Andras Blazsek

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András Blazsek (Hungary/Slovak Republic, 1984) is a research-based mixed-media artist who works in sound, sculpture, installation, and media archaeology focusing on visualization, sonification, and modes of translating sound into architectural environments. He is a founding member of the Hungarian-Slovak collective BA–Unrated and organizer of +3dB festivals in Budapest. His work has been presented by the wulf (LA), LACE (LA), Futura (Prague), Školská 28 (Prague), 2b Gallery Budapest, Labirynt Gallery (Lublin), Volume Project (LA), Residency Unlimited (NY), Present Company (NY), Mucsarnok Kunsthalle Budapest and the OFF Biennial. He received the Baker Tilly Künstler-Stipendium 2020 for a site-responsive installation that visualized listing modes for the exhibited at Kunst Im Tunnel (Dusseldorf). He holds a postgraduate degree from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne; between 2019-21, he was a lecturer at the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong and the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University.


Blazsek, Andras. "∂ Topological Landscapes". No. 23. The Journal for Artistic Research. DOI: 10.22501/jar.817407 Retrieved on 2021-12-13.


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