Stefanie Wuschitz

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Stefanie Wuschitz (AT) is a lead researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna for projects examining ethical hardware in artistic practice, citizen science and data colonialism in Indonesia. Through her arts-based research, Wuschitz critically examines cultures of technology and production, with an established artistic practice that is exhibited internationally. She co-founded the feminist hackerspace Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory in Vienna, which hosts international exhibitions, lectures and workshops, co-organizes conferences and festivals, and actively advocates against gender bias in technology and open culture. Wuschitz has previously held research fellowships at TU Berlin, the University of Arts Berlin (UdK), Umeå University and the Weizenbaum Institut. She holds a PhD from the department of Visual Culture at TU Vienna, a MFA from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and a MPS from the Interactive Telecommunications Program of New York University. (2024)
