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* [http://wilkins.law.harvard.edu/events/conferences/2009-07-31_googlebooks/2009-07-31_googlelessig/2009-07-31_googlelessig.ogg Lawrence Lessig (2009) - Google Book Search Settlement: Static goods, dynamic bads] (audio). Lessig, Professor of Law and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society speaks at the Berkman Center workshop "Alternative Approaches to Open Digital Libraries in the Shadow of the Google Book Search Settlement" held July 31, 2009.
* [http://wilkins.law.harvard.edu/events/conferences/2009-07-31_googlebooks/2009-07-31_googlelessig/2009-07-31_googlelessig.ogg Lawrence Lessig (2009) - Google Book Search Settlement: Static goods, dynamic bads] (audio). Lessig, Professor of Law and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society speaks at the Berkman Center workshop "Alternative Approaches to Open Digital Libraries in the Shadow of the Google Book Search Settlement" held July 31, 2009.
* [http://falkvinge.net/2011/11/07/origins-of-the-pirate-party-privacy-sharing-innovation Rick Falkvinge (2011) - Origins of the Pirate Party: Privacy, Sharing, Innovation]  
* [http://falkvinge.net/2011/11/07/origins-of-the-pirate-party-privacy-sharing-innovation Rick Falkvinge (2011) - Origins of the Pirate Party: Privacy, Sharing, Innovation]  
* [http://anticopyright.pleintekst.nl/ Florian Cramer - Anti-copyright in artistic subcultures] [http://stdin.fr/Works/AntiCopyright (filtered)]
* [http://burundi.sk/monoskop/log/?tag=floss Publications on copyright at Monoskop/log]
* [http://burundi.sk/monoskop/log/?tag=floss Publications on copyright at Monoskop/log]

Revision as of 16:59, 8 December 2011


intellectual property, copyright, copyleft, public domain, creative commons, free culture, licensing, digital rights management (DRM), digital rights, culture flat-rate, software patents, Pirate Party, ACTA, etc.


  • Lawrence Lessig (2008) – Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy (book). Hovori o tom, ako mozu ist dokopy ekonomika ‘komercie’ (klasicky online biznis) a ‘zdielania’ (v ktorej nefigujuru peniaze–napr. priatelstvo alebo P2P filesharing).
  • Mikael Pawlo (2004) – What’s the meaning of “non-commercial”? (essay). Pawlo je sef svedskych iCommons a kritizuje tu fakt, ze drviva vacsina materialov pod CC pouziva klauzulku ‘non-commercial’. Pyta sa co to znamena — a dava vela prikladov, kde sa to co je commercial a co non-commercial neda urcit – napriklad: verejna televizia, verejne skoly, reklamy na neziskovky, rss-feedy embednute vo weboch na ktorych je reklama - to su priklady, v ktorych nie je mozne urcit ci mozeme pouzit CC videa ktore su sirene pod noncommercial licenciou.
  • Dmytri Kleiner (2006) - The Creative Anti-Commons and the Poverty of Networks (essay). Kleiner kritizuje Creative Commons aj Benklerovu ideu 'commons-based peer-production'..
    o CC hovori, ze namiesto toho aby podporovala slobodu uzivatela (napriklad GPL definuje slobodu ako 4 slobody uzivatela--to use/share/study/modify), dava autorovi 'slobodu' urcit uroven kontroly nad uzivatelom (teda rozne obmedzenia ako noncommercial-only/view-only atd).. cim CC neberie kontrolu z ruk producentov (co je ideou Free Culture), ani vobec nerusi rozdiel medzi producentom a konzumentom, ako tvrdi Lessig.
    no a Benklerova teza z Wealth of Networks o 'commons-based peer-production' hovori o komunite autorov (peers), ktori spolocne tvoria v prostredi bez vlastnictva (commons). tu zas Kleiner tvrdi, ze tym ze Benklerovo commons ma imaterialnu/digitalnu povahu, tak ti co skutocne profituju v takejto situacii su ti, ktori vlastnia (materialne) prostriedky na vyrobu (nematerialnych) statkov, pretoze tvorcom neposkytuju slobodny pristup, ale na nom zarabaju. no a na to, aby autori prispievajuci do takejto commons neboli vykoristovani vlastnikmi fyzickeho materialu, treba do commons okrem virtualnych prostriedkov (softver, videa, texty, obrazky, atd) produkcie zahrnut aj materialne prostriedky..
  • Lawrence Lessig (2009) - Google Book Search Settlement: Static goods, dynamic bads (audio). Lessig, Professor of Law and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society speaks at the Berkman Center workshop "Alternative Approaches to Open Digital Libraries in the Shadow of the Google Book Search Settlement" held July 31, 2009.
  • Rick Falkvinge (2011) - Origins of the Pirate Party: Privacy, Sharing, Innovation
  • Florian Cramer - Anti-copyright in artistic subcultures (filtered)
  • Publications on copyright at Monoskop/log

Related categories

Filesharing, FLOSS, Crypto-activism, Commons, Privacy

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