan))"], ''Hyperallergic'' 16 February 2023.
; Tribute to Thomas Elsaesser
*[https://nrftsjournal.org/thomas-elsaesser-reading-list/ "In tribute to scholar and professor Thomas Elsaesser (1943-2019)"], ''New Review of Film and Television Studies'' (2020).

Latest revision as of 21:05, 13 December 2023

Ekin Erkan Ekin Erkan is a Turkish philosopher, a researcher in art history, and an art and cinema critic. Erkan's research in philosophy primarily concerns Kant & Hegel's theoretical philosophy, the philosophy of mind/perception, and aesthetics/the philosophy of art. Erkan's area of concentration in art history is currently on revisionist histories of 20th century Abstract Expressionism and how the story of the State Department's co-optation of Abstract Expressionism relates to the utopian (viz. “California Ideology") self-conception of nascent internet art (see: NetTime listservs of the late 1990s and early aughts) and its eventual co-optation by commodity capital (e.g., NFTs, the uniform flat aesthetics of ”corporate Memphis", and the machinations of the “big five” digital oligopolies). Erkan also works on the art of Gerda Wegener and Lili Elbe.


Erkan's work is primarily anchored in the Kant's theoretical philosophy and, as it concerns Erkan's work in aesthetics/philosophy of art/metacriticism, Arthur Danto qua Hegel. Erkan's articles have been published in peer-reviewed publications including Axiomathes, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Perception, Philosophy in Review, pli: Warwick Journal of Philosophy, New Formations,Theory, Culture & Society, The Journal of Value Inquiry, The Review of Metaphysics, Radical Philosophy, Theory & Event, Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture,Cosmos & History, Alphaville, Cultural Studies, New Review of Film and Television Studies, Chiasma, Rhizomes, Labyrinth, Cultural Logic: A Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice, Media Theory, Philosophy East and West, and The Cincinnati Romance Review.

Global Research

Erkan worked with Giacomo Gilmozzi on Bernard Stiegler’s United Nations 2020 World Summit initiative “Internation.World.” With the support of the New Centre of Research & Practice, Erkan contributed to research on Bayesian cognitive architecture in the Summer of 2020.


Erkan has published extensively on Oktay Ince, a video activist/filmmaker whose work, spanning the last twenty years, was recently confiscated by Turkish authorities after being taken into police custody on May 30, 2019. Ince had raised suspicions after attempting to organize a protest in front of a courthouse in the capital of Ankara concerning the arrest and imprisoning of leftist activists, teachers, and artists in Turkey; Ince was quickly arrested. A month prior to his arrest, Ince had organized a protest in Izmir with a local feminist collective and was arrested once again, labelled a “terrorist” and charged with “insulting the president.” Following his most recent arrest, Ince has had his entire video archive confiscated by the Turkish state. Erkan’s writing on the unwarranted arrest, activism, and video art of Incay can be found here.


Academic Articles
Art Criticism
Tribute to Thomas Elsaesser