Sofia Bempeza

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Dr. Sofia Bempeza (Σοφία Μπέμπεζα) is an art/cultural theorist and artist, based in Athens. Research scientist at Diotima Centre for Gender Rights and Equality (currently). Appointed Professor for Art and Communication Practices University of Applied Arts Vienna (Autumn 2023).

Her* work (writing, performance, curating) is focused on the politics of dissent, queer-feminist art and knowledge practices as well as decolonial educational practices. Her* research concerns the history of art strike(s); collectivities and polyphonic aesthetics; cultural strategies of the (New) Right and anti-gender narratives.

Academic Teaching and further Activities: Lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy and Sciences of Art, Leuphana University Lueneburg (2018-2021). Adjunct Jr. Professorship for Cultural Theory, Leuphana University Lueneburg (2020), Lecturer at Zürich University of Arts (2011–2017) and F+F Kunst und Design Zurich (2018, 2020/21). Board member of Shedhalle Zürich (2014–2018) and co-curator/founder of the queer-feminist film festival Aphrodite* in Athens (2018-2020). Art educator at the Municipal Cultural Center Petroupolis Athens (2003–2005) and language-facilitator at the Autonome Schule Zürich (2013–2015).
