Proj. 1

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This is the page for Proj. 1 in Pratt 22/FA-COMD-460-04 - Emerging Practices: Uncreative Designing

Three Maltese, 2016

Sept 2: Please bring an object that is either unoriginal or inauthentic in some way. It should be portable—not too large or heavy. You should choose something you like because you will be making work about it, but not too sentimental that you will be heartbroken if it gets lost or destroyed. You will be letting go of this object for a full week. It is absolutely crucial that you bring something to class, so if you forget, you must improvise with what you already have with you. If you are unsure about what to choose, it is okay to bring more than one thing, and we can help you pick.

Sept 9: For today, you should replicate your new object exactly. The goal is to make a 1:1 replica. Take yourself out of your work and focus on the task at hand. If you can't resist your creative impulses, flush them out by making an "artistic" version. Then make a super-realistic version and bring both.

Perform your classmate's presentation in the next class using the provided transcript. You can use notes. You can also edit the transcript if needed. We are going for VERSIMILITUDE, so do everything you can to embody your classmate's performance.

If you're curious about versimilitude in might want to learn a bit about method acting. There is a [famous song in A Chorus Line about the character's humiliations in a Method acting class where she was asked to "be a table."] Nathan Fielder also plays with this in The Rehersal.

Sept 16: TBD

Sept 23: Final Due