Apichaya Wanthiang

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Apichaya (Piya) Wanthiang (1987, Bangkok) is an artist. She received her BA from Sint-Lukas Brussel (2009) and an MA in Fine Arts from Bergen Academy of Art and Design (2012). Her practice consists mostly out of painting, video, immersive installation and text dealing with slow time and the construction of (fictionalized) places. Her interest lies within the small and the anecdotal, with the aim of constructing a shared space. Her works were shown at Martin Van Blerk Galery in Antwerp (2009), Hordaland Kunstsenter in Bergen (2012), Bergen Kunsthall (2012), and USF-visningrommet in Bergen (2014). Piya also has an interest in curating and art education. She has worked part time at BEK, Bergen Center for Electronic Art and as guest teacher at the Bergen Academy of Art and Design and Trondheim Academy of Fine Art. Currently she works full time on her art projects. She lives in Oslo.
