Gilbert Durand

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Gilbert Durand (1 May 1921 – 7 December 2012) was a French academic known for his work on the imaginary, symbolic anthropology and mythology.


(in French unless noted)

  • Les Structures anthropologiques de l'imaginaire, Paris: P.U.F., 1960; 3rd edition, Paris: Bordas, 1969.
    • Structurile Antropologice ale Imaginarului, Bucharest: Editura Univers, 1977. (in Romanian)
  • Le Décor mythique de la Chartreuse de Parme, Paris: José Corti, 1961.
  • Beaux-arts et archétypes. La religion de l'art, Paris: P.U.F., 1989.
    • Arte şi arhetipuri. Religia artei, trans. Andrei Niculescu, Bucharest: Meridiane, 2003. (in Romanian)
